Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Okay. Sorry about that... it's just that there are a lot of pages, and I don't have time to read all those. So, should I just post a new one, where instead in this one she escapes from the scientists with Joakim and Adrianna?
Name: Harry Somnum


Parents:Hypnos and Jenn somnum

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? about a 3 weeks but he doesn't remember much because he was sleeping most of the time

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)


History: Harry had always been terrible at school. He would always just fall asleep in school, and not just a little he was asleep for 2/3 of his school career. When he turned 13 changes started to happen. His shoulders got abnormally large , He was very insecure about it . for 3 weeks the bumps got larger and larger until one day his skin broke and his wings came out of his back they continued to grow for a bit after that. He tried to stay home from school and tell his mom but she wouldn't listen to him. when he went to school no one believed him that he had wings. No One could see his wings, so they picked on him for thinking he had wings. When Harry turned 14 he grabbed some things and flew away from home. For about a month after then he was homeless , spending every day honing his skills. slowly he started to realize he had more powers. He used these new Hypnokinesis powers to go into stores make everyone fall asleep and steal what he needed for a week and money for a hotel room and live off this. Eventually he was claimed by Hypnos and was given spear that retracted into a dagger that was as light as air. After this he started to study up on greek mythology, and communicated to his dad through his dreams.His tattoo is a collage of hypnos ,the moon , the sun, stars, and various other symbols of sleep. He started to encounter monsters more and more frequently, so he went to a place he had heard of called camp half blood so he could rest without being disturbed so often. He flew away when his group of demigods got captured by scientists. Once his friend Jack escaped he received an Iris message from him to meet at the Radisson. He got there and slept until he found out that his friends had escaped.

Personality: Tired constantly, Always a bit distant, resentful of his past, not much respect to authority or the law, and usually very pleasant to be around.

Power (Can have up to two):

He has wings

Hypnokinesis: make people sleep, have visions, and have dreams.

WOC (Weapon of Choice):

Spear that turns into a dagger.

Name: Anthony Garcia

Age: 16

Parent: Hecate and Anthony Ray Garcia

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: six years

History: He was always a bit of a pain in the ass and really headstrong. At age five he accidentally shorted out the microwave and nearly burned his mother's apartment down. At age ten he was already on the road taking quests directly from the gods and learning magic from Hecate Greek goddess of magic. He enjoyed all the power that came with the magic but was still loyal to Zues at all costs. He did however make a pact with Hecate that if she and Zues ever got into a conflict he would stand back and only try to stop it in a way that helped both sides. He had tricked a few cyclopes to make him a enchanted suit and fadora that would turn into armor when he wanted them to. The new suit and armor are all white with a red stripe down his hat that turns into the traditional red horse hairs on his helmet when the hat changes.

Personality:He is extremely proud but get's just as shy around large groups of strangers. He liked to look at the sunrise but only because he admires Apollo and the freedom he has. He is rather good at playing the guitar but knows better than to brag. He likes to swim and does a lot of classic magic tricks. He is always doing something and is constantly plotting how to help others. He has a personal fear of hydra's and he also is terrified by the thought of the minotuar. He has deemed himself a person who will always be alone.

Power: He is very good at magic like his mother. His specialty is Summoning creatures such as wolves and bears. He is also skilled at making small weak barriers.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): The watch of the gods.

At 1 it turns into a bow

At 2 a sword

At 3 a spiked shield

At 4 a dagger

At 5 a mace

At 6 a gauntlet

At 7 a staff

At 8 a barbed net

At 9-12 a spear.


Likes:nice girls, quite, magic tricks, archery, and personal space

Dislikes:really touchy people, fire, hydras, the minotaur, hell

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/uploadfromtaptalk1403384540953.jpg.c97f9457fca134884d4feb1ec14667b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/uploadfromtaptalk1403384540953.jpg.c97f9457fca134884d4feb1ec14667b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Also, I believe you should have been at the camp by the age of 10 and please emphasize what kind of magic you can do
Need a human parent and your power seems unlimited...kind of OP. Maybe you can specify in plant poison and animal magic? Like summon animals or something and let poison plants attack?
Nah your character is accepted! I was speaking to the others about the summary 
To help you assimilate into the hectic rp
Oh ok. :confused:

I'm going to go charge my phone. It should only take two hours.
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Name: Damian Borrows

Age: 19

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Ares and Shyanne Borrows

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 7 years


History: He was Anthony's cousin and found Anthony at camp. The two are like brothers and have known each other since they were five. When Damian found out Anthony was a demigod he went out and brought Anthony to camp. The two stayed together until Camp Jupiter's greek incident two years ago. He is now part of Camp Jupiter only.

Personality: Being a son of Ares he loves fighting and is a arrogant ass. He is easy to anger and can fight for hours.

Power (Can have up to two): Divine rage: causes him to be faster stronger and well just frankly mad.

Ares Aura: He can cause his fury and hated to leech into others bringing them to his side. This is great for unifying groups.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Spear and shield

Other:Bathed in the river Styx
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