Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Cant enter without permission from the guardians of the volcanos or have the blood of Hephaestus

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I thought he didn't have to be in the volcano to teleport anything from anywhere

I didn't know the Cyclopes belonged to anyone though
Well you can't really access it through those means. Since it's basically celestial dimension of sorts like a portal or such that only certain people are permitted to accessing . Kinda like Evy's Armory.

These that work directly for Hephaestus in the forges of the volcanos... meaning they have forges in all dormant and active volcanoes all over the world. This is not really in the whole myth stuffs cuz I'm just winging it and making it sound good.

If you all have a problem with that, let me know now.
Im not really sure how teleportation lets him randomly spawn everything actually . . . Isn't there usually sight requirements? And sticking people in walls kinda, well, makes them deadk
That's exactly what I was thinking. 
I'm sure there has to be some sort of limitation to that kind of power, but it seems that he is capable of making things appear from anywhere and put them anywhere. I normally restrict teleportation to being able to teleport yourself and anything you, directly, are touching.
Same with couple of our power restrictions.

Mason usually radiates immense heat, and can catch things on fire that are close to him.

Evelynn can't just poof things from her armory, she has to go get it.

Helena exerts too much energy with her resurrection of dead matter.

Adelina can't fully talk through telepathy as easily without some knowledge of the person.
I just wrote this really heavy back story hint. "You think monsters are cruel.... You ought to try mortals."

And with THAT depressing last line, I really want to tell the story now.
What I miss. I was busy rigging up a solar powered hovering bacon maker using a hamster wheel, 2 ft of aluminum foil, a chainsaw, and an old cat toy

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