Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Way to be positive Techie...

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God I feel so stupid and helpless.

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That's one side


That's the other side
Now I have 4 tattoos, gonna go for the fifth in a month or two 
I'm typing my response right now so be patient
Don't do too many, they won't look very attractive when you're a grandpa Techie.

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Techie will probably end up looking like a shrivled up pruney asain grandpa anyway. *cheeky grin*

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Be nice^

I'm actually part Asian and have a chance of becoming that^ WONT LET IT HAPPEN THOUGH ima be a healthy g-pa

Did you see Techie's actual picture though? I think it's around page 50 in this OOC thread 
Found it! It's on page 49 and bishop's is on 51 I think
My cousin's just a light skinned Mexican

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Pictures wouldn't work for me anyway, phone's camera is officially crap, and won't turn on.

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But I think I just might post my real picture...if we reach a certain page in the rp. Then again I might not. Eh we'll see

WHY?! Dusk WhY?

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