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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

love bug

Junior Member

Don't post until I say that the roleplay is starting, please.


Thank you! xo

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Here is the starter

:) no worries if you aren't available currently, though. I've requested an additional tab and I'll be posting frequent updates on there for those who have missed out on posts.


It was almost that time again and the clock's constant monotone ticking seemed to slow down immensely after each check. Logan lifted his head from his pillow carelessly every so often, just to make sure he hadn't missed his cue, though to no surprise, he still had time left to kill before he could leave. Growing sick of waiting, he swung his feet over the mattress and got up, walking carefully out of his bedroom and into the common area of his apartment. In the corner of his eye, Logan could see his older brother, Eric, passed out in a reclining chair and holding firmly onto a beer bottle. Biting onto his lip, Logan approached his sibling and placed a blanket over him, pulling it up to his neck and removing the beverage from his hand. His mind boggled as he did so; why did he even care? It's not like Eric cared for him. Logan pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and retrieved his jacket. He didn't want to be stressed while he was escaping for a bit, that was the whole point of his retreat on the beach. To be away from his active brain.

Logan tugged on his baggy, olive-green jacket and some boots before making his way out into the crisp autumn air. The coldness nipped at his rounded cheeks and caused them to go a little pink, along with the tip of his nose and outline of his lips. He cupped his hands together and rubbed them against one another in attempt to warm up, though in a northern state like the one he lived in, it was no use. Wind blew and tickled the back of his neck, which made him believe he should've worn a scarf...it was too late for that now, though. In the distance, Logan saw sand and he could hear the noises of the ocean crashing against land. It'd be even colder by the water, but at least he'd be able to start a fire once he arrived.

While Logan trekked up a dune of sand and felt his boots slipping in deeper, the sounds of chatter filled his ears. He figured it was just him imagining things, however, he was greeted with a surprise once he made it to the top of the little hill. On his beach hideaway there sat many other people, who seemed to not know who the others were. Logan had never seen any of them before, so it was a shock to him as well. He slowly approached the group, keeping his glance at his feet and his mouth zipped shut. He was nervous, but curious as well.

"Hello there..." His small voice trailed off as he spoke meekly and shoved his hands in his pockets.
Nikita felt utterly lost among the group of teenagers. He preferred to stand close to them in the hopes of maybe making a friend, but he wasn't sure if they would talk to him. Nikita was usually quite charming and kind, but he felt so out of place in the United States. Everyone seemed to be speaking English, although he was fluent in the language, it wasn't his preferred one to speak.

Nikita looked down at the three letters on his arm, tattooed there for the rest of eternity. It was a sign he wasn't going to belong anywhere else; he was always to be property of Igor and Anastasia. They were his blood, and they would forever have ultimate control over him.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a small boy approaching the group he was standing around. Had he been about an inch shorter, Nikita might have stepped on him and squashed him. Curse his absurd height! But fortunately the boy was clearly visible to Nikita, and... wait, is he speaking? Not directly to Nikita, but he was speaking in general. Maybe this was the time for Nikita to finally make a friend. He walked over to the boy, with a smile on his face and said "Hi, how are you doing?"

The dirt was cold against Felis' hands. They were sitting on the ground against a magnificent old tree, one which had been carved into, climbed on, and blown over, but was still standing strong. They liked to think that some day they could be like this tree. Maybe right now they were in the middle of a storm, and maybe lightning had struck, but all the same, the rain would eventually make them beautiful again. If only they were a tree.

They heard voices somewhere off in the distance, and stood, shocked. Most people never even came out here, let alone several at the same time. They approached the noises and saw a massive flame aglow in the centre of a ring of people. "Holy shit," they whispered, hiding behind a tree in the hopes of not being seen, but they couldn't draw their eyes away from the fire.


Melani receded into the background, silently maneuvering her way along the beach with no thoughts of ever stopping. Everything had become simply too painful to bear and heart was carrying a burden which had steadily torn into her flesh, sucking away all the former essence of life and replacing it with a growing coldness which ached on the worst days. Today was this day, Melani tilted her head up towards the sky and willed herself to be alright as she once had, things had neglected to be optimistic lately and she was hoping for a sudden ray of sunlight but had instead received oncoming torrents of rain and wind. She stopped abruptly as two boys appeared in general direction and wondered blatantly if they also had come for the peaceful surroundings, for the same hope she had happened to be searching for.
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Ah, Nikita was relieved. He casually scanned the person carefully, trying to distinguish if they had any of the same markings he did, defining him as a freak of the Death Bear Circus. Fortunately, this girl seemed relatively safe, yet at the same time, why did she stop so abruptly? Did she recognize Nikita? Could she be a spy? Most likely not. Unlike with who/whatever was darting around in the forest, Nikita smiled a small bit and waved over the mysterious girl to chat with him and the other boy he recently approached.
Barry sat back, a little ways from the rest of the group, not sure whether or not he should approach someone. Everything had been so much easier, back when he'd had his voice. Back then, before the illness that had taken his power of speech from him, he would have joined the rest of them without a second thought, eager to meet new people and make conversation. But he couldn't do that now. He doubted that any of them understood sign language, and he didn't want to burden anyone with uncomfortability of an awkward silence. He didn't much like the idea of one himself.

