Briarwood Preparatory Academy

Logan walked toward the East Gardens smoothly and slowly, pulling his hood over his head, starting to wish he'd brought an umbrella. Why he hadn't protested to meet somewhere inside? He didn't know. But he really wished he had. He frowned and pulled his hoodie closer to him after a few drops of rain found their way into his hoodie and onto his chest. He blinked as a few drops began to get into his eyes, cursing because his eyes were now more blurry than they usually are because of his refusal to wear glasses. His eyes searched for Khloe's dark hair, because as of now with the pouring rain and his lack of sight, that was most likely all he'd be able to see of her, he only prayed that she'd found some place dry and free of dripping rain. He searched the walkways and finally found her sitting under a patio, and smiled, luckily able to see more of her face than he thought he'd be able to. "Hey," he said softly, but projecting his voice enough for her to hear.

Morgan pulled her bags into up toward the door and reached for her pocket to pull out her key, dropping one of her bags in the process. Maybe she should just find some place to settle and come back later, avoid the awkward encounter she'd have with Cameron and her boyfriend. Seeing anyone being all mushy together was enough to make her want to vomit, considering what was happening with Chase and her. She bit her lower lip and pulled the shinning key from her pocket and slipped it into the lock, opening the door, immediately wishing she had just waited until they'd, or at least Dane, had left. She gave an incredibly forced smile. "Hi.." she said softly as she pulled her key out of the door and shoved it back into her jacket pocket, picking up the bag she'd allowed to fall to the floor.
“Thursdays sounds good to me,” Dane said thinking about what he was going to do. He admitted, privately to himself, that occasionally he became a hopeless romantic but he was quiet about. No one was going to see through his tough guy façade and that was a point of pride for him. He was pretty good at maintaining his act that kept most people away while at the same time being “real” enough that he didn’t seem fake. All of his threats during fights were real, even though he maybe at the moment was holding a dummy knife if you wanted to mess with him Dane would throw the fake crap away and pull out the real stuff.

He smiled as Cameron pulled the hidden key from the tapestry rack, “Has that been there all summer?” Dane asked. It wouldn’t be so unlike her to hide a key and it was kind of smart especially for people who lost theirs all the time. He picked up her bags and carried them into the room which like all the others was decorated in green, cream and gold. However Cam’s always seemed different, a little cozier and almost like her artsy-ness had rubbed off on it. Dane set the bags down on the floor and plopped down in one of the chairs stretching out his legs and leaning his head back.
Naiire had read over the first page of her plans about thre times when her phone chimed. She bit the bottom of her lip, giving her best attempt to cover the goofy smile that now tugged the corners of her mouth as she reached for the phone. Her smile had only grew bigger as she read the text. Laying on her bed facedown, she hit reply:

To: Isaac =)

:D did u make it here yet?

Naiire's shirt had dampened her bed a little, so she got up and looked in her drawer. Not wanting to change her shirt, she grabbed a cropped sweater and put it on, pulling her hair into a low ponytail soon after. She walked out of her quarters and went down the hall, heading her way into the cafeteria. Jacob's voice as already in her head, playfully calling her "fatso!" mocking her cheetah metabolism. Hopefully, she could find Isaac through the large crowd of students trying to find their way to their own dorms.
Khloe grinned as she heard Logan's voice and turned to see her boyfriend wrapped in his hoodie, shivering. She frowned and hurried over to him, "You alright?" she asked with concern in her soft voice. She wrapped a lightly tanned hand around his wrist and led him to the covered patio. Her dark hair had gotten wet during her moment in the heavy rain and raindrops glistened in the poor lighting of four small electric lanterns.

Khloe tucked a few small strands behind her ear and bit her lip. She was being so shy and it was for no good, he was, after all, her boyfriend. Why be so shy? Although she supposed it was because of the fact that she hadn't seen him in three long months.
Finding the door to the single dorm had been the easy part, now all Isaac had to do was get it open, so he could unpack. Unfortunately that proved a lot harder, as he had to drop nearly every one of his bags to be able to dig through them, as well as his pockets. It wasn’t anywhere next to the lint and cell, which he pulled out only for it to vibrate in his hand and he smiled.

To: Naiiiiiiiiire~

Yupp yupp, I’m even outside my single room.

Now to find that key!



What about you?

