Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Are you still Accepting if you are heres my Character Sheet.

Name: Max Dysek

Nickname: Bishop

Age: 16

Parents: Zeus and Sammantha Dysek (there's room for another Zeus kid right?)

Time at Camp: 1 Year


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-11_21-13-41.png.06e6251821629d6ab3e1adb3a5c90e53.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-11_21-13-41.png.06e6251821629d6ab3e1adb3a5c90e53.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Max was raised with full knowledge of his powers. His mother was a pilot, so it gave him the chance to hone his abilities at an early age. He is very athletic, but doesn't play any sports because he believes they "lack adventure." He is very smart and amazing at chess which earned him his nickname. His mother sent his to Camp Half Blood so he could go on adventures of his own, and to make sure he can be safe and able to protect himself (being a child of the Big Three and all).

Personality: He is smart, athletic, caring, loyal, slightly sarcastic, jokester, a bit of an adrenaline junky, flirtatious (leads to him getting slapped a lot), and can be easily distracted, likes to explore and adventure.

Powers: He can fly by manipulating the air around him and can manipulate the air

WoC: Cross Staff. Can detach the Horizontal bar on the staff so he can defend at close range better.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-11_21-22-45.png.405f6b46549f24ffc5af5292553a148e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-11_21-22-45.png.405f6b46549f24ffc5af5292553a148e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ignore the white figure it just came with the image



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Name: Samuel McCoy

Age: 14

Parents: Eros, god of love/Mariah McCoy

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: Ten Months



Large three claw scratch across right arm.

History: Samuel lived in an apartment with his mother. Eros, the god of love, visited his mother when she was twenty-six. They fell in love at first sight. The flaw was that Eros commanded her to fall in love with him. 11 months later, Samuel was born. Samuel grew up in depression, for his mother fell into it after Eros left her. At Samuel's last day in Sixth Grade, he was attacked by a cyclopes. Samuel decided to move away from England (home country,) on an oil tanker. After three days of sneaking about the tanker, it landed in New York City, U.S.A. Samuel was lucky enough to get off before the tanker exploded in the docks. The cyclopes, being a cyclopes, survived the explosion and continued the chase. Samuel ran across Long Island until he came across a large oak tree. Before he could cross the border, which he felt, he was slashing in the arm by the cyclopes's sword. Samuel's whole right arm was severed and bleeding. Samuel crossed the border, half conscious. Before he passed out on the ground, he was found by a Satyr and taken to the medical room. Trained and claimed. A weapon was granted to him by Eros.








Power: Charmspeak, Can speak every language in the world

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Rapier of Eros, ??????????????? (Negotiatour.)

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Name: Adelina Cohen

Age: 16

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Athena and Eric Cohen

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 9 months

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)


History: I never knew who my mom was. My dad alone raised me, and often I would see him with a forlorn look in his eyes, as if he missed something, or someone. When I was three and I went to preschool, I would see all the little kids my age with both their parents, and I would ask my dad why I had only him. Every time I asked, which could have been hundreds, perhaps thousands of times, he would quickly change the subject. Eventually I stopped asking, though it never left my mind. At school I grew up with very few friends. I didn't socialize often and I could feel the other girls' resentment as I was known for my excellent intelligence, even though I never showcased it. I didn't feel like I belonged. On one afternoon as I came home when I was fifteen, I encountered a beast. I was only able to evade the situation using my brain. When I returned to my father, he brought me to Camp Half-Blood. Since then, I have finally found joy.

Personality: Adelina is strong; not the strongest in Camp Half-Blood, but relatively strong for a girl who values mental strength far over physical strength. She could hardly ever be described as socially "smooth" and is difficult to befriend. However, when she has made friends with someone, she will help that person or stand up for him/her in any way she can. She is defensive of herself and anyone she is close to (which is very few) and is hardly ever found to be joking around, except with those she is comfortable with. Adelina is a quick learner in combat and has defeated many other opponents during her nine months of training in Camp Half-Blood. She enjoys the feeling of being in combat with another individual; the indescribable sense of excitement and feeling like she can forget all other worries in the world. Her love for this sensation does not make her anything like a daughter of Ares. She relies much more on her mind, ability to smoothly maneuver her weapon, and note of her opponent's weaknesses than muscularity. This quality of hers can be related to her awkwardness around boys; those of the opposite gender usually treat her with fear and most often avoid her rather than flirt with her. Some have tried, due to her noticeable appearance - not gorgeous, but at least noticeable - but she has always dismissed their flirtation coldly.

