Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

" what's wrong?" Ritsu asked.


Raze awkwardly move his hand away from him ".....what are you doing?"
Kohaku looked back. "I feel tired...I don't even think I can walk anymore..."


Yuu looked at him. "So, we can have a shocking experience."
Kohaku fell face forward, "So, tired."


Yuu looked back at Raze and touched his cheek giving an electric shock.
Ritsu sighed and texted raze " hey can you come by [random street] kohaku is tired and I need you to carry him for me...and bring yuu along"


Raze moved his hand away and saw his phone vibrate. He looked at the text, he texted back "coming" he looked at yuu " come on we need to go and help ritsu with something" he startrd walking
Kohaku fell asleep.


Yuu looked at Raze for a while. "Sounds more like a personal problem right? Do I need to go?" Yuu was picking up a glass and filling it with water to drink from.
Kohaku was pulling on Ritsu.


Yuu drank from the glass of water. "Well princess as you command I suppose." he said putting the glass down prepared to follow him.
Ritsu looked at kohaku and patted his head gently.


Raze rolled his eyes and began walking to where ritsu is.
Kohaku kept on sleeping.


Yuu followed him and rather began to walk ahead of him going faster and faster.
Raze kept walking and kept up with him. He didn't mind since he was going in the same direction and ritsu was up ahead.
Yuu made an unexpected turn into an alleyway and began walking down it. Completely ignoring the fact Raze was with him at all.
Yuu went out the other side of the alley and Ritsu was merely five feet away from them. The day being so long caused him to yawn quite a bit.
Luka looked at yuu and meowed. Ritsu looked in the direction luka was looking and saw yuu. Raze came out a few seconds later and saw ritsu and waved. Ritsu waved back and pointed at kohaku.
Yuu looked into Luka's eyes for a while. Then, leaned against the wall and waited for Raze to do whatever it is he had to do. Yuu kept on yawning rubbing his eyes a bit.
Luka looked at yuu and tilted her head.


Raze went over and picked up kohkau and began walking ritsu's house.
Yuu walked in the opposite direction of ritsu's home. He was going to do something else and probably play around for quite a while.


Kohaku began pulling on Raze's hair.
Luka meowed and ritsu looked looked at her and then at yuu. She sighed " I am going to follow him.... if he wakes up tell him I'll be back" she wrote to raze and began to follow yuu. Raze sighed and didn't say anything. Luka followed ritsu
Yuu knew he was being followed and continued to act as if he had no knowledge of this. Soon not to long after he found himself standing before a dark alleyway and walked inside it.
Soon the alleyway reached a dead end but Yuu was no where in sight. Where could he possibly have gone? Yuu was standing across the street from the alley soaked in fresh blood.
Ritsu blinked and saw that he wasn't there. Luka sniffed the air and began to run out the alley. Ritsu followed her.
Yuu was looking at his shirt for a while."That was so odd..." he said to himself noticing Luka run out of the alley he turned to her and began looking at her direction.
Luka looked at yuu and ritsu came out and saw yuu. She stered at him and walked up to him. She wrote " what happened? "

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