Isaac made a frustrated noise, shaking the pants on his hips as if that would bring forth the key, and then he remembered. How stupid could he be, he put it there to remember it! Drawing up his left pant leg, he reached under his sock to find the single key. Maybe next time he should have connected it to some sort of keychain…that would’ve probably made it easier…
Once she made it to the cafeteria, there was already a brunch bar ready nearby. Naiire grabbed an apple when her phone chimed again. She bit into her apple and replied:

To: Isaac =)

Lol, I already made it to my "taken" room (you say
single like it's a good thing ;D) btw I'm in the café, destroying everything in my path!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

Naiire giggled at the sillyness of her own message, and grabbed a small plate. She moved down the buffet table until she met the omelet chef, and asked for an omelet with ham, cheese, spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms. Hopefully Isaac doesn't make fun of me for stuffing me face every hour of the day the same way Jacob does, Naiire thought as she sat down to eat.
Conner laughed then said, "It was a pretty suspicious looking plant. That's why I already checked it out, it's clean." He nudged her in the side with his elbow. "Let's get going before everyone starts settling down and we lose our cover." With that they headed off for the newly renovated Moly Widrich Performing Arts Theater.

The main doors were locked of course. Conner didn't know what for; the people who mostly attended Briarwood where the loaded rich kids of millionaires, they didn't have any reason to be vandals. Everyone else, Conner concluded, were too intimidated by everyone else and overwhelmed by everything else to really think to do anything. It was kind of ridiculous, if he wanted to play a piano worth half a million dollars in an old classical theater costing twice that, who was the school to deny him the chance to nurture his gift at the piano? So Conner resolved by backtracking down a few hallways including one narrow suspicious corridor, pipes running along the low ceiling, and cobweb infested corners. Before long, they arrived at a smallish door.

Conner jiggled the handle, it turned fairly easily, but when he pushed, the door didnt budge. "Nobody really knows this way, so it's never--" Conner shoved his shoulder against the door. The old metal door loosened its grip on the rusted frame with a burdened groan. "Locked." he breathed out as speckles of rust rained down from the doorway. There was a long thick black curtain that reached down to the floor--obviously why know one really knew the door existed. Conner pulled the curtain up from the bottom and held it up for Violet to cross under.

On the other side of the curtain was the very back corner of the theater back near where they stored stage peices and music stands and decorations and such. They weaves around stacked boxes and rows and stands and handing wires and cords. They came out between two red velvet curtains onto the glossy wooden stage. In the center of the stage, someone had rolled the
Favioli piano onto the floor so it took center stage. There were a few lights turned on in the whole theater, only one lit the stage. The piano commanded the attention on stage with only a single spotlight shone dramatically on it.
Violet followed Conner, disappointment showing on her face when they arrived at the locked door. He took off again and she walked quickly to keep up as he wove his way through multiple corridors. This part of the school looked like it had been untouched for years, and she was taking extra measures to keep her long hair from brushing any cobwebs they passed. Finally they arrived at somewhat of a back door, and Conner forced it open, allowing them into the orchestra room. She followed him inside, looking around for the supposed new piano.

The dark room was, of course, empty, and their footsteps echoed loudly even when they tried to walk lightly. She looked around, thinking it was probably going to be hidden away where students wouldn't be touching it, but then Violet noticed it was sitting smack in the middle of the room, the last place she was looking, as ironic as it was. She immediately walked over to it, almost afraid to touch something that cost so much. She smiled over at Conner.
Conner was grinning toothily, ear to ear as he circled around the Fazioli. He caught Violet's glance and chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. It seemed like they found each other in the same position, standing in awe at the magnificent instrument. He set his guitar case a couple feet away. Conner was dying to sit down on the lush leather seated bench and let his fingers do the talking. He bit his lip and it was after another slow circle around that he finally took a deep breath, held out his hand, and was able to say, "Ladies first," he nodded at the grand Fazioli.
Violet grinned. He was being gentlemanly and letting her try out the piano first, and she could tell he was having a hard time restraining himself from plopping onto the seat right this second. They'd both come down here excited to see it. "We'll play it together." she said. Still smiling, she sat on one end of the large leather bench and patted the seat beside her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] Sorry for the OoC but I think it's "Fazioli" ^.^
Conner smiled again, it seemed like he coudnt stop himself if he wanted to. Needing no extra invitation he nodded, "Sounds fair to me," pulled out the bench for them both but remained standing. "I don't carry sheet music, I usually play by ear. Have you heard the song 'Don't Let Me Fall'?I love the instrumental, it's so smooth and just rolls off the fingers, really beautiful. It's fairly simple." He smirked, "I'm sure a pro like you would have no problem jumping in."

