Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Drama, drama, drama, dramacameleon. You come and go. You come and goooo~

Sing along if you know the words!
Clearly we must go on an epic quest to save their poor bodies so that they may serve us more properly.
Of course. But the cow can stay. She will provide us with glorious milk. However, the corgi must be transformed into a human once more. And cow jelly, of course. 
The kind of cow jelly that came from a cow who was shot by one of Chiron's arrows.
Woof woof Woof * I've always been a Corgi and I won't be turned human. I can't people have tried to make me human in the past*

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I can't understand him, so can you translate, Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome?

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