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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine sat there for a second to think. She wasn't sure what she felt for Andrew. When she first got here, she wanted nothing to do with him, but being with Brody brought thoughts into her head of Andrew and everything seemed to compare next to him. "I don't know. I didn't when I first got here, but sometimes things that we do compare to things that Andrew and I did. Especially when I'm angry at you." Jaz sips at the coffee, almost halfway gone, and pushed her hair to the side unsure of how Brody would feel at her answer.

"You mean when we yell at each other? I think that happens in every relationship, Jaz. Even before Clara went psycho we fought, we yelled. It's just normal. Granted, I never abused her- or you. At least, I'd like to think I haven't." He added, leaning back in the couch he sat in. "Maybe you still love him and you just don't realize it, I'm not an expert in this kind of thing, but since I never compare you to Clara it must mean I've completely cut her out. Even when you're mad at me I still don't. I'm not trying to guilt you or anything," he added calmly, knowing he was poking at a heavy conversation. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine heaved out a sigh for relief, but her heart still felt heavy. Jaz hated the way it sounded when he said it, and it made her feel guilty for comparing the two. She takes a huge gulp of coffee, which finished it off, and began to speak, "I guess. It was hard to get over him, honestly. Even if he abused me and wasn't comforting all the time. It's just complicated." Jasmine looks to Brody after getting more of her feelings off her chest, then sets the coffee cup down and starts fiddling with her fingers. She was happy that at least Brody was handling it ok.

Brody nodded once, not understanding at all but pretending to. After all the things Clara had done to him he could never go back to her. She wasn't even the same person anymore- just a deranged shell of a girl. He wondered why Jasmine couldn't see that that was what Andrew was too, but decided not to push it. "Okay," he finished off his coffee, looking over to her. "Just please don't kiss him again, and I won't kiss anymore girls either," he joked, knowing it was a touchy subject but hoping he could make light of it. He wasn't a big fan of deep, emotional topics, or at least, he hadn't been before Jaz, and suddenly the conversation was feeling too real. "Got any other subjects for tonight's meeting?" He asked. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine avoided giving a fake laugh to his joke and shrugged. Right now she was drained and didn't feel bad about the kiss that happened, so instead her face remained blank and sort of emotionless. "Not really. You've pretty much covered everything." She stands up and stretches before glancing over to her dorm, which she hoped Callie wasn't in again. Jaz couldn't stand to look at her, could hardly stand to talk about these subjects with Brody. All she wanted was for him to come and be a comfort after the bad news about Rose, but it turned into a deep talk that was probably mandatory.

Brody watched Jaz stand up, doing so himself and throwing and walking towards the exit to throw away his empty cup. He looked back at Jaz, contemplating what his next question was. "Should I leave?" He asked weakly, not wanting to. He just wanted to lay down with Jaz and hold her and fall asleep next to her. He was more comfortable with her anyways, but he didn't want to just assume he was allowed to stick around either, not with everything that had just happened. @BasicallyMe
She looked down to the floor and then shook her head, "No just come to my dorm. It's better we're together." Jasmine started her way to the dorm and opened the door, spotting the one and only, Callie. The blonde was staring back at her with a sort of afraid and guilty expression, which caused Jasmine to lose it. "Are you serious? Why would you turn me in? I know it was you!" Her eyes narrow at Callie and she inches closer, holding herself back as good as she can. "Do you not understand when I told you to leave? This is my dorm and it'll never be yours."

Brody followed after Jaz, not getting to see Callie but hearing the accusation. At the mention of Callie turning them in he felt his heart drop. "What the fucking hell?" He growled, facing Callie and crossing his arms over his chest so he didn't get any ideas. "Who the fuck gave you the right to do that? We were the bad guys, not Jaz." He snapped, running a hand through his hair as he tried to figure out what to do. He just wanted to relax with Jaz, not deal with her backstabbing step sister. "Get. Out." He growled, backing Jasmine up wholeheartedly, knowing his intimidation tactic worked better than Jaz's- mostly because he could do a lot worse than her. @BasicallyMe
Callie opens her eyes wide. "I'm not leaving, I'm tired. Yeah, I turned her in because she's freaking crazy. I got stitches from the school nurse in the back of my head. She asked what happened and I told her. I'm not good at lying or keeping secrets, as you both know." Cal sinks down in her bed and covers up with the blankets more, wanting to hide away. "Please just leave me alone. I'm sorry that your boyfriend kissed me, but you should've cut his head open, not mine."

