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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Helena: yeah, well, I've already made my feelings apparent. And while the gift giving and unending love and adoration is flattering and everything, I'm not going to return it simply because he gives nice gifts and good chocolate!
Anthony: *changes her into a human and gives her the best chocolate the world has ever seen.* dogs die if they eat chocolate.
Tania/Thomas: the way you eat is horribly disgusting.

Anthony: Shut up you two. She's perfect in every way.

Tania/Thomas: even with her not living you?

Anthony: she'll be perfect no matter what.
Anthony: *hand shakes as he tries to clean her face off with a napkin.* l-let me get that for you.
Tania: that sounds great. *walks towards the pizza place while holding Jason's arm.*

Anthony: *mumbling.* why can't I get her to love me. *Makes lobster for Helena.*

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