Briarwood Preparatory Academy

Cameron smirked. She opened her mouth to make a remark but the words she heard where not her own. She turned to the source of the intrusion to see some guy trotting towards them. He was one of the many jocks home to Briarwood, she'd seen him maybe a couple time in her time here. Though he seemed like nice guy, Cameron was inwardly irritated that he had disturbed them; however, she didn't show it. The rain increased slightly, making a pleasant pattering sound on the stone masonry and foliage combining with the gentle babbling of the great marble fountain. Raindrops rolled off of her trench coat, but began to soak her hair slowly. She care about what happened to her hair, but she was worried about the rain saturating the material of her duffle and making the clothes and paper etcetera on the inside moldy and wrinkled.

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation, indoor? Shall we?" Cameron suggested, raising her eyebrows slightly. As if on que, thunder rolled high up in the clouds off in the distance. It was the relaxing kind of thunder you could sit under a pavilion while it rained and listen to it; Cameron much wanted to do that, to stay outside together with Dane. But her priorities where on her luggage for the moment. She glanced at Dane wistfully before pulling from his arm and retrieving her discarded bags.


Conner nodded, understandably. She had told him her basic backstory. "My summer was pretty lame on the scale of summer vacation goes. Took a week long camping trip to the Rockys for my eighteenth birthday with a couple of old-old friends back in my home town. It was a load of fun. Sat back and relaxed with my acoustic and roughed up with a vocal instuctor-person. But other than that, the rest of summer had nothing going from it."

He looked over at Violet and smiled at her question about orchestra. "Of course I am, they want me to play first chair violin now that I'm a senior or something." he shrugged. "Will you be? Joining orchestra, I mean?" He stode beside her on their way to her Dormitory room. He knew boys weren't allowed in there, but he wondered if that applied to the move-in days. Technically the school year wouldn't begin for a week while students from across the country and around the world drove or flew in and got themselved accostomed to the dormitory lifestyle. He doubted anyone would be watching, and with all the bustle, no one would notice him anyways. Connor had always wondered what the girls' dormitory was like, if it was any different from the boys'. Being girls, he figured they'd probably had more bathrooms and counterspace and whatever...
Morgan pulled her bags out the trunk angrily, and groaned softly as they one by one hit the floor, a few stray drops of rain hit her face. She felt the car shake once more, assuming her mother had just gotten out of it. She busied herself with situating her bags, refusing to show to much emotion.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie.." Morgan heard her mother's voice flutter. She bit her lower lip and sighed, looking up from her bags, standing slowly to meet her mother's face, trying not think to much about how selfish she felt for cutting herself off from her.

Morgan held one of her duffles and felt another drop of liquid run down her cheek, but instead of it being a drop of rain, it was tear.

She wrapped her arms around her mother, squeezing tight.

"I love you, mom.."

"I love you too, Morgan.."

And with that, Morgan let go, unable to handle another moment of this. She picked the remainder of her things and turned on her heel, heading for the doors.

Logan dragged his bags onto the campus, as he felt his pocket vibrate. He rolled his eyes, to tired to actually and dragging to much in his arms to actually reply to a text. He ignored it. Unless it was Jesus calling, it could wait. He dragged his things to his dorm room and flung his stuff down. He'd unpack later. He fell onto his bed and slipped his iPhone4s out of his pocket, reading the text onscreen, his tired eyes still red from the pleasant nap he'd just awoken from.

To: Khloe

I'm here too...In my dorm, actually. Can't wait to see you later.

(To tired to be literate)
Violet smiled. "Your summer sounds way better than mine was!" she said with a decent amount of jealousy in her voice. He hadn't done much other than practice constantly. Her strict parents would accept no less than perfect. She smiled when they started talking about Orchestra. She was really excited for it, as nerdy as that sounded. Then again, she always sounded nerdy.

