Camp Half-Blood Redefined

YAY! -_- *grabs rope ladder and climbs up as it treacherously dangles over the edge*

Was that the toasted brown one with the large purple blueberries? OHMAIGOSH HAPI BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! we have to have like a party tomorrow
I am next April ;P Her birthday IS tomorrow! It says so on her profile!!! *walks back from the cliff and sniffs the air as I approach Bishop* Yes, there's definitely coffee! Very strong coffee!

Aww D: I love long weekends, though.

I just found an RP with both Cierra and Ryan! Should we take over it?
Lol there are quite a bit of them, I have a knack for finding the same people in numerous rps lol. And yep, you all could add me on FB if youd like :P you're bound to see my page blown up with Happy Birthdays though lol.

And a party sounds grand :3
Aww, it can only have 8 people, and it already has 6. Maybe he'll make an exception though!

Cocktail weenies?! MEEEEEEEE!!!

Oh no, betrayal! Must he be hung over the fire then?

On Facebook, I only friend people I know in real, unfortunately.
I facebook all the time!

I Facekeyboard more then I Facebook… S*** I have a project to finish. AHHHHHH!!!!! *sprints into Dog Castle and turns on computer and begins Project*
I am a much worse procrastinator. Much worse. Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome! Your avvie is AWESOME!!!!!!!! Almost as awesome as you are, in fact!! Haha, it goes with what we are reading right now!
I'm back from the land of no internets! Do you see my tan? lol nope because I'm a cat and I sat inside the entire time.

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