Camp Half-Blood Redefined

RyanJXavier said:
Run away from this one^
I MEAN she's the nicest one! ha...ha.. and she likes pie, cheesecake, polar bears, insulting me....-__- insulting me....-_-insulting me

@explosiveKitten Battleship senses are up once again!^^^
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE .... HEHEHEHEheheheheheheheheheeeeeee HEHEHEheheheheheheeee . . . hehehe ...
Name:Jack Petrae

Sex: male

Age: 17

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Hephaestus and Sally Petrae

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? about a week

Looks: (im new to RP so im not entirely sure how this whole picture thing works? should i grab one off deviant art or something? :P )

-He is tall with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair . His hair is curly, short, and messy, and he has a some stubby facial hair due to neglect of trimming it. His face is usually covered in ash due to working in forges all day. His arms are very muscular and his body is full. He isn't very attractive due to neglect of caring about what he looks like.


^(this but with some facial hair and alot more messy)

History: Ever since jack was young he was fascinated with making things. He was always much better at what he did then anyone else his age. His mother always encouraged him to do his best at creating things. He started with making simple machines. Then on the weekends his mother would take him to forges so he could start working harder on his skills. when jack turned 14 and it was time for him to go to high school his mother sent him off to a very nice private school. Around this time jack was great at creating machines and weaponry. He would always come home and work on whatever project he was working on, even if his friends wanted to hang out because his work was more important to him. Even though jack wasnt that charismatic he was a very likable and funny person. One day Jack came home from school and his mother sat him down and what he was, A demi-god. His mom explained to him everything that goes with being a demi-god. She told him about his ability to control rocks, and taught him to use his powers better. She told him that this school he was at was special as monsters cant easily get into it, but soon they wouldn't be able to afford to go to the school anymore. So it is important that he learns how to use his powers proficiently. One day jack became fascinated with the material of a marble statue in his school, he came late one day and stole the statue. Jack went home and worked on a fantastic idea he had. He would make a griffin out of this marble. It took him two days to finish, but a day after he finished the administrators came knocking on his door. He was kicked out of the school for stealing. He was devastated. After 2 years of being on the move running from monsters with his mom A councilor from camp half-blood came knocking on his door and took him to a group of demigods. After surviving a scientist attack he took a boat to Manaus, Brazil.

Personality:Always likes to make people laugh. He is not shy , but is often neglected due to not being the prettiest sight.

Power (Can have up to two):


-can make weapons and machines very well

- does not have most aspects of Technokinesis such as:

  • sensing machines, mechanics, or metal.
  • identifying machinery type and use by touch.
  • sensing faults in metal ore.

-isn't really better at one or the other but is equally balanced at each

rock control:

-has the ability to control most aspects of stone

-he can move stones around with his powers

-he can change the shape of rock(this is currently only able to be done in small ways as he is still learning to use his stone powers)

-he can make machines from stone with only his hands

WOC (Weapon of Choice):

-His pet griffin named Marmore that he crafted when he was 15 from marble *see his backstory*. It has a mostly solid exterior with a couple holes where you can see the interior.(one of the griffins weak spots). its is entirely made of marble so the gears inside are made of marble as well. its talons are razor sharp and retractable. it stands 4 feet high with a huge wingspan.

-He carries around to 3 foot long cylindrical rocks. He changes the shape of these rocks with his powers to use as weapons

Other:(I hope your still accepting :P )
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I suppose I shouldn't be vague. Grab one from the internet. Just make sure it's a pic of a real person.
Yay I like having new people!

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Aw now I will resist throwing you in the nonexistent corner. Although you're still there crushed under Nessie

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You need a picture, but if you can find an exact match you can say what the differences are between what you want your character to look like and what is shown in the pic…

Thats good i like it. We'll Get Ryan to check it out. He's the creator of this rp of DESTINY, so he'll see it when he decides to get online.
Maybe they both went there together? As friends of course haha. But so it's not as coincidental c:
I don't think we're ever NOT accepting. Ryan is pretty accepting. Just post up a sheet and he'll get around to it after we sla- I mean, gently remind him.

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