Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"don't question orders mindless or not questioning orders gets you marked and killed they are government dogs none the less that should be reason enough to kill them" Kiba said in a serious voice knowing what can happen when you question orders "so where too i'm hungry" kiba said in a lighter voice.
Ritsu stared at him "yeah..your right...sorry" she sighed a little 'why did I ask that?...I should have known that it didnt matter if they were mindless or not...' Then after a few minuts she said "hmm....well there is cafe with great pastry I alway wanted to try" she said with a smile.

"sure lead the way"Kiba said wondering why she asked that did she feel pity for them or annoyed of the maybe false information "wait how far away is it" Kiba added after but as he was still thinking he made a thinking face as though he was deep in thought.
Ritsu smiled and began walking to the cafe " it should take 20 to 30 minutes to get there by foot" she said. She found a trash can which she used to throw the peppermints. She then picked up luka and gave her a treat " good job girl"

"20 to 30 minutes its that far well i guess not everything can be right around the comer"Kiba said giving up on what her motives for asking the question was he then noticed to forgot to light the cigarette he had in his hand so he pulls out his lighter and lights it "you sure you don't want to try a smoke" kiba said putting his lighter away and pulling out the cigarette packet opening it towards her.
" its far but when you try the pastries it's worth it" she said smiling. She then added " yes I am sure...I don't want to smoke"

"ill trust your judgment but its your loss" kiba nodded his head in disapproval but its her choice and he knew that he was thinking 'why do i smoke this crappy brand huff and puff sounds like something off a fairy tail that you tell your children when they are young' before he quickly started smoking it.
Hitomi walked towards the club, sunglasses slung over her eyes, she looked pretty serious. She gave a blank look to the security guard infront of the entrance and pulled out a fake ID. The security nodded and got out of the way. Hitmoi entered, the club was filled with many bright, flashing lights with a crowd of people dancing. On the right was the bar/diner, where almost anything could be ordered.
As ritsu walked she looked at the people around them. 'Smiling and enjoying their peaceful day...not know what happened a few minutes ago...' ritsu sighed and luka meowed and jumped on her shoulder. She smiled again and petted her.

"Ignorance is bliss"Kiba mutters to himself thinking about 'how little most of the people the people actuality know'. "you really love that cat don't you i mean i can tell it comes in handy it may have even saved us today" Kiba said looking at Ritsu petting the cat. "Oh and another thing we may still want to be on the lookout i can't quite remember if they said a unit or a squad but either way they is more out there o and also i need to go and grab some clothing from somewhere".
Ritsu looked at him " yeah...she and I have been in a lot of yeah...we're close" She put her guard back up when he remind her that there are more of them and added "the hostess said is definitely more..." she then looked around for a bit and spotted a clothing store on thebother side of the street " there is a clothing store there" she said point to it.

Sora finally stopped running and walked into an abandoned building. "We have been expecting you, boy.." a voice behind him called. He turned around seeing two men in suits. "Who are you?" Sora asked with not much effort in his voice. "You do not need to know. You'll be dead soon enough, I'm curious grant wishes? Perhaps, we can use that to fuel our plans even more." He stated walking towards Sora. Sora mouthed out something and began running towards the top of the building. "Running is futile..." spoke the other man as they began running after him.

Sora finally reached the top of the building as did the men who came after him.
"You might as well give up...your time is up." said the man drawing his gun. "Yes, I shall become one with the stars. But, will you make it out of this alive? I certainly won't let you use me." Sora looked at the edge of the building."Seems I can't keep my promise, ---." Sora only mouthed the name of the person, hearing the sound of breaking glass, a beam of green light piercing his chest, and the pain soon to follow.

