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Realistic or Modern Burn me.

Alex yawned quietly and turned over in his bed as the sun shined brightly through his window, the sun being bright and early signaling it was midway through the morning. The nineteen year old shifted and groaned quietly, smacking his alarm clock that had been blaring for the past three hours in attempt to wake up the male. He brushed back his hair, running a hand through it and sitting up in his bed.

He stood, relaxing he had on the same clothes from the night before. He only gave a soft grunt and chuckled as he saw a girls number I'm his dresser which he only tore up and threw away as he made his way to the kitchen. He was only for one night stands and didn't take more then that unless he really felt like he had a connection with that person.

The male rolled his shoulders and rubbed his face with his hands, getting some things out to make breakfast until he heard his phone buzzing with messages from friends of his. "Are you coming!?" "Wake up!" "Dude bonfire tonight let's go!" "Wake up you asshole!" He only chuckled at the messages and made a quick bowl of cereal before going to shower and deciding whether or not he wanted to go.

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Camille yawned softly as she shifted in her large fluffy bed, her sheets and blanket covering her body. She groaned quietly and rubbed her eyes, trying to ignore the blaring sun that was in her eyes. She shifted, turning her back to the sun and grabbing her phone from its charger and looking at her notifications.

She had similar messages to what Alex had, but hers were from her best friend who was always up to go and do something crazy. She groaned quietly and rubbed her temples. Just last night they had had a girls night out and next thing Camille do she was drunk and doing what ever thing she felt like doing. She smiled and shakes her head before responding with a yea.

She was glad that she had a best friend that was more out going than she was, but sometimes it was just a pain in the donkey. She smiled and quickly got up, relazing she was going to need to get ready if they were going to go. She went to the closet and pulled out a caudal jacket and a cute top to go under it, pulling out some skinny jeans and converse. She smiled, pleased with the outfit before going to get into the shower and get ready.
Evelyn was rolling in her bed for some hours as she tried to sleep after she drank too much and took too many drugs it seems, making her just stay awake like a wolf. At 5AM she finally fell asleep but soon her phone started buzzing on her floor. Evelyn woke up, almost falling back between the pillows and started to tap the floor, trying to find the phone under all the mess. Her room was always messy and full with books, records, clothes and things thrown everywhere. When she reached the phone, taking it under some coat she picked it, looking at her. Her friend, Caty was calling her. Caty was Evelyn's information booth, when a party was planned Caty would always call her right away and started to give informations like a talking machine in exchange of drugs and alcohol of course. Evelyn answered the phone, placing it at her ear.

''Yes, Caty? Friendly remind though: Some people sleep at this hour after a long night.'' Evelyn mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

''Friendly reminder: You still own some drugs. Back to the main thing, some guys from school organize a bonfire night on the beach.''

''Bonfire? Man I didn't been to one in yes. I am in.'' Evelyn says as she closes the phone, getting up and looking around the room. She wished to get back to the covers but she decided to grab some clothes and get going to Camille's house. Evelyn picked out a large stripped t-shirt dress, black and white converse and she made her hair in a pony tail. She showered last night when she come home (even though she was drunk and almost fell in it) so she should be fine. She left her friend some messages, announcing her about the huge bonfire and she told her she will come to her house soon.


Jake rolled in his bed for a good amount of time as his phone keep beeping and buzzing making him just throw it out the window, but he just placed his pillow on his head. Last night was pretty crazy and he needed some minutes to open his eyes, noticing next to him was a girl. Jake sighed a little bit in frustration, couldn't she just leave last night? He lifted his body slowly from his bed and checked his phone. ''Bonfire night?'' He mumbled to himself as he noticed everyone on social media was talking about it and some of his friends even sent him 100 messages to get him to come. Jake placed the phone back on the bed and decided to get up and take a shower.

