Briarwood Preparatory Academy

“Oh how ironic of me,” he muttered making his way up the staircase behind her. Dane had to resist the urge to stare at her frame, more specifically her butt. Being attracted to your girlfriend wasn’t a crime but he knew Cammie didn’t appreciate blatant staring. On the other hand he hadn’t seen her in two months aside from video chats and that didn’t count. He was a teenage boy and staying faithful, when it came to looking, was difficult. But mentally he was dedicated to Cameron.

“Now I feel like an idiot, I have been dating you for…” Dane suddenly realized his mistake. He had walked right into that trap. In other words ‘open mouth insert foot’ because he could barely remember his own birthday let alone their anniversary or how long they had been dating. “Well that point is I have dating you for a while and did not even know your hair color…oopsies,” he said trying to look cute and innocent
They walked down the hallway, turning down various corridors in Cameron's secret shortcut/backway to her dorm room--only few knew about it. She was staring at the walls and the gorgeous paintings, tapestries, vases, and busts that lined them. She must have stopped and stared at them a hundred times since her first time stepping down that hallway. Lost in thought, she was half listening to Dane until they came to the door to her own dormitory, one that she shared with Morgan Thomas--which she didn't mind, they shared a lot of the same interests. She started digging around in her bag and her trench coat pockets for the key, while she did so, she thought over what Dane had been saying. Cameron realized that he was talking about and stopped rumaging.

She turned around and looked at him. Here eyebrows dented slightly and she pursed her lips. "You don't remember our anniversary?" Cameron frowned. "That's a damn shame, I don't either. I was hoping perhaps you did." She tilted her head, Cameron loved the colour of his eyes; she could never decide what colour they were, gray or pale green, but they were so beautiful. She stepped closer to him and lifted her free arm to hold her hand against his angular jaw. "It really doesn't matter to me, Dane. Its just a number? " Her thumb swept over his cheek. "What matters is now. Appreciate the past, but relish today." Cameron stood on her toes to press her lips against him forehead.


Conner smiled misceiviously. He looked down at his leather watch and told her without lifting his eyes. "Rendevous down at the arboretum at fourteen-hundred-thirty." He lifted his own luggage, he had still to put it in his dorm. Conner leaned in to tell her it was 2:20 then said in utter seriousness, "And when we meet at the designated point, I will be further known as Night Shadow...or, you know, Shadow Rooster, or something, whatever you feel comfortable with. Is that an affirmative, Shadow Frost?" Conner nodded to himself, and without waiting for conformation, turned heal and headed off to his dorm.

Morgan sighed softly and she watched him go. Her temper wasn't subsiding. This is what she was afraid of. No one understanding. And her losing it because people tried to act like they did. And even though, she did want someone to understand, she didn't. She was the soul that felt so shunned. And until she met someone like her, she'd feel like she deserved to be the only person allowed to feel this way. She picked up the remainder of her things and groaned, and scurried off to her dorm building. Maybe Cameron's face would lighten her load. She was right now, the only person she didn't seem to have an issue with. She was nice to talk to. She didn't ask for to much as a roommate. She kept to her side. She was pretty cool. And best of all, she understood the right amount of distance, and trying to understand is death. But she wouldn't mind so much if she tried.

Logan had abandoned trying to get anymore sleep despite how tired he was. He had a girlfriend to tend to. And like he assumed would when he first entered this relationship, girlfriend first, sleep later. He heard his phone vibrate, heroically saving it from landing off the corner of the bedside table on the third
bzzzz. His eyes quickly skimmed through the message, wanting to laugh. He could never remember Khloe seeing him as 'just the way he was'. He'd always readied himself to some degree. And no matter how much he didn't want to, for her, dressing up didn't seem like to big of a price. He yawned and sat up from his bed, quickly replying to her text.

To: Khloe

Whatever you say, babe. (: <3

He hit send, locked his phone then rushed to the bathroom, examining his ruffled hair, and red eyes in the untouched mirror, immediately getting to work.

