Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Kamryn was with Darekk... there was no way they were leaving Mac behind or truly turning him in. So she followed Darekk's lead hoping that there might be an opening somewhere to allow them all to escape. She wondered what Jo's plan might be though so she held back and looked at Jo. "I... you... have an idea... for how to fix this?" Kamryn asked, unsure if Jo had a plan or if Kamryn had misunderstood her.
Jo was startled by Kamryn's question "You are asking the wrong person" she said softly, just because she had spoken with logic for the safety of others doesnt mean she was any more enthusiastic about the whole idea. After all she would avoid it if she could. She was the youngest, weakest person around them. She was just doing what needed to be done and that was it. She didnt want to become a bigger part of it. After all she had just changed her mind about escaping, if she looked to driven about the idea it would just look more suspicious..... She opened the door picking up her bag. "We shouldnt all leave at the same time, I'll be heading out first to personal training...we should also get together at lunch to talk about where we can meet and discuss about ..the plan.." Without anything else to add Jo walked outside and closed the door behind her. There were so many feelings she was blocking out, she had to stop at the bathrooms to wash her face and try to survive throught the day. She splashed her face with water a couple of time. She didnt wanted to look up in the mirror so she just went straight to the Chamaleon rooms.
Crystal watched as Mac was turned in to buy the group sometime. Once they had left the room she heard the two girls talking and making a plan for everyone to meet at lunch to discuss what to do next. Crystal waited 30 minutes after the first girl left to leave the room and went straight to her room. Today had been such a strange day:she was brought to a strange facility, then she met a group of people trying to escape only to have one of them be turned in and the rest of the group needing to come up with a plan to rescue him and escape. Could she really trust these people? She didn't even know must of their names. "I need then if I want to escape though" she thought. "Gah!" Crystal screamed as she encased the room in solid ice.
Mac was turned over to the guards. They weren't as rough as the previous encounter, because they knew he couldn't do anything about it. They just yelled insults at him until they reached the cooler. There were only two cells. They obviously didn't expect to have much trouble. Then Mac was thrown in. He landed face first on the floor, writhing in pain as his wounds screamed at him. This was it. Mac doubted if he would ever see the light of day again. Besides, he had only just met those people. They probably just wanted to get back to normal. Mac curled up in a corner, trying to control his shivering because every movement, every breath hurt. It's as if the guards had turned his own body against him.
Kamryn looked at Jo sadly.... she hated that they had to turn Mac over for now but... she refused to even allow herself to think about leaving him behind. She wondered how long he would be able to hold on. Kamryn ended up following the guards, wanting to see where they took Mac. She had a close call a couple times, almost being caught... but a couple well placed illusions saved her from the trouble she'd get in otherwise. Seeing that he had been put into something that looked a lot like a cell - 'because it probably is a cell, Kamryn, you airhead' she thought snarkily to herself - she mapped her way back to the common areas and... in the end with nothing better to do because she was tearing herself apart attempting to come up with a rescue plan, Kamryn headed to class, checking the time to see that Troy's class would have just ended and it was time for solo studies. She would focus today- she had to, a lot of things could be depending on it.

After the class was over Troy received notification that they had found their runaway Kraya... the one that tried to run away, anyway. Troy was quick to head to the room that he was told Mac was being kept in, a medical kit at his side. The guards stepped aside and opened the door quickly, allowing him entrance without so much as a question. The door shutting behind them allowed for the chill to reach Troy but not effect him as he kneeled next to Mac and began to examine the Kraya's wounds.

"You are so stupid." Troy muttered angrily next to him as he began washing the wounds and applying salve to help with the healing. "How could you make such a fool headed slip as letting this place know you're trying to escape!? I thought you, of all Krayas, would be smarter than this...." Troy continued, his hands moving a little more roughly than usual in his anger.

"Have the others been discovered?" Troy asked quickly, staring at Mac hard.
Zak stayed behind in the room, it was his room, after all. A sickening twist in his stomach forced him to stay seated on the bottom of the cupboard as Mac went outside to be taken away by the guards. He couldn't believe it came to this, he felt as though he had failed his friends and himself. He felt like giving up completely, what was the point of it all anyway? What could benefit could possibly come from escaping other than sating their curiosity? He didn't allow the thoughts to plague him for long, they had missed Troy's class due to all these things going on, and so now it was time for ability training. Solemnly, Zak heaves himself from the bottom of his room, his face stung as he does so, but he fights back against it, leaving his room to go to the Physical's training room.

