Camp Half-Blood [Inactive]

"H-hi Georgy." Drew said hesitantly just trying to be polite not expecting him to respond. 
Drew walked up to Kai with a dead serious face. "I never would have thought you would have replaced me with a butterfly." As she finished her sentence a smile started crawl across her face but she tried hard to hide it.
Kai scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry... You know me by now, you know i'm easily distracted..." She frowned. "Are you smiling? You're laughing at me, aren't you?"
Drew could not help but laugh and cover her face. "Nuh-uh, no I'm not I promise." Drew says laughing even harder, she sits down on the ground and catches her breath she was laughing so hard. "Well maybe just a little." Drew says as she stands up.
Kai smiled slightly. "Ha ha, very funny. Now are we getting breakfast or what? Following butterflies makes me hungry."
"Well I already got mine but, you can eat off mine for now, we can always make a second trip but we can always talk to Georgy he seems fun to be around." I say as I grab my plate and head over to George and not you over letting you know that he doesn't bite.
Noah feels his stomach rumble as he finishes writing down some stuffs in his journal. Putting the book back in its place, Noah gets up and stretches. He loks around the cabin to see who else was awake and notices Avery was awake as well. (@AWarriorcat ) "Good morning." Noah says as he picks up his satchel and places his laptop inside. "Are you going to breakfast Avery?"

Lian smiled at the kiss and kissed briefly back. He chuckled at the ruffling of his snow hair. He slowly crawled out of bed and stretched. His back cracking and popping as his joints popped back in place. "Mrr, I pushed myself at target practice yesterday." He said as his cold skin connected with the ice cold floor. It didn't bother him though, the cold never bothered him. He jumped in the shower after Seth and came out dressed in a
sweater, jeans and some socks and boots. Lian slipped on his necklace and made his way over to Seth. Wrapping his arms around his love he pressed his forehead on his back "Can we go get food?" he asked.

Georgy smiled at Drew as she came over to sit down next to him. "How are you doing?" He asked and continued to eat. Georgy looked around to see if anyone else had joined and he had yet to see anyone new come around.
Avery nodded at Noah (@Noah and @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ) "Just waiting for Ani to find her books" She explained with an impatient yawn before rubbing her eyes of sleep,."Gosh Noah, why do you do this" She complained, stretching her back, "If you weren't my halfbrother I would so punch you right now" She growled, again rubbing her eyes before enhaling deeply and licking her lips, "Ah, smells good" She breathed and her stomach rumbled extra loud and she groaned, "I could eat you, Noah, I'm so hungry" Avery mumbled as her stomach growled again.
"Yeah, he would go well with soy sauce...Thanks Avery you got me hungry now!"She said with mock anger, kneeling down to look for her books under her bed. She pulled out her books and stood up"How did they ge...Never mind, lets eat! Its first come first serve on the bacon!"

She rushed to the door.
Noah smirked at the slightly irritated Avery. "Well you must be very hungry. I don't think I would taste very well." Noah says as he makes his way out the cabin behind Ani. "Looks like someone is eager to go." Nosh looked out into the camp grounds. He always admired the beauty of Camp Half-blood in the morning. "Let's go."
Avery sighed with relief, "Oh no way will you" She sprinted ahead and sat down at Athena's cabin table. As she flopped down, she sighed, as usual there was very little meat and it was eggs, two pieces of bacon, hash browns and grapes, she grabbed her goblet and whispered, "Pepsi" And sure enough it filled with the soda, she took a sip before picking up the plate and moving to the fire to scrape the food into it, to please the gods. One bacon piece was given up, part of her eyes, she hesitated when dropping the hash browns in and finally slipped in most of her grapes.
She giggled as Avery rushed past her, she increased her own pace to the buffet. She picked up her tray, plate made up entirely of eggs, beacon and sausages. The only non meat she took was for offering to the fire. She walked back to the table sitting opposite of Avery, she began to work while she eat.

