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Fandom Broken Boundaries (A Multi-Fandom RP)

Diminium said:

Name: Ness

Where they are from: Earthbound/Mother 2

Age: 13

Gender: Male


THE GENERAL PSI PROGRESSION: (weakest) ? -> ? -> ?-> ? (strongest)

PSI Rockin' (Shatters shields, does mass amounts of damage through psychic waves)

PSI Flash (Causes blindness, uncontrollable crying or confusion)

PSI Lifeup (Heals Ness, or someone else of his choice)

PSI Healing (Heals burns, frostbite, colds, confusion, paralysis, sleep, sunstroke, nausea, poison, ETC)

PSI Paralysis (Causes Paralysis)

PSI Shield (Forms a shield for psychic/magic, and physical damage. The more Psychic Points he pours into it, the stronger it gets, and it can reflect damage)

PSI Hypnosis (Causes sleep)

PSI Teleport (Ness can teleport to a place he has been before, and he can take others with him.)

If he channels enough power into a small source, his time in Smash brothers has taught him how to concentrate this energy and use it to fuel PSI Starstorm. Where, yes. He literally pulls stars out of orbit.


Likes: Rockin' OUT (And by extension, 80's/90's rock bands, and the Beatles.), Hamburgers, Steak, Baseball, playing guitar, [strikethrough]Paula Polestar[/strikethrough]

Dislikes: bad weather, opposition, complainers, and generally negativity. And Hippies.

Weakness: Magic. He's learned to block most of it out by through using shields, but PSI is not magic, and Magic is no good for a human.

Personality and background: A cheery, all Eagleland boy, Ness has mass amounts of courage, leaving him to leave no hurdle unjumped. A list of some feats include stopping an entire gang whos members are several years older than him, traversing across the world, surviving inside of a volcano, made it through Magicant (his subconscious), defeated his worst fears in a fistfight, proving his soul indestructible as he traveled 1000 years into the past, and defeated the very embodiment of hate, destruction and fear.

Theme song: [media]


(Other characters comin' up soon!)
DaManofWar said:
Ness? Wow, I know how depressing Mother 3 is. Good thing he wasn't there.
"Hey guys! I heard you needed an extra guy to come back from EarthBound!"

<Lucas sobbing>

"Uh, actually, y'know what? I think Dr. Andonuts is your man! Seeyah!"

Where they are from:Steven Universe

Age:Unknown, over a thousands years old




Likes:Food, The Crystal Gems, Steven Universe, Beach City, Earth

Dislikes:Peridot, Jasper, Homeworld

Weakness:Feels she has something to prove

Personality and background:Amethyst

Theme song:(Optional)
DaManofWar said:
Where they are from:Steven Universe

Age:Unknown, over a thousands years old




Likes:Food, The Crystal Gems, Steven Universe, Beach City, Earth

Dislikes:Peridot, Jasper, Homeworld

Weakness:Feels she has something to prove

Personality and background:Amethyst

Theme song:(Optional)

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