He could hear conversations going on around and longed to be a part of whatever oddity was going on here. When he'd decided to come out into what he thought would be the middle of nowhere to clear his head and escape the suffocating air of sorrow and sympathy that had recently become his household, he quite obviously hadn't expected "the middle of nowhere" to be filled with people. But Barry liked it this way. It was a lot less lonely, even if he did feel the need to make himself content with just observing.
@Annabella Another person entered Logan's line of sight and he began to wonder why everyone else was here. He came for solitude, but did they as well? Perhaps he finally found a group he could feel comfortable in.

@NimbusTheCat Logan felt sympathetic when he spotted Barry. He seemed quieter than the others and Logan could relate to that. He spent part of his childhood being deaf until he was able to get cochlear implants and work on speech therapy. He lived pretty normally now, though he could never forget how difficult it was while he couldn't hear. He began to wonder why Barry hadn't been talking. Of course, it could've just been fear or social awkwardness, but it seemed like more than that. Logan kept his eyes on the other male, though he didn't go up to him just yet. He didn't want to seem overbearing and he didn't want to scare him away.
Felis felt the eyes of several people on the tree that they had tried to conceal themselves behind, and they took it as a sign that they had been found out. Sighing, and taking a deep breath to try to loosen up their nerves a little bit, they stepped forward out of the brush onto the beach. They didn't say anything, not yet. They weren't ready for that.
@emdillon Nikita was relieved. The boy sounded intimidated, but he had every right to be. Nikita looked like a sweater that got stretched out in the washing machine, and was covered in various scars from his years of working with lions and bears in the circus. Nikita had also not had anywhere to sleep aside from a park bench for the last few days, so his appearance was a little bit more rough than usual. Aside from all that, Nikita proudly held out his hand to Logan to introduce himself.

"Nikita, and who are you?"

@Kasper Nikita sighed, just a petite-looking person. He couldn't see much of their features, but he smiled his Nikitaly smile and waved the person over, excited that tonight he can finally make friends.
Barry looked over to the growing crowd of teenagers as he felt someone's gaze upon him. When he did so, he locked eyes with a fairly small boy, who seemed to be watching him intently. Elated at the fact that someone had at least noticed him, he flashed the other boy a friendly smile and waved to him.

@NimbusTheCat Logan was a bit surprised that the male noticed him and was interested in greeting each other. He gave a wave in return, though his hand was a bit shaky with worry. No one here seemed that dangerous, but he couldn't be so sure. He wanted to give the quiet boy a chance, though, considering they had something in common. Maybe they'd get along well for that reason.

Did Nikita do something wrong? Why wouldn't he shake his hand? There wasn't any dirt on him this time, and he was sure he didn't look too scary, but was it the scars? Maybe his hand smelt funny? Like tobacco? Nikita sighed at his over-analyzing of each move. He just wanted to make friends with people for once instead of just being there to entertain people. Though tonight looked more and more like he wasn't going to be walking away with a new friend anytime soon. Awkwardly, Nikita shoved his hand deep into his pocket and tried to keep the conversation going.

"Do you like the beach?" He asked, keeping calm.
Yuliya shuddered at all the noise that had broken out, in no mood to do anything but sit by the fire and wring out her dripping, wet hair.

Her shoulders tensed, her eyes narrowed, and out came the first words she'd spoken since these people had arrived, muttered angrily beneath her breath, "Американцев просто говорить и говорить." Her only clean shirt left was now gritty with sand, and the dry air from the fire made the stinging in her eyes no better. Maybe, if she was nice, one of these people would have quarters for the laundry machine. A good chance they would, with how pleasant they were being with one another. Of course, they were also making it impossible to peel off her cold, heavy clothes and dry them by the fire. Yuliya itched at her shoulder, wishing she had the balls to just do it anyways. There was sand everywhere, from the soles of her feet to the insides of her ears.

She let out a grunt as a soggy, disobedient curl fell in front of her eyes. "Сука, блять."

Zayn furrowed his brow and snarled at his father.

"You fucking prick! I swear to God... I hope you go into cardiac arrest you foul excuse for a human being." Zayn hissed.

"Get the fuck out of my house you god damned I'm uncultured! Get out!" Zayns father bellowed.

Zayn looked at his mother, then back at his father and spit on his fathers face. He smirked seeing the look of shock in his fathers eyes then ran out of the house. He jumped into one of his many cars and took off.

He would have to ditch this car, his father probably already reported it stolen. He drove to the nearest ATM and withdrew all the money in his account, shoving it in his back pack. He zipped it up and took a deep breathe walking. He walked and walked until he found himself at the ede of a forrest. The wail of the police sirens, scared him a little so he went further. He pushed his way through the trees until he heard what seemed to be a party. He looked at the beach filled with teens in complete shock. He looked at all of them and sneered.

"What kind of disgusting peasants are these? They look so broken... Yuck." He whispered watching them.