He was late, which was unusual for him, most of the other Physicals were already waiting by their dummies in the Dojo's usual formation. As if they day could have gotten any worse for him, he got berated by the white coat professor that examined the Krayas as they went about their destructive business. Zak walks over to his dummy, and the whistles blow like every day to allow the Krayas to let loose on their dummies. Zak could hardly summon enough of his rocky hide to cover his skin, let alone create his usual massive gauntlets or long stone-edge blade, he was much to distracted to use much of his power. Instead of tearing into the dummies like others usually would to vent some steam, he simply wills his fingernails to lengthen and sharpen and proceeds to decapitate the dummy. He usually did that as it was enough for him to not get punished, but it usually was when he was simply feeling lazy and couldn't be bothered to go all-out on the dummy, but this time he legitimately couldn't use his powers beyond their weakest form.

The professor, perhaps disappointed after Zak's efforts the previous day, simply shakes his head at Zak's demeanor. Zak spends the rest of the class in a distracted, blank stare while he thinks of a way to save Mac and find a way to escape.
Jo entered her room, she was feeling frustrated about everything that had happened that morning. "Double my speed today" She said while leaving her bag in a corner. She took a deep breath that got stuck with the knot in her throat. The images started flashing in front of ehr faster than usual. She focus all her feelings in her transformation. The only reason she was an asset to the escaping plan was her talent with her blending powers. She started changing with every image, the speed was hardly affecting her powers, she kept staring at the images and changing as she thought of how this day could end... "It cant get worse than what it is after all..." She thought, the mere memory of that chat with the principal made her feelings of frustration rise more and more.

"Triple the speed" She said in a serious face after another long breath. Her eyes were fixed on the walls as she blended. It felt so natural to dissapear. It helped her think, even if it was tiresome at times, she really enjoyed it more that she let others know. She started thinking about the class they ditched, the only classes she ever missed were the running ones.... "I wonder if Tara ,or whatever his name is, knows the principal...." Jo sighed "There is never enough proof to trust someone; You never truly know who you are; Bunnies are cute" these are all the things she believed in, and tried never to forget. The images srtarted flashing slower and slower until finally stopping the warmup. The walls went back to white. Now was the moment to let all her anger out. "Today's focus: " She took another long breath "Greek mythical creatures.."
Mac sat in the corner, the roof was leaking and water drummed on his head as he shivered in an unconscious daze. After a few hours , the cell door creaked open. The principle walked up to him. "Come now Mac. We'll bring you to the infirmary to heal your wounds." It seemed strange, but Mac was in no position to argue. The guards led him to another dark room with a strange operation table in the center. The doctor stood there waiting for him. Mac layer down on the bed. The guards quickly strapped him down, even strapping down his forehead. Now Mac couldn't even twitch. The only thing free was his tired mind. "But we will be doing much more than just healing your wounds Mac" continued the principle, "We are going to heal your mind as well. You will become completely compliant, thus you won't need to be hurt anymore. You will no longer care for freedom, instead, you will fight for us as your Paradign, this will allow us to better study it. However, to do this, we must wipe your memory. You will forget all thoughts of escape, you will forget all of your friends, you will even forget your own name. You will become the prime example of a compliant student, and you will beat any that think of escape. You better hope your friends don't do anything stupid. The doctor will prepare you tonight, and the computer will analyze your brain tomorrow. Then, on the third day, you will be cleansed. Hahahaha." Mac was suddenly alert, yet no matter how hard he tried to, he couldn't budge. With one last effort, Mac cried out and tugged at his binds. The leather creaked. Mac arched his back, desperately trying to find hope. Yet with all of this stress, he simply aggravated his broken bones more, and one of his broken ribs poked deeper into his lung. The guards quickly strapped down his waist. Then Mac fainted. He had lost all hope. If his mind was whipped, everything that defined him would be dead, he would be dead. His body would then be used to turn on everything he held dear. Well that had escalated fast.
Crystal was still trying to adjust to her new schedule. Wake up, go to class, train, eat, train some more, it was really boring. She was currently in a mandatory training session. Dummies would appear and Crystal, in no mood to use her powers, simply shot them with a blast of ice where there hearts would be and watched as the dummies exploded. She walked past the baffled guard and headed off to lunch. Sitting down at table she sighed. "I wonder if the others are coming to lunch, maybe we can talk about rescuing Mac. If I've learned anything from all the books I've read is time is of the element in this cases" Crystal thought.
Kamryn attempted to do something she had read about in a book when she realized she wasn't going to be able to focus today, either. It had something to do with finding your center and where you imagined a small flame at the center of yourself and each thought or worry that crossed your mind you fed to the little flame until there was nothing except your very essence and the flame. Kamryn closed her eyes and began to picture it, instead of attempting to shove aside the worries... just eradicating them temporarily. By the time the teacher came in to check on Kamryn, ready to doll out a more severe punishment then yesterday, Kamryn had found her focus and was able to set illusions on her instructor that they had trouble not believing. At the end when Kamryn made the bird actually dive bomb the professor, it actually truly slammed into the professor's shoulder and pushed them back a short distance.

