Briarwood Preparatory Academy

Logan made a face and shrugged. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but he was so self-conscious about himself, and his voice, he didn't spend as nearly as much time developing it as he should've. He pressed his lips together, he always hated making up excuses for not showing his natural talent, especially since most people, Conner in particular, saw right through them. "Dunno, man," he said walking toward a nearby boulder, trying to stay as far away from the stage as possible. As much as he knew that he'd be more than comfortable up there when he was preforming, he didn't like going near it. As if there was some sort of barrier between him and happiness and it was around a five foot radius of that stage. "I haven't had any time to practice recently, and I'm thirsty so my throat is sort of dry.." he gave a brief, dry cough then gave his signature smile. The sort that got him out of almost every tight situation.

Conner watched Logan lurk around the edge of the amphitheater and gave him a look with a 'no-bullshit' glare to it. "Ever heard the saying, 'Excuses are like armpits, they stink and we all have them'. You want me to give you the speech again?" he said refering to the You're not going to get better if you don't try. You're here for a reason. What are you afraid of? spiel Conner usually lectured him with when Logan ran off with excuses. "I feel like you're mom or something nagging at you all the time." He pointed at himself. "Do I look like a woman? Give me a break, man, or you give me no choice but to kick your ass to prove my manliness."
Veronica looked at the girl for a moment. Based on what she had learned from books and life experience, she did a psychological analysis.

"Ouch, you really hammered that nail on the head. My you seem to do a good deal of judging the book by it's cover." She pursed her lips. "If I had to take a crack at it, I would probably say you are one of the non-remarkable types whose parent buys their way into the school in hopes that the accelerated curriculum and the environment dominated by top-tier student-scholars would be a good influence on you're otherwise angsty-rebellious-teen behavior. You've probably been sent here against your will at the request of 'said parent' and now you act out, partially to establish dominancy and partially because you feel like you have something to prove. In this case it's safe to assume that it's the parent with whom you have ongoing quarrel with." Veronica's thoughtful expression lessened with the appearance of a small smile as her tone began to drip with sarcasm. "I personally apologize on the behave of the 'Official Briarwood Welcoming Committee' if your welcome was less than satisfactory. The marching band is currently out with the cold on this occasion. Furthermore, I apologize again for the inconvenience, as we weren't aware of your arrival, we were not able to inflate the 'Welcome' blimp. And it looks like you will have to carry on by foot. Good palanquin bearers are so hard to find these days."

After a pause Veronica began again. "I read people, you could say that's kinda my thing. Everything about you is written in plain view--your face, your body language. But I can tell that there's more than what meets the eye, isn't that right? Though, you probably wouldn't tell me anyways. I'm expecting the 'shut up, you don't know anything about me' spiel." Veronica cocked a hip and smiled amusedly, "However, I have to say, I do admire you're snarky tongue. The whole 'Holiday' thing was pretty sharp. Nonetheless, it's going to take a lot more to get under my skin. I don't even know your name, stranger."
Tatiana's eyes narrowed as the girl began to speak, summing her up almost perfectly with one simple paragraph. Ah, so she was dealing with a psychological student of some kind?

She kept one eyebrow raised throughout the girl's analysis. "Quite done?" She asked, her tone neutral. She re-skimmed over the girl's words, finding the first thing she didn't like. "Non-remarkable?" She pouted, "Well, isn't that a bit harsh Veronica?" She wouldn't let this girl's correct speech get her down, she wasn't the type to give up easily. "I find myself to be pretty remarkable. I'm a stud in water, not to mention I could flip right over your head now if I wished to."

She smirked at the girl's sudden change, the sarcasm a welcome environment to Tatiana, "What would get under your skin then, Veronica? Care to enlighten me? Or should I use trial and error?" She then grinned at the stranger comment, "Tatiana Noel, though Stranger is a cute nickname." She swore. If the girl gushed over her last name like most idiots, she'd so have to rig a bucket of paint to fall over the brunette's head. 'Omgosh! Tatiana Noel? Like, daughter of Bree Noel! Could you get me an autograph! I just loveeeee that film your mum did!'
Veronica nodded thoughtfully, "Flipping, you must be a gymnast? We have an acrobatic team if you're interested." Then Veronica continued to listen patiently. "Ah, a Noel, you must be the trophy child of the famed actress I presume? We get quite a few of you here. You must know Lucian Calloway? His son Jonah attends here as well." Lucian Calloway was a one of those hot-shot actors that played in some of the most famous top grossing movies of the last twenty five years. Veronica could care less about celebrities. She didn't really watch movies anyway, they were mostly a wast of her valuable time, she had no time to indulge in them. Hence, the whole idolizing thing that surrounded those famous, didn't seem logical. Who care who the were or what they did on camera. She had already decided that she would be famous someday for an entirely different reason than being filmed acting out some story. Veronica would have her own script of a different kind, the kind that delivered speeches to the American public behind a podium. She already had her wealth, and she didn't need to share her friend's fame, so she got along fine with other people. "Off the top of my head I could think of a dozen more, but you just don't look all that interested, so I'll leave it at that."