"Have any dirt on the newcomers arriving?"She said in-between mattering of Greek phrases and bacon.

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Errien opens his bright orange eyes to the morning light, waking up later than usual," Gods, what time is it?" He mutters to himself, rolling out of bed, hair sticking up every which way, wearing nothing but his plaid pajama bottoms. Which were old and worn, seeing there last day, yet his disheveled appearance didn't seem to cause him to loose his, somewhat devilish looks. In fact he might look even better like this, then when he is properly dressed. His eyes still heavy with sleep, are blurred, but he managed to make his way to his little truck and pull out some clothes. He dresses in a orange Camp Half Blood t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, not bothering with shoes at the moment and walks outside, and to the dining pavilion. Where he found a few other campers lazing around, eating breakfast.

He sits down at his table a smile on his face, a group of girls at the Aphrodite table, staring at him, and giggling. He sends them a quick wink, which cause them to break out into another giggling fit. Same as ever I see. He laughs, as a wind nymph places a plate of waffles in front of him, along with 10 pieces of bacon and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. He nods, picking up his plate throwing a waffle, and 3 stripes of bacon into the fire," To the Gods." He says, head bowed, before going back to his table, and picking up a waffle just glistening with butter, and ripping off a piece of it before dipping it into some syrup.

(I will post more later.)

Elizabeth sat at the head table with a bored look. She was wearing an
outfit she picked out the night before. She sighed as she listened to Chiron and Mr. D chat about some ancient affair. She didn't have much interest in that. She wanted to go sit at the Apollo table but, the Oracle was only allowed to sit at the head table. She was overwhelmed by a sudden headache and she let out a groan. This only happened when the Oracle was going to come out soon.
Noah stepped aside when Avery rushed out and even passed Ani who was ahead. They were really eager to eat. Even though Noah was hungry too, he was reluctant to run. He made his way to the dining hall and saw Avery and Ani already had already sat down and began their meal. Noah took some sausages, hash browns, eggs and a large amount of pancakes. He offered a good portion of the pancakes and some meat to the gods. Noah then sat down at the Athena table. He put some food in his mouth and summoned some juice to his cup. Chewing, Noah looked around for anything interesting and noticed the Oracle looking distressed, but dismissed the thought.
Nico said:
Lian smiled at the kiss and kissed briefly back. He chuckled at the ruffling of his snow hair. He slowly crawled out of bed and stretched. His back cracking and popping as his joints popped back in place. "Mrr, I pushed myself at target practice yesterday." He said as his cold skin connected with the ice cold floor. It didn't bother him though, the cold never bothered him. He jumped in the shower after Seth and came out dressed in a
sweater, jeans and some socks and boots. Lian slipped on his necklace and made his way over to Seth. Wrapping his arms around his love he pressed his forehead on his back "Can we go get food?" he asked.

