Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

The boy closed his eyes, and Seren smiled.

'It would be easier this way'.

Seren walked up to the youth and placed a delicate finger on the core of his chest.


Suddenly the boy ruptured, every muscle breaking at once. The boy didn't have enough time to cry out. Everything was necessary for his cause.

"I wish," he started before the ides of death could set in" for his body to be rebuilt bigger, faster, and stronger. There is power in destruction, and as it is so I wish for you to grow powerful in your defeat, the evil within the darkness. May your powers grow to swallow everything."
"I guess we all have different ways of acting normal yours seems to be with that cat while mine is smoking little bits of humanity we still try and desperately grab on to" Kiba whispered it to her so others would not hear Kiba decided to let Ritsu do the finding bit with him only following her.
" yeah...but if these government dogs are really mindless....then we maybe more human than we actually think..." she whispered back as she eyed everyone. Luka seemed to be doing the same as she walked next to ritsu.

"compared to the last few people you looked at we are nothing of the sort the right to be called human went the first day you became a contractor the only difference between us and the mindless government dogs is that they are one step lower than us mindless while we still have a mind" Kiba said whispering in order to not be heard.
Sora collapsed upon the ground, not even sure of what had just happened. His eyes filled with tears, and what appeared to be a shooting star flashed across his eyes. Sora had granted his wish. The damage undone. Though, his appearance left unchanged. Perhaps, he did come to be more stronger and faster? Only time would tell as the price took its toll. Sora managed to get up but it was time to pay. He coughed up what seemed a pool of blood, but the wish was powerful and took more prices yet to pay. He lost all the memories he had of coming to the meeting, except one. The one of which Seren had wounded him. Sora wished to get away but he knew that his powers had long since left him for now, and even if they had not he had lost to much blood to grant another wish. He thought of the only logical thing he could. Sora ran from that place, going anywhere at all if only to escape that place.

(Dang...I just realized this sounds more like a book than Rp. O.o Sorry guys if it isn't a good one. It can always be deleted or changed.)
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Hitomi put a fake smile on, she wasn't exactly amused by the mans one liner, but it would seem they would have an odd number of people, and with the the other four people engaging in a conversation, it seemed the Violin girl, Asuna and the creepy guy, Hiro were all that remained.

"As much as I LIKED to dance, I'll have to pass up the dance for two, as we will be including Asuna, the healer into our squad. Oh yes, I should probably let you know, I know everything about you folk, take that as you will." She said nonchalantly, as she stretched. "Anyways I suggest we start going now, feel free to do whatever you want. But keep this in mind, you expose yourself to much and the Syndicate or I will personally execute you. Our contractor lives have been ordered to been kept secret. Be thankful I tell you this though, we have already had to kill a couple of contractors who seemed too social for our liking." She said with a slight shrug.

(if anyone has been left out, let me know!)
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After a few minutes of walking ritsu felt someon watching her from behind. She looked at kiba to see if he feels the presence as well.

"something the matter?" Kiba asked noticing Ritsu looking at him "I'm not smoking if that it well not yet anyway" Kiba hasn't been paying much attention to his surrounds and was leaving that up to Ritsu as he found it annoying to have to watch around him rather than just being able to walk.
" someone is watching us..." she whispered to him. " whatever you do don't look behind you....we need to go somewhere where there is no people...." she whispered again.

"you sure where to then"kiba asked quietly pulling out his cigarette packet and lighter from his pocket trying to act casual he lit his cigarette looking around to make sure they isn't any other's watching them from the sides or even ahead of them as he began to smoke his cigarette.
"If I'm the only healer, then I think we shouldn't split up. If some other group gets hurt, I might not make it in time to save them." Asuna said. She glanced around and eyes all the people that'd she would be healing... and kissing multiple times. She shuddered at the uncomfortable thought, this was why she worked alone.
"Don't think if me harshly... actually think however you want of me. But contractors are simple, disposable beings, we do what we are told from a higher power we no nothing of. Not for justice, rather ourselves, stay with us two Asuna and maybe our group will survive. Besides groups have already scattered, it won't be to long until they find out what these contractors are actually like..." She said slowly, however deep down within her voice there was falseness, that she was lying to herself, she gripped her fists together. "They'll be fine, two contractors can take down a single one, we needn't worry about healing. You may tend to them when we encounter them, anyways fighting in a larger group is to hectic... smaller groups will be more efficient."
Asuna shrugged. "Whatever you say. I wouldnt know but as long as I have some use to this mission, I wont complain." She rubbed at her temples and sighed. "If I'm gonna do this, I want to know everyones contract and their price. I want to be able to use everyones abilities to the best so most of us can have some kind of chance to survive." Asuna didnt care too much about who lived or died but she had a feeling that this group would be together for a while. Which meany friendship at the least was a possibility between a few or all of these people.
"Two beautiful women to accompany me on such a dangerous and exciting mission? How pleasant."

Hiro looked at both Hitomi and Asuna, gave a quick smile, and than turned back around. He took a couple paces forward, thinking about whether or not he should be at the forefront of their little army. However, he was a guy and it socially understood that the male is the defender but as always, Hiro never cared for society's perspective on things.

Regardless he was physically stronger than both of the girls and that would at least buy them a second or two to come up with their own offensive strategies. The cool night wind picked up ever so softly and blew Hiro's hair, and for a moment the city seemed almost

Drawn back to reality by Asun'a voice Hiro turned around and nodded,

"Electrokinesis, the ability to create/manipulate electrical currents. Fairly flexible. My price, you ask? Cracking my knuckles, though the one time I pushed my power farther than I was anticipating I broke a bone in my hand. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is so we'll leave it at popping my joints. You're turn my lovelies, though I feel I've figured out the price you have to pay young lady", pointing at Hitomi, "vomiting to compensate for the use of your power, a darn shame really."