Being at complete focus this didn't phase Kamryn, even with the look of absolute shock on the professor's face. The bird still fluttered around, twittering importantly before landing on the table. The professor moved to poke it at the bird puffed out it's chest in annoyance.... but when it didn't disappear and stayed tangible for a second time Kamryn released her focus to try and figure out if what was happening was real... but when she reached out to it it disappeared.

"You have made tremendous progress.... you've broken through your own barriers... Tomorrow we will see if you can do it again." The professor said before standing and disappearing out the door.

Kamryn stared after them, still shocked with herself. She wondered if she would have been able to have done that if it hadn't been for the motivation of needing to save Mac and be worth something to the escaping team. Trying to figure out exactly what she had just done and what it meant for her powers Kamryn left solo training in a bit of a daze.
Darekk woke up and checked his clock, almost time for the group training, he had already missed personal training and he was pretty sure guards would come and take measures if he didn't go to group training too, so he got up from his bed, changed his clothing which still had some blood stains and cleaned himself a little.

Out of curiosity he looked himself at the mirror, he had several bandages, some bruises and some cuts "Huh, a whole prince charming" he muttered

He walked out of his room and headed to the cafeteria, he needed some food before group training, after all what had happened he was starving, so he went towards the bar and asked for some goo, the lady gave him a murderous look and served him a plate, when he looked for a place to sit he saw the new girl eating quietly, so he headed towards her and sat down at her side, she looked focused on eating so he though maybe she hadn't noticed him, that kind of things tend to happen a little too often to him

"Hey, I didn't knew I wasn't the only one who liked eating at strange hours, I think I didn't catch your name earlier, I'm Darekk, nice to meet you" He said trying to sound confident
Crystal was eating her food alone at lunch when she was startled by someone starting to speakher. "Hey, I didn't knew I wasn't the only one who liked eating at strange hours, I think I didn't catch your name earlier, I'm Darekk, nice to meet you" she looked up and saw one of the boys from the other day was sitting next to her. She moved the part of her body that was closest to him away so she wouldn't risk touching him. "Yeah when your hungry you gotta eat, it doesn't matter what time it is" she said with a little laugh. "Nice to meet you Darekk, I'm Crystal"
"Well crystal, nice to meet you too" He said with a genuine smile, she seemed like a nice person, he wondered if they could really trust her, but hey, she already knew about them trying to escape and hadn't talked with the guards, so why not?