[[OOC: Sorry, on my iPod, must've misread when I went back to check ^^" I dunno how the link will work, should be an option to switch the version over back to web *shrug* ]]
Violet smiled and nodded. "Yes, I know it." she said. She wondered whether he was going to sit down. "I don't usually use sheet music either, I play mostly by ear." She blushed a little at the nerdy comment. Not many people tried to play entire compositions by ear, but she actually found it easier than having to read it.
"Hah, as many instruments as I play, I've never been able to read music very well at all, my brain must be suborn like that," Conner laughed, another thing they shared, "Sweet, itll be easier then playing together. So I'll start us off then?" he finally sat down and laid his hands on the keys. He played subsidy little tune to get himself acquainted to the sound as Violet took a seat beside him. Conner took a collective breath. "Ready?" he asked her with a crooked smile. He moved his hands up to a higher octave, and closed his eyes in visualization. His fingers stroked the keys with a gentalness, more so like he was taking in the feel of the ebony beneath his fingertips rather than producing the notes rolling from them.
Violet followed suit, playing the lower octave keys. The sound was unlike any other piano she'd laid fingers on. It was so much more beautiful and rich than even the nicest one she'd played. She occasionally threw in a unique flare of her own into the music, a perk of not reading from sheet music. She loved to take a song and make it her own. She had to admit that she and Conner made an excellent team. They played in perfect rhythm and harmony and it sounded amazing. She smiled the whole time, unable to hold in her excitement of being one of the first students to lay hands on such a gorgeous instrument.
Cameron turned away from the window, nothing much in the room had changed much from when she had left it in late May--other than the beds where made in a pristine fashion and all the throw pillows and decorative pillows in the room had been properly fluffed--her notes and sketches where still tacked up on the wall over her bed and around her desk. And speaking of her desk, it was still a complete stye, resource and reference books of sorts were stuffed with drawing paper and stacked around edges of the desk, decorated by crumpled wads of reject sketches; the center was set off by a large spiral of all purpose/media paper, the cover open showing notes scrawled across the pages and doodles of people she saw around the school. Cameron would bet that if she were to open the drawers, all of her materials and pens and things would be in precisely the same place as she left. She was instantly grateful she had left the fifty dollar tip for the room cleaners--the thought of people going through her possessions weirded her out, she was much too much of a busy person as to clean up the black hole that was her desk and put away all her things and such only to bring most of them back, it was futile.

Cameron pulled her arms out of her coat to show a silky black blouse, with tight long-sleeves, cinched slightly at the waist, and hem length that decended to fingertip length over her leggings. She tossed her coat on one of the several vaccant chairs in the room, and was adjusting her scarf when she finally noticed Morgan entering the room. Cameron offered a small smile and said, "Hello, Morgan. How was your summer?" as she leaned casually on the arm of Dane's chair. She liked to consider her as a good friend, they had been roommates since they both had arrived at Briarwood several years ago. Looking at her now, she could tell Morgan was uncomfortable with Dane being there and wondered if Morgan was having problems with her relationship with Chase; the last that Cemeron had heard, they were happily together. She kept her expression pleasant rather than questioning or accusatory.


Conner's fingers floated across the keys, as the graceful sound of the duet rolled off the strings within the great instruments. He didn't fight the grin on his lips or the light-hearted laughter that escaped from them. Conner let the last notes sink into him as the sound of the piano's song came to an end. He finally lifted his foot off of one of the petals, sat back, and sighed. After a long moments silence, revaling the beautiful music still echoing in his ears, he told Violet, "I think I enjoyed that too much." He shook his head slowly and chuckled, "That was the most amazing sound. . ." his sentence drifted off, but it seemed pretty fair to assume that they were both thinking the same thing.
Violet nodded, running her delicate fingers lightly across the keys. She had a smile on her face which was matched only by Conner's. "It's... Amazing..." she said. She'd never played an instrument that had made such a beautiful sound. She was sad that it had to end. She looked over and saw that Conner was grinning as well and she couldn't help but laugh a little. "Look at us bands geeks flipping out over our first time on a new piano like the normal people flip out over their first time having s**..." She started laughing harder and finally calmed down. "I don't care how nerdy it is to say this, but I'm choosing to play piano in orchestra this year just so I get another chance to play this thing." she motioned to the Fazioli. She gave Conner a smile. "We should probably get out of here, someone probably heard us playing away on this thing."
Conner broke into laughter, "That's a fact," he told her, though his face reddening slightly. "And we're not nerds. We're geeks," he laughed, "There's a difference. So, like the band-geek I admit I am; I envy you, ma'am. To play this fabulous contraption the rest of the year. I see no reason why Carter would decline you, Violet, you're easily the best piano player." Professor Carter was their music-slash-band-slash-orchestra teacher, a young guy of maybe thirty five. He'd mastered maybe a dozen instruments and had performed in the most famous concert halls with the most prestigious ensembles and orchestras before being recruited to Briarwood for a teaching position. Currently their teacher was out on a performing tour that wouldn't bring him back for another two weeks. At least, that's what they thought until a voice rang out through the theater.

