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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

Zayn smirked as Elijah squirmed. Maybe he would take it easy on the kid. He moved his hand off of his thigh.

"Sorry... I guess I cant control myself." he said with a small grin.

"Elijah. I hate to pull you away from the group but Im feeling a little peckish... I could use the company while I get something to eat. Will you come with me?" Zayn asked his voice softening.

"Please?" he said looking at the boy.

Please was a word that rarely escaped Zayn's lips. Almost never this was something completely new for him.

"No, problem! Yeah go ahead." Chanel waved to the girl as she walked off towards Lukas. She didn't like that drunk. He would be trouble.

Chanel stood up on the log and cleared her throat.

"Attention everyone... Uh please. My name is Chanel and I was a voulenteer nurse for 3 years so if you have any concerns or anything just come to me and I'll help you out! Thank you!" She said in her most friendly voice possible, sitting back down.

However when she was standing she saw a male in what looked like a Brioni Vanquish suit. Those costed millions. She would totally become friends with him. He looked a little pre occupied.

@opburning "Я не просил о том, как вы чувствуете." Yuliya said with narrowed eyes, wondering whether the boy didn't hear her, or didn't want to say. She could tell he was trying very hard to be friendly, so she let herself assume it was the first. "Это хорошо, что вы хорошо, в любом случае." She curled her toes up in the ground, eyes still narrowed. The more she thought about it, the more she knew there was no reason to bitch. Dammit. "Извините. У меня не было очень хороший день," she sighed, glancing up at the wet hair in her face with a defeated laugh. "Волна пришла в."

She put her hand out to shake, straightening up a bit to make up for their difference in height. "Меня зовут Юлия; Я из Ставропольского края. Вы из здесь?"
A kid with a kid. Edward thought. Poor thing. He looked at her and gave her a smile. "Hey, kid. My mom gave birth to me when she was 17, back in the 80s. She knew nothing and had nothing but me. My psycho father tried to kill her but she managed to get away from them. She raised me. I put my life on the line for 7 other men and gave everything I had for my friends and my country. She did good. I know you can do just as good, and I mean that. I mean I may be messed up but I'm not a liar".

(Y'all move fast! Okay here we go..)

A cool autumn morning was simply heaven to a girl named Brandy as she rustled in her bed. It was freezing in her high ceilings apartment, as she always left her windows open. For some reason she slept better whilst cold. She looked around a second, noticing that her partner must already be up and about. She slowly sat up, giving her bed kitten hair a tussle. A low, breathy moan escaped her lips as she tip toed from her bed, ready to start her day.

A flick of a brush, and Brandys smokey makeup was done. She was ready now, hair done in a teased, voluminous way, clothes adorned in her usual "The Other Woman" style as she liked to call it. With the clack of her heeled booties, she ushered herself to the living room where her lover sat, reading a paper. An average height man, fit but not ripped, and dark featured. It was as if knots enveloped her stomach whenever she saw him at this point. She was simply afraid of what could happen if he knew the truth. It was a hard thing for a trans woman, this whole dating thing. It wouldn't be such an issue if she just didn't love him so much. She needed to get away. She needed to get back to her own little escape. With a simple bye, she grabbed a leather jacket and left, a sigh coming as she shut the door behind her.

It was any routine day, Brandy would head to her little spot and clear her head. At least that's what she thought. Navigating her way through the not so heel friendly terrain, she could here voices. She didn't know how she felt about it, but it excited her. She came into view with the small crowd, mouth open, brows furrowed, as if she were thinking through her mouth. "Oh... looks like a fun little party," she purred, her diva like attitude coming to light as she walked forward, a bounce in her step. They all seemed rather preoccupied, though that didn't bother her. With Brandy, friends simply were not a must have. Though she wouldn't completely turn down the opportunity. She was rather abrasive after all, what with her pronounced... everything really.

Taya stood in her spot and watched the people interact. She really didn't expect this so she was a bit dumbfounded. She looked around and saw a guy that was by himself. She decided to start with him. She walked past some people and over to where the guy was. She felt kind of weird and awkward just randomly talking to the guy since his eyes were closed. She cleared her throat and looked down at him with a small smile. "Do you mind if I sit by you?" she asked him, her weight shifting from one leg to the other as she stood there. She hoped she wasn't bothering him or pulling him out of some deep thought he was having. She looked around at all the people and saw a blonde standing on top of a log. She raised a brow and scoffed.

