Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Your at a protected volcano, it can't come after you, and you can't get there fast enough to stop it, even if I did attack right now. Also, did I saaaay I would attack right now?

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Hm I think we've had enough monsters for Florida, but if they're traveling by plane tomorrow . . . Over 20 demigods together on a plane, that might attract some flying monsters, eh?
... Uhh, I don't know about that... Because, in an airplane, monsters on the side, none of us can fly except Max.

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We might not use a public plane, but there will still be over 20 demigods cramped together on a plane 
Isis can fly, and so can Jerika, and Nautilus
Okay, where is this Pegasus going to stay? On the plane? Or jut fly with the plane, because that seems kind of dangerous.

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Alright - I am going to read a few pages back to get a bit of a feel, then I will make my intro. Thank you for the amazing recount of the events. :D
I jut got his really bad image of "Snakes on a plane" but instead "Pegasi on a plane". And it's a guy in one horse masks, except its white and has feathers stuck to his shirt.

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Max's mother lives in Florida?

If it's a public plane, then Nautilus and Manny would probably follow it, but if it's not, then perhaps that plane could have a stable or something. There were pegasi stables on the Argo II, though of course planes are different.

No problem!!
I'm tried of these MotherF****** Snakes on this MotherF****** Plane. And she travels so she could be in Florida. And I could have Max break demigod rule #2

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xD that's fine

Helena and Alec are in Helena's room

Adelina and Cupid are in the hallway

Ryan and Jerika are outside Jerika's house

Ashlynn and Raylene are in their room

Gade is on Jerika's roof

Mason and Evelynn are inside a volcano

Ace, Jason, and Max are in Max's room 
So yeah, none of them are downstairs or in the mansion's yard

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