Jasmine closed her eyes for mercy and slowly walked over to her bed feeling shot as Callie mentioned that Brody kissed her. She just didn't want to hear the words, but whatever. Jaz slid into the covers after throwing an extra pillow and blanket on the couch. "If you want to stay here, Brody, you'll sleep on the couch, ok?"

Brody felt like a dog being sent to the doghouse, barely managing to catch the pillow she threw at him. He felt his jaw go slack, but quickly tried to cover it up. The couch? he might as well be sleeping in his dorm. He knew they couldn't fix everything in an instant but he had at least expected some leniency. He huffed, mumbling to himself as he walked over to the couch, sitting on it and glaring at Callie. He blamed her. It was his fault but he still blamed her. If she wouldn't have brought the alcohol, if she wouldn't have flirted with him- he set his pillow on the edge, laying down on his back and not bothering with the blanket. He wanted Jaz, not some ten dollar piece of fabric. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine rolled her eyes at the obviously disappointed Brody and closed her eyes. She didn't want to have to bother with him and she didn't feel comfortable with him laying next to her. She stay laid on her back, staring at the ceiling because facing Callie wasn't an option and facing Brody on the other side wouldn't be any better. So she stared and pondered until it all ended in sleep, not peaceful though.

The next day

Jasmine sat up and looked around before getting out of bed and leaving the dorm in her pajamas for class. She skipped breakfast and listened to her stomach growl the whole way there. Hopefully during class it would stop because her stomach noises aren't exactly cute.

When she entered the classroom, Andrew was already sitting in his usual seat next to her. Jaz sighed and continued walking over to her spot. She knew he'd have something to say about the kiss.

Brody woke up and rolled off the couch, his shoulder sore from sleeping on it wrong. He yawned, rolling it a bit before dragging himself to his feet and heading over to the little kitchen area to make himself some breakfast. He wished Jaz would have woken him up. Nothing looked much different than last night so he guessed she hadn't eaten. Brody got to work making himself so pancakes, not daring to even look in Callie's direction as he ate them, soaking them in syrup every couple of bites. @BasicallyMe
Tia woke up woozy the morning following meeting those two, her alarm clock blaring in her ear. Realizing she was late, she opted to dress in shorts and a sweater shortly before running towards her dorm's kitchen to grab a piece of fruit. With all her might, she barely arrived to her first class in time. Her face by that time was flushed and her breathing reminded her of those criminals who tried to escape the police
Jasmine looked up to see Tia walk in the class and smiled. She waved for her to sit on the other side of her that was free. "Hey, Tia right?" Jaz takes out her notebooks and pauses for a minute as her stomach lets out a loud, obnoxious growl. "I'm sorry if Brody was rude yesterday. You were welcome to stay and hang out in my dorm for a longer time." She opens the huge binder on her desk and began writing down some notes the teacher was scribbling on the board.

@Mai Akiyama

Callie woke up and her eyes were straight on Brody, who was eating pancakes and in his own little world. At first she was hesitant to say something, but changed her mind and sat up. "I'm sorry, ok? Just don't be an ass to me and hate me. I can't lie, I'm super bad at it. Not like I went straight to the director and ordered them to take her down." She bit her lip and grabbed the right side of her head, playing with her messy hair.

