Camp Half-Blood Redefined

That's a pretty cheesy movie line for an Athena girl

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*sings in cow* Moooo Mooo Moooooo (They call you Jabba The Hut for a reaassoon.)

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Moooo (What does that have to do with ants? Nothing.)

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I have been trying to decipher this archaic language and conversation for several hours.

Nothing yet. Still confused.

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Sometimes you just have to nod and pretend you know exactly what they're talking about 
Is it just me or is Gade pretty much invincible? 
I think he would only be vulnerable to children of Aphrodite lol
Already thinking about what I'm going to do for my intro.

Should I read through everything? Or can someone give me a page number that I could go to to catch up on recent events? Or just a nice recap?

Any of those would be cool.(:

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Scientists found CHB

Camp Exploded

Campers escaped and are hiding out at safe houses

Military/Scientists tracking them down

Monsters attacked us: Manticore and Hydra

Getting ready to go to Brazil to start destroying Scientist labs to save everyone

@Seanzah Angel

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And there's more monster attacks planned. Just look for when I start to laugh like a villain for no reason.

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It's a role play where scientists have acquired technology that allows them to notice the demigods disappearing into Camp Half-Blood. The demigods began in Camp Half-Blood, but were forced to evacuate. One of the characters, Alec, has a dad that owns a mansion in Florida, so they traveled from New York to Florida. Really only one full day has passed so far. Their neighbor is Jerika, who is a Siren and works with the scientists. She has made friends with them, and are spying on them, but maybe she isn't. That was at least her initial intention. She invited them to an outdoor party, which only some of the group went to. Two manticores attacked; one for the people in the mansion and one for the people at the party. There is also a guy named Romeo, nicknamed Cupid, who possesses arrows that cause mortals to fall in love with the first person they see. Unfortunately, my character was forced to be lovesick for the majority of the party. They returned from the party to tend to those who were injured, then went to sleep. In the morning, they discovered that one of the demigods, Mason, who had caused much damage to the mansion the night before due to his abilities with fire, had left, leaving only a notice in the garage. They had a meeting concerning the whereabouts of the scientists as well as those of Mason. A website was found about the scientists and what they knew about the demigods, though it required an advanced system to view without being detected. An address was included to mail any letters to in case someone sighted a demigod. The location of this address is in Brazil, which they have decided was their next destination, because their mission is to destroy all of the scientist headquarters. They then came up with theories about where Mason was and tracked him. The girl who likes him, Helena, already went after him, and got snared by a Cyclops's trap. Mason, who was a son of Hephaestus, had gone in search of Wakulla Volcano, which he then realized was nonexistent because it was actually Wakulla Springs, but he found a forge of three Cyclopes in a cave in Wakulla Springs. Coincidentally, the Cyclops that tried to eat Helena was one of these Cyclopes. The rest of the group rescued Helena and defeated the Cyclops, and then Mason came out of the cave, but he felt like it was his fault that the Cyclops the demigods had defeated was dying, since he led them there. The Cyclopes insisted that one of Mason's friends help him recover, and Evelynn volunteered. Helena tried to bring a bear skeleton from the earth to save him, but ran out of energy and went into a death trance. Then when everyone went back to the mansion, they ate lunch, and a Hydra attacked and the demigods cut its necks off while throwing vials of Greek fire and, amazingly, none of them missed. Now all of us are inside safely except for Jerika, Gade, and Ryan, who are at Jerika's house next door.

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