Seth shook his pen every few times whenever ink wasn't coming out,then continued to write until his love had came out of the bathroom.The smell of Lian's scent filled the room and Seth chuckled at how sweet his lover always smelled and actually,how he was as well.He yawned slightly and closed the book then put it back to where it was before he had taken it out and dropped the pen back into the small container that was filled with writing utensils.He wondered how long it would take Lian to get dressed"Probably hours..."he said and chuckled to himself.Charlie,their dog,ran over to Seth and barked at him wagging his tail.The male chuckled and petted the puppy's head then tossed him a treat watching him run to it and lay down on his stomach to eat it.Seth got up from his chair after Charlie had finished his treat and clipped on his leash,now all there was left is to wait for his love.A few minutes later,Lian came out in the cutest outfit ever."Such warm clothing for someone that isn't bothered by the winter weather."he said and chuckled only teasing his love.Although Lian loved wearing warm things,Seth always loved wearing summer clothing and spring wear.Seth turned around and kissed his short partner then nodded"Sure.Lets go before all of the food is gone."he told him before opening the door of their cabin and walking the trail up to the hall with charlie's leash in his hand and Charlie wanting to lead the way.
Lightning woke up with a groan. She lived in New York, but today she would be leaving to go to some camp. She got up stretched and got into the shower. Cold she thought to herself getting out of the shower and putting on underwear, then slipping her skirt on and a white t-shirt. She then went back to her room and put her armour on that her father had given her along with her earrings that some how made all of her armour invisible to the human eye. She then looked over to the empty bed across from hers and sighed. She then left her apartment and went down stairs, apparently someone was suppose to be coming to get her stuff so she just left it there. There was a car parked outside and the Cyclops driver got out. "Hello there Miss-" "Lightning. Lightning is fine" She said cutting him off as she climbed into the vehicle. "I don't get this... All this Greek god stuff, Like come on me, the daughter of Zeus?... Plus how does this mist stuff even work its so complicated?... Uhhh, this is so frustrating... Hey how long until we get there driver?" Lightning ranted. "To answer your questions, 1. you'll find out when we get there, 2. you'll find out when we get there, and 3. About a hour" He answered. And on they went talking about stuff no one cares about.

Kirito got up out of bed. Another day at camp He thought to himself. Stretching as his feet hit the floor he yawned. "Time for a shower" he said to himself as he made his way to the bathroom.......

Coming out of the bathroom, already having a pair of jeans on, he slipped on a black compression shirt and his signature black jacket. He walked towards the door. I wonder how my lover fairs this morning... Oh well I guess I'll see her later He thought to himself as he opened the door and locked it after shutting it tight. He walked around the camp a little bit before going to the breakfast hall. He grabbed a couple slices of toast and some bacon as well. Man I wish I had Asuna's cooking right now He though to himself chewing on a piece of bacon just as he sat down to a table. Oh wait... He looked back seeing the fire burning. He sighed and went over towards it and took a uncooked rabbit that he had caught yesterday out of a sack he had on his back and threw it in. I know you like it more when I kill the food dad so this is the best I can do for you today he prayed. Kirito made his way back to the table he was sat down at. He looked over at Elizabeth a finished eating his toast. He then made his way over to her. "Hey there miss Oracle, I'm Kirito, I've been in this camp for a a few years now but I've rarely ever seen you around. Uhh... You look a little distressed, would you like to go or a walk?" He asked, trying to be polite as possible.

Lightning got out of the cab. She let out a long yawn and walked towards the entrance to the camp. "Uhh... this place looks overly enjoyable" she said very sarcastically. She looked around and honestly the place looked dead. She then saw a couple people running and decided to follow them. She eventually ended up in a breakfast tent and she walked in just looking around seeing groups of people here and there. She just stood there looking like a total outcast. Then Chiron noticed her and began to walk over to her on his four legs. "Ahh you must be miss Sat-" "Lightning" She said almost in a angry tone cutting off Chiron. "Right then... Lightning, come sit by myself and Mr. D and get some food before we get you antiquated." He said. Lightning just followed him over to the table. A Man Horse... I've seen everything today... wait isn't the proper name a Centaur? She thought to herself. She said down by the Oracle. She just looked down at the table not paying any attention to any one as she looked down at her locket. She opened it and looked at the picture inside. Why am I here... Father told me it was to get stronger but why should I when I lost everything that thing that is dear to me... Lightning. It flashes for a moment and then disappears. it only destroys, it can't protect. The perfect name for me, seeing as I couldn't protect her.... "LIGHTNING!" Chiron shouted as Lightning shot up... I spaced out she thought to herself closing her locket immediately. "I would like to show you where you will be staying if you don't mind" He said. "Okay" She replied and the went off. She looked back to see a guy in black making his way towards the Oracle.

