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Fandom Broken Boundaries (A Multi-Fandom RP)

JackOfHearts said:
Accepted, and next time wait for me to accept your character before making a post.
Aye, I wasn't told to wait, just to post, but I'll keep it in mind next time.
[QUOTE="Omega Type]Aye, I wasn't told to wait, just to post, but I'll keep it in mind next time.

I meant post CS.
[QUOTE="Omega Type]CS? I'm not sure what that means :P

Character sheet, it means character sheet.
My bad, that was pretty obvious, I should've figured that out xD

But no, I wasn't trying to blame anybody, I was just saying I wasn't quite sure what to do. I've got it now though, I'll check any additional characters first to be accepted before posting IR.
Name: Faust

Where they are from: Guilty Gear

Age: Unknown


Abilities: Teleportation, space-time manipulation, summons, shape-shifting, contortion


Height:282 cm/9'3"

Likes: His gigantic, six-foot scalpel

Dislikes: Cancerous cells

Weakness: None specific (anything that could kill a human can presumably kill him)

Personality and background: He often behaves like a normal doctor, but in the battlefield, a crazy one, by using moves that make people with a sensitive case of laughter laugh themselves silly. However, despite his crazy style and wacky personality, he is someone who is loyal to his duties as a doctor and strives to help those in need, as a way to atone for his sins and past as Dr. Baldhead He is also fierce towards enemies like I-No who is rather playful and sadistic to her foes, and does not hesitate to fight seriously if needed.

Faust (aka Dr. Baldhead) was once renowned as an amazing physician. People would come from far and wide to be cured by him. But one day, a young girl once died during operation. This drove Faust mad, and he became a serial killer, employing both his knowledge of human anatomy and his occult powers against his victims. He was later released from prison to be a part of a fighting tournament,

during this period he was visited by the voice of the girl, she told him that that he passing was not his fault and that he shouldn’t blame himself, after this Dr.Baldhead was never seen again instead a man named Faust emerged, who wanders in trying to atone for his killings as such he has resumed duties has a doctor.
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billthesomething said:
Name: Faust
Where they are from: Guilty Gear

Age: Unknown


Abilities: Teleportation, space-time manipulation, summons, shape-shifting, contortion


Likes: His gigantic, six-foot scalpel

Dislikes: Cancerous cells

Weakness: None specific (anything that could kill a human can presumably kill him)

Personality and background: He often behaves like a normal doctor, but in the battlefield, a crazy one, by using moves that make people with a sensitive case of laughter laugh themselves silly. However, despite his crazy style and wacky personality, he is someone who is loyal to his duties as a doctor and strives to help those in need, as a way to atone for his sins and past as Dr. Baldhead He is also fierce towards enemies like I-No who is rather playful and sadistic to her foes, and does not hesitate to fight seriously if needed.

Faust (aka Dr. Baldhead) was once renowned as an amazing physician. People would come from far and wide to be cured by him. But one day, a young girl once died during operation. This drove Faust mad, and he became a serial killer, employing both his knowledge of human anatomy and his occult powers against his victims. He was later released from prison to be a part of a fighting tournament,

during this period he was visited by the voice of the girl, she told him that that he passing was not his fault and that he shouldn’t blame himself, after this Dr.Baldhead was never seen again instead a man named Faust emerged, who wanders in trying to atone for his killings as such he has resumed duties has a doctor.
When you say space time manipulation, that doesn't mean that he can time travel, does it?
Name: Nikola Tesla

Where they are from: Marvel AU/OC

Age: Late 40s

Gender: Male


Eidetic/photographic memory,

Polyglot: Able to speak Serbo-Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin.

While holding Mjölnir Tesla can command storms, is capable of flight, energy projection, superhuman strength, durability and does not age. His Asgardian armour enhances these abilities and protects him from some forms of magic. Like Mjölnir it can also be charged by lightning.



Likes: Chess, inventing things, science

Dislikes: Immortality, violence

Weakness: If he loses the hammer or armour he is vulnerable. Without the armour he loses some of the enchantments given to him by Odin and will age rapidly. Can still be killed by some conventional means.

Personality and background: Like the Tesla of our Earth, he is a genius, and an introvert who can be considered quite lonely and isolated. He does not find time for relationships and instead focuses on his inventions. Tesla is even suspected by some to have Aspergers Synderome.

Despite inventing devices and weapons capable of harming, or even killing Tesla is a pacifist completely focused on his work, even claiming to only sleep for two hours every night. On one occasion in his laboratory he worked for a period of 84 hours without sleep. His work and inventions are the most important thing to him, friends, family and relationships are very much secondary. He also used to be addicted to gambling.

In the year 1885, Loki put a plan in motion to conquer the world causing his brother Thor to intervene. The two brothers battled and both were killed, leaving Thor's hammer Mjölnir without an owner. Many tried to lift the hammer only to fail until as part of a bet by Mark Twain, Nikola Tesla was able to lift it. Upon taking Mjölnir, Tesla was called to Asgard by Odin who then placed the scientist as Midgard's protector, giving him Asgardian armour that resembled that of his late son.

However Tesla learned the burden of being Midgard's protector for he did not age, but everyone he knew did. He watched as many friends such as Twain died of old age. Tesla became even more of a recluse, only leaving his lab to fight those who threatened Midgard. Tesla has fought in many battles throughout the centuries.

Theme song: [media]


Name: "Bloke"

Where they are from: OC

Age: Physically he is in his late twenties however he is really several centuries old.

Gender: Male

Abilities: Slowed aging process, strong intellect, good strategist and master martial artist.

Eyepatch that allows him to see through walls and allows him to scan objects and lifeforms.