"What are you two doing in here? The door was locked." A deep voice rang out, smooth and pleasant on the ears with a note of a raised eyebrow in the sound. With the dynamics for the acousitcs for the darkened theater, difficult to triangulate where the voice had sounded from.

Conner twisted around and raised a hand to sheild his eyes from the light pouring from the spotlight overhead. "I have my ways, Professor," he told his teacher, smiling again.

Conner finally spotted him towards the back of the theater relaxing one of the thousands of plush dard red velvet chairs. "That is most certainly like you, Greyson. Anyhow, I would like to appaud you, that was quite a duet. I actually enjoyed that." Professor was also one who was not easy to please. He expected nothing short of greatness.
Violet noticed Conner's cheeks turning pink when she mentioned s**, and she almost felt bad for making such an obscene comparison. "Thank you," she said when he compliemented her. She meant it, she really appreciated the fact that at least someone was rooting for her.

Suddenly a spotlight turned on and their Professor's voice rang out through the auditorium. Violet's eyes finally adjusted to the light to spot him sitting there in a plush audience seat, and she had a feeling that he'd been there the whole time. However she smiled when he complimented the duo. It was a great achievement to impress this guy, and she and Conner had done it. She was hoping he wasn't upset that they'd broke in; that their performance had gotten them out of trouble, but she knew even the kindest of teachers still dealt punishment when a student did something wrong. She had her fingers crossed that they wouldn't be scolded or punished, especially before the school year even started. "You've been there the whole time?" she asked, her pink cheeks now matching Conner's.
"Don't you worry, you aren't in trouble." The professor's voice said to them. "I think we could both agree your proformance well made up for it. Completely improvised, was it?" Professor Carter stood and began to walk leisurely down the aisle toward the stage.

Conner raised an eyebrow and gave a nod. He noticed Carter didn't anwser Violet's initial question. "Quite impressive; very few artists can improvise a duet and play it in such a professional manner." He folded his arms over his chest in which he was wearing a leather jacket over a hoodie, damp around the hood sticking out in the back, and a pair of jeans. He seemed much more casual, even by the casual way he dressed "formally" for his class. Professor Vincent Carter was just an easy-going guy, no matter if he was a little up-tight durning class, he always retained that calm poise.

"Thanks," Conner said a bit caught off gaurd, compliments like that didn't come so often. "But. . . ."

Their teacher anwsered for him, "You mean to ask me what I'm doing here?" Conner nodded again in reply, rubbing the back of his neck. "The conductor of the orchestra I was touring with ran into some health problems, there was no one to fill his position on such short notice, so they canceled the rest of the tour since there wasn't much remaining of it. On my way in I heard some gossip that the school "splurged" and bought a Fazioli and I decided to see for myself. Hence, you are priveleged to enjoy my company. Imagine my surprise when I unlocked the door to find two students satisifying their curiosity and the hall already filled with music." The professor said sarcasically, a smirk on his face. Conner's face turned slightly pink, but he couldn't help from chuckling.
Violet was relieved when the teacher said they were not in trouble. He'd come down here to see the Fazioli as well, then? She gave him a smile, she couldn't help but be amused not only by his attire - which was presumably wet from the rain - and the fact that he was so thrilled to hear them playing together. Violet didn't mention that she was planning to play the piano this year, and tried to refrain from begging the professor to let her play the Fazioli in lieu of one of the other pianos students were allowed to play.

Violet glanced over at Conner, who seemed to be thrilled about recieving so many compliments from a professor he clearly adored. She couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm before turning to the teacher again.
Dane watched Cam slip around the room her movements graceful and precise while at the same time free. It wasn’t as if she were trying or she care how it looked to the watcher she was just moving around her room. Sometimes he wondered if he told her how much he loved to watch her, than again he was not exactly ready to say the “L” word yet. I mean sure they had ended text messages by saying “luv ya” but was different than that three word sentence that made you so vulnerable. And the thing was, Dane didn’t do vulnerable. Uh-uh he was not the victim and he was not opening himself up to pain even if it was to Cam.