Violet giggled at all his secret-agent talk. She nodded to him and said "Roger that!" right before he left. She wondered why her code name was Shadow Frost, but then again he came up with it in all of ten seconds so it probably wasn't as deep and meaningful as she was trying to make it be. She giggled and put some of her stuff away. Seeing that she still had awhile before she was supposed to meet back up with him, she might as well get most of the move in hassle out of the way. When she finally got bored with that, she walked down to the 'rendezvous spot' and waited. Conner would probably be a while longer but it didn't bother Violet at all to wait.
Khloe had finally finished organizing her side of the room and was proud. She picked up her phone, ready to put it in her pocket when she felt it vibrate against her pale hand. She pressed the 'Open Messsage' button and read the text. She smiled and replied back

To: My Baby <3

I love you. <3 See you in a bit.

She ran her bright pink brush through her dark hair again and then headed down to the east gardens. Along the way she saw manny of her friends and stopped to chat for only a few seconds. She was surprised to learn who her roommate was, for in all the time she had been at Briarwood her father had always made sure she had a room alone. But maybe she deserved it after the way she had acted over the summer.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Matt smiled as he looked down at her "That you are the single most amazing girl in the entire world." he said and tilted her chin up to kiss her. He felt her warm lips meet his an felt his own lips curl into a smile. He pulled back, a light smile on his face, "Shall we take our little reunion inside before we get soaked?"
Megan felt her lips press against Matt. A rush of adrenaline shot through her body as he pulled his warm and inviting lips from hers. A couple more drops of rain fell down her forhead and cheeks as she looked up at the sky. A small curled onto her lips as droplets ran down her cheeks. "I like the rain." She whispered softly, looking back at him. "But we can go inside if you want to.."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chase set his bags on the navy blue plaid comforter and unzipped his suit case, pushing the top open. He scanned through his clothes and oppened the top drawer, setting all of his tee shirts in that drawer. He pulled his pants out and stuffed them into the next drawer. He finished unpacking that suit case and zipped it back up, setting it next to the drawer. He unpacked his duffel bag and set it beside the suit case. He pulled his phone from his pocket and texted Daniella. "Do you want to hang out?"
Matt chuckled "If you want to stay we can, Megzy." he said and leaned his forehead against hers, "I mean it is kinda romantic." He felt the raindrops become more frequent and grinned. Matt did like the rain just he never really enjoyed getting wet. He liked the scent and the look of rain and that was it. Nothing else really appealed to him.

((How ironic is it that a few minutes after I posted my last post it started raining?))
Megan nodded slowly and smiled when his forhead touched hers. She looped her arms around Matt's neck and smiled closing her eyes. "You're so romantic.." She whispered softly. "I really love that about you.."
"And I love that you're so special." he said and touched his pale nose to hers. He smiled for a moment and then jumped when a bolt of lightning stuck not but a few feet from them. He laughed "Maybe we should go inside, yes?"
Megan smiled and listened to him speak softly, melting away in his arms. She jumped and oppened her eyes when she heard lightening strike. She nodded as her heart rammed against her ribcage.

(( I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I FEEL a cavity. D; ))
Matt led her inside and up to his dorm room. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder after he wrapped his jacket around her shoulders.

((LOL, my mum was all freaked out last night because we found out my wisdom teeth are comng in...Therefore, I now have to go to the dentist to find out if I'm going to have to get them cut out or not...She explained the processs...and, well, let's just say EWWWWWWWW))
Megan shivered and felt Matt's jacket draped over her shoulders. She smiled and kissed his jawline, wrapping the jacket around herself and laying on his bed.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( I always have billions of cavities cause i'm just really not good with taking care of my teeth. But i'm starting to care more and more but I feel a cavity in the back on the top. I have some sort of teeth coming in but I thought wisdom teeth came in at like 16..? ))
((I'm 12 and mine are coming in. Age doesn't matter.))