"Of course I'll be in orchestra! I'm just having a really hard time deciding what I want to play for it." it was a dilemma that was making her miserable.
Connor chuckled over her enthusiaism. He liked that he had a good friend he could talk to about music and share ideas and such, it was inspiring. "Well, which two are you deciding between?" he asked her, like there was more than a few to choose from. But with them both being at a place like Briarwood, excellence is expected. And if one was to be accepted to the school, expecially if one is a musician, it is common place for a student to have an affinity with multiple instruments--Conner included.
Violet thought for a minute. "I don't know... I mean, I brought my bass with me, but my acoustic's in that bag you're carrying..." She paused. "But I took up piano freshman year and really liked it. I never paid attention though, so I don't know that they even let you play piano in orchestra..." She looked over at Conner. "Guess I'm rambling now, huh?" she said, smiling. She was glad that she had someone to talk to who shared her interests. She had very very few friends, and she was just lucky that one of them was as band geeky as she was.
Chase pulled into the parking lot(?) at the academy and pulled his keys out, unbuckling himself and pushing the door open. He stepped out and took a deep breath. Only one more year, he thought. He pushed the door shut and walked around the back of the truck, climbing into the trunk and slinging his duffel bag onto his shoulder and picking his suit case up. He hopped back onto the ground and set his suit case gently on the pavement when he felt his phone vibrate. He read the text message front Daniella and quickly texted her back.

To: Danni

Well, I'm here now. Do you have any idea where Morgan is? I tried texting her before I left but I haven't gotten ahold of her yet .-.

He pushed his phone back into his pocket and lugged his suitcases inside.
Watching as Megan left to go somewhere else, Moon knew that she was going to go see Matt. Waiting a few moments before going to disturb the cute couple, Moon arrived at the doorway of the Matt's room and knocked at the door, before saying "The more I watch you two go at it, the more my stomach turns and I wanna throw up." She laughed softly while waiting for one of them to respond.


Seeing that Dane was busy with the girl, Nathan excused himself from the two, not wanting to disturb them much longer. Not really finding someone he'd like to see right now, Nathan went back up to his room and laid down after putting his earphones in to listen to music, thinking about how hot the girl with Dane was. He couldn't believe what he was thinking, he could obviously see that they were dating, but he didn't know why he was so interested in her.
Khloe felt her back pocket vibrate as she lay on her bed. She slipped the iPhone 4S from her pocket and smiled at the cover, a picture of her and Logan at prom last year. She tapped about on the screen before hitting 'Send'

To: My Baby <3

I can't wait either. East gardens in an hour?


Matt smirked "Well, then, you'll have to call me won't you?" he said as he stood and spun her in circle.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as he spun her around. When he set her down, she lyed her head on his shoulder and whispered. "I'll always love you so much."
Veronica sighed at the little scene her mother was making over the small matter--she loved to bicker about the small things. She and the driver were so locked in the matter, the driver trying to apologize and calm her down and her mother continuing to be flustered after everthing was settled, that Veronica resorted to opening the trunk herself and pulling out her own things. Veronica had a matching travel suitcase set of coffee and cream coloured houndstooth print, with one large suitcase, a small suitcase, a travel bag, and a messenger bag she used for school and her laptop. She set them down loudly and cleared her throat at the driver who jumped at the noise and hurried over to help her, muttering apologies. "Oh, its no problem, really. I am sorry about my mother, however; seeing how she won't apologize for herself," Veronica said pointedly, knowing her mother was only a few feet away--but she was not engorged with the screen of her smartphone to listen. Veronica rolled her eyes.

The driver had loaded everything up on a little cart and was ready to follow her to help unload in the dormitory. Veronica cleared her throat again at her mother. "Goodbye, mother?" she said, eyebrows raised in expectation.

Her mother turned and looked up from her phone, "Yes, yes, dear." she came over to hug her, "Do have a wonderful time. See you for winter vacation." She nodded, gave her a quick hug. then her mother got back into the car and Veronica dricted the driver to her Executive suite that came with her class presidency title.

--- Merged Double Post ---

I have to go. Go to this page and read please.
(Aren't Daniella and Chase supposed to be dating?)

Dane barely noticed Nathan leave, he didn't mean to blow the guy off but heck he was kind of absorbed by his girlfriend at the moment. "Yeah, hey let me carry that," he said grasping both his backpack and the handle of one of her bags. He pretended to strain as he picked up the bag, "My God Woman, did you bring Auguste Rodin's The Thinker or are you just trying to break your back?" Dane teased half hoping to impress her with his knowledge of art. To be truthful he had done a little research, over the summer, of some famous statues, paintings and drawings.

Dane looked at her through his soaking wet black hair loving the way the water shimmered in her blonde locks. "You know I still wonder want to see your real hair color one of these days," he whispered as they walked.

