Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"How distasteful that they'd use our own type against us, I agree. However, with such a clear mission out in the open now I understand the thought process behind getting us all together. So what do you suggest our first move is, my dear?"

Hiro's eyes fell to Hitomi for an answer, as she was the hostess of the party this evening. While waiting for an answer his face slowly became twisted with the thought of having to fight and kill 6 units of contractors.

"One at a time is a pain in and of itself, let alone an entire group. I can't possibly imagine how my powers will hold up or if they'll even show up but I guess now isn't the time to announce to the world that my powers are undeveloped. Well we will let the dice roll and see how everything goes. Worst case scenario is what?... oh right, it's death."
' ahh death....something we are all probably looking foward too, where we are in peace and away from the wretched world... the time when we can finally let go all this burden, sadness and hatred of our shoulders....' she looked at everyone blankly. ' I wonder what they are thinking when hear the word they want to live or die? I know I would love to live...but dieing also doesnt sound so bad at all...after observing this rotten world for so does seem like the best choice...'

Hitomi spoke up again. "What is even worse is we don't know where these contractors came from, they are not in the records for the Syndicate so we are practically going into this fight blind. But what is going into our favour is they are rather, well, robotic. They can't make decisions for themselves and they fight quite mindlessly, as if no human remains. Of course those are just reports from pre-deceased contractors who stood up to them." She said, getting ready to leave. "Anyways the plan is to attract one of them away from the public, we needn't have annoying citizenry roaming around reporting us, and these government contractors are drawn to us like flies."
"A divine plan indeed my dear."

Hiro said this in a low voice, he had already turned his back, ready to head home for the evening to ponder the weight of the situation upon them and more importantly, upon him. With his power so raw and undeveloped he was in a bad spot if he were to be discovered. Sighing quietly he lingered for another couple moments to see if anyone else had anything to say about it.

He noticed Hitomi's body language spoke that she was leaving so it was safe to say their first meeting had been adjourned for the evening. This information was simple to say but so hard for Hiro to process. Fear, anger, excitement, nervousness, and so many other emotions flooded his head it actually gave him a headache. While waiting for the rest of the group to either agree or rebel he rubbed his temples slowly hoping that the physical massage would relieve the mental stress he was trying so hard to process.
Ritsu listened to hitomi ' well isn't that nice, we are fighting emotionaless mindless zombies...the government did a fine job training them it easier to get jobs done when some doesn't have any feelings and blindly follow orders....' ritsu sighed ' I am not the one to talk none of are...we all blindly follow orders but at least we feel aomething when wd carry them out...' she looked at hitomi who looked like she was about to leave. ' I guess I should head and start thinking of a plan to attract one of these contractors' she also got ready to leave.

kiba just sat their thinking so 'we are fighting an invisible enemy he smiles' "interesting" he said out out loud in a excited manner before regaining the normal no nonsense type of body attitude and face he soon after pulled out a cigarette packet out of his pocket and got one out of the packet he closed the package and reached into his other pocket and pulled out a lighter and lite the cigarette before he put it in his mouth and let out a loud sigh as well as the smoke.
Hitomi let out a long sigh and shook her head. "Let's not throw around such words like an interesting quite yet, all this information is simple speculation and predictions. For all we know these could be normal soldiers with supernatural powers, but we can safely assume our numbers will come in handy. However to insure our attacks don't bounce off each other I suggest we go in groups of two and explore around the city. It splits us up, causing confusion and pair are easier to work with. Especially noting we are contractors, people who don't work along people often. Anyways question about and find a suitable partner." She said slowly, still anxiously looking around.
Ritsu smirked when kiba said interesting ' interesting indeed...I wonder how this will play out..' she then looked at hitomi " how are we going to pick our partners?" She asked " do we draw straws or what? "

"i work alone" kiba said in a angry tone of voice due to his hatred of other contractor he then took another smoke of his cigarette and blew the smoke out in and laid back in the bench he was sitting on looking up at the sky and sighing "not a chance" he muttered to himself remembering the past.
Hiro disregarded the girl who made the comment about the straws and the "oh so tough guy" who demanded her work alone.

"We're all adults here I don't really think we need to be asking about this do we. Obviously she stated the partner idea because it's a command, not an option." He thought to himself impatiently.