Chiron brought her to a house on the hill side. "Your father left it here for you and your-" "Don't go there" Lightning said cutting him off. "Any ways there are two beds so enjoy" He said walking off. She went inside to find a present waiting for her. From Zeus it said on the front. Lightning tore open the wrapper to reveal a long box and inside that box was a sword. She picked it up and swung it around a couple times before sheathing it. She sighed again and sat on her bed. This is gonna be one hell of an adventure she thought to herself.

(I literally started to work on this post as soon as I got accepted, took me so long)
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Lian followed after Seth "I just like the winter clothes, you know that" he laughed knowing his fiance was just teasing him. He needed his coffee badly, or else he'd be as grumpy as a bear woken up from it's winter slumber. He almost ran into the back of Seth when they reached the dining pavilion. He stopped himself and looked at Charlie who had his tail wagging as he tried to sniff around for scraps. He laughed and picked the dog up "You eat so much you're gonna get chubby. Isn't that right Seth?" he said as the dog gave his face a few licks.


She looked up when she heard a person approach her. She pushed the pain down and smiled up at the camper "I normally stay in the big house or my painting cave." she said and brushed her dress down. "No need for the formalities, just call me Lizzy or Elizabeth." She shook her head "Sure I'll go on a walk with you, was there something you wanted to talk about?" she asked and looked up at Kirito with a studious look.

[pan - female - alone]

Pandora reached for her arrows, slinging them onto her back. They clattered against her armour as she walked to the range. Once there, she saw it was empty. She took her bow from her back, stringing it up and lining up the arrow. Releasing it, for it only to hit her target a moment later, Pan smiled. It was almost central. She had been her for a week now, and hadn't met anyone much; instead spending her time with her bow. She took another two shots, one going slightly wide, but one a bit better. This time, she took her arrows, throwing them one at a time with a flick of her wrist. Like before, it wasn't perfect, but she was getting there.
Avery stuffed her face, eating quickly and slowed, swallowed and glanced at Noah, "Slow poke" She taunted before continuing the facestuffing. As she finished her plate, which was sparkling. She drowned her pepsi, as she reached the end, the cup refilled and she took a huge swallow before smiling. "Mmm, that was delicious!" She explained before whiping her lips with a napkin, "You guys training today? I would love to have a partner to fight with to show the new comers how we do it." She explained.

Zax left the cabin wearing the orange camp halfblood shirt with ripped, comfortable, bellbottom jeans which he loved. He finger brushed his rainbow hair before hooking his sword's holster onto his waist. Brandon, who was doing the same things but slower, struggled to put on the sword holster. Zax slipped on his @Lovable Dark\-side ) , he tried to get his attention without being obvious but Brandon nudged him, as he shot a death stare at Errien, before stealing his bacon. Causing, Zax to have to turn back to his food, "Hey!" He exclaimed, trying to steal it back, "Nope, it's mine!" Brandon stated as he took a bite. "Hey! How dare you!" Zax complained before snatching it back. "How could you?" He fake pouted before realizing something, "We forgot to offer to the gods" He reminded and Brandon sighed before standing up while Zax shot another look at Errien.
"Heh, have i told you have the eating habits of a satyr. Shesh.."She said with a snicker, before finishing her own food by curling her last bacon on a sausage and wolfing it down. She then helped along with a good dose of coffee."And sorry, loved to, like i said i cant due to Greek. Wont be available 'till capture the flag later. Why don't take one of the ares kids, they make better examples then i can...Ouch!"

A pained look came across her face as she began to rub the back of her head through her head scarf.

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Avery ignored her comment by rolling her eyes and sticking her tongue out, "So mean" She complained before growling, "No thanks, I don't want some hot headed jerk" she sighed, "Oh well, since your a meanie" She glanced at her concerned, "What's the matter?" She asked, her blue eyes staring at her halfsister.
"Oh, don't worry about it. Its...Its an old wound acting up..."She said her pained look turned to a flustered and nervous one."The whole demigod revelations hit me hard...Shorta speak...Eh, have to go."

She got to her feet and walked off quickly, having not even picking up her things or letting go of her head.

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