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Realistic or Modern Camp Fallen Oak

Max tugs at her sleeves a little overwhelmed by the sudden attack of questions. "ok umm, no, yes, sure that would be nice" She gives a small smile trying to be encouraging
Lehela hid under her bed cover trying to finish a book she started on her ride to the camp. She used it as a mechanism to not go outside today, but it was getting scorching hot under the sheets. Slowly she slid from under the sheets and put shorts and a tank top on, and began her adventures outside the cabin.

Apollo was typically a late sleeper no matter what time he went to bed and today was no different. When he awoke he noticed that most of the people in his cabin had already left and started their day. He threw on a muscle shirt and cargo shorts, and went to take his "morning" jog.
Austin and Elizabeth smiled as the guided her through the camp sites. Helping her greet some counselors here and there. "If you wanna stop to take a break any minute or have questions, you may tell us or ask us whenever you please. Do you have any questions now Max? Austin asked.
"no, nothing that comes to mind" Max fidgets with her sleeve as they guide her through the camp. She politely acknowledges the counselors they introduce her to.
Austin noticed her messing around with her sleeves often. Looking back up at her, he wondered if she was alright. "I'm sorry, are we being too pushy?"
Max shakes her head "no not at all" She lets go of her sleeve "A little overwhelming on the senses but I wouldn't say pushy"
"How about we take a break and let's talk about you if you want. We'll slow down on the tours or would you like to explore the rest yourself Max?" Austin asked. He didn't want to make her feel awkward in the camp on her first day.
Max scrunches up her nose confused not really sure how to answer the question. She takes a minute and then replies with a hesitant "Yes?" She wipes the hair out of her face hoping she answered the question correctly not really understanding the phrasing.
Austin chuckled. "You're adorable. If you need any help, Elizabeth and I will be there for you. Just call for our names and we'll help you."
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"adorable?" She sighs not sure what to make of that comment. "alright, call your names for help" She looked over at Elizabeth not really sure if she was going to be as helpful as her brother said but was grateful all the same. She looks back at Austin since he seemed to be doing most of the talking. "How many years have you been going to this camp?"
"Me? This has been my fourth year here currently. Elizabeth, this is her second year here." He looked at the bright sky. "It felt as if I can run away from reality and the sh*tty street i live on." His smile faded and looked down at Elizabeth, pulling her a little closer. "I'm fine Austin. Don't worry."
Max frowns a little "is your 'reality' that bad?" It was hard for her to tell, most teenagers complained about having a terrible life with parents who didn't understand them but most of the time it wasn't true. She looked between the two them trying to read them but coming up blank she just waited for a response. She herself didn't have such a bad home life. Her mom was never in the picture but she never minded, she had a supportive dad who was always there for her and her brother...well until... she pulled herself out of her thoughts not really wanting to think about that.
"It wasn't really major for us... Just at times.. Elizabeth doesn't trust being alone..." Austin smiled at Elizabeth and then looked back at Max. "Our parents didn't get along as well as most people th-" Austin was interrupted by Elizabeth. "It's nothing really important. Let's not make this conversation so mopey." Elizabeth smiled and tried to clear her thoughts.
Max nods "We can talk about something else. Home life isn't important at camp." She tugs at her tangled dark hair "What would you rather talk about?"
(Where is everybody? D: I don't really feel right continuing the roleplay with just the two of us u.u)
((A few hours pass))

It was now 6:00, time for dinner. A loud bell rang to signal the campers. "Okay everyone line up please!" A counselor called, and everyone formed a line at the back of the common area. "Please find a table. Each table has a number, and when your number is called, you table can get food." The same counselor added, "Got it? Good." The counselor stepped out of the way and let the campers find their tables.

Heather was looking around for an spot. She was around the front of the line so she could pretty much sit anywhere. The girl walked over and sat down at a table near the front of the common area, nearest to the food. I'm sooo hungry! Heather thought. She could smell the food cooking in the kitchen. It was macaroni and cheese night! Yum!
Austin and Elizabeth, the strong twin bond, waited in line together. Austin's arm around Elizabeth. "Don't you remember the food fight from last year?" Elizabeth chuckled. "Yup... The food fight with really good macaroni and cheese. Sigh. We wasted good macaroni and cheese." Austin replied. He saw the girl upfront who looked really hungry. She looks new here, young too. Adorable in both their eyes.
Max joins the line and looks around the building still feeling a little lost. She takes in a deep breath, smelling the macaroni her nose wrinkles up. Macaroni was something she never enjoyed. She looked around the tables seeing kids grabbing different seats and tried to find a familiar face among the crowds, or at least an approachable one.
Heather licked her lips, staring at the orange, creamy mac and cheese. The chef scooped up what seemed to be a pound of it, and plopped it onto her tray. "Thank you." She was grateful for the large portion. Heather continued to her seat, and inhaled the scrumptious cheesy aroma.
Austin grabbed two trays for him and Elizabeth. Handing one to Elizabeth, they waited until the chef gave them their food. "Long time no see. I see that you're still working here" Austin smiled at the chef. Elizabeth pushed him gently to stop holding up the line. "No need to converse. There are hungry people behind you. Austin frowned. "Fine..." He went and looked for a seat as the other tables seemed full. Elizabeth noticed the girl in front of her line sitting by her self. "Austin I found us a seat!" Both of them walked up to the girl, hoping that they too can become friends to her. "Hiya, would you mind if we sat here with you?"
"Go ahead!" Heather smiled kindly, gesturing to the open seats. "I'm Heather by the way. First year." She took a bite of her mac and cheese. It was heavenly!
"Awe... She's so adorable" Elizabeth thought to herself. "I'm Elizabeth, third year." She put her plate down and sat right in front of her.

Austin sat next to Heather. "I'm Austin, Fourth year."
Max went through the line and got her food. She looked at it feeling disgruntled by the macaroni. She left the food line and searched the crowds again for the seats. She noticed most of the seats had been taken. It seemed their were quite a few returning campers who already had their groups and tables from previous years. She noticed Austin and Elizabeth sitting at a nearby table and decided that was a good bet. Max walked up the table seeing that most of the seats were empty.
"Nice to meet you," Heather took another bite, "You guys are siblings?" She asked, after swallowing the macaroni

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