After some minutes he got outside of the shower, with a towel around his waist and noticed the girl was awaken and she was dressing up. Jake looked a little bit at her and started why he slept with her in the first place. ''If you could hurry, that would be great. My mother will have a heart attack if she sees another girl coming from my room.'' He mumbled as he took his clothes: a black t-shirt, some jeans and a pair of sneakers and got back into the bathroom. He changed pretty fast and when he came out again he noticed the girl was gone only leaving her phone number and her bracelet. Most of the girls left their stuff there so they could have a reason to come back later to his house, and he rolled her eyes. He picked his jacket and the bracelet as he got downstairs, noticing his mother was already up looking at him with her angry face. '

Jake ignored her face and just threw the bracelet on the counter. ''In case that pretty face comes back for it, tell her I'm gone and that I've left it here.'' He mumbled, without even looking at her. Before his mother would start to scream after him, Jake made his way out of house, slamming the door a little bit as he made his way to get motorcycle from the repair shop.
Alex smiled and quickly got out of the shower and dried himself rather quickly. He quickly took the towel and scrubbed his hair dry. He quickly pulled on a a in white tshirt and some jeans, slipping on a pair of old skate shoes and slipping his jacket on and putting his phone into his pocket. He groaned quietly, noting he was still quite tired and could use a little more energy. He shrugged and grabbed a red Bull before slipping out the door and chugging it down within minutes. The warm, yet slightly chilly air floated around the city as people stirred and awoke from their beds, people out walking dogs, others honking to try and get through the traffic to their jobs before they were late. He rolled his eyes at the people and fought through the crowds before heading for the beach so he could get their early and get the early pickings of most of the girls before the other guys got to them. He kicked his lips and smirked before continuing on his way down to the beach, running his hands through his hair and setting it in to its usual spiked position.


Camille hears her phone buzz and quickly climbed out of the shower and throwing her hair up into a towel and walking out to her room after wrapping her towel and round herself and grabbing a tank top and a bra she was going to need. She smiled and quickly dried, noticing the time. She sighed quietly and knew she'd have to hurry, hurrying up and drying herself and putting her clothes on before going to work on her hair. She slipped her up into a pony tail that was about midway up the back of her head and grabbed a few Bobby pins. She held the pins in her mouth as she tigthtened the pony tail and braided her hair on the left side of her head. She heard her door being knocked on and quickly brushed her teeth before grabbing a monster and sipping on it as she opened the door.
Evelyn made her way out of the house as she took a jacket and placed it around her waist. She took out her package and got out a cigarette, lighting it up with her lighter as she made her way down the road. Camille's house wasn't that far so she had to pass only some blocks until she got there. Evelyn wasn't seen so good around the neighborhood, old people considered her weird and careful parents always tried to keep their kids away from her; Evelyn couldn't help but just smile at their reaction, she wasn't that bad after all, just adventurous. She heard some whisperings and shouts as it seems a group of guys tried to get her attention. Evelyn just turned around, making a little wink and waving and then she turned back with her annoyed look on her face.

When she finally got on the alley Camille's house was on, she finally sighed relaxed as it seems the guys quited to look after all. She made her way to her door and knocked a few times as she threw her cigarette away. When Camille finally showed herself, Evelyn looked at her annoyed ''After 10 years, sleeping beauty answers the door. Are you ready already? Last time you got me so late that no drinks remained for us and everyone was so drunk. I am sure they will started the bonfire earlier, so we should move our asses.''.


Jake finally got his motorcycle out of the repairing shop. It looked just like new and Jake made a small smirk as he noticed some girls were already looking at him, exchanging some words between themselves. He already knew that they were asking themselves which one should go and take his number but Jake didn't wait too long in the same spot as he placed himself on the motorcycle. He just wanted to get to the bonfire early so he could still catch some chicks and drinks, and now that he had the motorcycle too, it could really end with a lot of potentials one night stands.

When Jake finally got to the beach he was kind of impressed that many people already made their way there, it seemed like the best time to get some girls attention. He parked his motorcycle right next to a pizzeria that placed next to the beach and then he made his way there, fixing his way back in it's position and then he noticed Alex. Alex was pretty much in any single party Jake would be so they kind of became friends - kind of. Jake slowly smiled to Alex, waving a little bit and making his way up to him. ''Any plans for tonight?''
"Oh shut up." Camille rolled her eyes and locked her door behind herself as she led Evelyn to the beach which wasn't that far away from her house. "I swear to god if one more guy flicks my ass I'm going to flip my bitch switch on." The girl said as she crushed the monster can in her hand and threw it away in the garbage can as she passes it. She slipped her flannel jacket and grunted, her black v-neck hanging low like it usually would. She smirked at her friends words and rolled her eyes. "Oh yea okay. I'm the one who made us late. You were the one talking to the boys outside of the party that took forever." Camille said with a small yet devious grin across her lips. "Anyhow." She said and instinctively smoothed her hair down. "Got any plans? You looking for a one night stand again or you just gonna play it cool and see how the party goes?" Camille asked as they walked down the hill and towards the fire that was already huge. Camille could barely smell anything, but usually being bake to smell beer or alcohol right off the bat, but instead noticed they were early for who they were.