"Partners? If you think it's necessary than I suppose I'll indulge your authority and follow through."

Hiro had an internal sigh of relief though, a partner would buy him some buffer time in a fight to get a grip on what his powers were or if he was even going to be able to use them. His eyes lit up at the opportunity to pick one of these people out as a partner.

The girl who seemed so frightened by anything.

"Perhaps the girl who seems so afraid. Paranoia is a good way to stay safe in an enemy-ridden world."

He walked over to the thin girl, looking down upon her he gave a soft smile. Holding out his hand the soft smile turned a bit crooked, as if something about it were almost... wrong.

"You seem like an awfully good dancing partner, and it looks like this mission needs two to tango my dear."

Holding his hand out waiting for a response he couldn't help but chuckle at his own terrible one-liner. His greatest ability, if anything at all, was to keep himself humored and entertained. As his phase of amusement passed his eyes focused on Asuna and he simply waited for some sign of body language that said she would consent.
(Good night! I will be off as well, let me know if you need me to change my post, anyone. I'll try my best to accommodate!)
Sora getting the notice late ran to the location of the meeting. Barely managing to arrive at the meeting place. He saw a bunch of people he had never seen before. Sora began curiously looking around as to what exactly was happening. He didn't know how to approach any of them so he just stood there completely blank.
Ritsu sighed " it was a suggestion likw she said most of us dont like to work with partners so I thought drawing straws would be the best way to decide" she sighed again. " but it seem like you have it all figured out..." she glared at the ground tempted to use her power just to shut herself up. Not wanting to loose her voice after just getting it back, she began to walk off " ill take whoever is left after you guys are done pairing up" she said in an annoyed tone.

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"Wait up" Kiba said to the girl leaving as he got up and jogged over to her "well we may as well pair we both think along the same lines so it will be easier if we paired everyone else seems to have it all figured out" he said going out of his comfort zone and talking to another contractor he quickly took a last smoke of his cigarette before dropping it and stamping it out.
Ritsu looked at the person who came jogging to her. She looked at him and calmed down a little " yeah...I guess..." she said as she continued to walk " since we are working together do you mind introducing yourself?" She asked " you dont have of you dont want to" she added just in case he didn't want to introduce himself.


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Sora began walking around more, thinking himself later than he first thought to this event. "Huh...what did I miss?" he said to himself walking around the room. Sora looked more confused than ever, and to scared to ask anyone for any information. Finally, he just sat down, and pulled of his rose he had been carrying with him.
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Asuna stared at Hiro with a raised eyebrow . "I suppose that was your best?" She asked with a sigh. She pushed his hand aside and placed her own on her hips. She looked at Hiro with a small smile. Well this sucks, but at least she wouldnt be useless to this mission. She would keep this guy alive just to prove that even without distrucrive powers she could be useful.
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It hit Seren that he hadn't said much in a while. He moved, slightly nauseated by the movement, and realized he had used his powers earlier.

'Why would I do that?' He thought to himself, no memory left of why he had done it.

He looked around and saw the remnants of people he knew. Well, all except for one. He turned to the new boy, something about the new chold drawing interest.

" And who might you be?" He cooed, gaining his bearings once again," I don't remember you, then again, I don't remember much."

He couldn't help but laugh at this sad fact.
Sora thought he heard a voice but wasn't sure. As he kept rolling the rose in between his fingers, he just said quietly "Me..?" thinking that the rose was the one talking to him.
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"No, the rose; he's the only one blooming in this situation. If course I'm talking to you!"

Seren leapt up and landed not to far from the child.

"Seren Angelo is the name, and destroying Death is my game. Nice to meet you, whats-your-face." He extended his arm, asking the boy to shake.
Sora looked up to him and put the rose away. "Seren Angelo... never heard of you." he said looking at his extended arm. Sora thought for himself a bit and slowly extended his arm out towards him." Sora Akiyo is my name, nice to meet you, Seren." He thought a moment."I don't know why I'm here either." Sora said trying to keep eye contact with him.
Seren smiled, an evil hint taking hold of his. Suddenly, a shock charged through his fingers and surprised the boy.

"Sorry about that,"he smiled, massaging his hand," I was born Evil, so there's little I can do about it. Don't worry, there can't be evil without a little good."

He winked to this.

"Nice to meet you."

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