Falling from the side of the building, closer and closer to the ground. The men who had injured him looked down upon his descending body. Sora's body finally hit the ground. His memories returned. Looked up at the sky he said "Everyone, I'll be watching." a light surrounded his body. But, when the light faded Sora's body was gone. "
Target eliminated" he said turning around. Speaking into his microphone "The target has been dealt with." the man looked unsure of his statement. They left soon after to hunt for their next victim.
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Hiro sauntered up to the door, gave the gentleman a smile, and handed him his fake ID as well. After a moment the guard simply nodded and allowed him in.

The smell of perfume, food, sweat, and young lust was almost to much for him to handle. His eyes narrowed as he watched the women walk by, drinks in their hands, laughing as if this would be the greatest time of their lives. Moving farther in to the crowd he couldn't help but notice the bar counter was buzzing with people, mainly young females. As he went to move closer to his prey, he stopped, noting where Hitomi was. Sighing, he did something he never did, he thought something through.

"So many bright-eyed women, with such big hopes, all waiting to be crashed and dashed by yours truly. However I feel the hostess would be displeased by my presentation, perhaps we start a little more subtle." Thinking to himself he walked up to the counter and flashed a smile at the female bartender.

A few moments passed, some idle chatter, and of course some good ol' fashion Hiro flattery was dished out. Smiling and nodding his head in gratitude he accepted the drinks from the bartender and headed back towards Hitomi. With his hand out he moved in a touch closer so he could speak to her without having to yell,

"Anything so far? I scouted out the bar counter, nothing unusual, and no one seemed to interested in what I was doing. Also, I brought you a present," he motioned towards the drink, "it'll help our cover and I can't imagine it's been an easy day for any of us."
(OOC: Could someone catch me up. The thread went up about 100 posts overnight and there's no way i can catch myself up.)
Asuna smiled flirtatiously at the man and flashed her ID. She blushed slightly when the man winked and let her in. She let out a breath and went into the dark, musty, and scantily clad room. She watched Hiro order drinks and join Hitomi. Asuna debated on scoping out the other tables or joining her group. After scanning the room quickly, she decided to join Hiro and Hitomi. "Anything or anyone standing out?" She asked as she noticed a small group like their own looking around the club suspiciously. "Contractors...?" She suggested as she nodded in their general area.
Hitomi shook her head, however she was still darting her eyes about the area. "Nothing suspicious, but then again I can't exactly tell the difference between a contractor and human unless they discharge an attack. Of course sometimes an ominous intuition could be all I need, but keep a sharp eye on everyone, but keep a safe distance." Hitomi whispered to Asuna and Hiro. However something was up, something was strange about that bar tender, she seemed a bit odd, but the vibes Hitomi got from her were not of a contractor.
"Miss Asuna, nice of you to join us my dear."

He offered his drink to her, letting it sit in his hand. Looking about he saw Asuna's concern, another group of people, perhaps 3 or 4 of them? He didn't notice them at the bar but then again he was only looking at the bar. They didn't seem to concerned about what was going on in the club but he could catch the flick of their eyes every minute or so,

"Perhaps they're just stunned by the three beautiful creatures that walked through the door," snickering to himself he continued to focus his eyes on the group of suspicious people. Hitomi was right though, it was impossible to tell a contractor from a human unless they made the first move. Shrugging his shoulders he let his eyes dance among the room, looking at all of the people mingling and looking for meaning in their lives.

"What a sad place to spend all your time, buying over priced drinks and womanizing only half-attractive girls. A damn shame really, at least I know this is a terrible life to lead, they all still have hope." The thought danced around his mind and then settled like a heavy rock in water.
Asuna accepted the drink Hiro handed her and snorted. "Three? I think not. Your just a brute of a boy with some nice manners." She said teasingly. Asuna sobered slightly at Hitomi's words and nodded. She would keep an eye on the three people across the club. Something was gonna happen tonight and it wouldnt be pretty.
"Ah, but tell me dear Asuna," he leaned in close, "you can't tell me I'm the least attractive person in the room." He lingered for just a moment, gave her a grin, and danced off to the bar once again. "Since both of you ladies stole my drinks it seems I'll need to get myself one now."