Power (Can have up to two): Adelina possesses the gift of telepathy. She is able to communicate with any individual she wishes to without using her voice. She has yet to discover this capability of hers.

As well as telepathy, Adelina is gifted with a natural ability in combat. She is able to manipulate any weapon she would like to and use it to her benefit. Adelina has encountered this quality over the months of battle training in Camp Half-Blood.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): She owns a Stygian iron dagger, which she takes pleasure in throwing at targets. For her to miss would be shocking.

Other: Nothing else that can be thought of at the present.
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Name: David Switch

Age: 17

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Athena

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? I have been here for 3 Years.


History: David had a pretty good life, he was born into a rich family with a very large house. He grew up loving rabbits or some reason, and had many of them. When he was 2 years old, his brother Micah was born. Micah was kind of the nerd in the family at the moment, he always was reading, playing video games, or studying. David didn't really like Micah that much, because Micah never wanted to play with David. When David was 4, his sister Sondra was born. She was exactly like him, but more artistic. They were inseparable, playing Wizards (a game where they ran around acting like wizards), Who Knew (a guessing game), and Finish That Line (where a person would draw a random line and than the other would turn it into a piece of artwork, which Sondra was really good at).

Personality: David is one of those people who take things very lightly, and love to have a great time. He likes to be a dork, run around and being an idiot just for fun. He likes his friends too, because they aswell love to be idiots with him. He for some reason absolutely hates eagles, they just look like a devil with wings. He is amazing at throwing items, books, pencils, maybe even weapons. He really loves to actually hang out with his friends, go adventuring and playing all sorts of weird games.

Power (Can have up to two): Ability to read books fast, and 2. Know a lot of weird things..

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Sword that looks like a cupcake at first, but when he unwraps the paper it turns into a sword.

Name: Ashlynn Dearborn

Age: 15

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Baubo and Elliot Dearborn

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? A Year


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf167f817_download(4).jpg.bcfe5a595bdb0b28bebf0f9e55444344.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf167f817_download(4).jpg.bcfe5a595bdb0b28bebf0f9e55444344.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Ashlynn's father met Baubo during a Mardi Gras festival in 1996, and was instantly enchanted. To try and start a conversation Elliot Dearborn began to voice his thoughts jokingly on Mardi Gras to Baubo. The goddess was impressed by his ability to joke around while also being serious and brought up a new topic to test him, she was not disappointed with his answers and instantly began discussing with him about the magic involved with Mardi Gras and how overlooked it was. Before either of them knew it, the party was over and almost everyone had gone home. Baubo and Elliot had hit it off and set up another time for them to chat and get to know each other better. Now fast forward 2 years and from that exact date and that's when Ashlynn was born. Hecate loved the child dearly, but knew the rules. After Ashlynn Ailene Dearborn had been brought into the world Baubo, knowing the rules of Godly interference gave her one last peck on the forehead and left leaving Elliot and their child behind. When Ash was 7 her father had become suspicious about Baubo -who had gone by Beatrice at the party- and spent a lot of time researching things on the internet -which he never let Ashlynn see. But once a large black dog attacked their home in the middle of the night, and they had to flee as it destroyed everything his suspicions were confirmed. Elliot told Ashlynn all he had learned about Greek Mythology and who he suspected her mother had been. After that fateful year Ashlynn and her father spent a lot more time running until Elliot finally found about Celestial Bronze and bought tons of it from a retired Demigod and lined their house and their fence in it. Although Ashlynn's father promised to himself that he'd never bring anyone else into this crazy life of his daughter's he ended up marrying when Ash was 10 to a woman named Marzia and they had twins -a boy and a girl- Charles and Charlotte AKA Charlie and Lottie. When Ash was 14 an Empousa attacked her home and almost destroyed a everything, that's when she decided it was time to leave -for the sake of her father and his family. She had been walking along through the woods when she met a satyr who led her to Camp Half Blood, where she now lives.