Alex had a beer in hand already and was sipping on the long neck, his fingers casually wrapped around it aseems he kicked one of the logs that was in the fire and grinned as it made the fire roar with life. He smirked brightly and leaned back with relaxtion. He gave a soft nod at the male and waved slightly in greeting to Jake who had became aqauntices with. He nodded and shrugged a little with that same devilish smirk across his lips. "We're just gonna have to wait and see how this goes. Need to scout out the girls who are gonna come first and then move in." He said with a smirk. "What about you?"
Evelyn couldn't help but laugh when Camille she is going to flick her bitch switch on, Camille pretty much attracted guys and they always wanted to get way too close and Camille would always just kick them. That was her best friend, and after all she loved her. ''Well excuse me that they wanted to know if I am the most beautiful girl alive.'' Evelyn mumbled as her friend spilled out the truth, yes maybe Evelyn made them get late but Camille always took too long to get ready or she would always get distracted on the way there. ''Not a single plan. I think I'll play it cool and see what the night brings. And my mother made me a fucking life lecture so I can't bring boys to my house anymore. And you know it is not my style to go their houses.'' Evelyn says, placing her hair behind her ear as they started to approach the beach, her mother always got mad at her when she noticed that guys always came from downstairs; it would get even badder if her dad would find out. When they finally got to the beach, Evelyn couldn't help but smile as her converse started to get into the sand and the fire made her heart tremble. From when she was young she loved the beach and bonfires as her family would always make one. Evelyn got back to reality as she noticed she was kind of thirsty. ''I go get some beer. Don't get lost.'' She said to Camille, showing a playful smile and making her way to the drinks stand.


Jake listened to Alex's plan, he always was so calm and he didn't give a fuck in the world when it came to plans. ''Nothing. Might bring a girl to my house tonight, might now. My motorcycle got repaired so I don't think it would be-'' Jake stopped for a moment as he noticed two figures approaching the beach. One of them seemed pretty much interesting and Jake could swear he knew her from somewhere. Maybe high school? Jake didn't pretty much care about high school as his father always had a place in the college he ruled but he got to classes for tests and stuff, that he always passed. ''Do you know them?'' Jake finally asked Alex as he placed his hands in his pockets as he noticed as they stopped on the beach, the white haired girl making her way to the beer stand while the girl that Alex was interested in remained there. Easy prey it seems, Jake could just make his way there and get her around his little finger. He knew he was staring, but he couldn't help too much after all. They said his gaze could just undress you, but Jake always wanted to consider it as innocent as possible. He had to talk to her.
Camille gave a brief chuckle when she heard her friend mumble and shake her head, the girl brushing her hair back and behind her ears, the stRands that fell loose. She shifted a little in her spit and followed her friend to the beach, smiling once they touched the sand and giving a relaxed sigh. She could feel a gaze, her fist slightly clenching before quickly releasing and shaking her head a little bit. She stuck her tongue out at her friend and smirked, knowing she would probably end up wondering somewhere and most likely get lost. She felt the gaze again, looking over to where it was before smiling and giving Alex a soft wave before looking at Jake and giving a glare, sticking her middle finger up in stead and following her friend to the drink stand. She was not up to be messed with tonight, really just wanting to relax and have some fun with her friend. She knew Alex from school, and he had even helped tutor her at one time and he didn't live to far away from where she lived. She rolled her eyes and brushed her hair back before ordering a drink.


