Camp Half-Blood Redefined

No, I wouldn't have! If I did, I would have to correct, like, a thousand other grammatical errors in the other CSes as well, and the posts in the RP, too! And trust me, there are probably more than a thousand errors.
I hope she's not too similar to Blot's character with the whole capable-of-going-nuts thing >.<" I usually play my Eris kids as perky ditzes but wanted to switch it up a bit (I blame Frozen...let it gooo...)


Adriana Mayers

Age: seventeen (17)

Parents: Eris and Richard Mayers

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? Around 1.5 years


X - X

History: Interacting with Eris is an experience, and not a good one. Eris, the goddess of chaos, always destroys whatever is in her path on purpose and is always looking out for herself. So, when she saw all her relatives were having some "fun" with the mortals, she didn't want to be left out - and perhaps she could have a little her running around causing twice the amount of chaos. But Eris wasn't going to have the father of her child be some sniveling mortal - well, they all are but some more than others - and her wish for power caused her to choose a suitable partner: a CEO of a corporation. Richard Mayers was a married man with children of his own but that didn't stop her - really, it made her want to do it more. Besides, a man being married for so long eventually grows tired of their significant other, right? So, Eris made sure she had him wrapped around her finger when she caught him drinking at a bar.

Richard thought it was a one-time thing, that he was going to be the most faithful man in the world for his wife. He pushed that night from his memory and went on with his life. His plan was going smoothly until Eris showed up at his doorstep a couple months later in the middle of the night, infant in her arms. He could have just slammed the door in her face if she hadn't made her true self known, scaring him into submission - he would care for Adriana no matter what, or else his life would be shambles before him. "Literally,"she added with a toothy grin before disappearing. He didn't see Eris ever again.

Of course, his family questioned it. He simply said the child was left on their doorstep and he couldn't just give her away. This resulted in multiple arguments, nights on the couch, and announcements of staying over at mother's. But Richard, in fear, didn't budge.

Adriana was an odd child, speaking to herself and having sudden mood changes. She grew violent at times and would strike fear in her "family." And when her powers arose, that only fueled the fire. Her own father was the only one who stood up to her, releasing all his pent up emotions gained from his relationship with a Goddess onto her. "You're going to get someone killed!" "Are you crazy?!" "Who are you speaking to?!" "You don't know how scared they are of you!" Noting the fear of those around her made Adri frightened of herself. Adriana did her best to not be seen nor heard.

Then, after months - years - of trying to find some way in ridding of Adri, he discovered Camp Half-Blood before a satyr could come and ship her off. And off she went. No explanations. No good-byes. No second glances. And...she was fine with that, for although it pained her to be sent away ultimately it was for the best.

Personality: Adriana is an introvert, by choice. She's very cautious in her actions and words, apprehensive of what would happen if she relaxes and lets go; this can make her seem cold or boring. She will take any means necessary to protect those who are innocent from herself or things that affect her, believing it's better to have no friends instead of friends who she may potentially hurt.

When filled with negative emotion, like anger or sadness, she is more susceptible to submitting to her heritage. Depending on the the extent of her emotion, Adri may do something she would later regret. She's just afraid of the risk of her sanity disappearing completely (which may occur at some point of the RP).




can animate non-living objects and puppeteer them to do her bidding


Emotional and Mental Manipulation:

can influence the emotion of an individual or an entire room to her advantage - in this case, discord and insanity.


- she can make someone start a simple argument or go so far as causing them to aim to kill someone. The longer she uses or the extent of using this ability - but usually this is unnecessary due to the people eventually creating hate amongst themselves - can cause her grows agitated and, naturally when she uses her powers, irrational.


- she can cause someone to act irrationally. Depending on how long she uses this sub-power on them, the effects can be temporary - e.g. hallucinations that last a couple hours, amnesia - or permanent - e.g. catatonic schizophrenia. She must be physically touching the person in order to use this power.

Energy Absorption

- in regards to discord, she can gain power from the feelings of the room. In regards to insanity, she can suck the sanity from said person and fuel her own

WOC (Weapon of Choice): a simple switchblade

Other: I suppose you could say that Adri is schizophrenic, in the sense that she hears voices in her head. They usually don't pop up unless she's in a stressful situation or uses her powers. They tell her to do things that aren't socially or legally accepted, like threaten someone with a knife or steal something.
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Secondary Characters

Ace Floyd (Ares kid RyanJXavier)


Romeo "Cupid" Lovett (Aphrodite kid RyanJXavier)


Samantha @BishopOfKings what's her last name? (Half Siren BishopOfKings)


Jerika @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira what's her last name? (Half Siren Kai'zen Makaira)

Looking for face...

Did you HAVE to make Cupid a f***ing cutie? I just want to go over there and pinch his cheeks like a grandma.

"abwuwuwuwu he's so cute *pinches cheek*

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
explosiveKitten said:
Did you HAVE to make Cupid a f***ing cutie? I just want to go over there and pinch his cheeks like a grandma.
"abwuwuwuwu he's so cute *pinches cheek*

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
It actually makes me want to irritate Cupid more and call him Pretty Boy or something
Erin Winters 17 (Clarisse) Minor Character

No Powers Except for being an expert at revenge and Sword fighting and hand to hand combat

Daughter of Nemesis

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Name: Violet Rivera

Age: 14

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Athena and George Rivera

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? Just got there

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)

History: Growing up, she had no idea of her godly heritage, or anything to do with greek "myths" at all. All she knew was, she was smart. Not just pretty good at math, or good at reading. She would get into fights with 4 people twice her size, and get out barely harmed. Not because she was strong, not because she was fast, but because she was smart. Her powers, although she was unaware of them, helped as well. She grew up with a pretty normal life, until it happened. Some girl came to her at school, told her she was part of some secret world, some crazy impossible world where gods and monsters were real, and that she was half-god. She didn't believe her. Not until she found out that this particular girl happened to be half goat, and then they were attacked by some crazy wolf things on her way home from school. She then followed said friend towards a place she called "Camp Half Blood", but they were intercepted by some crazy scientists who then took them to some lab. She then met two other "half-bloods" as they called themselves, by the names of Jack and Joakim. They then escaped from the scientists together.

