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Realistic or Modern Camp Fallen Oak


Junior Member

You step out of your mother's old, dusty van, breathing in the fresh air. It's your first time here at camp. Looking to the left, you see a lake, sunlight glistening on its tides. Looking to the right, a group of teenagers are smiling and laughing near a cluster of cabins. Seeing past all the joy, something seems... off about this place...

"Hey there, Camper!" I cheery voice calls, "My name is Miranda, let me help you with your stuff!"

"This is it." Your mother tells you, "We'll see you at the end of the summer!" You give your mother a hug, and wish her a last goodbye. It would be three months since you see your family next.

You follow Miranda, a camp counselor, while she carries your belongings. She sets them down near a cabin surrounded by other teens of your gender. "There you!" Miranda walked off.

Your adventure begins.

Hey! This is a roleplay about a **super cliche** summer camp

let's just say, things get creepy at Fallen Oak when night falls.


You must be 13-17 years old.

There will be no romantic relationships between camper and counselor.

Make sure you follow all of RPN's rules.

No sexual stuff, you can swear but please censor accordingly.

This is realistic! No superpowers, OP or mary/gary sues.

Anyone can play as the staff when needed, but please keep in the basic guidelines/personalities of them.

When you sign up and are accepted, I will assign a cabin number. Cabins are NOT co-ed

Most of the time is free-time. However I will announce when special activity are happening (which all must participate [activities include hiking, swimming, meals, craft time etc.]), and when they end.

I, and only I, will start the RP when we are ready. from then on it's up to you

Keep genders even, two characters per person!

If you would like to primary play as a staff member just tell me in the char sign ups!

At least one paragraph per post please!


Heidi Barnes, female, age 43 (camp director)

Gloria Wade, female, age 36 (camp nurse/co director)

Damian McCarthy, male, age 32 (camp cook)

Judy Grimes, female, age 34 (camp cook)

Roberto Daugherty, male, age 50 (camp cook)

Tom Sweeney, male, age 20 (counselor for boys' cabin #1)

Jonathon William, male, age 22 (counselor for boys' cabin #2)

Kenneth Frank, male, age 22 (counselor for boys' cabin #3)

Regina Carson, female, age 23 (counselor for girls' cabin #1)

Natasha Yates, female, age 20 (counselor for girls' cabin #2)

Miranda Lawrence, female, age 21 (counselor for girls' cabin #3)

cabin counselors ALSO lead activities such as hikes, swim time, crafts, etc.


boys' cabins:

#1 SuppaStar13- Apollo,

AnarchyReins- Marcus

#2 Phantasia- Jayson,

WoodenZebra- Michale

#3 xMellowmint- Austin

girls' cabins:

#1 SuppaStar13- Lehela,

xKawaiiKitty- Lily,

WoodenZebra- Matty

#2 anii- Heather,

Phil- Max,

TuffBbg- Sapphire

#3 xMellowmint- Elizabeth,

Nightwalker973- Bethany

(Will be updated as characters arrive)
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@SuppaStar13 @Phantasia @xMellowmint (you can join in when you're ready, I am going to start it off!)

Heather Douglass began to unpack her things. She slid her clothing into the drawers next to her bed, and laid the suitcase beneath the bunk. It hadn't been 10 minuets yet and she already missed home- not to mention the fact that she has a summer birthday. Heather's family would miss her own birthday. Her 15th birthday was in two weeks. The thought echoed in the back of Heather's minds as she continued to unpack her belongings.

Several moments later, she finished putting away her items, and pulled out a book. She plopped onto the bottom bunk of the bed, and began to read. Better get cozy. Heather thought, I'm going to be here a while. Her pale green eyes began to tear up. Don't cry on the first day! She scolded herself, holding back her emotions. She wasn't used to being away.
Austin opened the door and looked around. "One more year and it'll be my last..." He sighed as he rolled his suitcase in and unzipped it. Unpacking at least half his clothes, he decided he'll do it later and laid down on his bed. "God I missed this place," He smiled as he closed his eyes taking a small nap.

Elizabeth on the other hand, she threw her suitcase in and grabbed a cigarette from her box. "Who needs to unpack... my luggage will just be my closet.." She lit her cigarette and opened the window. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. The smokey smell filled up the room as she tapped her cigarette out the window to get rid of the ash forming. Miranda Lawrence, the 3rd cabin counselor saw her. "Miss. Elizabeth Myth! I told you, you shouldn't be smoking here. The rules didn't change from last year. Do you want me to tell your parents?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Yea yea... what ever.."
Marcus was so happy to be away from his parents this summer. With him moving he didn't have time to make friends. SO when he had the option to come to this camp he gladly accepted. When the lady showed him to his cabin, he just threw his bag on the bed. He grabbed his skateboard and jumped off the cabin deck putting his board under his feet in midair, and landed skating where ever the sconcrete led him.
Heather looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of the cabin. It read 1:53. She had been reading for almost an hour. She shut her book and laid it on the nightstand beside her bed, and walked out the cabin. Instantly, Heather felt the breeze blowing through her thick brown hair. There were mosquitoes and other bugs buzzing around. Oh how she hated bugs. Swatting the air as she went, Heather strolled to the common area. There were many kids, ages 13-17 hanging around, playing games, and chatting. Heather didn't have any friends here, so she just stood by the snacks table, munching on crackers and cheese slices.
After skating for an hour Marcus skated to what looked like the main hang out spot if the camp. He skated to the side and leaned his board against the wall. He walked over to a soda machine and grabbed Mountain Dew and wiped the sweat of of his face. He then started to walk back over to his board.