Morgan tugged her bags through the doors, cursing because her hair had gotten damp. She entered the familiar hall that used to feel to warm and comforting, but not felt cold and unwelcoming. She felt like if she could read everyone's mind, they'd all be thinking the same thing. No one wants Morgan here. ​She let out a short breath from her mouth and stopped for a moment near a wall to get herself re-situated, watching all the passing by students. Some she knew. Most she didn't. A couple from her year. But she didn't dare say hi.

Logan's eyes sprung back opened as soon as he was falling back into his slumber, to his phone vibrating. He'd never been to irritated with his iPhone. She rolled over, taking it off the nightstand and read Khloe's message, slow to pick up every word, being so tired. He frowned a little. If he was going to meet her, that'd give him not to long to nap if he wanted to look presentable to her. Not like he'd just gotten out of a car. But he figured he shouldn't turn her down. He'd always given her what she wanted. Who knows what would happen if he stopped. Besides, they haven't seen each other for awhile. And he missed her.

To: Khloe

Sure. Sounds like a good plan. (:

Chase glanced at Morgan and jogged to her. He came up behind her and placed a soft kiss on her neck. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and smiled.

Morgan, surprised to see him, sighed in relief, that he obviously wasn't upset with her like before. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest, sighing into it. She closed her eyes, sinking into his warmth. She couldn't bring herself to say sorry to him, but she had a feeling since he knew he so well, that he'd be able to tell.

"Hey Chase.." she whispered.

(( What did she do? ))

He rocked back and forth, holding her close. He kissed the top of her head gently and whispered softly. "Hey.."
(Er..Let's say he said something that she was really sensitive to..But he didn't know it. So she got really pissed off and they started arguing, which started the whole rocky road thing. And now she's apologizing because she sort of over reacted? And since it looks like they might be on speaking terms again, let's say she'll find out about Danielle a bit later and get upset again?)

She buried her face in his chest, holding him tight, feeling her eyes burn with tears again. "I'm so so sorry.." It spilled out of her mouth before she could help it. She felt so terrible over it. She pushed him away. She really had no one to blame but herself. After all, it's been awhile since they'd actually talked, he could have easily found someone else. but it seemed like he hadn't..
(( Well right now he's not flirting with Daniella ))

Chase pulled her back into his hug. "Don't be sorry. We all get angry every once in a while."

(Could he start?)

She sighed, looking up at him. Feeling the anger boiling up again. It took every limb in her body to contain it. How dare he just say that?
We all get angry sometimes, No. He was not going to try and understand, minimize what she was going through to a mere normal, human condition. It wasn't. She wasn't angry sometimes. She was angry most of the time. Did he know anything she'd gone through in the past? She nodded softly. "Yeah," she said softly. "I guess we do.." she looked down at her bags. "I-..Uh. I think I should go unpack. You probably should too.." she pulled away from him and went to her bags, picking them up. "I'll see you later. Okay?"

Chase sighed. He was pissing her off again? So what? She can be pissed and act out again and then cry and apologize later? He nodded slightly. "Yeah, I guess." He turned and walked back to his bags, picking them up.
As Daniella was unpacking her things her phone buzzed. With a sigh she grasped the small device in her hand and read the text. It was Chase asking about his whiny girlfriend. Daniella liked to think that she got along with everybody but something about this girl threw her off, than again she had no idea who she was so shouldn't make any judgments. However to her, you listened to your gut and followed that decision. Her reply was short and to the point, the girl didn't really care where Morgan was. After chatting with Chase over the summer it seemed as if he could do better than her. This chick seemed clingy and whiny, not easy to read and all in all not worth it. Of course the fact that Daniella was green with jealousy made her opinion biased.

To: Chase

Cameron thought about arguing, but let him carry her bag. She started walking up the marble stairs into the mansion and soon was crossing through the impressive foyer. A staircase to the left would eventually lead to the boys' dormitory down a long hallway into the left-wing. She headed up the right staircase that would, of course, take them to the girls' dormitory. She smirked when he went all art-technical for her sake. "Ironically, you're carrying my paints and everything else in there, Mr. Smart-Ass." He hadn't strained picking up the bag, and that was just another thing that attracted her even more, she very much appreciated hard work and dedication to the body.