"Congratufuckinglations." she mumbled under her breath, wondering why anyone would care about what the girl did at all. Taya rolled her eyes and looked out at the ocean while she waited for the guy's response. When she closed her eyes, she felt calm and relaxed. Like nothing could ruin her mood. She listened to the ocean kiss the shore over and over and even felt the flicker of drops of water on her ankles.

@R O S E N R O T
Elijah did want to join the man @Zatanna, but he also wanted to stay with the group. He wanted to make friends, that was his biggest priority right now. Plus Zayn was too good to be true, and running off with him now was simply scare for him. He looked down at his feet, the sand sticking to the black shoe laces on his vans. He kicked his feet fowards, knocking some of the grainy substance up. He tilted his head back, fantasizing about this man he'd really just met.

His thoughts were interupted by another person joining @Felicity, she had a bouncy and energetic vibe. She reminded him of celebrities you'd see on tv or in magazines, with a confidence and proudness that he'd wished he'd had. He smiled at her before moving his gaze to look at all the others, poor Anastasia, and the first group he'd talked to that had the tattoos and cigarettes, it really felt too soon to leave.

"Why don't we chill here for bit." He said, the first thing he was really sure of since he'd joined the party. He did keep in mind the opportunity to spend alone time with the man, but he still needed to find his own acceptance of being gay before he could leave.
She turned around hearing Edwards words "thanks.,it just my situation is a little different then most ,I'm not all happy and daisy "she told him walking away from Lukas and toward and when the girl spoke it really missed her off ,"what's your problem ,no one did anything to "she wasn't in for a fit ,but oh she'll fight

@Inritz @lonecoyote
@NimbusTheCat "Sorry, hello," Yuliya smiled pleasantly as she waved the boy over, finding herself speaking to an unfortunate amount of strangers, today. "Do you have quarters? Eeh, for the laundry." She pulled the wet shirt slightly off her skin, laughing to herself as it 'flumped' back in place, hoping he would find it just as funny. "The ocean got me."
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Zayn narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow at Elijah watching him.

"Fine... I'll stay here...for you." Zayn purred smiling at the male.

He also noticed the new girl come in with the huge personality. He looked her up and down and looked back at Elijah.

He found something so attractive and interesting about this guy.

"So why do you want to stay here? For acceptance? For friendship? Can I help you with achieving your goal?" Zayn asked, smiling at him slightly.

Chanel looked around the group and smiled she stood up and walked off of the beach. She walked into the forrest and to the nearest pizza place. She ordered 5 extra large pizza's. She walked back to the group and set the boxes of Pizza down.

"Here's pizza if anyone wants any." she said softly. Playing friendly was so much fun for her. Besides she was hungry whihc is why she even got the pizza.

She opened it and ate some smiling.

@jmcknight08 @everybody
@Tiny Dragon Barry chuckled right along with the young woman as her waterlogged shirt flopped back against her body. While the sound was funny, though, her situation was not. It wasn't exactly the warmest night for a swim, and she was right - the ocean had gotten her. She was soaked. Nodding and holding up a finger in a gesture that meant, "one second," he reached into the pocket of his jeans where, thankfully, he found a few spare quarters that he'd received as change for something that he couldn't quite remember. He held them out to her, hoping that it would be enough and then, as an afterthought, paused to remove his sweatshirt and offer that to her as well. He felt slightly cold without it, yes, but he had a t-shirt underneath, and she must have been freezing, with how wet she was. Besides, she could always return it later, and although she seemed a bit nervous, Barry could tell that she was a good-hearted person. It was the least he could do.
@NimbusTheCat "Oh!" Yuliya said, eyes wide and glancing between the boy and his sweatshirt. She had taken the quarters, gladly, but the poor stranger would be shivering if he gave her his clothes. "No, no, I can't," she shook her head, putting the quarters in her pocket and pushing back the sweatshirt. "How would I get it back to you? It's too cold, keep it."

@Zatanna She looked over, mouth watering. Until now, it hadn't occurred to her how long it'd been since she'd eaten. "How much?" She'd only now gotten a hold of some quarters, but maybe she could pay the girl back, or find some paper money in her car. "Not for a whole pizza, just one piece."
Logan smiled as he saw Barry give up his sweatshirt to Yuliya. It was a kind gesture and it made the male happy to see everyone being friendly. Logan then glanced down at his multiple layers and looked up at the two near him. "You can take my jacket, I still have a sweater on underneath, so I won't be cold. And that way, Barry doesn't have to be either," Logan offered softly. His voice got a bit louder than it's usual hushed whisper. The kind people in the group made him feel relaxed. He wasn't a huge fan of Chanel's comments to Anastasia, though. He felt it was wrong to pry into her business. Seeing Brandy enter lightened things up, however. She had such a positive attitude and that was refreshing.

