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Fandom Broken Boundaries (A Multi-Fandom RP)

JackOfHearts said:
Magic. And I'm pretty sure that magic can actually kill him. The green rock only weakens him. Besides, the puppet master's magic drains the life force of living beings.
let me explain how Superman works.

Superman can be killed by the following:

Green Kryptonite


Now, magic is a mess for superman. See, he doesn't have a defense against it, but he can't die from it. Unless said magic conjures kyrptonite.
DaManofWar said:
which one, magic or green rock? Cause only green rock can KILL him.
Let's not forget he lost to this guy that knew karate really well.

DaManofWar said:
let me explain how Superman works.
Superman can be killed by the following:

Green Kryptonite


Now, magic is a mess for superman. See, he doesn't have a defense against it, but he can't die from it. Unless said magic conjures kyrptonite.
Wait wait wait...I have a bunch of superman comics and I have never ONCE SEEN SUPERMAN DIE FROM KRYPTONITE. Kryptonite only weakens him. As for Doomsday, well, yeah. Superman can come very close to death from magic though, but he won't die from it. (At least from the comics I've read. I've got like 100 something.)
JackOfHearts said:
Wait wait wait...I have a bunch of superman comics and I have never ONCE SEEN SUPERMAN DIE FROM KRYPTONITE. Kryptonite only weakens him. As for Doomsday, well, yeah. Superman can come very close to death from magic though, but he won't die from it. (At least from the comics I've read. I've got like 100 something.)
it doesn't weaken him: it slowly KILLS him. He never dies from it, true, but he comes close. It can still kill him, if he is exposed long enough, say, being shot with a kyrptonite bullet.
DaManofWar said:
it doesn't weaken him: it slowly KILLS him. He never dies from it, true, but he comes close. It can still kill him, if he is exposed long enough, say, being shot with a kyrptonite bullet.
Ohhh Ok. That makes sense now.
Name: Grace Waterlilly

Where they are from:Maximum Ride


Height: 5'11

Weight: 115 lbs.

Gender: Female


+She is a very fast flyer

+She is a master at judo

+She can hold her breath for very long extended periods of time



+ Coffee, Caffeine in general

+ Icecream

+The Flock

+ Fireflies

+ Fireworks



- Scientists

- Erasers

- Strawberries

- Crowed areas


- She is not as strong as the average person

- She has a little paranoia

- She is also slightly blind in her left eye

Personality and background:

Grace has a mother like vibe around her. She is very caring and a bit over protective. Especially towards younger people. If her family is threatened, Grace literally goes into BAMF mode and kicks everyone's buts. She has a fiery temper that can get out of hand if she doesn't keep a hold on it. When Grace gets mad, it is generally best to let her blow off the steam. When it comes to large groups of people, Grace becomes very skittish and antsy.

Grace does not know her biological family and was told that she was given to the school when she was born. She does know that her mother agreed to have the experiments done when Grace was still an embryo. Life at the school was hard. Everyday she would have speed tests, strength tests, lack of air tests. There were times when Grace thought she was not going to make it, but somehow she did. Grace became slightly blind in her left eye when she was about 10. The scientists had tried to do something to both of her eyes but only her right eye recovered. She got her fear of large crowds when she was about 12 and a whole bunch of scientists crowded her when she was trapped in her cage. She escaped and had been on the run ever since.

Grace was out flying with her family when suddenly the sky opened and swallowed her up. She remembers getting swallowed up and tumbling through the sky in a free fall. She was very close to landing flat on her face before she managed to steady her fall and catch herself. Grace dropped on the ground and looked around to see herself in a strange land that was very different from the one that she was just in.

Theme song:(Optional)


Moonflight said:
Name: Grace Waterlilly
Where they are from:Maximum Ride


Height: 5'11

Weight: 115 lbs.