He turned his head to face the door when he heard Cam’s roommate enter. He had forgotten who she shared a room with but when he saw Morgan it obviously came back to him. “Hey,” Dane said with a half wave where he just lifted his hand up and everything from the wrist to the elbow remained on the armrest. He figured he had better leave soon considering he had not unpacked or seen his dorm room today. But he also did not want to leave Cam. He liked being around her and on top of that it was raining so he had an excuse to stay. But if Cam and Morgan started to talk he might just slip out figuring they needed to catch up. He did not want to steal Cam away from her friends, completely; sometimes he fantasized throwing a punch at some of her guy friends who stared too long at her “t-shirts” or enjoyed her “leggings” too much. However Dane never did, he knew Cam could handle herself and he was probably imagining it.
The professor took a seat in the middle of the third row. He had heard all of their conversations. And from the look he observed on Conner's face, it looked like he was aware of it too. Carter smiled and leaned back in his seat, laying his arms across the seats beside him. "So, he said. Greyson, I know you're playing first chair this year. Miss Violet, have you decided what instument you will contribute to our orchestra?"

Conner stood up and vacated the piano bench. Their teacher was expecting an audition. But, of course, the accousitcs in the theater were perfect, it was designed so that one could hear anything from any seat. Of course their teacher had heard them, and he knew that Violet wanted to play the piano. So, like anyone else, she would have to audition. Conner had auditioned before summer break.

Carter waved him over, and Conner leaned over to whisper Violet good luck before jumping down off the stage and weaving his way to the seat beside his professor, trying to keep the smug smile off his face.
Violet turned pink when he asked what she would be contributing. She'd auditioned before, but that was to play bass guitar, usually. Conner wished her luck and jumped off the stage when Violet found out that she was to audition here and now. She took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves. She hadn't prepared anything, thinking for sure that she would have more time to plan out her audition piece.

Finally Violet decided on a great classical piece, "Appasionata". She played only the intro and first couple minutes, but played it perfectly with no wrong notes. It was a great feat for her, considering it was all memorized and played with no sheet music. When she finished she looked up at the Professor, waiting for some sort of critique, or in the worst case scenario, for him to tell her she hadn't made the cut.


Only to 1:37 is what she plays))
Once he got into his room, Isaac’s eyes seemed to light up significantly; it was spacious and his bed looked big enough to swallow him. His phone went off again, and he made sure to close the door behind him before starting to strip himself of his wet clothes. Phone landing on the bed, he kicked his pants next to a dresser that was soon to be full, and stripped off his shirt, using it as a makeshift towel before it joined its companion. Socks went off next, despite being the wettest, from splashing around in the puddles without a care.

Then he remembered his phone picking it up to check the message in just his boxer briefs, the goofy grin on his face soon widened, allowing him to laugh. Naiire was so cute sometimes, he just wanted to keep her to himself, with the sentiment in mind, he replied.

To: Naiiiiiiiiire~

Single room is good,

Maybe some more alone time with my girlfriend…

Have you met her yet?

She’s the cutest girl in the café.

He almost felt the sheepish smile on his face when he sent it, being mushy always felt so weird to him, he was used to just joking around. Back on track, he finally opened his bag, getting into clothes meant meeting his girlfriend all the sooner.
Professor Carter took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as she began. During the proformance he raised his eyebrows in critique, but kept quiet. As the song rolled to a close, he glanced over at Conner who was watching with upmost attention. "So. . . .What do you think, should she get the position?" he whispered, secretly curious as to what Conner had to say for himself. For him, at least, it was easy to see the boy was envious.

Conner's eyes widdened, not believing what his instructor was asking of him, he himself had no doubt in his mind. "Of course she should have the position!" he hissed back. "Didn't you hear that, it was flawless and she didn't even prepare."

Carter waved a hand complacently, "Never the matter, Greyson," and a smile twinged his cheeks. Violet played the last notes and Carter stood from his seat and clapped polietly. "I've heard better." Was all he said before he moved down to the end of the aisle to leave. Conner stood and stared at the Professor, dent forming between his eyebrows. Carter paused and held up a hand dramatically, "However, none in this school best your talent. You did very well. Congradulations, consider the part yours." He strode off and left. Conner stared after him incredulously. He was still his favourite teacher though.

Conner jumped back on stage and smiled, "He's totally crazy, but that was awesome."

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