Matt smiled down at her and unlocked his dorm room. He sat on the bed with her and wrapped his arms around her small, shivering body.
Megan looked at Matt and smiled when he walked toward the bed. She closed her eyes when he wrapped his arms around her. "I love you." She whispered softly, lying her head on his shoulder. "I missed you. So much."
(Wow, this is really lengthy, but it's nothing but dialogue so it shouldn't be that much torture to read :D )

Reaching the main lobby of the quaint New York City condo, Naiire and her family walked out of the elevator to the doors. Her mother had a rather large toilette bag, her brother had the pack that held her sleepwear and underclothes, and was holding a plate of leftover cake and ice cream from Naiire's birthday celebration. Naiire herself held her large suitcase filled with the other clothes she would need for the year. A grey Buick Lacrosse pulled to the front of the door, and out came her father, Franklin Watson. Frank picked up his daughter's large case and placed it inside the trunk of the car.

Naiire's brother, Jacob, was attempting to talk with his mouth full. "Ey, lemmwe go awaong," he uttered.

"Ew, can you swallow you food first?!" Naiire asked, grimacing at the sight from her periphery. She sat in the back of the car, prepared to lay down.

"Hey, no fighting you two. Aw, it's Re's senior year, I'm so happy!" Her mother Diane exclaimed, her eyes now welling up with tears. "Oh, come here and give me a hug!" She ordered, holding her arms up.

Naiire sighed and climbed out of the car, giving her mother a hug. "Jeez, Mom, I'm just going to school, it's not like I'm getting deployed somewhere like Jake there, and he's a medic." She turned to her older brother. He had taken a few of his vacation days to stay home, before he left for his next mission in Japan.

Jacob had taken his spot in the back seat, a perfect opportunity to annoy his sister. "Just be safe out there," Diane replied, releasing Naiire so she could get back inside the car.

Frank closed the back door on Naiire's side and sat bad down behind the wheel. "Get ready Kiddies, it's gonna be a long drive," he called back, turning the engine on. Diana waved at the car as it pulled off, getting ready for the long journey ahead of them. After thirty minutes of listening to the radio, Naiire grew slightly hired and decided to send Isaac a text.

To: Isaac =)

Hey, r u ready for our 1st day back?

Jacob had quickly eyed the phone in her hands and snatched it away from her.

"Hey, give me my phone back!" She exclaimed, reaching for his hand.

"Nope. What do you talk about with this guy anyway?" He asked, attempting to look through her messages.

"Nothing! Give it back!" She blocked his eyes from view, his strong hands easily prying her arms away from her eyes.

"No way. 'Oh Isaac, I love you so much. Marry me,'" Jacob mocked, making kissy noises in her ear.

"Oh please, that is not what I tell him. I am not clingy like those other Briar girls."

"Nope. You're clingier!"

Naiire replied with an arm punch. "Whatever. We just started dating, why would I be all lovestruck now?"

Jacob smiled. "Because everyone becomes lovestruck at the beginning. Then someone screws up, and BOOM! The breakup will hit you like a rock."

"I'll have you know, Jake," Naiire argued, "that this is not the first time I had a boyfriend. Don't you think I have some idea as to how relationships work?"

"I think you might," Jacob answered, "but I'm just looking out for my baby sister." And with that, he mussed Naiire's hair.

"Yeah whatever," Naiire snatched back her phone. "I think you're just looking to annoy me."

Franklin couldn't help but to laugh at his children. "Re, give your brother some credit. He means it. As for you, young lady, what do you see in this guy anyway?"

Naiire now looked over to her father. "Well, he's fun to be around, I don't know." She responded. "I'm a high schooler, I shouldn't be serious about a relationship at this point in my life. I have all the time in the world."

Franklin grinned at his daughter through the mirror. "You got that right," he stated, focusing more on the road again.

"Wow," Jacob replied. "At your age, I wasn't serious about anything... That still doesn't mean Isaac's off the hook. You're going to be in a boarding school with him, for over a hundred days! Anything could happen between that time!"

Naiire sighed. "Jacob, just because you were rebellious in high school doesn't mean every guy is the same at that age."

"Hmmm... Nope, that's exactly what it means."

