Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"How quaint," Seren teased, looking towards the accelerating boy," it looks as if things are beginning to grow interesting. "

Seren waited for the familiar contract to come back, the pain he was to recieve already ready for him. It hit all at once, knocking his very senses from him.

He staggered, blood dripping from his wet maw, and suddenly he was back. " What just happened?" He chided, looking around. "What am I doing here?"

He walked away, humming to himself, remembering he had to find a being he needed to kill...
Asuna shook her head at the bravado Hiro put on. She couldn't believe what a womanizer he was. She rolled her eyes and tousled her own hair. Asuna might as well look good if they were going to a club. "Hopefully we can have some fun." She said with a devilish smile.
Sora kept running around the town in randomly directions constantly looking over his shoulder. While running throughout the city his nose was hit with a familiar smell. He stopped suddenly to look at what it could be. "A flower shop? Here of all places." he said to himself. Sora decided it best to ignore it for now and began to walk around town. Trying to figure out what he should do next.
"we are not supposed to kill them we are going to kill them so where we heading anyway" Kiba said with a smile on his face as he continued to smoke the cigarette he lit.
Ritsu smiled a little 'funny...I though I wasn't in the mood to do this job...' she looked at looked at kiba who sermed to have brighten her mood a little. " an abandoned construction area"

"hmm an abandoned construction area sounds perfect no people around but of cause it depends on their abilities we could just be giving them a place that would more suit their needs " Kiba whispered to Ritsu by mistake blowing the smoke from his cigarette in her face.
Ritsu coughed a little a little when kiba blew smoke into her face. " if you know a better place I am all ears" she whispered back "plus in a construction area I have more things to transmute and you have more space to run around and possibly not run into things" she added.

"hmm nope it's good for me and i guess you will have the advantage in surrounding like like that" Kiba whispered as he cracked his neck taking another puff of his cigarette "how far off are we?" Kiba added looking at his surroundings looking for any other suspicious people that maybe watching them.
Ritsu looked around " just a little further...the number of people around us should be decreasing..." she took out a hair band and tied up her hair. " hmm....after this what do you want to do?" She asked.

"indeed the number of people are decreasing around also after what" Kiba replied not sure of what she was trying to ask him thinking it over in his head after this what do you (being i) want to do.
Ritsu nodded, she then answered his question " after we survive this, what do you want to do? We might be together for a while until that hostess call us together again..."

"hmm well if you don't smoke i doubt you drink yet i don't know whatever get a bite to eat or something"kiba answered with a smile on his face he was thinking after we survive this Ritsu said confident she seems to be he then dropped his cigarette on the ground and left it their.
As soon as kiba and ritsu got to the site. Ritsu yelled " come out we know your following us" they heard a sigh " and I thought I was being careful..." a man with green hair wearing a green shirt and black pants came out of his hiding place. "Cut the crap, you knew we found you a long time ago" the man looked at her with an evil smirk " is so sad that I have to kill a pretty lady like you....but hey....there's plenty of fish in the sea" a white circle circle appeared in the air next to the man and a laser shot out of it towards ritsu.

Kiba uses his teeth and he slit across the top of his arm cutting himself he then quickly moved using his contractor ability and picked up Ritsu holding the back of her neck so she wouldn't get whiplash he then moved her and himself out of harms way of the oncoming laser Kiba said nothing.
" thanks kiba" the man took a plastic bag full of peppermint and ate one. ' this is a stupid price' the man thought ' I should be a bit more painful'. Ritsu got down and saw the man with the bag full of peppermints. " that must be his price..." she said to kiba. Two circles appeared above the guy's head and was aimed at ritsu and kiba. Ritsu jumped out of the way and took out a throwing knife and threw it at the man. The man dodged it with ease.

as soon as the man dodged the knife Kiba attempted to run up to the man but out of no where another man appeared right in front of Kiba he was wearing black jeans, a black tank top and blond hair 'did he move faster than me' Kiba thought but the man then spoke "not so fast your opponent is me" even tho the man was not looking at kiba but instead next to him and he was blinking rather a lot Kiba took a random guess and thought to him self 'his eyes seem to be his price' but he didn't know the ability.
' great another one...' ritsu dodged another attack of the laser. The man glared at his partner "these two are mine stay out of it!" Luka seemed to have disappeared as soon as the man appeared. The man ate another peppermint.

"you already failed once you even got spotted why should i let you have my pray" the man in front of kiba said in a calm voice as he looked at his partner with a face of disgust and disgrace he was think 'why do i have to be paired with a idiot like him'
Ritsu looked at the two and took out an smoke bomb " kiba move!!" She threw the smoke bomb which exploded blinding the two. She then ran towards with her two hunting knives and attack the laser man. She slashed at the man wjth her left hand, he dodged it and then she kicked him which he blocked. "Tch.." she jumped back and stood next to kiba. The man laughed a little " not dansel in distress I see " " go to hell" she said as she glared at thr man.

"my turn" Kiba said smiling as he used his teeth to slit his forearm again he moved around until he faced the man in front of him from a different direction he made it so that he was inline with both the opponents he ran up to the first one in a lighting fast way he went to kick him but before he could the one in black (the one he went to kick) vanished and teleported behind him and went to grab him Kiba just started running again his plan was to attack the one in green shirt from the start he used more speed than normal as then he stopped his body and changed his speed into a kick aimed straight towards the mans gut.
The man in the green shirt was sent flying into a wall of the construction site. He got up wkth some blood dripping from his mouth and looked at the two 4 circles appeared and it was aimed at kiba. The laser shot at kiba but one of them was aimed at ritsu.

When the laser was coming towards, she jumped out of the way and barly dodged the attack. It slightly burnt her arm a little. She looked at the man that teleported and threw a bomb at him.

Kiba was tired from using up a lot of stamina he only just managed to dodge two fully he palatially dodged one but it hit him across the chest it burnt a line across his chest.

The man who just teleported got his vision back he noticed the bomb but couldn't teleport in time and it hit him not directly as a split second decision to dive to the left saved him it still badly wounded him.
Ritsu smirked when she got the man that teleported. She walked to him and was about to stab him in the head when she dodged from a laser. She sighed and glared at the man. The man was about to eat another peppermint when luka came out of nowhere and grabbed the bag and ran to ritsu and handed it to her. She smiled innocently at him " bye bye" she hand kiba a knife and said " he is all yours" she turned the teleported man and said to him " sweet dreams" and stabbed his head.

"good i wanted this one but i don't need a knife" kiba said slowly walking over to the man and he started to light a cigarette "not so strong anymore are you" Kiba said before kiba he once again slits his forearm and ran at full speed and kicked him straight in the neck hitting where his voice box is effectively breaking his neck and making him choke on his voice box "and that's that so wanna grab a bite to eat" kiba said as he turned to face Ritsu.
Ritsu took the peppermints from luka and petted her. She looked at kiba and said " sure" she startrd walkong with him to some place they can eat. "......kiba....did they look mindless to you?" She asked after a few minutes.


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