Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Okay . . . Hmm, but I'm not sure I would say that healing would be in Hades's overall theme. Would it be easier to change his godly parent to Apollo?
I'm not sure if I can still join or not, but I'm posting this just in case.

Name: Joakim Kallstrom

Age: 19

Parents (Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Hecate & Fabian Kallstrom

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: 7 years

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)

History: As a child, Joakim was quiet, with a deep respect for nature that stemmed from his father's extensive work in both forestry and the fishing industry. He was raised mainly in a village in southern China, and while he never did manage to lose his Swedish accent, he eventually picked up on Mandarin. Homeschooled, he struggled academically, and eventually, his father went onto simply teaching him how to fend for himself.

Turning twelve, Joakim and his father moved across the world to upstate New York, where Joakim began climbing the mountains in the region, as well as trying his hand at parkour. This came to a abrupt halt as his demigod powers triggered themselves, causing a sudden influx of emotion. Confused, he lashed out, severely injuring himself and killing his father.

Both physical and mentally scarred, Joakim was sent to a foster home in New York City, where he was found and taken to Camp Half-Blood, though by then he had changed into someone unrecognizable from the boy he had once been.

Personality: Vengeful, holds grudges. Is mostly silent, hardly ever talking. Occasionally loses control, striking out at those close to him, living in a constant fear of doing so. Has violent, rarely occurring bouts of bloodlust. Distrustful, angry. Unstable.

Power (Can have up to two):

Dark Magic: He has the ability to torture enemies mentally and/or physically, inflicting psychological horror as well as physical. Can drive enemies to the brink of insanity or worse, and usually drags out slow, painful deaths.

Shade: A shadowy demon, built around one's own fears. Usually takes form after a murder, or a death that one feels guilty over. If controlled, it will kill and do basically anything for the demigod that controls it, though it constantly taunts and mocks their weaknesses.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): A long, serrated Stygion Iron dagger & magic.

Other: Skilled at parkour.

I- I'm sorry if we scare you away . . . It's happened before. . .

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