Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

As Kiba Followed her he spoke "The names Kiba Senkou either call me Kiba or Fang" Kiba said as he introduced himself to the Girl he jogged over to and he got a good look of her thinking to himself i wonder what her ability is "and you are?" he asked deciding its only fair since he gave his name.
Sora looked at him."Can't be evil without a little good.." he said quietly taking out a rose. "I don't think I'm the type to play pranks on people." Sora looked around the room breaking eye contact." So, you just shock people or something? Doesn't seem all that great." He held out the rose for him to take it.
Ritsu looked at him " I am Ritsu kurosuki, nice to meet you Kiba. I hope we get along and finish this mission with our lives intact" she said to him. She sighed, she csn tell what he is thinking just by looking at him " I will tell you my ability and price if you tell me yours"

"hmm first even if we die its probably easier than what we do now second my ability is super speed and the price Cutting myself now your turn"Kiba said he did not care about telling others that may have already seen his ability he was very interested in what she could bring to this duo of theirs.
Seren smiled.

"I don't shock people; what you felt was me dying. There can't be a little evil without a little good, and destruction is the greater good in everything. My life is destruction, and what you just felt was a little of the good I give: destruction. It would be bad if there was a world without destruction."

Angelo stood up, looking at the boy in front.

"What's your power? Do you grow like your rose?"
"Yeah...dieing does seem like easiest way to get out of this job doesn't it..." she then looked forward and said " my ability is transmutation, I can matter into almost anything. My price is giving up my voice for an entire day or days depending on the number of times I use it, so if I use it 5 times in one day, my voice is taken away for 5 days..." she explained to him.

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Sora looked at him."My power? Well I don't grow like my rose. I just grant peoples wishes nothing really special about it. Though, I guess it could cause destruction at the whim of the wisher" Sora said to him thinking about something."So, ...I take it you don't know why we are here?" he finally said.
"transmutation interesting hmm guess if we get into a fight you wont be very talkative for a while after of course that's if we live were basically fighting an invisible enemy we can't see them but they see us or so i think anyway" Kiba said to Ritsu with a hint of excitement in his voice as well as muttering to himself "this ought to be fun".
"You create evil from greater good? Your just like me!"

Seren danced around, happy to find someone who was like him.

"That's so cool! You're a lucky person. Oh! And for what we're doing, I don't know. I did, but now I don't! I think we're supposed to kill someone. Not anyone here, but somewhere else. Where are they exactly?"
Sora stood up and looked at him. "I got here late...I don't know a single thing. I was hoping you knew." Sora thought to himself for a bit."We..could ask someone maybe?" he said to Seren."Though...just about everyone that was here scares me." Putting the rose away he said quietly to himself."Wonder how much destruction this guy can bring."
Ritsu nodded and looked around the area for a bit. ' this should be the area I told her to wait....' she let out a whistle and few seconds later a black cat came out of one of the alleys and walked to her. She smiled and picked her up and petted her " you must be hungry right?" The cat meowed and ritsu's smile stretched a little. She took out a treat from her pocket and gave it ti the cat. The cat ate it and then ritsu put her down.

"A lot actually", Seren beamed, his excellent hearing picking up the boys words," I could probaly level the city before my body would give up on me. I'd be a blaze of fireflies and Death before it finally fell. It'd be real Death."

He chuckled, wondering if he was lying or not. The boy looked oddly at him, but he didn't mind.

" If your not sure what to do, ask the short girl over there, tree-girl if I remember right. She'll have your answers."
"You sure are strange.." Sora said to him. "I like you so I hope we see each other again soon." Sora thought carefully."Though..I don't want to really ask anyone maybe I'll just figure it out as it goes...maybe another meeting will take place.." He said casually making any excuse he could so he didn't have to ask for help.
Kiba scratched his head "a cat is their some significance to the animal or is it just your pet" Kiba said in a confused manner tilting his head sideways thinking to himself you work for the syndicate and have a pet cat he decided to reach into his pocket and pull out his cigarette packet "want one" he asked as he opened the packet and face the open part to Ritsu not caring how old she was as he didn't know and didn't really care.
Ritsu looked at kiba " i dont smoke and this little girl is my partner. We always go on missions together. I found her in lab of some sort on one of my missions and decided to take her in. She is very smart and would listen to anything I say" ritsu explained.

"hmm i normal go alone so i will not say i understand because i don't and you don't smoke too bad it helps to keep you relaxed" Kiba said as he picked up one of his cigarettes out of his packet and he reaches into his pants pocket with his right hands and pulls out a lighter silvery posh looking one he opens the lighter lid and runs his finger across the lighting mechanism and a flame emerges from it which he use's to light his cigarette before he quickly began smoking it before he put his lighter and cigarette packet away in opposite pockets.
"Wait a moment," Seren chirped, a new idea born inside," your power is granting wishes, right? Can I have a try? It'd be a great chance to test the power of destruction."

Angelo smiled, wondering if what he wanted could be accomplished.
Sora looked towards him. "I...I guess." he said kind of scared what the wish might be."Careful what you wish for." he said after a bit of a pause.
" smoking isnt good for you and i am surprised your are panting heavily after using that ability of yours" the two walked out of the area and into the street where there were people all around. "so where do you want to go?" She asked as she looked observed the people of the street.

"I promise it'll be safe," he chided, crossing his arms behind his backs," let's just say this is more of an... experiment. Now, how do we do this".
Sora thought his "safe" would be far from it."You simply make a wish of course...I won't be able to tell it's a wish unless you say I wish." he said to him with a bit of a worried look on his face."How do you think it's suppose to work?"
"anywhere and it wasn't because of that why i was panting it was er never mind" Kiba said in a annoyed voice but then remembered he ran into the bench which caused him to pant but not wanting to admit it he just stops talking and takes one last puff on the cigarette before he put it on the ground and stamped it out "I guess your right" Kiba said while doing it.
"I'm not too sure. I thought I'd have to eat the flower."

He licked his lips.

"It does seem rather tasty, but they'll be time for that later. I'll make my wish, but first close your eyes. It'll be more fun this way."
"Close my eyes?" Sora said a little confused. But, finally he complied and closed his eyes. "How does this make it more fun?" he asked curiously. He was hoping his flower didn't get eaten.
Ritsu nodded and continued to walk around. She eyed every person that passed her carefully. 'There mught be a mindless zombie among the people and they dont even know it and are living their lives peacefully, while we are living in fear of getting killed by these government contractor. She sighed and looked her black cat, luka. She is happy that she found her on one of her mission. Every time she looked at her she felt a normal person instead of contractor.


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