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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Kitsune: Hey guys look what I Found! *holds up Coro* it's SO CUTE!!!!

Bishop: *grabs Coro and punts him into space*

Kitsune: why'd you do that?!

Bishop: Because Justice!

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Coro: *explodes like a firework*

Bishop: you know... I think...

Max: don't say it.

Bishop: Justice has been served!

Max: *sigh*

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Bishop: phew! I though I was gonna you were gonna kill me to keep jus-

Max: *picks up Pumkin* say it. Go on say Justice again. I dare you! I double dare you motherf*cker! Say Justice one more god damn time!

Bishop: ...

Kitsune: *mimics Bjshops voice* Justice!

Max: *blasts Bishop*

Bishop: WHHHHH- *dies*

Max: *heavily breathing* ... Well then... *hands Pumpkin back to Kitty* uh... Here's this back.

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Max: *straightens non-existent tie* again... Sorry... Uh Alec... Is there something on my face?

Bishop: *still dead*

Kitsune: *pokes Bishie* I want one of those guns...

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Max: Dude. I was just getting rid of a nuisance... And it felt good... I should go remove the rest of the problems... Remove all evil!!!! HAHAH- *frying paned*

Bishop: whelp... Time to reprogram him.

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Anthony: *picks Helena up and lays her on her bed.* you're too damn stubborn. *twists Kovu's head again.*

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