He wanted to talk about ideas to escape but guards were near so he couldn't take the risk, what could he even talk about if it wasn't about that, once again, he cursed himself for being that shy and awkard with other people, so everything he did was sit down while eating in an awkard silence
Jo grabbed a little towel from her bag to clean herself up after personal training was over. She didnt really wanted to leave the room, much less go to group training. She grabbed her things and walked slowly to the field, looking down at the ground, she didnt really wanted to make eye contact with anyone. She went and stood up in the front as the other students gathered around. She didnt have the energy or the enthusiam to do whatever it was they wanted to do today... She felt like crying for no reason; the knot on her throat was still there, she just forgot about it during the short time of her personal training; if she could only run straight for the showers it would calm her down even more...
The doctor got to work cleaning Mac's wounds and doing his best to set his broken bones without letting him loose. Then he attached different sensors around Mac's body. Following this, Mac was left in silence. The room was completely dark. The only thing Mac could do was painfully breath. He passed out for a few hours, then was woken again by a strange noise. Apparently the computer had started analyzing his brain, because he could feel little shocks coming from the different sensors on his body. If by some miracle, his friends found a way to free him, he still had hope, but by the end of the day, his time would run out. He would cease to be Mac.
They sat in an awkward silence for what seemed to be forever. "How can I ask him to help me with all these guards around?" She wondered. Suddenly she had an idea and said "Well Darekk it was very nice meeting you but I must get going" as she said this Crystal stealthy slipped a slab of ice roughly the size of a note onto Darekk's lap and left. The note read " I'm planning on finding and busting out the kid that got captured tonight. If you or the others are interested in helping me meet me in the library in 2 hours." As soon as Crystal left the cafeteria the note melted. She hoped that he or some one the others would help her rescues the kid who had gotten captured. If they were truly his friends she thought they would heck she didn't even know the kids name and she wanted to help him. Crystal went straight to the library to start working on a plan.
Darekk read in silence the note crystal gave him, she wanted to help Mac, then again, he wondered if he could trust her, but hell, they all were already together in this so there was no reason for him not to trust her. He got on his way to group training while considering what they could do together to save Mac, with everyone's powers working together they should be able to do it, and soon he would be ready to fight again, medicine inside the facility was crazy in that sense. As soon as he arrived to group training he saw Jo standing near de door so he walked towards her, he had several things he needed to talk about with her, he knew it wasn't the right time but he needed to know. "" He said trying to figure out how to talk to her about it, he didn't knew how to say it so he just stared at her for a few seconds"So.... I need to talk with you, why did you agreed after how you acted last night, I don't understand you at all..." He blurted out, letting his confusion and hurt feelings for how she had acted go out on his voice tone.
After Physical training had ended for Zak, he wanders in a daze over to group training. It was only yesterday that he remembered Yammat and him protecting the flags, and Yammat accidentally killing a few of the students in his Paradigm or whatever. He wonders what they would be doing today, but even though he notices a few of his friends quietly chatting around him, he stays quiet in the center waiting for the professor to give their directive, deep in thought.
Jo noticed Darekk walking towards her, she was in such a frustrated state of mind, the last thing she wanted to do was give explanations to the only person that would truly have reasons to doubt her. Yet she smiled to see him, he looked rested and much better than before, she wasnt a fan of the idea of him being in group training however....

"So.... I need to talk with you, why did you agreed after how you acted last night, I don't understand you at all..." He said with a confused tone. The fact that Jo had lied so much by this point made her feel like she could be anyone...anything, not just on the outside but on the inside too. It wasnt a happy feeling, and it was consuming her....She smiled up to Darekk with sad eyes.

"Im sorry Im such an enigma... last night I just exploded, I needed to tell you about what happened years ago, about the experiments...the question was so randomly asked I didnt even think about it twice..." She looked around being careful about the guards "I wanted to tell you this morning I really thought about what it could mean to get out of here....maybe...maybe I can get some peace of mind if this works out...I really wish just for once, I could have some peace of mind.." She wondered if he was the only one suspecting her, he was the one that knew him the best but she had also talked quite a bit to Kamryn, she wasnt sure how Zak, Yammat and Mac saw her. Everyone was already getting there, soon they'd say what was today's game, hopefully something less complex than the flag game...
Darekk heard Jo but she wasn't telling him everything, he knew her enough to know she didn't change her mind so easily when it came to this, she didn't trusted him, that thought hit his mind and he felt sad about it, the only person he thought he knew well enough to be able to trust didn't trusted him, with a sad look he stared at her for a couple of seconds and then walked away and sat on the floor, he needed some time to think
Crystal sat in the library brainstorming a rescue plan. "For this current plan I need a chameleon, someone who was good at hacking, and as many other people as possible. This plan involved someone hacking into the network to find out where they were hiding him. Once they had his location a chameleon could go in unseen and let him loose. Obviously the guards would find out soon enough that he was gone. He (Mac) would be running down the hallway and that's were the rest of us would come in. With the guards chasing him the rest of us could pretend to try and stop him from escaping. In the chaos someone will drag him into a room and I will appear to "freeze" him (which will actually just be a sculpture). Who knew my sculpture skills could actually be useful. Then the sculpture would break into tiny pieces leading the guards to believe he had been killed. We would exactly escape yet but at least this plan could buy us sometime" she thought. This plan could actually work. "I hope the others show up cause I can't do this alone" she thought.
Jo looked away as the teacher stood infront of everyone.