Personality: Ashlynn is Bubbly, cheerful, colorful, energetic and relatively hard to upset being a child of the Goddess of Humor. She gets along well with others, competitive, and is very easy going. Ashlynn is known as that girl who's always happy, or finding a way to make a situation seem better than it actual is, and she tends to make a joke out of everything. Although Ashlynn is almost never upset, you can always tell in those rare times when she is, because instead of her usual colorful clothing and bubbly attitude you see her with she'll likely be wearing dark clothing and a shirt invoking violence like "Barbie Must Die" or "Violence might not be the best option, but it's still an option" and will everyone uncomfortable.

Power (Can have up to two): Illusionist, Influence Emotions

WOC (Weapon of Choice): short one-handed celestia bronze scythe, with a long slender blade curved into a C shape with a very fine edge. Handle is made of a smooth cherry oak wood with crescent moons carved through out it in black and white.




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Name: Gade Avorent


Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Hermes

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? A few of fun years so...4

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)


History: At a young age Gade ran away from his abusive parents. Blowing them up in the process. He then decided to be a magician and steal from people. After wandering around for a few years he stumbled upon a satyr who led him to Camp Half-Blood.

Personality:Gade is a crazy fellow, who like most if not all Hermes children, likes to prank. He likes to do magic tricks, annoys people while fighting them and plans crazy things that actually work.

Power (Can have up to two): He can steal stuff like it's no one's business, rumored to have teleportation.

WOC (Weapon of Choice):A pack of cards tipped with celestial bronze

Other:He sometimes likes to ramble on about random stuff. And steal from people like it's magic.
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Newbie Yay! P.S. I can't post OOC on my phone

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Name: Jin Ming-húa

Age: 17

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max):

Ares and Kai Ming-húa

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?

A month.

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)


History: His mother always told him stories about his father, and how strong and courageous he was, but Jin never understood how he could have these traits, yet leave his family behind. Jin never wondered why fighting came so easy to him, nor why his mother drenched him in a special incense before he left the house every day. "It protects you from evil spirits, a gift given from the gods" she would say. After he was kicked out of high school his freshman year for beating a would be bully almost to death, his mother kept him occupied with mixed martial arts and firearm training. After completing the programs he was taken to a special master of Wing Chun, a special form of hand to hand combat, who taught him to master the art. He never saw his father much, except for his 16th birthday when he showed up with a long rectangular box. When Jin opened it, he revealed and oddly shaped blade. "It's a gun-blade. Only one of its kind, you can thank uncle H for that. See you around chump." He hasn't seen him since.

Personality: Quiet. He sticks to himself. Very strong-willed and courageous, and doesn't fear to protect what he believes or cares about. He tends to rush into situations without clearly thinking, which can ultimately lead to his downfall.

Power (Can have up to two):

(His mother always told him, "Your mind is influenced by your Yin and Yang. If you tip the Yin side of the scale, your fight smarter and more valiantly; if you tip the Yang side of the scale, you'll fight harder, but with more sinister intentions.")

-Can focus into Zen during combat, allowing him to quickly analyze opponents fighting style, strengths and weaknesses.

-Can slip into Asura, a state of mind fueled by the anger of Ares (called Asura by his chinese family) which sends him into a blind rage increasing his strength and brutality in combat but at the cost of logic and strategy.

WOC (Weapon of Choice):

Gun blade. Made of celestial bronze, stygian iron, and gold. Its bullets are celestial bronze that is generated withing the hilt.

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Name: Raylene Dearborn

Age: 15

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Baubo and Elliot Dearborn

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 5 Months

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)

History: Raylene Penelope Dearborn was born on Madi Gras just 2 minutes before her twin Ashlynn. (See Ashlynn for the main history) Raylene had a pretty calm life as a demigod until the faithful day that her home was attacked. A large black dog attacked Ray's home in the middle of the night, and her family had to flee, but the attack had confirmed her father Elliot's suspicions about her mother -who she had never met. Elliot taught the two sisters Ashlynn and Raylene all he had learned about Greek Mythology and who he suspected her mother had been -Baubo-. After that fateful year Raylene, her little sister, and her father spent a lot more time running until Elliot finally found about Celestial Bronze and bought tons of it from a retired Demigod and lined their house and their fence in it. Although Raylene's father promised to himself that he'd never bring anyone else into this crazy life of his daughters' he ended up marrying when Ray and Ash were 10 to a woman named Marzia and they had twins -a boy and a girl- Charles and Charlotte AKA Charlie and Lottie. When Raylene was 14 an Empousa attacked her home and almost destroyed a everything, instead of leaving with her sister she stayed behind and helped her father clean up the mess from the attack. Raylene finally went after Ashlynn to CHB when she felt that everything was in order at home and stayed there a few months under the radar before leaving to go back home.