@NimbusTheCat @Tiny Dragon @Zatanna @claryfawn @Felicity

[Everyone can resume with posts, I've uploaded the update. :) ]
"All of the above." Elijah said with a frown, the tone the other man used was almost condenscending. It didn't bother him all that much, but he really did wast both friendship and acceptance, he felt like he strolled upon the bonfire for a reason. He looked at Zayn with a sympathetic smile, "Thanks for sticking around."

He moved from his spot for a moment, reaching to grab himself a slice of pizza. He took a bite, it felt like ages since he'd had anything besides salad and chicken. As much as he liked pizza, everyone did, he made it a point to eat healthy. It was a special occasion though.


Chanel spun around to see Yuliya sayng something about money.

"What? No. Please you don't need to pay me. Its my gift to you. How about friendship instead. Im Chanel." she said smiling at the girl.

Zayn nodded listening to Elijah.

"You're lucky I like you darling." he said wish a small smirk looking at him.

"Damn I would love a peice of you." he said softly, slapping Elijah's ass as he stood up to approach the pizza. He grabbed two peices, and made a sandwich.

"Thanks Chanel." he said smiling at her. It finally dawned on him that they went to the same school. She was the Queen Bee. He was the King. He wasn't sure how he missed her.

@jmcknight08 @Tiny Dragon
As Logan offered his own jacket to Yuliya, Barry smiled as well, happy to see that he was beginning to come out of his shell, if only a little. He didn't really want Logan to have to give away his jacket, but he did have to admit that he had a good point. The cold was already starting to get to him, and he could feel a coughing fit coming on, which he was barely able to hold at bay. He pulled his own sweatshirt back on, giving the other two a nod, and then signed to Logan: "That's very thoughtful of you, thanks."

@Tiny Dragon @emdillon
Logan took off his big, baggy jacket and handed it over to Yuliya before smiling at the both of them. He was wearing a thick, woolly sweater that had been at least three sizes too large for this small frame...he certainly wouldn't get cold. "It's no problem at all," He signed and spoke in response with a small grin lingering upon his lips. He was glad to be able to help and see that no one had to be cold anymore. As he sat by his new friends, he kept his glance on everyone else too, scanning the space every so often. He noticed Elijah and Zayn's behavior and felt a pit form in his stomach. Zayn's suave attitude reminded Logan very much of the men he worked with. He found himself wondering if Elijah enjoyed the other's flirty behavior or not. The male remained quiet about it, though, not wanting to be nosy.

@NimbusTheCat @Tiny Dragon
Some of the group had noticed Brandy, though no one decided to say anything to her. It made her smirk and shrug, as she began nonchalantly walking around, as she normally would without the company. She started to study everyone, all their interactions. It seemed that they were just meeting each other for the first time as well. She began to ponder if something seemed off about her to them. Typically people couldn't tell, though there were tip offs, such as an ever so slightly lower voice, strong features maybe, but otherwise they probably didn't know.

"Name's Brandy. Davall." She divulged to no one in particular, as she slowly looked everyone up and down. So many faces to remember. Lots of pretty girls, gorgeous men. She could pick out a few fun accents. Russian? German? It made her giddy.

"So, do you all spend your sovereignty here most of the time?" she pondered. She had such a way of words. They matched her personality. Concise, elegant, poised, and always an element of sensuality. One could easily take Brandy for an utter bitch, in the best sense of the word though, really. They'd be right.
Ignoring the girl ,and walking to channel with a small smile ,seeing the two interact,she never really had that before .she wasn't jealous just upset about being like this and having to deal with this alone even with a stranger helping along"um channel I think he likes you ,"the boys loves girls with light hair and eyes ,she knew Ya some could be really pretty .she seemed plain so it explains that.


Elijah jumped a little at the ass slapping. He blushed deeper than before to the point where he had to touch his cheeks to make sure they weren't literally burning. He reached at his feet, taking off his shoes and placing them behind the log he sat on. He let his toes sink into the soft sand, he wiggled his toes watching Zayn as he moved. There was no way his outfit was at all comfortable, especially for a beach, much too fancy. He did look good in it, he wondered where the man was from, the wealthier part of town for sure.

His eyes moved into the fire, the ongoing war with himself still going. He was trying to work up the courage to say that he was gay, over and over he practiced in his head but he never could. He had a feeling that Zayn was onto him though.