"And I think I rather like Stranger too. Since you approve of it, all just call you that then." Veronica gave Tatiana one of her award winning charming smiles.
"Well your hair could be shorter.." he said, then smirked, half expecting him to laugh, until he saw the look he was giving him. He frowned and slipped his hands into his pockets, wanting to cringe at the mention of his mother. It felt like he never really had one. "And I actually never heard that saying up until you started saying it to me three years ago.." he leaned against the large rock. "Why won't you just let me live my life, Greyson?" he smirked. "Are you in love with me, or something? One of those weird romantic comedy plot twists?"

Dane didn’t let her words trouble him because Cammie seemed content with waiting for him. He probably over exaggerated how important or strange his little secret was but that didn’t really matter right now. He had a beautiful girl in front of him and a wonderful afternoon planned, a smirk crawled across his face at her confident words and alluring touch. “Well I cannot wait to hear those stories,” his voice was breathy as her touch was just so intoxicating. Cam’s description of her day was just so…Cam. Everything she had listed she loved to do and could spend hours doing. Dane could spend hours just watching her do those things, not like a stalker but as a companion basking in her glow. A goofy smile spread across his faced as an idea popped into his head, “And when you say drawing your favorite subject you could not possibly be ME,” on ‘me’ he stood hastily and struck a ridiculous pose like some body builder.
Tatiana felt a bit stuck now. This girl obviously wasn't fazed by her attitude, not in the slightest. And she didn't seem willing to give much attitude back either. She had nothing to work off now, no snarky comment to pick up on, no judgement to correct, nothing, nada.

This girl was obviously trying to be in the political or law business, by the way she spoke and just her attitude in general. She was far too formal and well, perfect.

She was just glad she didn't fawn over her Mother's fame. Tatiana wouldn't have taken that well.

But then she re-thought over the girl's words, and smirked, she found something. "Trophy child?" She chuckled lightly, looking to the side, "Yeah, don't think I'm much of a prize I must admit." She looked back at Veronica, "Throwing Bree's jewellery into the sea didn't look so good for her in the papers, so I guess I'm the opposite of a trophy child."

She doesn't even think about the fact that she just said Bree instead of Mum, Mother or even Mummy. She always calls her Mum Bree, it's her name.
Conner reached up and ran a hand through his messy hair. "What's wrong with my hair?" he said, mocking worry. Conner set his guitar aside and hopped down from the stage only to lean back against it and cross his arms. "But since we've been bros for so long, I would go gay for you, man. But I dunno, I'd like to make up an excuse and say I have a girlfriend…but since I don't at the moment. I didn't know you were into that kind of freaky stuff. But I'm here for you man, if thats what you wanna do. 'Cuz thats what bros do, they go **** for each other." Conner picked up his guitar, "I've got this tune stuck in my head, you know, but I can't remember the exact words." He started playing the opening to 'We are Young', "Hold on just a second, I need to get my story straight, my bro is in the bathroom and is as gay as Johnny Depp is straight, my bro he's now waiting for me, just across the bar, this is an awkward phase in our relationship, I wish I had a girlfriend now…" He cleared his throat. "I know, a little pitchy. And the ending needs work. And that was just about the lamest thing that ever came out of my mouth…But you get the point. If there is one." He scratches his neck, "I think that was mostly just ******* around. I don't even remember what we were talking about in the first place."


Cameron giggled as Dane struck his pose and she grabbed for her sketch book and started drawing his frame with thick light-handed lines, then going back over them with finer heavier lines and drawing in details capturing his physic perfectly. Then on the second piece she sketched out a second frame but drew him in a ridiculous, over-exaggerated, cartoon-y fashion, making his muscles over-sized and his expression and hair cut look more of a surfer stud than his bad-ass persona. Cameron laughed and ripped the two pages out and showed them to him. "Take a look for yourself?" she said, finally answering his question and cocked an eyebrow. "So which one do you prefer?"