Alex looked at Jake and nodded with a soft chuckle. "Your mom given you a lesson yet about bringing strange girls to your house?" He said with a dog laugh and shaking his head since he already knew that Jake had gotten the speech plenty of times since Alex had gotten it plenty of times as well. He yawned softly and raised a brow as he sipped on his drink, noticing Jake spotting the two girls that had recently arrived. "Mhm. White hair, that's Evelyn, and red head French girl, that's Camille. She's not easy prey. I should know." Alex said as he downed his drink and crushed the cup in his hands. His eyes were following Evelyn, obviously entertained with her.
When Evelyn got to the stand she ordered herself a small beer as she smiled at the boy that was serving them, smirking a little bit. And then her friend came right away and sat next to her, looking annoyed. Did a guy tried to get on her nerves tonight? Did Evelyn had to call the police because he murdered him? Evelyn stared at her friend that ordered a drink, not knowing if she should ask her what happened or wait in patience. ''Okay big girl, what happened this time? Which one was this time? Josh, Charles, Luke'' Evelyn started to insert some names, getting help from her fingers and looking a little bit confused as she couldn't remember any names ''Jonathan, Ken.. I don't remember more names so just spill it.'' Evelyn said, placing her hands in her air, giving up as she starts to take a sip from the beer.


Jake rolled his eyes as Alex popped the question about his mother. ''Every single day, she gets so frustrated and she is ready to bite my head off. One day I will think she will get all the girls I slept with in the house and treat them as her daughters.'' Yes, maybe Jake wasn't the best son the world but he tried, he is was 19 after all, what was his mother expecting? Him to get married, have 9 kids and kiss his wife on her forehead? He stared at the girl a little bit more as Alex breaks the ice. Camille? Now he remembers, the girl he tutored, not living too far from his house and that brings a small smirk on his face. When he shows her middle finger to him he can't help but laugh, he wasn't really pleased with that though. A hard prey? That made Jake only grin a little bit, he could have fun annoying her for a while. ''You, me, the drinks stand and we annoy that beautiful angel, Evelyn or whatever and that red head demon, Camille.'' Jake says, looking at Alex. ''I need a drink too, after all. What is a bonfire without drinks?'' Jake places his hands in his pockets, taking some steps towards the drinks stand. ''Coming?'' He asked one more time. He would've gone there alone too, but he didn't mind some help from Alex.
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"No. I think his names Jake. I don't know. He goes to our school. I could just feel him undressing me and I am not up for it right now." The girl responded as she crossed her legs and downed the small shot before ordering a beer and sucking on a lemon. "I think it's the guy Alyssa went home with last night." She responded, shuttering again as she could just feel his eyes on her again. "You might be calling the cops again, or you might be bailing me out of the jail. Either way I'll be doing something tonight if he doesn't learn his boundaries." She responded before casually turning towards the bar and sipping on her drink. "Any how. Alex is here." She smirked at her formed and brushed her hair back over her shoulder.


"How could I turn down such and opportunity?" Alex smirked and nodded before following him to the drink stand. "Her neck and sides are her weak spots." He muttered quietly to Jake with a smirk before leading the way over towards the bar stand and sliding up beside Evelyn, sparing her a glance and a soft smirk before he ordered a drink from the bar and leaned up against it. "Why hello there." He Grinned, showing off the smile that most girls melted for.
''Jake?'' Evelyn looked at her for a while trying to remember him, forming his face into her mind. ''Ah right, that guy Alyssa looked at all night and then she started crying until he took her home.'' Evelyn remembered Alyssa pretty well after she caught her with her boyfriend not long time ago, and that memory makes Evelyn order one more drink. ''I won't bail you again, last time you even got me into the jail because that guy said I helped you!'' Evelyn started to pout, she always got Camille out of jail after her failed attempt to make guys keep their boundaries. ''And if you remember my mom was all fire when she had to bail us.'' Evelyn cringed at that memory. ''Oh my God, this is a nightmare.'' Evelyn mumbled when she heard Alex's name. Evelyn always tried to keep Alex away as he always tried to get under her skin, and this was a bad sign, because sometimes he even kissed her and Evelyn shook her head at that memory. When she noticed Jake and Alex making their way there, she knew this will end bad.