Chanel turned around and smiled at Anastasia.

"Who likes me?" she asked with a confused look on her face.

She didn't acknowlege Zayn, she just smiled at him. She knew him from school, he was a King Bee. However the two never talked much. She was more into the masculine type.

"Zayn? Suit guy? No. We go to school together. He only fucks guys anyways." she said softy.

Zayn chuckled a little, as Elijah jumped. He liked him alot. He looked at him while he ate. Elijah even made eating pizza look sexy or as sexy as could be for pizza.

He stood next to Elijah and looked around the circle with him.

"I uh... feel a tad over dressed..." he laughed at himself looking down.

"I could stip to my underwear and be shirtless but you might enjoy that a little too much." he winked at Elijah.

"You know its okay... Im gay too. It's fine. I and everybody else will love you for who you are." he said his usual voice softening.

He looked around the group and smirked.

"Besides they dont look like they should judge? I mean look at us. We're a group of weirdos." he said softly then his face hardening back up into a gaze over the crowd.

@jmcknight08 @claryfawn

Elijah's eyes widened at literally everything Zayn said. His wink accompanied by his smooth voice got in Elijah's head quickly. He was right about anothing thing, he definitely would like seeing more of the man. He was already nice on the eyes with the fancy clothes on. He scanned the circle, everyone seemed to be in pretty good spirit, he thought carefully about what Zayn said, that they were a group of weirdos and really no one was going to judge him. His voice was softer when he said that, more genuine and caring rather than his sexy, charming tone he's first heard.

"I-I'm not... I mean I am... but." He still couldn't conjure up the words, Zayn said it as if it was nothing, it was easy for him. Elijah thought of his brother, the perfect athlete with the perfect girlfriend and all the attention from their parents. He wanted to be like that, he knew he could never be the man his sibling was, he also knew that his parents would disown him for being romantically interested in the same sex, it was against what they believe and he didn't want to lose their care and support now. At the same time, he believed that he deserved their love no matter what.

"But what? Theres no buts about it." Zayn said looking at him. He dropped the peices of crust on the ground and took something out of his pocket, he put it in his mouth and swished then spit. It was mouth wash.

He grabbed Elijah's head and kissed the male, slipping in a little tongue but not too much. After about 30 seconds he pulled away and looked Elijah in the eyes.

"How did that make you feel? If you felt anything then you know that you like guys. You dont have to come out as gay or anything just say you like guys it's as easy as that... Im sorry if Im pushing you but I dont like seeing people try being something and someone they aren't when the real you is so... perfect." he said his voice softening up a bit.

He heard what came out of his mouth and he himself was shocked.

What the fuck did I just say?

He coughed and un tied his tie, and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, so you could see his chest.

Anastasia blushed "oh,I thought .Right he likes guys "she looked down grabbing some food eating some of it "I really only had one boyfriend and I fucked it up the first time I had sex with him "she gulped the piece down hard "thanks for helping me out though ,but I already I'm raising this baby alone for some time ,no guy wants a girl shows already pregnant well knocked up for the fact "the hatered and pain was hurting her heart and it made her depressed .she couldn't even finish the pizza now ,just holding it in her hands .

Elijah stood with wide eyes, the sudden wave of pleasure and mixed emotions overwhelming him as Zayn's lips crashed onto his own. His eyes closed but he found himself to stunned to do much else, his body was frozen in shock yet his lips still moved with the other man's, he didn't have the time to process what was happening until it was over. He'd never kissed a boy before, never, sure his lips locked with plenty of girls before but it couldn't even compare to what he was lucky enough to just experience.

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. This time not because he was awkward and shy, not because he simply didn't know what to say, not because he didn't want to say anything at all, instead it was because he really couldn't put into words how he felt or what he wanted. He was more sure than he'd ever been than he was gay, that he like boys the way girls were supposed to. He wanted more, he wanted to yell it, to jump in the air and scream for joy that he finally could accept it, he didn't care what his brother or parents thought, what the guys and girls from school would think, he was gay and nothing could change that.

Though his head was racing he just stood, staring at the other man. His light colored eyes wide open and a small smile creeping onto his face.

"Aww... Honey no... Im sure you will find someone." she smiled.

"Everyone has someone." she giggled.

"So....? What do you think?" he asked smiling at Elijah.

"Oh and uh... Feel free to do that whenever you want to." he smirked. He wrapped his arms around Elijahs waist and looked into his eyes.

"Come on say something... You're killing me with all this waiting." he chuckled.

@jmcknight08 sry idk what to post for this one lol @claryfawn )

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