Gender: Female


+She is a very fast flyer

+She is a master at judo

+She can hold her breath for very long extended periods of time



+ Coffee, Caffeine in general

+ Icecream

+The Flock

+ Fireflies

+ Fireworks



- Scientists

- Erasers

- Strawberries

- Crowed areas


- She is not as strong as the average person

- She has a little paranoia

- She is also slightly blind in her left eye

Personality and background:

Grace has a mother like vibe around her. She is very caring and a bit over protective. Especially towards younger people. If her family is threatened, Grace literally goes into BAMF mode and kicks everyone's buts. She has a fiery temper that can get out of hand if she doesn't keep a hold on it. When Grace gets mad, it is generally best to let her blow off the steam. When it comes to large groups of people, Grace becomes very skittish and antsy.

Grace does not know her biological family and was told that she was given to the school when she was born. She does know that her mother agreed to have the experiments done when Grace was still an embryo. Life at the school was hard. Everyday she would have speed tests, strength tests, lack of air tests. There were times when Grace thought she was not going to make it, but somehow she did. Grace became slightly blind in her left eye when she was about 10. The scientists had tried to do something to both of her eyes but only her right eye recovered. She got her fear of large crowds when she was about 12 and a whole bunch of scientists crowded her when she was trapped in her cage. She escaped and had been on the run ever since.

Grace was out flying with her family when suddenly the sky opened and swallowed her up. She remembers getting swallowed up and tumbling through the sky in a free fall. She was very close to landing flat on her face before she managed to steady her fall and catch herself. Grace dropped on the ground and looked around to see herself in a strange land that was very different from the one that she was just in.

Theme song:(Optional)




Name: Asuna Yuuki

Where they are from: Sword Art Online

Age: 17

Gender: Female


- An amazing cook

- Excellent in swordsmanship, specifically a Rapier.

- Acrobatics

- Sewing

Pic: no slide no slide
Sometimes The
That Matter
The Most
Are Right
In Front Of You

no slide no slide
(Will be added later)
(Will be added later)
-Though she loves helping people, it is also considered a weakness for her, for she is very selfless.

(Will add more later)
Personality and background:

"Asuna is a kind-hearted, friendly girl with a cheerful disposition. Though she initially starts out cold and standoffish as she focused only on clearing the game, her serious demeanor gradually melts away into something much warmer. Asuna holds herself with pride and strength. She's always looking out for others' well-being and values the safety of everybody, even people she doesn't know. Strong and supportive, Asuna is someone who's unable to abandon a person in need. Being trapped in game with permanent death likely enhances her protective spirit though. Regardless, Asuna is someone that you can definitely call "motherly." She tends to people's injuries, and their stomachs too with her brilliant cooking.

Asuna is stubborn too. Sometimes she has to have her way, and sometimes she ends up dragging that person around or getting them involved in things thier reluctant about. But she's also a very sincere person, even if she can't always express it. Sometimes she's a victim to her own emotions. She can't stop herself once she feels strongly about something or other, and sometimes she ends up jumping into combat without care for her own safety.

But Asuna hasn't already been like this. Since her birth, Asuna has always tried to meet her parents' expectations. Her father was a businessman and her mother a scholar- they were always firm with themselves, yet gentle with Asuna. Regardless, Asuna feared their reactions if she did not meet expectations. Her private school was chosen for her by her parents, and she always had excellent results. For the first 15 years of her life, she only lived for the approval of her parents. She took lessons for various activities, hung out only with friends that her parents approved of, and one day she would eventually go the high school- the university her parents picked. And then marry someone her parents picked. But despite how hard she achieved these things, it scared Asuna deep down inside. If she continued following this pre-determined path, she feared that she would become trapped in it. Her world would continue to shrink around her, and she would never be able to escape from it. So why would someone who didn't care about video games, much less online games, suddenly decide to put on the NerveGear and log onto SAO? Someone who had only played the free games on her cell phone from time to time, yet she suddenly wanted to experience a Virtual Reality MMORPG, the first of its kind? As her brother spoke excitedly about it, having gotten his own copy, she couldn't help feeling interested. It was just a whim, simple curiosity, and a complete coincidence that she got to play SAO before her brother. Despite herself, she too was wondering about that brand new world- a world she had never seen before.