Heather noticed the boy walk past. She wanted to greet him, however, her mouth was stuffed with cheese. So, awkwardly she stayed put, and didn't way anything. After she finished chewing, it was too late. He had already passed. Sighing heavily, Heather pulled out her small pocket sketchbook and a dull pencil. She sat down on a picnic table, and drew, occasionally glancing at the skater boy.
Austin woke up from his quick 5 minute nap. 1:53. Rubbing his eyes, he walked outside looking at the new and old people in the camp. Elizabeth threw her cigarette out the window. "What a waste of my cigarette." She groaned. "Miss Elizabeth!" Elizabeth didn't care, she just walked out the door and headed to her brother's room. She looked around at the people around her. Looking up she saw Austin coming her way. "Eli!" He ran up to her and hugged her. "I missed you so much!"

"B-But it was only 10 minutes Austin.."

"Pshh.." He wrapped his arm around Elizabeth's shoulder and walked around the camp. "Let's make new friends for both of us. For some reason, i feel as if this camp is even more special than last year, ya know?"
After drinking half of the bottle I go a little hungry I skated over to the snack table and grabbed some cheese and crackers. I then noticed a girl drawing glancing over me ever so often. So I skated over to the table and said, 'Do you mind if i sit here with you?"
"Miss Elizabeth!" Lily shook as she heard someone yell at someone else. "It's only been the first day and somebody's already getting in trouble?" She sighed as she walked into her empty cabin. She saw people already playing and running outside and she wanted to join in. She left her luggage in the cabin and walked out into the camp yard. She saw people talking at the same table and people walking around holding hands. She looked down at her hands. "I didn't expect so many couples here already." She went back inside her cabin to grab her sketch book and a pencil. Running back outside, she sat under the tree and started drawing the scenery.
Dumbstruck, Heather was silent for a few seconds. "Sure!" She politely accepted. Please don't screw up! The girl thought pleadingly. This is my change to make a friend! Heather smiled at the boy, "My name is Heather! It's my first year at camp!" She stated cheerfully, brushing her hair behind her ears.
Austin saw a girl running back and forth or even in circles as if she's lost and then see her finally deciding to sit under a tree. Dragging his sister along, "Common, I see our first victim!" he said so cheerfully. "The way you say it makes it sound like we're going to hurt that person!" she whined.

"Haiya!" Austin said to the blonde white hair girl. "I'm Austin and this is my twin Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth waved gently.
Someone was blocking her light and her view. "Excus-" She was interrupted by a greeting. "Oh.. Hai! I'm Lily. Lily Robinson." She awkwardly hid her drawing that are honestly terrible. Embarrassed, she stood up and finally examined the twins. "Th-They're so cute" She looked away once again and brushed her hair away from her face.
Its nice to meet you. I'm Marcus, and its my first year at camp too." I said as I sat down and put my board under the bench. I then ate two crackers, and a slice cube of cheese. "So do you play any sports." I ask as I flash grin and tilt my head to the side.
Austin wrapped his arm round Lily too. "Would you mind if i call you Lily-boo?" He smiled at her. "You know, your hair is beautiful by the way. It just shines a lot brighter than others in my opinion." Elizabeth smiled at her as she looked at her damaged hair and sighed. "I've never seen you here before" "Are you new here" Their voice combined at once making it unclear.
She thanked softly and felt a little awkward of how close they were acting.. "Uhm... sure.... sure you can call me that... no one really called me that before." She gently took his hand off her shoulder. Confused, she randomly said an answer. "Uhh.. yea.. the sky is beautiful today.." She chuckled awkwardly and then waved good bye.
"Not really," Heather replied, "I'm more of an... indoors-y type" She giggled shyly. The girl closed her mini sketchbook and set it on the table. "What about you?" Heather folded her hands and began to listen.
Well I am what you call a roamer I play sports like football, lacrosse, and swimming. Though I like to stay inside read a book or two, and draw, or chill and watch a movie for an hour or two. But I also like to skateboard so I am king of a melting pot of social groups. By the way you giggle is quite cute by the way." I say as I take a drink of my soda.
"Too much?" Austin sighed. He saw two people chatting on the other table and flipped his hair off his face. "Let's talk to them!"

"D-Don't you think you're acting a bit too much. Slow down Austin." Elizabeth sighed.

"You're right little sister, buttt we're still gonna talk to themmmmmmmmmmm" He tugged her into the people sitting at the table.

"W-" he was yelling as he went to their table

Elizabeth covered his mouth quickly and looked around at the empty tables around. "It's gonna look like there's a party here on this table Austin" She said under her breath. and whispered in his ear. "And they look cute together don't ruin it."
Max walks into her cabin and looks around slowly examining it. She noticed one of the bunks was already taken but the owner didn't seem to be there. Max grabbed a bunk by the window and started unpacking her things. She messily placed her belongings in the set of drawers meant for her bunk and sloppily made her bed. When she was done, she admired the work she had done and then set off to find out where everyone was.
Heather's cheeks were bright red, "Uhh thanks!" She said bashfully. He's quite charming isn't he? She thought. Heather didn't know what to say next. She reached over and got a few more crackers, "You're pretty good at skateboarding," She said, "I saw you earlier," Awe man, I hope I don't sound like a creep or something! Heather thought to herself.

((I gotta get off, I'll continue tomorrow))
"A VICTIM!" Austin yelled as he ran to the girl who just walked outside. "Hiya! I'm Austin this is my twin Elizabeth!" (Max that's you)
Max stumbles back startled "oh, umm hi." She regains her balance and looks at the two of them. "my name is Max"
"Have you been here before?" Austin asked. "Are you new here?" Elizabeth asked. "If so, we'd looveee to give you a tour!" they said at the same time.

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