Camp Half-Blood Redefined

MOO (Kill me and all someone has to do is burn my insides, then bye bye gods and USA)

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Blegch! BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK (HELP PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE PLEASE HELP I DONT WANNA DIE AHHHHHH! Hey loosen the collar a little your gonna strangle me) * starts scratching at collar *

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*pulls the fox with the leash and drags it to where we are then puts it in an inescapable cage without releasing the leash* There we go.
Aww, the fox wants to be killed right now! I'm sorry you have to keep suffering from existence, little one. Should we kill it right now?
Moooooo! (Well I can't exactly help! I'm stuck in a water bubble for gods sake!)

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Okay, I think the fox is getting tired from existence, considering the scratching. He must be suffering from suicidal depression. Who would like to do the honors? *displays two different items: a rope with a loop in it and a sharp, shiny knife*
Woof ( Thanks anyways Lucky... I'll respawn shortly after I die anyways ) BARK BARK ( JULIA YOU ARE A SICK PERSON AND I HATE YOU!)

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Ah, you would, Lucky? Our fox here seems very excited to die. Which weapon would you like? Oh, and I forgot the boulder I have as well.
Moo! *floats back in water bubble in outrage* Moo (Bessie/Lucky refuses)

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Oh, I see. The cow is generously offering the opportunity to someone else!

*steps forward to look at the fox in the unbreakable glass cage, stepping over the words that I do not notice* hello?? Which would you like?
Moo o oo. (*huffs and rolls eyes* Mortals.)

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*shoots water needle at Dusk's bum* MOO (Watch it missy)

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What's that? He says we should almost kill him, then heal him back up and rinse and repeat for seven days and seven nights. So be it a

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