Upon being trapped in that virtual world, Asuna spent the first two weeks cursing herself. She hid away in the Starting City, shaken by the fear of dying in that world. Why did she have to put on the NerveGear? What possessed her, someone usually uninterested in games, to log on that day? But even though she was afraid, she worried about her situation in the real world. Right after being told she could not escape SAO, she first worried about the Mathematics work she had yet to complete. She was scared of her teacher scolding her for not completing it. She worried about the upcoming examinations, and then feared the shame of her parents when their only daughter failed them due to a video game. Asuna was a person who was terrified of failing, and terrified of stepping off the beaten path. For Asuna Yuuki, failure did not exist. She hadn't understood what it meant "to live".

But after two weeks, Asuna decided. Even if she ended up dying in this world, she had to remain as "herself". If she was just going to die, she didn't want to simply rot away in the Starting City, waiting for death to descend. Even if she was killed by a monster, she wouldn't lose herself to this world. So she found her resolve to proceed, even though at first, it was just a resolve to die in combat. Being a complete beginner to MMORPGS in general, she had no clue how to play. Regardless, she showed talent as a fighter despite not knowing the terminology at first."


I might add another character later ^u^

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dorkling said:


Name: Asuna Yuuki

Where they are from: Sword Art Online

Age: 17

Gender: Female


- An amazing cook

- Excellent in swordsmanship, specifically a Rapier.

- Acrobatics

- Sewing

Pic: no slide no slide
Sometimes The
That Matter
The Most
Are Right
In Front Of You

{slide=Likes:}(Will be added later){/slide}

{slide=Dislikes:}(Will be added later){/slide}

{slide=Weakness:}-Though she loves helping people, it is also considered a weakness for her, for she is very selfless.

(Will add more later){/slide}

{slide=Personality and background:}

"Asuna is a kind-hearted, friendly girl with a cheerful disposition. Though she initially starts out cold and standoffish as she focused only on clearing the game, her serious demeanor gradually melts away into something much warmer. Asuna holds herself with pride and strength. She's always looking out for others' well-being and values the safety of everybody, even people she doesn't know. Strong and supportive, Asuna is someone who's unable to abandon a person in need. Being trapped in game with permanent death likely enhances her protective spirit though. Regardless, Asuna is someone that you can definitely call "motherly." She tends to people's injuries, and their stomachs too with her brilliant cooking.

Asuna is stubborn too. Sometimes she has to have her way, and sometimes she ends up dragging that person around or getting them involved in things thier reluctant about. But she's also a very sincere person, even if she can't always express it. Sometimes she's a victim to her own emotions. She can't stop herself once she feels strongly about something or other, and sometimes she ends up jumping into combat without care for her own safety.

But Asuna hasn't already been like this. Since her birth, Asuna has always tried to meet her parents' expectations. Her father was a businessman and her mother a scholar- they were always firm with themselves, yet gentle with Asuna. Regardless, Asuna feared their reactions if she did not meet expectations. Her private school was chosen for her by her parents, and she always had excellent results. For the first 15 years of her life, she only lived for the approval of her parents. She took lessons for various activities, hung out only with friends that her parents approved of, and one day she would eventually go the high school- the university her parents picked. And then marry someone her parents picked. But despite how hard she achieved these things, it scared Asuna deep down inside. If she continued following this pre-determined path, she feared that she would become trapped in it. Her world would continue to shrink around her, and she would never be able to escape from it. So why would someone who didn't care about video games, much less online games, suddenly decide to put on the NerveGear and log onto SAO? Someone who had only played the free games on her cell phone from time to time, yet she suddenly wanted to experience a Virtual Reality MMORPG, the first of its kind? As her brother spoke excitedly about it, having gotten his own copy, she couldn't help feeling interested. It was just a whim, simple curiosity, and a complete coincidence that she got to play SAO before her brother. Despite herself, she too was wondering about that brand new world- a world she had never seen before.