Evelyn looked at Alex for a few seconds before she made a fake smile. ''I'm so happy to see you. Can I pretend I don't know you and we never met and then you could just walk back from where you came back, I mean hell.'' Evelyn said, taking her drink and getting up, holding her jacket with the other, making her way to the bonfire and placing herself on the sand. She knew Camille would kill her if she leaves her alone, but she wanted to see how much Alex would run after her.


Jake laughed when Alex said he will join him, Evelyn seemed like a nice girl but it wasn't Jake's taste. When Alex whispered to him Camille's weak spots, he couldn't help but make a small smirk as he looked at Camille. He didn't knew why he minded that Alex tried to get with her too, but it wasn't his business after all. He sat next to Camille, ordering a shot, and started to play with his hand in his hair, to make a little bit messier. ''Demon Camille. Nice to see you again. You didn't even thanked me that I helped you to pass that test.'' Jake said, drinking his shot as he watched her. She looked even prettier then he remembered her. ''Don't worry, I won't bite, or rape or whatever you had in your mind. First, I make girls fall for me, and then we get to business, not the other way around.'' Jake chuckled, turning with his whole body to her, smiling a little bit.
Camille rolled her eyes at Jake and didn't even respond, atleast not responding right away. "Don't touch me." She snapped, slamming his wrist down and the table and going back to sipping on her drink. She was mentally cursing and screaming at Evelyn for leaving her alone with Jake, knowing Alex had probably told him the ways to get to her. "And I don't fall for fuck boys." She responded with a soft smile, turning to face him with humor lighting her eyes a little bit. "You didn't help me with that test stupid." She rolled her eyes and turned back towards the bar, ordering another beer and standing up, pushing her now messy hair over her shoulder and towards the other side of the bomb fire, wanting to get as far away from Jake as she possibly could. I mean, yes he was a good looking guy, but he took home every girl he could get his hands on. And she wasn't going to be one of those Girls. Or at least she hoped she wouldn't.


Alex frowned when she got up and walked away from him, frowning with a soft sigh. He was up for a chase though, he wouldn't deny. He gave a soft chuckle before following her. "You could. Or you could sit here with me by the fire and we can enjoy the night sky while sipping in some Tequila. Doesn't that sound nice?" He asked with a soft smirk and batting his eyes at the male with a grin
Evelyn tried to hide her laugh when she noticed Alex followed her, but she tried not to look at him. ''Alex, if I would seriously don't know you, maybe I would believe you but we both know you are after one thing and that doesn't include romantic things.'' I mutter as I sip on my drink, looking at the bonfire, looking pretty nostalgic and serious though. ''Seriously Alex,why you here?''She finally asked, throwing her glass into the fire, as she noticed Camille made her way to the bonfire, followed by Jake.


Jake smiled most of the times at her pretty sharp and mean remarks, she looked pretty cute and hot when she was all mean and aggressive and that didn't stop him from showing a small smirk on his face. When he noticed she ordered another beer and got up, Jake did the same only that he got a shot. He wanted to get pretty drunk tonight, he didn't knew why, he just had. He followed her as she made her way to the other part of the bonfire and placed himself as some distance from her, being sure she doesn't feel too uncomfortable. ''There you go, space. No need to get all aggressive. If you want to be secure we won't do something while we drunk or if you want to be sure I won't hit on you all night, let's make a deal then. I leave my jerky, ready-to-take-you-to-bed side and you leave that I-know-everything-don't-touch-me side. Got a deal?'' Jake said, being secure on himself as he placed his hand in front of her, waiting for her response.

''What's up with that two? Is Evelyn your friend or something?'' He asked as he sipped from his shot, he noticed Alex was pretty into it and that Evelyn wasn't running away ready to slap him. He noticed that Evelyn and Camille were pretty close when they first came here too.
Alex gave a brief shrug when she asked why he was really there. "I'm not Really sure why I'm here. Just to get away and have some freedom I suppose." He said with a soft shrug and running a hand through his half droopy half spiked hair. He gave a slight stretch and sipped in his own drink with a brief smile. "I go where the crowd goes, I suppose would be a good enough answer for you. And how you know I'm not here for romantic things?" He asked with a slight frown and crossing his arms over his chest as he threw his own cup into the fire and kicked a log, the fore burning to life and becoming huge once more. He smiled and threw another log on the fire before sitting down next to her.