"It's all right, don't worry about it," Tia said to Jasmine cheerfully and sat next next to her. She reached into her backpack to take out any notes or journals she might need

"Oh I'm pissed off, but I'll be civil because I guess it's my fault. All of it, really. I just hope I can make it up to her," he said quietly, resting his cheek in his hand as he ate the last few bites of his pancakes, drawing patterns into the thick syrup that soon receded back into itself. He sighed, unsure of what to do. How could he make it up to her? Maybe if he could fix the situation with Rose... but he had his own problems, didn't he? A court date at some point in the next month or so and Clara, who had been suspiciously quiet lately. Besides that the entire campus hated him. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nodded thankfully to her sincere apology and thought for a moment, chewing on her pencil which was a new found habit. After sitting there for a moment, Jaz turns back to Tia and begins to offer things, "You should totally come over after class. It's Friday so we could watch movies or do something fun. I mean, we don't really know eachother, but we could." She smiles slightly and then goes back to writing down notes and listens to the teacher talk about their agenda for today. She hoped Tia would accept her offer.

@Mai Akiyama

Callie frowned but remained grateful that he didn't blow up on her like she thought he would. She stood up and grabbed some clothes from her spots in the dresser and disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes before coming back out dressed in tight ripped jeans and a t-shirt revealing major cleavage. When she picked out the shirt, she didn't realize that it might not be the most appropriate to wear right now.

"That'd be nice," Tia said politely jazmine before going back to listening to the teacher going off on a tangent about agendas and missing work. Did she remember to bring hers? She searched through her binders and eventually found it

Brody glanced up at her after placing his dish in the sink, and then quickly looked away, moving over to Jaz's bed and laying down in it. "It's probably a bad idea for both of us to stick around. It might bother Jaz," he said quietly, indicating she should leave. He was still suspended so he didn't exactly have a class to go to. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled and stood up once class ended. She was excited for Tia to come over tonight, so she gave Tia her number. "Do you have any classes after this? We could maybe pick up some lunch and talk about what we'll do tonight. Also, I should probably get to know you before I let you in my dorm, you know, just incase you're a serial killer." Jaz grins playfully then starts heading towards the classroom door.

@Mai Akiyama

Callie raised an eyebrow at Brody's obvious gesture for her to leave. "Seriously? This is my dorm too. We were drunk and we made a mistake. Big deal. Not like we're going to do it again." Cal sighed and sat onto the sofa, facing her back away from Brody.

"A big mistake." Brody said, glancing over at her. "And it is a big deal. She's your sister and you should want a relationship with her, and I'm here boyfriend and I should never hurt her like I did. She only acted out because she was upset. You probably would have done the same thing." He added, sitting up and looking around for a camera. He knew he had one somewhere around here, and he hadn't taken pictures in awhile. Maybe that would help calm him down. @BasicallyMe
Callie listened to Brody's comments, but continued to stare at the tv whilst beginning an answer, "I'll never have a relationship with Jasmine. She was never going to give me one even before our 'big' mistake. So every time I think about that, it just makes me feel less like a douche for what I did. I'm not going to drag myself down about a mistake. Human's make mistakes." Cal straightens her messy bun and turns the tv volume up a bit more so she could hear it better. While conversating with Brody, a million and one other thoughts were running through her head like, what color should I do my nails? Or, should I go out and buy new shoes? She was just trying to think of other things that would drag her away from this drama.

Brody couldn't believe what he was hearing. Or maybe he could. Although he had been the one to mess up, not Jaz. It wasn't something he could just bounce back from. He supposed it didn't truly affect Callie seeing as she was acting like it was as simple as misspelling a word. He wondered if Jaz was overreacting maybe, if he was. Maybe he was beating himself up too much. He was only human, as Callie pointed out. Although Brody doubted that argument would work very well against Jaz. He sighed, glancing up at some of the pictures he had tacked up last time. "I need to do something for her," he muttered, more to himself. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine watched as Tia fled and shrugged before walking back towards the dorms. She was still exhausted and decided maybe a nap would suffice. She couldn't stand having bags under her eyes. It made it hard for her to feel somewhat confident.

After two minutes of walking, Jasmine opened the door to her dorm, dropped her bookbag on the floor, and sprawled across the bed comfortably. "I have a guest spending the night tonight, so let's stay civil. How about that?" Jaz asks, her voice muffled through the face plant in her blanket.

Callie ignored Brody's last comment and continued to watch tv. She jumped when Jasmine opened the door, slightly startled, then eyed her for a second.

@Mai Akiyama


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