Upon being trapped in that virtual world, Asuna spent the first two weeks cursing herself. She hid away in the Starting City, shaken by the fear of dying in that world. Why did she have to put on the NerveGear? What possessed her, someone usually uninterested in games, to log on that day? But even though she was afraid, she worried about her situation in the real world. Right after being told she could not escape SAO, she first worried about the Mathematics work she had yet to complete. She was scared of her teacher scolding her for not completing it. She worried about the upcoming examinations, and then feared the shame of her parents when their only daughter failed them due to a video game. Asuna was a person who was terrified of failing, and terrified of stepping off the beaten path. For Asuna Yuuki, failure did not exist. She hadn't understood what it meant "to live".

But after two weeks, Asuna decided. Even if she ended up dying in this world, she had to remain as "herself". If she was just going to die, she didn't want to simply rot away in the Starting City, waiting for death to descend. Even if she was killed by a monster, she wouldn't lose herself to this world. So she found her resolve to proceed, even though at first, it was just a resolve to die in combat. Being a complete beginner to MMORPGS in general, she had no clue how to play. Regardless, she showed talent as a fighter despite not knowing the terminology at first."



I might add another character later ^u^




Where they are from:

Nuclear Throne






Can sacrifice a small portion of her life force to create armed allies out of thin air that look almost exactly like her, except without the jacket. Stronger than the average human. Faster than the average human. Able to take hits that would normally kill the average human. Can absorb nearby radiation and gain strange traits when she absorbs enough. Whenever she dies she comes back to life in a strange cave known as "The Campsite". Can open portals to different locations.








Explosions and fire. Whenever she dies she loses all memory of everything that happened since her last visit to the campsite.

Personality and background:

In her universe things were going great for her. She lived in luxury with her older brother. Then, things went to hell. No one remembers exactly how it happened, but it was the apocalypse. She and her brother managed to survive, becoming mutated bandits in the frozen wasteland that was once their home. For a long time she lived only to kill, but eventually she met other mutants and befriended them. After seeing how horrible what she and her brother had been doing was, she betrayed brother and the other bandits. She still knows English from before the apocalypse, but is better versed in the language used after the apocalypse, a language known as Trashtalk.

Theme Song:



Lil' Hunter

Where they are from:

Nuclear Throne






His jetpack allows him to fly around all over the place. His gun has two different modes of firing, and fires shots powerful enough to take down whole buildings in one shot. His armor allows him to survive blows powerful enough to destroy skyscrapers.








His jetpack, while almost as durable as his armor, can be broken, causing him to fly around like crazy and then explode.

Personality and background:

Lil' Hunter was part of a group called the I.D.P.D, an organization made up of human survivors of the apocalypse and dedicated to trying to bring order to the wasteland. The Captain of the I.D.P.D sent him on a literally impossible mission, and the rest of his squadron abandoned him in a frozen city. He went mad, eventually mutating due to radiation and becoming addicted to it. He lives to kill, and whenever anyone or anything passes his way he kills it without mercy.

Theme song:


JackOfHearts said:



Where they are from:

Nuclear Throne






Can sacrifice a small portion of her life force to create armed allies out of thin air that look almost exactly like her, except without the jacket. Stronger than the average human. Faster than the average human. Able to take hits that would normally kill the average human. Can absorb nearby radiation and gain strange traits when she absorbs enough. Whenever she dies she comes back to life in a strange cave known as "The Campsite". Can open portals to different locations.








Explosions and fire. Whenever she dies she loses all memory of everything that happened since her last visit to the campsite.