"I like my I-know-everything-dont-touch-me-side." She turned away with a soft humph, smirking at the male and sitting down next to the warm fire and relaxing at the warmth. You do you, and I'll do me." She replied, sighing quietly as she undid her braid and taking her hair down from its Pony tail, her hair cascading down her back in curved and wavy waves. "I don't know." She shrugged. "She usually would have slapped him by now and gotten really mad with him." She sighed quietly and shrugged. "Yeah Evelyn's my best friend." She replied and looked up at the moon as it came out over the water.
Evelyn listened to his explanation, sometimes rolling her eyes. She knew him pretty well, from the way her friends talked about him from the way she saw him. ''One: because you're Alex and two: because you're Alex. Name one romantic thing you have ever done but that didn't end with fucking.'' She asked him as she made herself more comfortable in the sand, slowly looking at Camille, showing her a small smile hoping she won't kill her after this. Then she noticed Jonathan. Jonathan was Evelyn's crush and she glanced at him for some time as she noticed he was with a girl and that made Evelyn just roll her eyes and return to stare at the fire.


Jake moved his hand back on his knee when he noticed his deal just got rejected and he just stared at the fire for a while before he noticed she undid her braid and her hair just moved around on her shoulders like waves and she kept staring at her for a moment. He listened to her as she said Evelyn is her best friend and he couldn't find why they both would get along. He expected him to be beaten by now and that though made him smirk. ''Petty moon, huh? I loved bonfires, they are better than any possible party ever.'' He said as he laid himself on the sand, looking at her as she was gazing at the moon.
"That Was Not A good enough answer." Alex said with a soft laugh and shaking his head before he paused for a brief moment and watched as she glanced over at Jonathon. "You like him, I suppose?" He asked with a raisedifferent brow and a soft chuckle, nodding. "Jonathon is a pretty cool guy, but he acts like he's so big and buff at parties." He shrugged and relaxed on the sand, digging his hands into it and taking a soft yet deep breath. The beach was relaxing, and it was more calm than a regular party atmosphere. Everyone was calm and quiet here, but at a regular party it would be people screaming and singing and dancing and doing a lot of other things. But here, they seemed rather calm and relaxed. He smiled and gave a soft chuckle as he stared into the fire and traced his fingers around the top of the sand, leaving small indentations as his fingers traced. "He's actually pretty calm too. He doesn't have that fore inside of him like you think he would." He said as he stared back into the fire, grabbing a twig and poking around at the fire and smirking as it gave a soft crackle and pop in return.


"Mhm. They're relaxing. Not everyone shoving everyone and trying to get through a large crowd." Camille raised a brow and looked over at him with a soft chuckle. "Your persistent, aren't you?" She asked, looking back at the fire and undoing her converse and setting them down beside her, shaking them slightly so she could get the sand out of them. "You went home with Alyssa last night, didn't you?" She asked with another soft chuckle, looking over at the boy again until she felt Evelyn look over at her. She gave a slight shrug and smiled, turning back to facing Jake. She grunted quietly, letting her hands and feet dig into the sand as she relaxed. "Plus you can't smell weed every where you wonder. I used to love bonfires as a little kid, then once we all got older we just stopped having them. It's sad."
''Sh. It was a good enough answer for me.'' Evelyn mumbled as she got her finger to her lips so she could show him to shut up. Evelyn looked a little bit at Alex when she noticed he asked her about Jonathan, but she kept her face straight and didn't show any emotions. ''He is fine, I mean I have crushes like every single day so it is not a big deal.'' After all, Evelyn didn't lie, she always got crushes and after a day she wouldn't even remember their names. ''I know, I mean he is like a stick, but at parties he becomes the biggest tree or something. That's how he gets chicks I suppose. He is calm when the drugs hit in, I suppose.'' Evelyn says chuckling at her own words. ''Don't you have to annoy someone else, Alex? I want to relax and find a guy maybe and that's it. And guys don't come this way because you're here.'' Evelyn said as she stared at the fire, playing with her jacket a little bit, looking at Alex and laughing.