Naiire groaned, knowing that her brother always had to base things through his own personal shenanigans. The skies opened up to bring rain, and conversation continued on for a while longer, when Jacob came to this conclusion.

"Just keep this fact in his mind: your father and brother are Marines."

Naiire chortled. "And what exactly are you gonna do to him, clean up his wounds after Dad snipes him?" Franklin laughed at his sudden inclusion he had in the conversation. She continued on, "Or did you have biological warfare in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking about death of natural causes," Jacob answered. Soon after a flash of lighting illuminated the sky before them.

"Hey Dad, since Jake here keeps being a jarhead, maybe you should let him out of the car. He can find his way home," Naiire said halfheartedly.

The subject was changed from there, ranging from sports to this year's Olympics. After the long drive, the Buick smoothly stopped at the main entrance of Briarwood Academy. The trio got out of the car to unload and say their final goodbyes.

"Hey, good luck out there kid," Jacob said, putting the sling back over her shoulders. "It's your last year, end it with a bang. Well, not literally."

Both Naiire and Frank shook their heads at him. "But he is right for once," Frank said playfully. "Give 'em Hell, sweetheart." He finished, handing her a small bag with a kiss on her forehead.

"Will do," Naiire replied, which is, to an extent, what she had hoped to do this year, after all.

She gave the two a big hug, before they got back inside the car and drove off. She was feeling quite antsy from the long drive, and decided to take the long way to her quarters. All of her school information, from her classes to her room number was already given to her over the summer, and whatever she hadn't recalled, she looked from the note saved into her phone. Once she made it to her room, she noticed her roommate had already been here by evidence of her luggage. Naiire had placed her bags on the nearest bed, preferring the one closer to the door to go back and forth a lot easier. Looking through her bags, Naiire took out her clothes, uniform pieces, and other items, and placed them in their designated areas.

Isaac hadn't texted back since the car ride, which she wasn't too worried about. He should be on his way by now, she figured, and she'll see him when he gets there. In the meantime, she pulled out a notebook with a large volleyball printed on it and seperate leaflets of paper, containing her game plans for this year. She wanted her team to be successful this year, as they had been under command last year, and she still had to set a date for tryouts. She continued to scan over her game book, waiting for either her roommate or a text to interrupt her.
Dane watched Cam trying to decipher the emotion sometimes he struggled with understanding her but right now he could tell she was joking. A smile broke out on his face as she admitted to not remembering it either; she was now studying him and became more serious as she rested a hand on his cheek. He loved when she was like this because her words became so beautiful and he felt like he could trust her; yet even now she didn’t know his true passion. It wasn’t some kind of dark secret but it was a secret none the less and he wondered if she would be mad at him for keeping it from her.

“You know we really should have an anniversary of some kind, why don’t we pick a day later and both of us can put reminders in our phone. Hell we can even become one of this annoying couples who celebrates their one year, three months, 2 days and 20 minutes anniversary!” Dane said sarcastically.

As Daniella unpacked her bags she refused to think about how jealous she had gotten. Chase wasn’t her boyfriend and just because they chatted didn’t mean she could get all possessive and bitchy when he talked about his GIRLFRIEND, somebody else, not Daniella, a girl he was committed to besides Daniella, a person for all she knew he might be in love with and her name was not Daniella. She could practically kick herself for being so petty, she started to say something to her rommie Khloe but the girl seemed pretty absorbed in unpacking her stuff and besides Dani was shy when it came to new people. Her phone buzzed and she all but pounced on it.

From: Chase

Do you want to hang out?

She paused for a moment glancing outside at the pouring rain, but that wasn’t about to stop her.

To: Chase

Yeah, where?


Logan ruffled his hair, then began combing it with his fingers and rubbed his eyes, ignoring the stray buzzing on his bed in the other room, at least for now. He turned on the faucet and began to splash the cool water on his face, gradually beginning to wake him up from him over powering slumber. He'd just have to fit in as much sleep as he could now. God knows he wouldn't be getting any by the time classes began. He finished, and turned the faucet knob back into off position and felt around for the stray towel he saw when he first came in, beginning to dap his face, then looked back up to himself to examine. Good thing he shaved before he left home. He just saved himself the trouble of doing it now. He rubbed his face and exited the bathroom, throwing the towel back on the counter as he walked out, he had to find a comb..