Personality and background:

In her universe things were going great for her. She lived in luxury with her older brother. Then, things went to hell. No one remembers exactly how it happened, but it was the apocalypse. She and her brother managed to survive, becoming mutated bandits in the frozen wasteland that was once their home. For a long time she lived only to kill, but eventually she met other mutants and befriended them. After seeing how horrible what she and her brother had been doing was, she betrayed brother and the other bandits. She still knows English from before the apocalypse, but is better versed in the language used after the apocalypse, a language known as Trashtalk.

Theme Song:



Lil' Hunter

Where they are from:

Nuclear Throne






His jetpack allows him to fly around all over the place. His gun has two different modes of firing, and fires shots powerful enough to take down whole buildings in one shot. His armor allows him to survive blows powerful enough to destroy skyscrapers.








His jetpack, while almost as durable as his armor, can be broken, causing him to fly around like crazy and then explode.

Personality and background:

Lil' Hunter was part of a group called the I.D.P.D, an organization made up of human survivors of the apocalypse and dedicated to trying to bring order to the wasteland. The Captain of the I.D.P.D sent him on a literally impossible mission, and the rest of his squadron abandoned him in a frozen city. He went mad, eventually mutating due to radiation and becoming addicted to it. He lives to kill, and whenever anyone or anything passes his way he kills it without mercy.

Theme song:



Alternatively, she looks like Darkman!
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Where they are from:Steven Universe





Likes:Steven Universe, the Crystal Gems, Beach City, Earth

Dislikes:Yellow Diamond, Jasper, Gem Homeworld

Weakness:Poorly adjusted to life on Earth

Personality and background: Pearl

Theme song:Pearl's Theme
DaManofWar said:
Where they are from:Steven Universe





Likes:Steven Universe, the Crystal Gems, Beach City, Earth

Dislikes:Yellow Diamond, Jasper, Gem Homeworld

Weakness:Poorly adjusted to life on Earth

Personality and background: Pearl

Theme song:Pearl's Theme

Name: Ness

Where they are from: Earthbound/Mother 2

Age: 14

Gender: Male


THE GENERAL PSI PROGRESSION: (weakest) ? -> ? -> ?-> ? (strongest)

PSI Rockin' (Shatters shields, does mass amounts of damage through psychic waves)

PSI Flash (Causes blindness, uncontrollable crying or confusion)

PSI Lifeup (Heals Ness, or someone else of his choice)

PSI Healing (Heals burns, frostbite, colds, confusion, paralysis, sleep, sunstroke, nausea, poison, ETC)

PSI Paralysis (Causes Paralysis)

PSI Shield (Forms a shield for psychic/magic, and physical damage. The more Psychic Points he pours into it, the stronger it gets, and it can reflect damage)

PSI Hypnosis (Causes sleep)

PSI Teleport (Ness can teleport to a place he has been before, and he can take others with him.)

If he channels enough power into a small source, his time in Smash brothers has taught him how to concentrate this energy and use it to fuel PSI Starstorm. Where, yes. He literally pulls stars out of orbit.


Likes: Rockin' OUT (And by extension, 80's/90's rock bands, and the Beatles.), Hamburgers, Steak, Baseball, playing guitar, [strikethrough]Paula Polestar[/strikethrough]

Dislikes: bad weather, opposition, complainers, and generally negativity. And Hippies.

Weakness: Magic. He's learned to block most of it out by through using shields, but PSI is not magic, and Magic is no good for a human. And, he has ADHD.

Personality and background: A cheery, all Eagleland boy, Ness has mass amounts of courage, leaving him to leave no hurdle unjumped. A list of some feats include stopping an entire gang whos members are several years older than him, traversing across the world, surviving inside of a volcano, made it through Magicant (his subconscious), defeated his worst fears in a fistfight, proving his soul indestructible as he traveled 1000 years into the past, and defeated the very embodiment of hate, destruction and fear. However, he feels like he has to proven something because he's "a kid", so expect him to be jumping all around, trying to one-up everybody.

Theme song: [media]


(Other characters comin' up soon!)
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