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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Jason: That not a fair scenario and you know it.....I wouldn't know who to pick and if you really look at it I've already been in that situation and saved both people. I would always try to save both, because I d never know that I could unless I tried.

Jason: And you forgot the fact that were not dating!
Tania: *rolls her eyes* Not yet. *lays down on the bed again* life's not fair. That's why I got this perfect guy plopped in front of me but I'm not nearly good enough for him to love me. I'm just some tyrannical girl raised to enslave and murder mortal men.
Tania: If I was trying that I'd be working much harder. *sighs* I just wish you hadn't noticed get more than me. I need ice cream.
Tania: *Catches it.* it's a genetic thing. My father and grandfather loved this stuff apparently.
*suspiciously cloaked mystery person crashes on deck after flipping out of the water*

???: Gods I need to work on my landing...I think I twisted my ankle.

Sebastian: *Crashes down onto the deck with his sword drawn.* who are you and what is your business here?

Valencia:*Now sobering up with her bow drawn and aimed at the new person* Who TF are you?

Jason: *Perks up and looks out the door* Tania....I'm not leaving you here..come with me.
???: *laughs with an oddly familiar voice* No, that's my dad. *Pushes back his hood to reveal Jason's face.* My Names Antonius Michaels a member of the Roman Legion......I believe my brother Jason is on board.

Jason: *Rushes out of the ship and stares at himself* What the fuck?

Sebastian: Woah

Valencia: Trippy

Kai: No this is not last minute, I've had Antonius in mind since I made Jason...they're twins representing Poseidon/Neptunes roman and greek aspects. And anomalous happening that usually leads to lifelong lies. Jason was told of his brother but His mom had to tell him that Antonius died after birth....I didn't want to bring him into my first Percy Jackson fandom rp because. Well.. One person having two big three kids.......but I've learned to limit them well enough that I figured I could acknowledge Antonius' prescence in my mind. Here specifically.
Kai: IF I can maybe get him accepted into this rp.....might be a bit tricky...otherwise he'll just be here. I want to make a Oercy Jackson rp about the two camps uniting again or just have them working closely on quests and stuff but I can't think up a proper plot...
Tania: his twin would just dump me too. It's a family trait apparently. Jason dumped me on my ass and his brother would do the same. Their father dumped me into a dolphin that tried to drag me to the bottom of a lake.

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