Veronica raised her hands, "Call it what you want." she said, "You're the child of two very famous people." Veronica didn't really want to go into the details of what a trophy child entailed. It was kind of like a trophy wife, the dynamics where complicated. But trophy wife and trophy child alike, both got you a lot of attention and a lot of fame. And Veronica wasn't that mean to tell this girl, as loud mouthed and snarky as she was, that the main reason that two very rich and famous people have a baby is because its good publicity. Veronica saw it a lot, kids raised virtually on their own. She felt kinda bad for this girl, Tatiana, in essence, she was just looking for attention from her parents to make them notice her.

"Anyways, I was just going to the Dinning Hall for lunch, but I figure you probably wouldn't want to join me," Veronica shrugged, though she would like to talk to this girl some more, she gauged that the best way would be dismissing her and using reverse psychology. Out loud it would sound cliche but when put to action Veronica made it work for her.

RayneStyles It's fine.


Violet passed by Conner and another guy she hadn't met yet. She gave Conner a small smile and waved, but didn't want to bother him if he was busy. She kept walking and faced forward ... Just in time to trip and fall flat on her face. For a moment, she didn't move. She was too embarrassed to stand back up and face them.
Conner spotted Violet passing along on the footpath around the outside of the amphitheater. He burst into a grin and waved back. A second later she disappeared. Conner frowned and called out confused as to what just happened, "Violet?" He set his guitar aside and bounded up the large crumbly steps to the path. Then he understood what happened and he let out a small chuckled and bent down. "Are you okay?" he asked and held out his hand.
Logan smirked, trying not to show that he found those idiotic lyrics to be to amusing, when he saw an outline of someone else passing them by. He turned his head to see some brunette, who obviously knew Conner, waving and smiling. He wanted to laugh at the grin that appeared on his face. A pudgy kid in a candy shop would be a perfect way to describe the look on his face. No girlfriend my ass. He ran a hand through his hair as he saw him race after her. Apparently her name was Violet. He smirked and leaned back against the rock.

Violet sat up, brushing some of her black hair out of her face and picking up her glasses, which were luckily not broken. She put them on and looked over at Conner, hoping her face wasn't all scraped up from the sidewalk, but able to feel her skin burning from the crash landing. "Well that was graceful..." she mumbled when Conner asked if she was ok. "I'm fine, but I feel pretty dumb right about now..." she stood up and saw that Conner was chuckling. She crossed her arms. "It's not funny!!" she said, but then she burst into laughter as well.
Dane let out a mock groan realizing he would be forced to hold the pose until she was finished drawing him. He tried to throw her off by making goofy faces but her focus never seemed to break. When she finally finished he collapsed pretending to be exhausted and completely spent. “Fine I guess I can rally and pick a picture,” Dane said scrambling to his feet and grasping the two pages. He held both of them up so that they covered his face and pretended to study them. Every few seconds he peeked over the paper giving Cammie a faux glare. “Well obviously I prefer the more serious one,” he said holding up the cartoony drawing himself. “I think it really captures my GORGEOUS muscular frame that drrrrriiiivvvvesss you crazy!” he laughed.
Conner chuckled some more then choked it out with a cough, "Yeah, you're right, totally not funny." His hand was still held out, but finally he took hers and pulled her to her feet. "You came just in time, I was just getting into a spirited debate with my pal down there in the amphitheater." Conner lead her down the stone steps. At the bottom he walked over to Logan, "I don't know if you guys have met before, seeing as this guy is a reclusive bastard," he punched Logan's arm playfully, "This is my roommate, Logan."


Cameron watched as he held up the less serious of the two, sticking her pencil behind her ear. She rang out in carefree laughter and jumped to her feet. She went over to stand next to him and took the two pictures in her hands and looked at them a second time. Cameron shook her head. "This one looks nothing like you," she agreed and crumpled the realistic drawing, she had at least a dozen more, since she loved to draw him. She spun to face him a smirk on her lips. She ran her hand up his arm and squeezed his rock hard bicep. Cameron tilted her head, "And you're totally right, you drive me wild!" She smiled toothily and wrapped her arms around his neck.

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], [MENTION=2447]RayneStyles[/MENTION], [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] OOC: Sorry, I totally forgot I needed to post!
Violet walked down to the ampitheater quietly behind Conner and smiled at Logan. "Hi, I'm Violet." she said. "I'm the clumsy girl who trips over her own feet." She laughed a little but then remembered that her face was probably all scratched up, then she wasn't amused anymore. "Nice to meet you."
Khloe's brown hair whirled in the slight breeze as she walked around. She had just finished her final audition for 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and she was hoping with all her heart that she got the part. She glanced around as she walked and, mindlessly, turned to the amphitheater. Newly fallen leaves crunched under her red hightops, the brittle twigs snapping as well. She yawned and entered the amphitheater. She gave a bright smile as she spotted Conner, Logan, and a girl. She hurried over and sat on Logan's lap, carefully dropping her arms from her chest and wrapping them around his neck. She leaned down and gently brushed her lips against his cheek before sitting up. She pulled on her black hoodie slightly and shivered a bit.
Conner smiled and looked at Violet, "So, what brings you down to the gardens today? Surely it wasn't the alluring draw of my melodic notes?" he rose one dark challenging eyebrow. Then he broke his gaze and shook his head, saying dismissively, "No, no it can't be. That only happens in movies, right? It had to be something else....You are a music goddess in disguise testing me of my worthiness before granting me inspirational enlightenment?" Conner asked eagerly, his imagination running loose.


