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Realistic or Modern Camp Fallen Oak

Austin smiled. "She's my older twin." "He's my younger twin." Elizabeth added. "Our bond is really close to a point that we act as if we're married to each other but we're not. It's not as weird as it sounded. I promise" Austin said to Heather. He looked up to his right and saw someone that looked familiar. "Oh hey! M.... Max right?"
Max nods "hi Austin" She sits down next to him and places her tray in front of her. She picks up the fork and digs into her small fruit bowl not wanting to deal with the macaroni.
Lehela was so happy for her table's number to be called. She wondered if they would always be last. She didn't care what they were serving today she just wanted to be fed. She sat down at her table and resumed her earlier action (staring into space).

Apollo made his way to the lunch. In the line he chose healthy food like fruit and beans for protein. He knew that he needed to make more connections than he did last year, so as soon as he sat down he began to talk.

Jayson hummed to himself as he sat in the corner of the cafeteria, watching the energy around him, not fully interested in talking to anybody, and nobody seemed to care. Fine by him, more time to get used to the surroundings. It was his first time going somewhere more than five miles away from home without family and, to put it frankly, he felt quite awkward. He just wanted to get back to his cabin room and be by himself, but he knew better than that. After watching all those movies about camps, the councilors would be sure to single him out and make him introduce himself, that was the last thing he wanted. Too embarrassing for meek little him. Ducking his hug he began to draw patterns on the table, flinching at the bland grey color. Tugging his beanie down further onto his head he began to hum again, Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, one of his favorites.
Elizabeth noticed a guy sitting by himself at the corner not even with lunch. She watched him carefully as he got up and walked off the camp ground. "I'm... leaving first." She whispered to Austin as she got up and placed her tray where it was being washed by the workers. She went to grab some snacks real quick before she followed him secretly. As she arrived at his cabin, she knocked on his cabin door. "Knock, Knock. Anyone here?"
Jayson turned on his heel, the rubber of his Doc Martens scrapping against the floor as he walked to the door. Throwing the door open he looked down at the girl who stood in front of him, "I don't think girls are allowed in." He mumbled, leaning against the door frame and laughing softly, voice rich and bordering on being low, but just slightly higher pitched. "What would be your name?" He asked, not making any move to let her into the cabin.
Elizabeth eye's turned icy blue slowly as she realized she wasn't with her brother. Elizabeth giggled. "I don't really mind if girls are or not allowed in here. I'm pretty close to most of the counselors so they wouldn't really mind." She looked at the floor. "And I'm Elizabeth. My brother calls me Eli once in a while." Elizabeth smiled and looked back at him. "I noticed you were in the cafeteria alone... I wasn't sure if you ate or not, but I brought some snacks for you, just in case that you get hungry later on. It's not good skipping meals. Especially when you're camping."
Jayson nodded, "Alright then... Welcome in I suppose." He murmured, stepping out of the door frame and smiling. "Thanks, I guess. I just wasn't very hungry, and I really hate being in large crowds. So annoying." He groaned, taking the small packages out of Elizabeth's hand and throwing them under his bed. "I'm Jayson." He introduced himself, sitting on the bed after he shoved the snacks under. "So, yeah. This got awkward really quickly." He laughed out, playing with the small ends of his hair that stuck out from under his newest navy blue beanie, a tiny blush traveling across his cheeks.
"Well hello Jayson. Thanks for welcoming me in." She did the huge obvious step in. She moved her head to look around the cabin. It's not much different from the girl's cabin. Hearing him say that the atmosphere getting awkward, she had to reply "It's only awkward when you mention it's awkward." She giggled to herself. "So I'm guessing you're an introvert hearing how much you dislike large crowds. I'm not much of a large crowd fan myself. I like crowds at time, it's easier to not get noticed by people. It's kinda hard since my brother loves crowds and wants to make new friends every minute."
Jayson shrugged as he looked at Elizabeth, "I suppose I am. It's just nicer to be alone than be with a lot of people you don't even know, silence is beauty after all." He whispered, laying down against the uncomfortable mattress and rolling onto his side. "I take it that you've been to this camp for a while." He guessed, crossing his arms as he stared at Elizabeth with interest. "Are the councilors nice? Or not really?" He asked, just noticing how many questions he had about the camp being that it was his first time being at it.
Elizabeth turned her direction towards Jayson. "This is just my third year going here. The counselors? Well. They aren't mean nor nice. They really just want what's best for you. They are strict at times, but they're fair." Elizabeth tilted her head. "If you're scared of them, no need to be. But if it's hard to to seek help for a counselor, then you can just call for me or my brother Austin who's in the third cabin."
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Jayson nodded his head slowly, "Ah, I see... So, this is like some weird correctional camp?" He asked and rolled his eyes, throwing himself onto the bed like a rag doll. "This is so stupid. My mom has been threatening to send me to one, and she finally did. I thought this was going to be fun." He grumbled, crossing his arms as he rolled his eyes at the stupidity. "Some people really have nerves." He added in a softer voice, not wanting Elizabeth to notice her sadness. "Anyways! Are you free to do anything you want here? Like do they have a schedule or something of the sort?" He asked, standing and begin to walk in circles, a silly habit he has when he's concentrating.
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "The camp is fun. It's only the first day! You just gotta get use to it." She smiled, trying to get him to smile to but failed. She thought about what it was like last year to answer his question. "Most of the time it is free time until the counselors announce something. We go swimming, hiking, I think we went fishing too but I'm not so sure. I believe most of it is a surprise, not really much of a schedule besides when to eat."
Jayson nodded, stopping in the dead center of the room. "Does that mean that I can just stay in here the whole time? That would be pretty fun." He hummed, looking around the moderately small run and smiling ever wider. "Privacy and alone time, exactly what I need." He sighed out, taking off his beanie and ruffling his hair. "All right, well, I'm gonna look around. See you later I guess." He called, pulling his beanie back on he opened the door and walked back out, leaving Elizabeth in the cabin.
Max looks around the table as she eats her fruit. She watches Elizabeth leave and then looks back at Austin. She wondered if they acted any different away from each other. They seemed so close, finishing each others thoughts. She finished her fruit bowl and started picking at her macaroni not interested in eating it.
It was getting quiet at the table, and Heather had almost finished her macaroni and cheese. As she scraped up the last bit of her meal, she put her plate in the designated area. Heather began to walk back to her cabin, so she could draw again. She sat down on her bunk, feet outstretched, and pulled out her sketchbook. She began to doodle small pictures of her family, and her dog. She drew her favorite moments from her life, like when her and her older sister jumped in leaf piles when they were little. When they got their beloved family dog. When they went to Seattle to see their cousins. She couldn't stop thinking about her family, even though it was the first day.
Jayson wandered along the trail of damp dirt and sat on an overly huge rock. He took note on how gorgeous the sun set was when there were no cars honking and lights shining everywhere. If he had his camera he would take endless amounts of photos and pin them on ever surface he could to remember this beautiful night. He slunk we against the rugged surface, discreetly pulling out a pack of Malboro cigarettes and lighting one. He was never for cigarettes but it just felt right to have one. He swore he was somebody in one of those "life goals" in pictures on Tumblr.

