Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Poppy: *Rolls her eyes*And you're poisonous to my sanity.

Soul: I wasn't even trying. xD


RyanJXavier said:
*reads through all of your posts* Fluff...
Ryker: Why are you guys talking about ships? Ships? I want a ship. *makes a ship and sails* *leans against the side* I don't see what's so special about this. *jumps off and swims* *mumbles*Who needs ships.
Soul: Heh, not those kinds of ships, they are metaphorical Ryker.

Cassia: Oh! You're making me swoon, you sweet talker, you.

Dusk: That's when the best ones always come to you though. :P

Cassia: Ships are great! Especially ship wrecks! Lots of drama, err, treasure, err. Stuff.
Soul: I suppose that's true, because if you think about them to much, you'll start to lose it.

Poppy: *rolls her eyes behind her bangs as she opens her book to start reading*Hn...
Ryker: Huh?

Ryan: Just drop it dude.

Ryker: Metaphorical ship? Ship wrecks are great? Hm...

Ryan: Drop. It-

Ryker: NO!
Bishop: Sorry! I was typing a paper!!!

Simon: there we go! Now everything is back to normal... Except that one. *points at Kitty* that one is still very much at cat...

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Dusk: Yep yep. If you have to think too hard then it often becomes obvious. Stuff like PoisonIvy and Hellfire that also makes one full word without seeming forced is also the best. Though I name ships things that really make sense. Like peanut butter and jelly.

Cassia: Playing hard to get I see. Just remember, you're the one who came and sought me out in the forest. Alone. Dryads my ass.
Poppy: I think your forgetting my element is nature... that was the entire reason I even came out.. to the forest. *reading, running her fingers over the page*

Soul: Mhm~ ^^
Simon: *picks up Kitty* Are! You! A! Person! And! Not! A! Cat!

Jayden: whys that dude shouting at the cat?

Simon: Answer Me You Feline!!!

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Simon: In English You Pussy!!!

Jayden: Bro!!!

Simon: I'm meant it as Pussycat, you dumbass!

Jayden: Ohhhhhh!....

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Cassia: *Waves hand dismissively* In MY story it's not!

Dusk: Psssst. Cass. You already admitted you weren't into the same things.

Cassia: I can be pretty persuasive . . .

Dusk: You mean threatening?

Cassia: There's a difference?
Simon: Stop! No! Get Off! Remove The Pussy!

Jayden: Never thought I'd hear that in my life.

Simon: Dammit Jayden! That's not what I meant!!!!

Jayden: I don't believe you.

Simon: *grabs Kitty and throws her at Jayden*

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Poppy: *rolls her eyes, focuses on her book, running her fingers over the sightless coding to figure out where she is*

Soul: Lol...


RyanJXavier said:
Ryan: RYKER!
Ryker: *sleeping like a baby*

Ryan: ..gah.
Soul: You did want him to stop thinking about ships.

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