He heard footsteps and turned to see a brunette girl hopping into Logan's lap and kiss his cheek. Conner thought he'd be polite and greet her, "You must be Logan's girlfriend...Khloe, right? He talks about you a lot." He wondered somewhere in his head if he owed Logan a favor, and if he just made up for it maybe. "You sing? I was just trying to get him to join me in--" he lifts up his guitar, "--But he's being ass at the moment. Perhaps you can convince him?" He shot Logan a look and smirked, knowing this cornered him.

Violet smiled. "Definitely. I forgot to tell you, I'm the Goddess of Music, and I wanted to make sure you were worth my effort and my gift of musical prowess!!" She made a 'poof' motion with her hands. "And now you will be the greatest musician whoever lived! Well, pfft, besides me of course!" She winked to let him know she was joking about the part that sounded conceited, though she hoped he knew already that she was just kidding around. "Actually, I was just alerted by my very angry stomach that I am, indeed, hungry and require nourishment before I can return to the love of my life. I mean my bass guitar, of course. I was on my way to the cafeteria when I so gracefully entered your presence." She laughed a little, she must sound absolutely ridiculous right now, but luckily Conner was just as goofy as she was.

Violet watched the other girl drop in. Khloe? Must be Logan's girlfriend. Violet had never seen her around before, but remained quiet.
Conner stared at her for a long moment, face suddenly now blank and staring. "You can't tell me something I already know. You are the worse pretend goddess ever! Consider yourself fired." There was a pause before he broke out laughing. "I am actually so flattered the way you consider yourself in my presence. And, actually, lunch sounds good about now." He stood up and looped the strap of his guitar across his chest. He looked at Logan and Khloe, "You guys, why don't you come with us? I'm in a mood right now, so why don't you come watch me purposely make a fool of myself as I serenade the Dining Hall--bless them of my brilliance." He bowed shortly to Violet and when he straighten he held out his arm, "If I may, escort you to the Dining Hall, milady-goddess?"
Violet smiled when Conner mentioned going to lunch as well. She waited to see what Khloe and Logan were going to do. She smiled and took Conner's arm. "Well that would be lovely," she said in her goofy acting accent. She thought it was going to be very amusing to see him singing and playing guitar for everyone in the cafeteria, even if it had already been done before. She was sure Conner would make his different and memorable. And probably hilarious, too.
"--I make no promises," Conner was musing, "Though, I will assure you, nothing is drug-induced, and I'm fairly sure theres a Commandment prohibiting drinking before five o'clock." He scratched the back of his head. ", I'm pretty sure it's a Commandment. I wouldn't know, alcohol consumption at nine in the morning everyday messes with my mind. Naw, I kid--you know I'm kidding, right? I'm just not into that stuff, not like a lot of artists and whatever out there. When I make music, I want it to be from me. Not what drugs or alcohol make me into. My music should be as organic as food I eat, not processed or full of preservatives--but clean, natural, raw. Like it should be. How it should always be." Conner twisted to look at Violet. "Oh, sorry, I was rambling." He chuckled half-heartedly.

[[so I say just go where ever this takes us now. A lot of people have dropped, the system is gone as I figured it would be eventually. So let it do whatever :o ]]
Khloe nodded and stood up, grabbing Logan's hand and trying to pull him up. She looked almost like the completely ridiculous person she could be, yanking and pulling on Logan's arm all while trying not to fall. Her dark hair fell in her face and as she went to brush it away with one hand, the other slipped. She wobbled for a few moments as Khloe tried to regain her balance, but God knew that wasn't happening. She was a theatric, not a gymnast. It was then that fell the short fall down the marble steps. Of course, it didn't much help that they had been sitting in one of the higher rows. So, she tumbled down, not screaming yet, she felt hardly any pain but knew she was trying to block it out as best as she could. Her brain was hardly functioning right and eventually she couldn't stand being concious anymore. She let go of the bright day and slipped. slowly, into the dark abyss of unconsciousness.

((Plot Material!!!))

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