Jake listened carefully at Camille as she said her opinion about bonfires. ''If you want me to be.'' Jake chuckled as she winked at her and then returned to look at the sky. And then she asked about Alyssa, making Jake frown a little bit. ''That was her name? I though it was Beth or something. She started crying and almost followed me home so I said why not. She even left her bracelet so she could have a reason to return and see me.'' Jake said, rolling his eyes at how stupid and desperate girls could be. ''Bonfires were like my life in childhood, they were all calming and full of food and stuff. And then high school started and bam, drinks, drugs, clubs, girls. So I forgot how fun these were actually. ''Any plans for tonight?''
Alex only rolled his eyes once he was told to be quiet and gave a brief chuckle. "Trust me. Some of these guys you have no clue about." He said before looking at the fire and over at Evelyn. "Well then you might as well find a new spot to sit cause I'm not moving from this spot." Alex smirked and stretched a little bit in his spot, seeming to casually relax where he was. "You do any type of drug?" He also with a cocked brow, liking his lips instinctively and spiking his hair as he ran his hand through his hair. He couldn't figure out why, but Evelyn seemed different than all those other girls that he had taken home before. She was more of a seemingly challenge. Someone who wouldn't easily come along. And that attached him to her. He smirked, running a hand over her back and rubbing it in circles.


Camille shakes her head when he asked if she had any plans for the night. "Not unless someone gets me drunk enough or convinces me to go home with them, I've got nowhere to be and nothing to do." She responded, rolling her eyes at his wink and sighing quietly when she suddenly needed something to drink again. She brushed her hair back over her shoulder with a laugh and shaking her head. "Desperate don't under stand that fuck boys don't do the same girl twice unless they really liked what she did or what she does." Camille responded, standing and using his leg as a support system to help stand herself, casually stepping over him and heading to the bar, ordering a simple shot and ordering a lemon with it. She took her flannel off and tied it around her waist, coming her hip to the side as she awaited her order and noticed how much crowded the bar became and the party became. She smirked and licked her lips, turning her attention back to Jake for a moment to see if he followed her or was already onto another girl before taking her attention to the bar.
Evelyn just rolled her eyes at him when he said she has no clue about these guys, she wanted to just have fun after all, what was his problem? When he said he doesn't move Evelyn just showed him a little bit of her fake smile. ''Will do that.'' She wanted to get up in that moment but she remained a little more when he asked if she took drugs. ''Only easy ones, I don't want to fucking become dependent or something. My mom found out and she doesn't give me any more money than the ones I need.'' Evelyn said, her mother was really annoying when she wanted. This minute she won't care about Evelyn and the other second she would start to get worried, mostly because she wanted to be seen as the best mother in the world. When Evelyn felt his hand making circles on her back, she straighted her back and looked at him with an annoyed look and got up, taking her jacket. ''Ok, Alex, I have no idea what you plan is, but it is not working.'' She said as she tied her jacket around her waist and turned around, noticing some people started to dance on the beach, one of her favorites songs playing. Evelyn made her way there as she took the glass from a boy's hand, looking at him with an innocent look as she drank it and started to dance a little bit as she made her way through the people to the party that formed on the beach.


Jake raised his eyebrow when he heard her plan. ''Don't worry, I'll help you with that.'' He said laughing, making a pleased face when she made that remark about desperate girls. That was true after all, he never slept with the same girl twice as he always tried to find girls so he won't have to get attached to them. When she got up and stepped over him, Jake couldn't help but smirk as he got up and shook the sand off of his clothes. He could go pick another chick but this one, Camille seemed really interesting and kind of hard to get. She would end in his arms anyway, so why should he got to other girl? He made his way to the bar as he noticed she was actually looking his direction to see if he is following her, that making him even more interested. Jake made his way through the people and then placed himself next to her, ordering a drink as well. ''Not getting rid of me so easy, tiger.'' He said, laughing as she took the drink and sipped on it as he continued to look at her with his charming look.
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Alex wasn't really sure what his plans a a either since his mind was scattered with techniques he could try and old ones that hes already used. No sense in giving up so easily, Alex, just gotta get your game plan together and she'll be falling in your arms within seconds. Cocky. Very cocky. He shook his head and quickly ordered to beers, smiling politely as a girl was already drunk and begging for attention to which he just shook his head and gave a brief chuckle before making his way through the people, dancing with a few of them before he reached Evelyn and handed her the drink with a soft grin. "Come on now. I don't give in that easily. You should know that." Alex said with a soft laugh.