Personality: very eccentric,people have described her as a chipmunk on crack. Raylene likes to have fun, she can't stands seeing her friends upset and is fiercely loyal. Raylene is a little geeky and peculiar at times, but that's just who she is. Ray loves her life as a demigod, but isn't a big fan of the gods or being apart of any of their affairs. If you can't take joke she doesn't like you. Raylene is the more chill, laid back, and introvert of the twins.

Power (Can have up to two): telekinesis and intangibility

WOC (Weapon of Choice): : Twin Sai
and throwing daggers

Other: Raylene is a master magician and a pick-pocket. She has a pegasus named Dixie, and a lip peircing, buy she usually wears a clear peircing so that you can't tell.

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Name: Austin Dent

Age: 17

Parents: Hades / Clara Dent

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: 7 months

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Austin.jpg.22370c41bb0d5c9899302319657322de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Austin.jpg.22370c41bb0d5c9899302319657322de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Austin started out like many of the other children that spawn from the gods, except his mother died two years after his birth. A creature he can't recall killed her when they were in Arizona at the Grand Canyon. Since then, he has been in and out of Foster Homes, waiting to get adopted, but because every child of Hades can either see or talk to the dead, they always pegged him as crazy and would send him away.

His Hell Fire powers began when he was fifteen, and he accidentally burned down one of the homes he was staying at. The firefighters and other officials weren't sure what could have caused it, as it smelled heavily of brimstone. The foster parents blamed it on him, since he was the only one home. And technically, it was because of him, but he couldn't help it.

His death summoning power began just shortly after that, when his next family thought it might be a nice idea to visit a war cemetary. They made him mad while there, and it triggered his power. A World War I veteran rose from his grave and chased after them. Police never believed the parents, but off he went to another home anyhow...

The last home he went to was just a few miles away from the camp, at a farm house that grew fruits and vegetables. He spent six months there before more monsters came for him. They destroyed the house, and all but killed his foster family. Several hours later he wound up at the gates of Camp Half Blood. Enticed by the large pillars out front, he stepped in.. and presto!

Personality: Austin can be very shy sometimes, and is sometimes pegged as an introvert, but if anyone ever took the time to get to know him, they would find that he is a very sweet, caring person who loves people - living and not. However, he has his moments where he can be a complete asshole, much like other people. Still, it might be worth it to get to know him.

It took him a while to control his abilities, and learn how to fight with hand to hand combat, and even longer on how to use his weapons, but now that he knows how to use them, he finds them very enjoyable, and is rather talented with them!

Power: Austin has the power to summon the flames of the underworld through his hands, which can spread to his weapons, or around his body (though this brings on the untimely burning of clothes, so he rarely does it). This Hell Fire is much like normal fire, except it's brighter and much more red and blue than orange and yellow.

Along with this he can summon a maximum of one creature of the underworld. His most common creature is a Hell Hound, which just looks like a red flaming pitbull. However, ghosts, dead people in the form of zombies or skeletons, or even Wraiths are not out of the question. A Wraith, by the way, is a creature who seeks out death in every possible way, not worrying about defense or anything else just death and killing its target.

WOC: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/AK.jpg.3e2d5fa9a74ff2915da699d944f7e6f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/AK.jpg.3e2d5fa9a74ff2915da699d944f7e6f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He dual-wields these two daggers, using them as both offense and defense. He keeps them at either of his sides. They are also used as throwing weapons. They are razor sharp and ready to kill and smite.

Other: Not sure what else could go here... Hmm...



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:3 awesome. :D I'm excited already. Could you post how many of each kids there are for each god? I was thinking about being a daughter of Dionysus :P
Awesome and I'm digging the new profile picture Bishop

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