Camp Half-Blood Redefined

hm maybe p200 of OOC I'll post a picture then the often mistaken asian thats actually mexican...can tell me what the heck i look like
I am not keeping an eye out on no grandpas.

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Kirby disapproves with dancing.

<('-'<) (^'-'^) (>'-')>

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The left Kirby always has a winky face

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I liked using the poison on one passing guard and then they'd start flailing around and killing the poor little civies. ^_^

Killing Sims is always fun.
True.... Sims deaths are fun. Especially when you experiment and then bring their ghosts back to see the different colors

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Oh, the mention of Kirby reminded me of inhaling characters and walking off the edge with them in Super Smash Bros.
(^'-'^) (v'-'v) All Hail King Kirby!

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hahaha Lucky said true IT'S TRUE I knew it.

I used to let kirby swallow all the characters and spit them out at the edge. If they did their jumping thing and tried to come back up then I just made kirby swing that wooden hammer
RyanJXavier said:
haha why did you transfer to video game killing spree talk?
Lucky's type: Asian looking Grandpas
*sigh* I rather deal with Mexican looking or snobby British looking grandpas. IF I liked grandpas. Which I DON'T.

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I hope the Daleks, Weeping Angels, Sontarans, and Silence get you Ryan.....

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