Alec brushed his dark bangs out of his face which seemed darker under the dad of the trees where the dance floor type thing was hidden. "How about this." He offered. "I'll shut up, and just hang out with you, and then when you want, we can move in further. And if you don't want to you don't have to. Deal?" He asked.


Camille smiled a little smile and smirked once she saw he followed her like a puppy would follow a treat. She gave a soft giggle in response when he said she wouldn't be getting rid of him so easily, a small smile placing itself on her lips. "Silly boy. Your interesting and kind of cute. Never Said I wanted to get rid of you yet." She smirked at him and turned her attention to the drink as she easily swallowed it and sucked on the lemon to help even out the taste of sweet and sour.

((Sorry that hers isn't to long))
Evelyn continued to dance around with girls or boys, saying hi to some friends she had in high school, until she noticed Alex and she stopped for some brief seconds looking at him. She kind of made a little smirk when she noticed she couldn't get rid of him that easy but she was happy that he brought some beer along. Evelyn just made her innocent look as she took the beer and continued to move on the rhythm as she song changed again. She raised her eyebrow when she noticed he started talking. ''Your deal sounds more like: Hey, I'll keep all calm as long as you're not drunk and after you get so drunk and don't remember yourself, I'll attack.'' Evelyn laughed a little bit as she sipped from the beer, looking at him. She kind of stared along the people, seeking for Camille but she returned back to Alex. ''Do you have a plan to get me on my knees and beg for your attention or you just go with the flow?'' Evelyn asked, still dancing.


''Compliment accepted.'' Jake said, laughing a little bit as he sipped from his drink. ''So you choose when to get rid of me?'' He says placing his hand as his heart, making a little sad face, showing as his heart was breaking. He just drank his drink really fast and took her hand, pulling her through the crowd as he tried to restrain his laugh, it seems he was really spontaneous tonight. ''You don't mind if I take you to a little dance, right?'' He asked, still holding her hand, looking back at her with a smirk. ''Or you decided I am not good enough for such a lady like you?'' He looked at her, smiling as they stopped next to the people as some of them were really giving their lives on that song.

((It is ok, damn, I didn't find the song without the remix on soundcloud ;- ;) )
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"Flow mainly, or whatever comes first." Alex said with a soft laugh before nodding and dancing to. He ran his hand through his hair and spiked it up once more,seemingly annoyed with the stupid style that never seemed to work with his hair enless he had hair jell to put in it so it would stay up. He seemed relax under the beats of the song and sipped on his own beer, giving a brief chuckle since he seemed to enjoy tasting the sweet liquid,or what seemed sweet to him, on his throat and taste buds. He didn't get drunk easily, and knew that Evening didn't either. Or he thought she didn't. Maybe she did. He didn't know. He just kind of shrugged a little bit before he started dancing again and jamming to the beat and words. Alex looked over as he felt a soft touch on his shoulder, girls giggling and cheering as they were obviously already drunk. Alex gave a soft eye-rolling motion and turned back to Evelyn. "You party often, huh?" He asked with a soft chuckle.


"I think it's more of you choosing when you get to get rid of me." Camille said with a soft giggle, rolling her eyes a little as he pulled her over to the floor to dance. "Depends." The bubbly girl said with a giggle. "How do you dance?" She asked with a smirk and brushing her hair back and over her shoulders as she gave his hand a soft tug, leading him further into the club and began to dance to the song. "I'm less of a lady the more I drink and do the things I do." She said with a giggle and ran a hand through her hair as she brushed it back. "Besides." She paused for a momet with a giggle. "It's only polite of you to take a girl to dance." She said with a smirk and began to dance again since she liked that song. She bit the side of her cup in between her teeth and held it there while she put her hair back up in a pony tail, not liking having it down in her face all the time. She didn't usually put her hair up but she did sometimes when she felt it was nessecary. She always put it up when she went to parties and such.
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