Underneath his suit and tie he wears a biosuit designed for keeping him alive. As well as keeping his vitals in check it allows him to adapt to most environments such as extreme cold, heat and even environments without oxygen such as the vacuum of space or underwater as a mask will deploy to cover his face. It also grants him enhanced strength, durability, agility and speed


(minus the head)

"Bloke's" robot army is made up of the following units:


- "Archangel" only having one active in his army at a time these units are slightly modeled after Amelia's appearance (face only) and share some of her personality traits. While they are equipped with powerful energy weapons "Bloke" uses them as more of a reminder of who he is doing this for.


-"Blades" Fast moving robots equipped with energy katanas. Lack little in defence and apart from one hand-cannon possess no ranged weaponry


"Shields" Act more as bodyguards, these robots are equipped with energy weapons and can deploy protective forcefields around "Bloke" if he is deemed to be in danger. They are also equipped with a self destruct mechanism should the worst come to to the worst



(ignore the hat)


(the one on the left with a dark red tie instead of a black one)

Likes: Helpful people, technology, chocolate

Dislikes: The pity of others, people getting in his way, killing (but is not afraid to do so)

Weakness: Without his biosuit he is extremely vulnerable, his love for Amelia and the dedication he has for his goal can also be used against him. For example he could be manipulated if someone promised to help him. All of his robots are vulnerable to EMP blasts.

Personality and background:

"Bloke" is obsessed with the goal stated in the backstory below and while at one point he may have been a pacifist, hence why he waited for so long that side is long gone. He will murder to accomplish his goal if it comes down to it and puts everything, including the lives of innocent people below what he believes is truly important. "Bloke" does not like the sympathy of others and will reject it. He does not have a strong sense of honor but appears to respect those who do follow a strict code.

"Bloke" was once an ordinary Irish man from the far future. with an ordinary job and life however while he possessed a rather large intellect but lacked social skills or understanding of social norms and people often used this against him, sometimes tricking him into doing the wrong thing such as hacking bank accounts. However things changed when he met a young lady called Amelia who convinced the young man to use this intellect for good. The two fell in love but sadly she died. For the universe itself was dying and the stars were starting to die.

Angry at everything, including God himself "Bloke" became obsessed with trying to find a way to bring her back and preventing the end of the universe. With what remained of technology at the end of time, "Bloke" was able to construct a time machine and travel back in time to the early 21st century. However as the universe was dying when he travelled, his machine in the future no longer existed. Giving him no means of returning back to his present time.

Investigating an incident at a school in England after he hacked into UNIT, he discovered that a race of aliens had been using schoolchildren to crack the Skasis Paradigm. A code that would allow the aliens known as the Krillitanes to become Gods. Believing he could use this not just to bring back Amelia but to make reality a better place he set about trying to crack it. However, UNIT stood in the way. Using stolen blueprints "Bloke" set about freezing himself for the future, hoping to emerge once UNIT was gone as he did not want to fight them and at a time where more advanced technology was available. When he emerged a century later, he found that again something else, heroes stood in his way who believed his intentions were for evil. While active he set about constructing an army of machines to protect him from the heroes and froze himself again.

Emerging every few centuries "Bloke" slowly began forgot about who he was as he continued making adjustments to himself in order to become immortal or crack the Paradigm. He gained the idea that he would wait for wars or natural causes to wipe out his enemies and would freeze himself and emerge every few centuries to try and crack and Paradigm. Sometimes he would emerge to find the previous heroes dead but some remaining and would freeze himself until he believed those heroes would die, only for them to be replaced by new heroes.

He began to train with the martial arts skills from every era he woke up in and used technology to enhance himself more and more, as well as his robot army. As he slept in cryostasis he was guarded by his robot army underground. He further modified himself to the point that all that remained of who he once was being his love for Amelia and his goal...Become a God to prevent the end of all things and bring back the woman he loves.

Finally, tired of waiting, he believes his only option is to conquer the universe and crack the Paradigm at that point rather than wait.

Theme song: [media]

Name: Krampus

Where they are from: German/European Folklore

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Abilities: Teleportation (is able to travel around the world in one night), super speed, agility, strength, durability, does not age (but can die so isn't considered fully immortal), can summon demonic toys to do his bidding, his mouth and tongue extend and finally he carries around sticks and a sack. The beats the wicked with these sticks and places them into a sack on his back. Where he takes the wicked is unknown.



Likes: Torturing the wicked, Christmas

Dislikes: Naughty children, wicked people in general, Santa Clause

Weakness: Good will, kind people, acts of kindness. These do not harm Krampus but they can cause him to retreat. As as he is technically a demon light magic can harm him and he can be warded off with the right spells. Krampus is only active during Christmas however throughout the other days of the year he can be found in his realm where he is at his most vulnerable.

Personality and background: Krampus is a sadistic being who takes delight in his work, whether he enjoyed this at first of whether or not he simply grew accustomed to it overtime is not known. He enjoys creating a sense of fear, especially in children and has a strong hated for corrupted beings.

Our universe is built upon the number two. In our cells, DNA is composed of two helical threads, matter has its opposite, antimatter. Computers run on a code built on two digits - one and zero. Likewise, religions are built around good and evil, two forces that oppose each other in both action and purpose. God has his counterpart, Satan. Jesus has his opposite, the Anti-Christ. This pattern even shows up in polytheistic religions; Thor has his counterpart, Loki, and the Olympian gods in Greek mythology have their opposites, the Titans.

However, one of our most popular mythological figures, Santa Claus, has lost the tale of his opposite. Called Krampus, this being deals out punishments to the wicked children of the world. For the particularly nasty children, the Krampus administered the harshest of punishments. Over time, as mankind's command of its realm expanded, our technologies and our own actions took the places that were once held by mythological beings. Nowadays, parents indulge their children with gifts, displacing the old Santa Claus.

However Yin must always have a Yang.

Theme song: [media]

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