Morgan walked clumsily walked down the hallway to her dorm, feeling her chest getting tighter the deeper she went on. She heard the laughs from the rooms behind doors and smiling faces passing her by, paying her no mind as though she weren't there at all. She sighed. she should probably just climb into bed for the rest of the evening. Maybe have a movie marathon on her laptop. She turned to corner to reach her dorm, seeing Cameron, and her boyfriend who she remembered to be Dale...or maybe it was Dane? Something like that. She frowned and groaned under her breath. What perfect timing she had. Right when they looked to be getting rather intimate as well..

Chase pushed the drawers to the light wooden dresser closed gently and smiled. He finally got all of his shit settled in. Infact, this was probably his record for the quickest time to put all of his stuff away on move in day. He walked back over to the bed and leaned over to the nightstand, for the long bronze string that dangled around. He pulled the string down as it clicked and the light came flashing on from under the lampshade. He plopped himself in bed and adjusted his pillows, closing his eyes until he felt his phone vibrating under him. He pulled it out and read the screen.

From: Danni

Yeah, where?

He typed quickly and pressed send, his eyes and eyelids together once again.

To: Danni

Where ever? Doesn't really matter to me..
Matt shrugged "I missed you like I always do." he paused and shook his head. "It was hard to not call you but my mum thinks you're a brat and I shouldn't be dating you." He sighed and leaned his chin against the top of her head.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Khloe hadn't even noticed her rookie until she had left the room. Oh well, she had all year to get to know the other girl. She finally reached the east gardens and thanked God for the small patio that would protect the two from the rain.

(Sorry for the short posts, my wisdom teeth are coming in and I've been drugged up on pain meds since this morning. My mouth is in serious pain.)
As Isaac looked at the much older version of himself through the rain, he realized that this probably wasn’t going to be an emotional goodbye. Still, the moment was at a deadlock, the two simply staring at each other even when his phone went off with a slight ‘ding’. It had yet to be set to vibrate, but even without looking at the screen he knew who had texted him, it would be his new girlfriend.

Naiire and him had met over the summer, and he had started flirting with her before he completely recognized her. The two went to the same school, and he hoped that could only improve the relationship that was budding between them. Though they hardly knew each other yet; he had almost missed her birthday completely but gave her flowers at the last chance. Due to the cheesiness of his gift, he was slightly embarrassed at meeting her now, even blushing at the thought.

“Son?” his dad questioned; quirking an eyebrow as he read what the blush on said son’s face meant. Isaac wondered why this goodbye was taking so long, his hair was already soaked and the top trim of his T-shirt was as well. All his mom had done was suffocate him in a hug, bawling about how her baby was growing up and he had to awkwardly cheer her up. He would miss her too…

Kailee, on the other hand, who had thrown ‘Pandie’ (a stuffed panda bear) at him on his way out, didn’t seem to care that he was leaving. Finally his dad, Matthew Platt, stuck his hand out for him to shake it and Isaac did just that, a sly grin creeping across his face. In the same moment father and son pulled each other into a hug, and the boy’s grin couldn’t be any bigger. His father held him by his shoulders, pushing him an arm’s length away before staring at him.

“Now don’t you do anything I wouldn’t do” Isaac smiled, but nodded anyways, there weren’t much limitations to those instructions. “If anything happens, don’t be afraid to call us” the older man ordered, and he nodded once more. “I’ll see you during winter break; you make sure not to lose that girlfriend of yours before me and Abby can meet her!” this was his father’s final warning, as they hugged again and finally separated.

Isaac waited for his dad to get in the car before dragging his luggage up to his private room; the boy was already drenched anyways. When his dad’s car finally pulled away, the brunette shouldered a couple of bags before taking out his cellphone and reading the text message. He smiled, and slid out the keyboard for a reply;

To: Naiiiiiiiiire~

Ready for classes? No.