Personality: She is quite smart, and logical. However, she is prone to outbursts of emotion, whether it be happiness, or anger, or sadness.

Power (Can have up to two): She can see people's attacks coming just before they happen. She can look at a weapon, and instantly know all the statistics about it, from its manufacturer to who was holding it last.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): None yet, although she will probably find one eventually.

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Newbie, please make sure you have read the overview of the rp and at least somewhat grasp the current situation. Thank you for your time.
This is Julia's summary from a few days ago. The others will have to explain, or you'll have to read, the pages that aren't covered in the summary.

This was directed at a few others back then.

MuraudersPrincess KaiWoods campneptune I would like for all of you to acknowledge the fact that we most definitely would not have stayed in the same place for 217 pages (especially considering the fact that the RP Overview quite clearly states that the camp is destroyed shortly after the RP begins).

The following is a summary of everything that has occurred during the 217 pages that you have entirely ignored.

It's a role play where scientists have acquired technology that allows them to notice the demigods disappearing into Camp Half-Blood. The demigods began in Camp Half-Blood, but were forced to evacuate. One of the characters, Alec, has a dad that owns a mansion in Florida, so they traveled from New York to Florida. Their neighbor is Jerika, who is a Siren and works with the scientists. She has made friends with them, and are spying on them, but maybe she isn't. That was at least her initial intention. She invited them to an outdoor party, which only some of the group went to. Two manticores attacked; one for the people in the mansion and one for the people at the party. There is also a guy named Romeo, nicknamed Cupid, who possesses arrows that cause mortals to fall in love with the first person they see. Unfortunately, my character was forced to be lovesick for the majority of the party. They returned from the party to tend to those who were injured, then went to sleep.

In the morning, they discovered that one of the demigods, Mason, who had caused much damage to the mansion the night before due to his abilities with fire, had left, leaving only a notice in the garage. They had a meeting concerning the whereabouts of the scientists as well as those of Mason. A website was found about the scientists and what they knew about the demigods, though it required an advanced system to view without being detected. An address was included to mail any letters to in case someone sighted a demigod. The location of this address is in Curitiba, Brazil, which they have decided was their next destination, because their mission is to destroy all of the scientist headquarters. They then came up with theories about where Mason was and tracked him. The girl who likes him, Helena, already went after him, and got snared by a Cyclops's trap. Mason, who was a son of Hephaestus, had gone in search of Wakulla Volcano, which he then realized was nonexistent because it was actually Wakulla Springs, but he found a forge of three Cyclopes in a cave in Wakulla Springs. Coincidentally, the Cyclops that tried to eat Helena was one of these Cyclopes. The rest of the group rescued Helena and defeated the Cyclops, and then Mason came out of the cave, but he felt like it was his fault that the Cyclops the demigods had defeated was dying, since he led them there. The Cyclopes insisted that one of Mason's friends help him recover, and Evelynn volunteered, so now she is stuck back in time in the volcano with him and two other Cyclopes. Helena tried to bring a bear skeleton from the earth to save him, but ran out of energy and went into a death trance. Then when everyone went back to the mansion, they ate lunch, and a Hydra attacked and the demigods cut its necks off while throwing vials of Greek fire and, amazingly, none of them missed. Then everyone, like, went inside and stuff and helped save Max who was dying of poison, but conversations and Max's rescue were cut short by a one-time time skip that skipped to the following morning, in the airplane on their way to Manaus, Brazil.

The airplane ride was almost six hours, and by the way, Max has been carrying a cell phone, which explains why so many monsters have been attacking them within the course of two days, along with the density of demigods in one place at the same time. Max's mom is a pilot, and she and Max together flew the plane to Manaus. After a flight with stunts that caused many people yearn to kill Max, they arrived at the airport terminal, where they encountered a Chimera and killed it with a lead ball. Since Curitiba is another two and a half hours' flight away, they have reloaded the plane and are now in flight. Hopefully lunch will be during the flight, as it should be around 12:45 P.M. The only characters not with the group right now are Helena, Jessiah, Jack, Joakim, and Adrianna. Jessiah and Jack escaped the scientists from the headquarters in Curitiba together and have booked a nearby hotel, the same hotel that Alec's dad booked for the group of demigods. Helena shadow traveled there and accidentally landed in their room, coincidentally. Adrianna and Joakim were in the same group as Jess and Jack, but they escaped later and booked the Radisson Hotel in Curitiba (which is the closest hotel to the scientist headquarters). Your characters could have escaped with Joakim and Adrianna. Joakim and Adrianna have both arrived at the hotel, and Adrianna is currently talking to Jack. So I suppose your first post could be arriving at the hotel with Joakim (I think Adrianna came separately). C: I have pictures of rooms in the hotel as well as descriptions of the rooms with two beds.
@JustanotherRPer Just google a face of an actress/model/person with certain hair color and eye color.... I don't know you can just pull up a random appropriate pic from anywhere as long as the picture corresponds to your character's age

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