Once he was back to the counter the bartender greeted him kindly, he chatted with her, ordered a drink. He asked about the table of three over by the wall, she shrugged a bit and said they had been there for quite sometime, but as long as they keep buying she wouldn't complain. With a charming smile he turned his back and she moved on to the next customer.

Closing his eyes he tried to focus on the electrical impulses in the lights, they were strong but hard to pin point. Controlling them would be hard, maybe even impossible for him with how under-developed his skill was. Looking around he looked at the speakers and figured that might be an easier place to start, and if worse came to worse, he could always create his own impulse. The problem with that was the price was heavier, that was when he broke the bone in his hand.

Slowly he made his way over back to the girls, sipping his drink and watching the table out of his peripheral vision. The door opened every couples minutes to let a new wave of young, eager, adults ready to dance away the evening. Little did they know, this could soon be a battleground.
Asuna blushed and watched Hiro walk off towards the bar. "Definitely not the least attractive but he's the most irritating." She muttered. "Im going to go dance." Asuna announced as she took a sip of her drink. She frowned at the bitterness but shrugged and walked towards the moving mass of bodies. "We look weird just standing there!" She yelled back at Hitomi.
Kohaku was walking around in the town, taking in just about every sight. He noticed people were going in a bar. But, he didn't know how you were suppose to get in. He went up to the place and was asked for I.D. He didn't have one and was told to go away. But, Kohaku didn't want to leave. He wanted to go in so he pushed the guy aside and ran inside. The man would soon regain balance and chase him inside.
Hitomi stood there and grabbed a seat, her mind confused with all the fond memories of dancing. She used to love dancing, all she would do, she remembers being quite promising, her feet as nimble as her hands. She couldn't help but frown at the sight of happy people dancing, it wounded her so. Ever since she was a contractor though things have changed, she couldn't dare go back to that life, not for a second.
Hiro was snapped back to reality by what seemed like Asuna's voice but was she... yelling? More importantly was she off to the dance floor? Maybe this night was going to get interesting. Contractors or not, drunk women with bad music is always a good combination.

"Hitomi," Hiro saw the familiar look of painful memories lingering in a contractor's mind, "perhaps you'd join me and Asuna out on the dance floor? You see, it's no fun if you sit here in the corner." He offered a half smile but decided not to push it any further, it wasn't really any of his business and at the end of the day did he really care? The last question puzzled him, shaking it off, he moved towards the dance floor. Soon he found Asuna,

"See when you dance you don't seem nearly as threatening, not that you did before though." With that he started moving to the beat and watched the other females dance around, a few were letting their eyes wander over to him and gave them a smile, their faces flushed. It was either him or the alcohol, or maybe a mix of both.
"It's so odd," Seren smiled, caressing the sore of open flesh," how people always believe they're above death. "

Seren tightened his grip, and the man before him screamed, his chest an open chasm of still-beating life.

"Now, I'm going to try this again," he said cheerfully, leaning forward till his lips weren't far from his," where are the rest of your unit?" He stabbed his fingers in, hoping to play with his bloody heart. The man withered in agony.

It had been more than an hour since he had lingered from the party, the others long forgotten, but it had been even less than that for this man to appear. Thinking himself better than him, he was now reduced to state he was in.

" It's sad really," he went on, his pouts covered in blood," how you think so little of me only to send one man. I know there were others watching us earlier. Why didn't you send the whole team? It would have been fun then."

"Now tell me," he spoke, aggressively annoyed," where are your men?" He dug his nails into his veins.

The man in the dark suit cried out deeply.

"The bar... down the street".

Seren dug his arm into his chest till he bursted the bubble that was his heart. His life-vessel explode, a clay balloon now gone. The life ebbed from him, the devil his only keeper.

"A bar, then" he smiled, cleaning his hands on the man's suit," sounds like fun."
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