-"Ok everyone today each of you will be assigned a partner to fight with. You know how this goes. Try not to kill each other."

Jo sighed in relief as she heard it was something that could be over with soon. Then she could take a long warm shower before starting with all the escape nonsense again...People started getting randomly called, this time it seemed like everyone she knew got with another random student, but she was bearly paying attention so she couldnt be sure.

Her name got finally called with some Elemental she didnt know. After explaining she was actually a girl instead of a boy, the stepped in front of each other and waited for the bell to ring. He looked quite older than her but he didnt seem to overly excited about the bell so she guessed he didnt wanted such a gore fight. She smiled at him.
"Lets just get this over with fast so we can both rest, shall we?" The kraya looked at her with relief and got into a more confortable fighting position. Everything just kind of went quiet before the bell rang.

((OOC : I was thinking a fight as a fast way to transition the group training. After all both Crystal and Mac are waiting. So my firendly suggestion is not to focus too much on this one, so we can get the story going :) just a suggestion though))
Darekk was so distracted that he didn't heard most of the teacher's talking, but when he heard about partner fighting he let out a groan, he wasn't in such a great physical condition to do it, so he stood up and waited to be called.

He heard the teacher assigning him to a physical "Great, now I'll get beaten so hard they're going to have to pick me up with a broom" He muttered under his breath, he used to be sure he could fight without relying on his powers, that's why he trained day after day to become stronger, but after the fight with those guards he wasn't so sure anymore.

So he faced his foe, he was probably two years older than him and had a mean look, he looked like one of those who enjoy beating others, all buffed up and not really smart(at least he looked dumb)

He got in position and got prepared for the beating, still he wouldn't go out without a fight, when they started fighting he dodged as much as possible while hitting him in several spots, the fight seemed to be going good and he started thinking he may be able to win, the physical looked tired and for some reason he wasn't using his powers, so he hit his knee from behind and made him fall, prepared to jump and tried to hit his head, but the guy catched him midair with a hit in his chest that made it feel like he had his chest on fire, his ribs flared in pain as he fell to the floor, he realized what this guy's power was, his strength was in other league, luckily for him, the bell rang and the fight stopped just in time, after all the physical was about to smash him again.

He had lost ....again, he didn't got beat too hard because of the bell but he knew what would've happened, so he walked away and sat in the floor against the wall, his chest was hurting like mad again but he didn't care anymore
Zak was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize that he was pitted against an opponent, a splitting headache was his reward for not paying attention. Zak tries to resist, at first, but the Mental was already inside, spreading his arms out trying to strengthen the pain he had created in Zak's mind. As a natural reaction, Zak's skin writhes to produce his gauntlets, but arms the size of logs weren't going to save him from a migraine, so he gives up trying to force the Mental out, and simply tries growing his hide over his face. It bulges and glows heavily as the rocky parts seal into a helmet around his head, it didn't block out the Mental completely, but it at least allowed him to think straight. Slowly, he moves closer to the Mental, arms and head glowing brighter as he steps closer and closer. The Mental looked panicked, but just before Zak was able to throw a crushing blow, his hide retreats back into his skin. He collapses on the ground, holding his head in the pain, and the Mental let out a sigh of relief and then a demeaning laughter before walking away. After a moment, he gathers enough strength to stumble over to the wall next to Darekk, looking at him pathetically before hiding his head in his hands again. He mumbles under his hands to him. "So... Ugh... That was fun..."
Crystal had stumbled in late to class because she had lost track of time in the library. After receiving a lecture about the importance of coming to class on time Crystal got let off with a warning since she was new to the facility. "Great" she thought, "I hate fighting against others" She was then pitted up against a chameleon and the second the match started he disappeared. Crystal put her hands on the ground and freezes the area around her hoping the chameleon would slip and blow his cover. But no such luck. Suddenly Crystal left a hard and pain full blow to the stomach that sent her flying backwards into the wall. The chameleon reappeared with a smug look on his face and as soon as his did ice started to form on his hand where he mad contact with Crystals body. The ice began to spread until he was completely encased in ice. The bell signaling the match was over rang and Crystal thawed out the chameleon. She got up and sat next to Darekk

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