Camp Half-Blood Redefined

First, Fire users are rare demigods. And Hades children do not wield fire, I hate to shoot you down like this, but no. Fire is a Hephaestus thing. Unless you plan on making the River Phlegethon to heal someone, it just won't work. It's not for Hades children to dabble with.
I think as long as hellfire incorporates something to do with death and hell and stuff and doesn't have all of the normal qualities of real fire, you're good :)
And the second summoning of the dead, all Hades children can do that, so I can approve of it, but I think we'll need variety. It's like with Hazel and Nico. Nico is death, and Hazel is precious metals. The two are children of Hades/Pluto, but specialize in different abilities. That makes sense, right?
There's geokineses the power to p

Open the earth

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Hmm. Would summoning creatures from the Underworld and summoning dead souls be different, though? 
Good point, cow! Well, Lucky/Bessie the cow.
explosiveKitten said:
And the second summoning of the dead, all Hades children can do that, so I can approve of it, but I think we'll need variety. It's like with Hazel and Nico. Nico is death, and Hazel is precious metals. The two are children of Hades/Pluto, but specialize in different abilities. That makes sense, right?
Yes, of course. I remember Nico being able to do that, but I didn't want my character to be too much like either of them. I haven't read the books in a while, but, I remember enough, I think.

Do you have any other suggestions other than precious metals, fire, and death?
I gave it to Grayson before he "left"

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Or you could just be OP and slowly kill whatever you touch. Metal? Rusted. Flesh? Rotted. Water? Evaporated. Would take a while to work so you wouldn't actually be OP, but it is death related. It's like accelerating everything's inevitable death.
I love bands more than solitary singers!

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Hmmm... Geokinesis sounds good, but I'll mention this; the underworld has five different rivers. Maybe he'll have some kind of conversion power to make flowing water becomes those rivers, to use them? For a short amount of time, of course. I imagine Poseidon wouldn't be happy.

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