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Realistic or Modern Busan's Elite Academy {Reboot}


gogo dancer

Location: Busan, South Korea
Month + Year: January 2017
Season: Winter

Welcome to Busan's elite all academy! A school where we only accept the finest and most intellectual students. Students must be on their best behavior. Rowdy and rebel like behavior will not be tolerated; Consequences will occur. However that does not mean your children can't have fun. We provide clubs such as the chess club, the drama club, and even exciting ones like the comic book club. As well as that, we also provide sports such as basketball, track and lacrosse. Of course we will compete with other academies across South Korea. We provide multiple art classes as well as chorus and band. Both band and chorus come with traveling around Korea to compete with other choruses and bands in music festivals. If you child doesn't wish to be in one of those musical choices, they can enroll in piano, music history, and even in guitar. Students are allowed home during breaks and summer vacation. Now onto where you can acquire our uniforms.

Students are allowed to go off campus after school, but must be back before curfew (9:00pm/21:000). Lights will go out at exactly 9:00pm, and will turn back on at 5:00am. (Night lights are allowed). Students should be awake by 5:00am, and should begin to get ready. Classes start at exactly 7:00am, and end at 1:00pm.

You can pick up the uniforms at the store, Tailored fits. Ask for the Busan's Elite Academy uniforms, and the manager will supply you with multiple copies of our uniforms. They will also supply you with the outfits we require students to wear in gym.

We hope your extraordinary child can join us in this school. Remember they were picked out of all of the students of their previous school to join us. We hope to see you there.


Headmistress Kim Eun Bi

-The co gm is peachuu peachuu
-A like from both me and Wheat= accepted
-This is a literate rp
-No god modding
-Note this takes place in South Korea
-Fcs don't have to be asian, but it's recommended
-No drama in the ooc
-If you have any questions please ask me or wheat
-Like usually, please fade to black if things get a bit...
-No overpowered characters
-Put effort into your CSs
-This is a detailed rp, so at least a paragraph
-Do not randomly kill characters
-Don't disrespect anyone
-Try not to make it all about your character. That is so annoying you don't even know.
-Drama in the rp is allowed
-You can have two characters if you want
-You can make teachers if you want
-Don't make your character like slutty. I've had experience with people's characters like this. It makes everyone uncomfortable when your character comes out in underwear. (Yes someone did that before).
-Grades range from 7th to 12th

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so beaut :,)
ah, thanks for the invite, but i've already got a lot on my hands at the moment. :-)
so beaut :,)
Let's do ittttt
i have been summoned yes hello.
oh yes my finals are gonna end soon so yes yes I'm up for this
hi!! ill join!

and submit an oc this time i swear
Really interested
This looks nice I'm interested

thank you to everyone who has taken interest~
here are the threads:

bwi bwi : ayyeee, it's my faves. < 3
bwi bwi : your cute is contagious ;]

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