Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Dusk: A wall . . . Of possibilities! *Pulls out marker and starts doodling the possibilities*

Cassia: *Smirks* See, Dusk. I can be persuasive.

Dusk: -_- You persuasive skills are a poison to interpersonal relations . . .

Cassia: Oh, good one, Dusk! I see what yo- HEY!
Ryker: *Sits up* You gave me no reaction time. Besides if ya know so much then why don't you do something huh Cassius? *Holds Belle's shoulders and tries to shake her awake* Buongiorno donna!
Poppy: ...The only way to help her is if your asleep Ryker... She doesn't seem to be waking any time soon... If you're asleep, the dream sand will pull you into the nightmare she is having...

Belle: *whimpers and seems to shy away from Ryker, in his nightmare still*
Cassia: It's the OoC. I'm allowed to cheat. *Sticks tongue out at Ryker*

Dusk: *Grabs Soul and begins to dance around*
Ryker: Oh how dramatic! *grumpily lies down and tries to go to sleep* *rolls onto his side* It isn't that easy you know. *hears Cassia and stands back up then goes over to her* OoC cheat my...grr *Grabs her tongue and pulls it*
Dusk: There's no uhm-ing in dancing, Soul!

Cassia: She might have had too much sugar to- Hey! *Puts hand over mouth defensively* Ivy, he's groping my tongue!
Ryker: *raises a brow* You make it sound weird. *walks back over to Belle* *Pauses and looks over his shoulder to Cassia* You know you like it you flirt. *sleeps next to Belle and cheats through the dream* *wakes up* TH-THERE! *panting* Never knock me out again!
Soul: But i... can't dance!

Poppy: *reading, not my problem...

Belle: *slowly wakes and looks at him*...No promises... Also... that was your nightmare... I saved you from having to face it... you saved me. We're even now.
Ryker: *thinks to himself*Hold yourself back....Stop. *takes a deep breath and nods* And why are you wounded huh? Aren't you strong? Wanna cheat your way through again?
Soul: oh this is not going to end well.

Poppy: Did you want me to kiss it better? Is that what you want? *reading*

Belle: *stands up and picks up her book and goes back to her corner to read*
Dusk: Nonsense! The possibilities, Soul! *Twirls Soul around*

Cassia: *Perks up immediately as she was only pretending to sulk* Fantastic idea, Ivy! *Bounds towards Poppy, arms wide, but pauses* You're the one who cheated your way through, bub. You should be a little more thankful to your lass in golden dream sand, ya know?
Ryan: *sleeps off to the side*

Ryker: *hotheaded* Yeah Poptart kiss her tongue better. Mhm makes so much sense. I wouldn't have been knocked out if it wasn't for her in the first place.
Dusk:: *Jittering in seat* I should stay up all night and pass out at work!

Cassia: If it wasn't for Ryan, in the first place, actually. *Points out smugly*
Dusk: Come on, Soul! Feel the rhythm of the beat, the rhythm of the heart!

Cassia: Nuuuuuuu- *Takes a breath* -uuuuuuuuuuuu!
Ryan: *Wakes up and props head up with my arm* I didn't tell anyone to knock Ryker out!

Ryker: ..It's okay Belle. *Stomps up to Cassia*
Dusk: Of course there is, you just have to listen for it! *cough



Cassia: I'm emotionally confused. If I knew what I wanted I'd be dangerous. Well, maybe less dangerous? More dangerous . . . Uhh, you know what I mean. Cause I don't.
Dusk: There you go! Doesn't matter if you know, you've just gotta feeeeeel! *Dances haphazardly around with Soul and then passes out from sugar rush*

Cassia: 0.o

I should head for the ol proverbial sack I suppose. Really can't afford to get fired, despite if I'd like to be. Have a good night, love. Have a good one, Ryan. See ya'll later.

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