Sapphire threw her bags onto one of the empty bunks in Cabin #2 and began pulling her clothes out and messily throwing them into a small drawer by her bed with a lamppost on it. She hated being late to arrive at the camp days after it started and was utterly embarrassed, but didn't need to show it. She didn't care too much about her reputation but then again, she wanted to let people know not to fuck with her.

Once Sapphire was finished putting her stuff away, she pulled the bland, ugly covers off the bunk and threw on her fluffy black blanket, sighing in relief. "There. Only if I could make the rest of the cabin look 'decent'." she stated. Sapphire looked around the cabin a bit before exiting and wondering off around the campus.

(Sorry I butted in
xD I was really looking for a roleplay and this one caught my eyes and so here I am, haha.)
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Jayson saw from the corner of his eye a new girl hauling luggage into the cabin across from the landing he was currently sitting in. Surprised that she hadn't noticed him he stood and began to stroll towards the cabin. Cigarette hanging from the corner of his rosy lips he stood in front of the door, knocking softly as to welcome the new girl.

He immediately regretted it, remembering the slightly angered and quite confident look in her eyes, the last thing he wanted was to be turned down. He barely made any friends, plus their were no guys. This was practically hell for him. "Uh... Hi, I thought you looked like you... Needed help with your bags." He called through the door, shuffling his feet against the soil.
Sapphire's attention turned towards a dark haired boy, causing her to jump a bit. She brushed the surprise off as her eyes flickered to the cigarette between his lips. Been forever since I've had one of those, she thought. Sapphire smiled small and pulled her snapback off, running a hand through her hair. "Don't have to be nervous. I don't do harm. And no, I'm good now. I didn't carry much in." She replied nicely.
Jayson smiled, noticing Sapphire's eyes flickering over to his half finished cigarette, "Do you want the rest. I have another pack." He offered, taking it from his lips and waving it around like a mother would do to a spoonful of food as she was trying to feed her baby. "Oh, alright then." He muttered, not really wanting to help anyway, he threw himself onto her bed and smiled. "My name is Jayson if you're wondering, and I'm not hitting on you. A lot of girls think I'm interested in them." He promised, still holding the cigarette out as an offer.
Sapphire watched him as he threw himself onto her bed, clearly getting comfortable. He seemed like a laid back guy, she liked it. Sapphire chuckled, short and stiff, listening to what he was saying. "I'm Sapphire. You saying that about the girls here make me worry about what'll go down here this summer. Oh and don't worry, I'm into girls." Sapphire took the cigarette from Jayson and sat down on the bunk beside hers, taking a deep drag from the half finished cigarette and exhaling, savoring the forgotten taste.
Jayson grinned, "Mmhm... I've only met one so far. She was very upbeat, quite exciting." He hummed, holding back a laugh as he stared at Sapphire. "How long has it been since you smoked, you're going down on that thing." He teased, leaning against the pillows and placing his arms behind his head.
Sapphire rolled her eyes. "Oh boy, one of those." She pulled the nicotine from her lips and smiled a bit, feeling his eyes on her. "Couple of years, I guess." Sapphire finished the I'm uncultured and pinched the lit end of it, standing to her feet and throwing it outside. She sat back down and crossed her legs, looking at Jayson. "Where is everybody?"

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