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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Anthony: I don't know how to give you that. I could try to wipe parts of your mind but it's dangerous. Better not it could kill us both.
Anthony: *walks over and sits by Helena.* Should I leave. If I disappear do you think it will help?
Anthony: No in the actual rp me and Thomas are chasing after kit. *Looks at Helena and frowns.* I'm gonna hate myself for this but. *slaps Helena then starts shaking her.* PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!
Helena: *eyes snap up to stare at Anthony, then she screams and slaps Anthony back* WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH YOU! You don't just hit people, GET OFF OF ME!
Anthony: *rubs his cheek* You almost started freaking out. I was asking you a question anyways.
I keep finding myself replaying the shitty bunny scene in homestuck
Thomas: Damian part 2: the abuse spreads. Next thing you know she'll be throwing me around.
Thomas: nope. Anthony doesn't deserve that though. He isn't even trying to flirt with you he's just trying to keep you happy and alive.
Helena: You know what, maybe Tania is right. Maybe I should just lock myself in my cabin and never come out. Yeah. That would make everyone's lives a whole lot easier!

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