Walking along the long hallway journey to the right-wing of the mansion, the heals of her boots now muffled in the carpet. When he asked about her natural hair colour, she shrugged. " Well," Cameron told him light-heartedly, "You're looking at it, sort of. Couple years ago I was in a phase where I experimented with my hair, because I didn't like my natural. Coloured it differently almost every few months. Last year it was red velvet. But this summer I decided to go retro and go back to my natural. You can't just take dye out, so I got it done as close to it as I could. So you're looking at it." Cameron laughed slightly when she found her babbling about herself, since she usually doesn't do that, "I didn't mean to bore you. But I was a white-blonde baby, still am under all these chemicals, if you can believe it," She sighed, remembering that it would turn yellow when she was older and would eventually go back to dying it.

Cameron looked up at Dane and observed how his damp hair cascaded down into his eyes, it made her smile. She smiled a lot when she was around him, she like it.


Conner put a hand up to his chin to stroke a pretend beard thoughfully. He frowned, "I think you should go with the piano. They have that new theater and I heard they bought some new instruments like baby grands...The rumor I don't believe is that the Academy gots its hands on a
Favioli...they only make 110 of those every year! I would love to get my hands on it. So definitely piano. Could you imagine how it'll make you sound...?" he said in wonder then he looked at Violet and laughed, "I'm totally geeking out on you...I'm getting ahead of myself. I am seriously thinking we should sneak down there for confirmation." They arrived at her dormitory door and Conner stopped and waited for her to open it.

"How could we not go?" she asked. She was definitely interested in seeing what all was down there. She quickly unlocked the door, and upon seeing her roommate wasn't there, she quickly claimed the bed on the left side and dropped her things off. She would put them away later, but had 'more important things to do'. She turned back to Conner, taking the things he was carrying for her and setting them down. "Shall we?" she asked with a cute grin.
Khloe sat on the dark blue bedspread as she placed her clothes in the drawers that sat a couple of feet away. She heard her phone vibrate against the table and she picked it up.

New Message From: My Baby <3

Sure. Sounds like a good plan.

She smiled and tapped quickly on the screen. she read thorugh the message again and nodded before hitting send.

To: My Baby <3

M'kay. Don't dress up or anything. I want to see you for the first time after summer just the way you are. <3

Khloe finished organizing her drawers by type and color and turned to the closet on her side of the room. She then began hanging her uniforms up, along with a few items of clothing that were dressier than her t-shirts and jeans. She currently wore a dark navy blue t-shirt that had swirling cursive on it that spelled out 'Music is Everything' and a pair of light blue jean shorts.

She finished hanging her uniforms up and quickly ran a brush through her dark hair. It was almost time to go meet Logan and she was a little bit overly excited. This would be the first time she saw him in three whole months.


Matt grinned and kissed the top of her head "Always and forever." he whispered in her ear as he rested his chin on her light hair. He chuckled as he felt a few light drops of rain hit his hair. Matt glanced down at Morgan "Shall we dance?" he asked as he held one of her hands. He silently hoped the rain wouldn't get too bad or else they wouldn't get to go for a walk through the gardens like they normally did on the arrival day.

Matt tilted his face up to the rain and laughed as the cool water splashed against his skin. "And I will dance with Cinderella. As long as she's here in my arms. 'Cause I know something the prince never knew." he sang as she led Morgan in an easy two-step dance.
(( It's Megan ))

Megan looked at Matt when he mentioned dancing. She felt a cool drop of rain hit her forhead and slide down her nose, turning it's path to her cheek. A smile smile curl onto her lips but quickly grew to a large one. She felt her feet shift and her body started to move, in synch with Matt's. Her cheeks turned a rosey pink as she gently stepped onto the tips of his shoes so that she wasn't too short. She wrapped her thin arms around his neck and lied her head on his shoulder, breathing warm breaths of air onto his neck. She smiled again and whispered softly into his ear, "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chase picked his bags up and slowly walked along the stone path to the dorm buildings. He felt 2.. wait make that 3, nevermind 4 small drops of water run down his face. He wiped them away and quickened his pace slightly so that he wouldn't be caught in a downpour. He pushed the heavy wooden door open long enough to squeeze himself and his bags through. He looked around and took a deep breath. The fresh scent of a clean building. A smile found it's way onto his lips as he walked down the hall and to his bedroom.

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