Hiro shrugged and leaned again a near by tree waiting for the other two to answer.
Asuna gave a small smile. Well electrokinesis would be useful during any type of combat they would have. "I'm a healer. I can heal almost anything depending on the severity. I just cant heal myself. My price wont allow it since I have to kiss the person I heal. She blushed slightly at her confession. She wasn't very social. In fact she was very awkwad around people she didnt know but her price basically forced her to get close to someone on a physical lever. It was embarrassing for Asuna.
"Well now getting hurt doesn't sound half bad at all."

Hiro looked at Asuna, grinning. He could hear she was uncomfortable with her price and he couldn't help but play up the embarrassment at least a little bit. Chances were she was going to dislike him anyways so he might as well take the opportunity to entertain himself. However a healer would be incredibly useful during any battle.

"In all seriousness, having a healer is probably the best news I've heard all night. Makes dying a whole lot of a hell harder now."

With that Hiro returned to silence and waited for Hitomi to finish explaining her power.

"Cut the flattery mister, or those government contractors won't be the only ones dying tonight." She said, in a slightly threatning tone, but there were signs that she was joking aswell. She straitened the tie on her school girl uniform and spoke up. "Anyways, Asuna and Hiro. I am Hitomi a telekinesis user, as you might have guessed from my previous demonstration of my abilities during my de-rooting of the tree. I can lift objects with my mind, if I were to put it simply. Stay close, if you want to live, I am somewhat informed on this situation. And alas, you have seen my price, not much of a problem once you get used to it though, rather gross still if you ask me..."
Asuna narrowed her eyes at Hiro. "You love to flirt dont you? Well im not fazed in slightest bit by flirtatious people." She lied. Asuns turned to HitomI and smiled. "It's nice to meet you even under these dire circumstances. "
"Ladies, ladies! The hostility is truly breaking my heart. And we all know the truth," Hiro stepped out a half step farther and put out his hand poetically, "all women love flattery." Returning to his normal stance he chuckled at himself and than sighed, "All joking aside, it is good to know that I have two very useful powers fighting along my side. So indeed, it is nice to meet you both."

Hiro picked up the joking tone in Hitomi's voice and was on the fence of whether or not he truly thought Asuna was lying.

"Who cares, it's not like you do. Maybe you should pick up a more constructive habit, like origami, or cooking," he thought to himself. The thought of him cooking or folding small pieces of paper was almost to much for him to handle, he dropped his head to hide his smile.

Once over the little laughing fit he looked a Hitomi, his eyes a bit more serious than before,
"Well hostess, what do you suggest we do? What's going to be our first move?"
Hitomi smiled and pointed down the street. "Down the street is a club and pub. While I hate places like that and it is a risk for our identity, it will be an ideal place to fight. The combination of liquid drinks and electricity will flow together well. And as long as we wear these masks we'll be quite secure." She said handing them medical masks and a pair of sunglasses. "Oh how easy it is to commit theft with telekinesis." She said, giggling slightly.

"Oh yeah any objections?" She added.
Hiro looked at the mask and looked back at Hitomi. He shook his head, "You know these are ridiculous right? The sunglasses I like but who the hell where's a medical mask in to a club?"

Hiro decided arguing probably wasn't the best policy, at least not this early in the game, and fitted the sunglasses on to his face. The medical mask he refused to put on until he absolutely had too. Who knows maybe a couple of drinks, and watching women parade themselves around drunk, while waiting for a fight to break out was not the worst way to spend his evening. Beats watching T.V. and eating ramen, which is what he had been doing religiously for the last few weeks now.

"Alright hostess, you have my vote. It would be a good place for me, I wouldn't have to start an electrical impulse, the speakers, lots of live people to tap in to, and the lights I imagine are brimming with unused electricity."
Anusa laughed at the disguises. "This is rediculous. Lets just go as if were regular clubbers. If need be we'll don the masks and glasses if things get crazy and the other contracters can recognize whos fighting back." She said. "We'd be more noticeable if we wore the mask." 
(I'll be right back guys. Ill catch up when I get back too)
Hitomi held the mask in her hand and paused a moment, and evantually put it away in her back pocket. She let out a long sigh and put the sunglasses on. "Fine.... I can't believe I'll have myself recognised at a club, how embarrassing." She said letting out one last sigh. "All right, masks go on when the moment gets rough, but they stay off until we make confrontation, we clear? If so we better get going, the sooner we get there the quicker we'll attract the contractor." She said as she began walking towards the club.
Hiro smiled at Asuna, pleased with the fact that her arguing disbanded the idea of the medical masks. Brushing his hair back with his hands Hiro soon adopted a different gait. Before his strides were loose, long, relaxed. Now he stood straight, his shoulders up, he walked with a purpose. Pushing his hair off to the side, he let a new smile dance upon his lips, one that was so pretty it was dangerous. Hiro knew he was attractive, so being in a club with intoxicated females? He could feel his hands tingling, and his mind racing for all of the witty things he could say, and the best part; how to ruin their entire evening.

Hiro knew his price was his physical health but he couldn't help but feel the unadulterated urge to bring women crashing down in their prime was a price as well. If he kept this up he would truly be alone forever, but than again, isn't that just the every day life of a lowly contractor?

"Whatever you say hostess, let's just get inside and have some fun shall we?"
Ritsu walked with kiba and was thinking of an area where they could go and fight this contractor. She then remembered an construction area they could use. She began to walk in that direction casually. She whispered to kiba " we're suppose to kill them...right? " she asked.


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