Ready to see you every day? Definitely ;)

With a rather broad smile, the soaked boy started making his way to the boy’s dorm, to start unpacking his stuff. Then he might find the girl he was currently texting to see how she was doing…
Daniella darted around her room looking for her red trench coat, it was her favorite rain coat it would look great with her black and white dress. It took her a moment to find it but by the time she had it pulled on, Chase had replied. She scanned the screen and stopped trying to think of the best place to meet. There was the library but than they would have to be quiet, then it hit her the arboretum. She loved the exotic smells and the scents that wafted out of the beautiful flowers.

To: Chase

I'll see u n the Arboretum

Through a series of events to make himself look more presentable, Logan stepped back from the mirror, satisfied with the way he looked, completely. You couldn't even tell he'd just awoken from a nap. He smiled at himself then quickly slipped on his hoodie from his opened, suitcase, leaving things laying around on his side of the room. His poor roommate, who ever it was this time, was probably going to come in with a headache because of him. He shoved his things closer to his bed so the guy would at least have enough space to unpack on his own side of the room. He then made sure he had his key in his jeans pocket and left his dorm quickly, heading toward the East Gardens, he was sure she wouldn't mind if he were a little early.

[[OOC: I'd like opinions please;]]

Cameron sighed. It seemed Dane thought she was kidding about the anniversary thing; she was partially. Honestly, she could care less. Cameron thought it was ridiculous that other girls stress over the whole thing and make it some big event. But she figured it was a celebration of the commitment they had to each other. And that was probably what made Cameron nod and say, "Alright, Thursday then--seems like a perfectly ordinary day to do something special." She turned around and reached for her key, however, she was reminded again that it was packed at the bottom of her bag. Instead;, Cameron resolved by dragging a decorative chair over to the wall opposite her door where she stepped up and picked a key off the back of a tapestry rack. She put the chair back and proceeded to unlock her door. "How does a picnic on the beach sound?" Cameron suggested as she pushed the door open, stepped inside, and flicked on the light switch.

She set her duffle on the carved chest at the end of her giant elegant alabaster coloured bed, then set the rest of her bags on the floor. Cameron blew out a breath and surveyed the room she had lived in her stay at the Academy. Thoughtfully placed sconces and a large crystal chandelier produced a soft glow, giving the room a warm cozy atmosphere. Cameron noticed that the silk curtains had been drawn over the tall windows and she strode over to pull them apart. She pressed her fingertips to the window as, outside, rain pattered softly against the panes, and students who had lingered in the rain, or were still arriving caught in the rain, where bustling and rushing to get inside.
When Conner got to his room, he didn't really pay attention to anything inside. He threw his stuff on his bed, though he took his time to gently lay down his electric guitar case, but adjusted the strap for his acoustic across his chest. Conner didn't like bringing his instruments to school, but his guitars were his babies. After locking his door behind him, Conner left for the arboretum.

The arboretum itself was roughly less the size of half a football field, located in the upmost center of the main Academy building where all hallways seemed to converge in one room. The floor was an intricate mosaic of the compass cardinal directions, the astronomical zodiac around the rim, and the center the moon and the sun. It was a piece of art itself, it created walkways around strategically placed planters in the floor where plants of all nature sprang up and thrived. Today the room was filled with a cool pale blue light from the weather outside. Conner stood and stared at the ceiling at the rain drops falling against the beautiful paned dome and rolling down to the sides. He finally tore his eyes away and strolled around the little paths to find Violet. "You ready?" he asked her quietly, "You weren't followed, were you?" Conner quirked a smile.
Violet was admiring the mosaic on the floor when she heard someone approaching. She looked up to see Conner and smiled. "No, I made it here ok, no one followed me." she said, trying to hold back giggles. "What about you? That potter plant over there is looking pretty suspicious. It might be bugged. We better get out of here!" She gave a cute grin and stood up, leaving with Conner for what was apparently a top-secret mission.

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