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Realistic or Modern ❝ BURY A FRIEND. ❞ - [ chatter ]

coldridge academy: we raised you. you'd be nothing without us. obey.

the squad:
okay, after several rounds of editing, serena is done! she can be considered as a protector or the intellect, she can swing both ways---
oooOoh i see the memes
i l o v e all of these memes oh my god

the sheets are looking amazing !! my character is up but i still gotta finish editing him rip.

i just want to point out for bios, they arrived when they were eleven ! so i don’t expect them to be already extremely talented with a set of skills but rather showing potential the school can develop and define.

but besides that everyone’s sheets are great and i’m going to be struggling to pick tbh.
those memes are honestly to die for ( i can't hide my enthusiasm for this rp everyone's characters are so cool)
y’alls characters make me uwu

i think i mostly finished dahlia, i might still edit a few sentences when i’m more focused so they make sense.
man i got hella inspiration to make a hacker character but i've already made two characters, haha. three seems excessive.

also those memes are golden
the site isn't super reliable with saving stuff, so i cntrl + copy my code after i write something substantial
I haven't finished completely it yet, so W.I.P, but I'm just gonna throw my form into the open, R.I.P. I'm highkey to tired to keep at it.​

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