Chanel sniffled walking towards the sounds of the teens on the beach. She touched her lip to see if it was still bleeding and it was. She walked onto the beach and grabbed the first person she saw. He was Nikita.

"Excuse me? C-can you help me out? I need some basic first aid. Or direct me to who could help me?" she placed her hand on his chest and looked into his eyes with hers. She looked like one of the abused puppies in the TV shows. With her sad eyes.

However Chanel was just waiting to regain her strength, watch how people worked here, then she would smash their self-esteem into peices and rule this Haven. But for now... She was a wolf in a sheeps clothing.

As the other waved back to him, Barry's smile faltered slightly. The boy appeared to be almost worried. What had he done to worry him? Was he making a strange face? No, he concluded with a fair amount of relief after doing a conscious check. Should he make a strange face? Hey, he had nothing to lose, and maybe it would help the other feel more at ease. Hoping fervently that he wouldn't just upset him more by doing so, Barry contorted his features into a comical expression that had always been a favorite amongst the children at the daycare where he had worked before his illness became too much for him to continue. He wanted nothing more than to approach the boy, but was again deterred by the communication barrier and the thought of making him uncomfortable. It also appeared that he was already engaged in a conversation with an almost unbelievably tall young man, one that he would hate to interrupt, Barry noted as an afterthought.

@NimbusTheCat Logan turned back to the silent male and noticed him making silly faces, which caused him to giggle softly into his cold, pale hands. He felt slightly more at ease now that the mood was being lightened, though his guard still remained up. He was able to at least push it to the side, though and signal for the other one to join him and Nikita. He felt bad walking away from the tall one, though his fear made him wish he could. Maybe with someone else by his side, it'd be easier to talk to everyone. Logan did better in groups, there was less pressure on him to talk when he was in them.

@opburning Logan kept his tone low and quiet, but he felt bad ignoring the guy. He didn't do anything wrong and it wasn't his fault he was scared, so he smiled again to assure Nikita that things were okay. "I sorta do...I like the sand, as I can't swim." He chuckled slightly, "do you?"
@NimbusTheCat Nikita noticed yet another smaller boy looking around at him and his new friend Logan. Was it him again? Was he involved with his family like potentially everyone else here? It was unsure, but maybe he could be nice. He seemed shy and nervous anyway, so Nikita waved him over in the hopes of making another friend.
@opburning Yuliya rolled up her soggy sleeves, water dripping down from them as she did. The familiar inflections of the words behind her caused her to jump, spinning around at her waist and looking up at the stranger with wide eyes. She glanced around at the other people surrounding them, finally curious as to where they all came from and what they were doing here. Maybe he wasn't the only one that understood Russian. She stood up to face the man, reminding herself to watch her tongue. "Здравствуйте... Откуда ты?"
Elliot Lotski

Money, money, money. Why did she lack it so much? Elliot wanted to know why of all people, she was the one who had to have none of it. She studied hard, she worked hard, why not her? Elliot trudged on the gravel beneath her shoes, pouting in self-pity. She wished someone would take pity on her and donate a little, but then again her pride would be too big for that.

Sighing, Elliot watched as her hideaway came into view. Her breathing became steadier just as she neared it.
Everything's going to be fine, she said to herself, you're going to relax, and breathe, and earn a little more just to be able to keep your apartment. God forbid if Riley pays for me again -

Her train of thought, however, was cut off short, when she actually entered her so-called hideaway. There were people there. Living, breathing,
talking people. What the fuck? she thought. She'd gone here for some peace and quiet, and the one time that she needs it, people are suddenly throwing parties there. Jesus, she thought she'd had it all to herself. Elliot patted down her curly mane, which was currently being harassed by the wind as she trudged up the shore. She gave the crowd of people what she hoped was a polite smile, but probably looked more like a grimace.

Elliot sat down on the sand. All in all, the one thing that cheered her up a little in all this was probably the fact that she actually spotted someone shorter than her. [mentioned: Felicity @Kasper]
Anastasia had been stealing money from her parents for about a month now ,they haven't noticed their bank accounts slowly shrinking as she lives so far off with their money ,paying for a small living apartment neAr around a beach area ,it sounds nicer then it looks really ,old floors and housing but it's the best bet she got so far in raising herself and unborn baby on her own.She looked out before wanting to walk and go to her spot to think a little and try to find another job ,she already works at a fashion store ,but barely since she nerds to find her way around the place .She grabs her tight leather jacket on ,and her fuzzy boots and gloves putting her hair in a braid ,she doesn't look tired which is good .not looking tired is a good enough job for now ..She thought to herself before opening the rusty door ,and walking out into the depth defying cold ,she didn't have much to cover in.her jacket being thin and gloves that don't even look like gloves but ones that barely fit her ,she walked along the path way on the beach ,seeing the eaves crash into the Sandy shore as she walked along the way,beautiful..Only wish I could have a life like that for a baby ,maybe after its born I'll give it up for adoption ..maybe some can take care of. Such a beautiful given life them mine .She sniffed crying slightly on the way ,she didn't like thinking the she did ,it gave her thoughts of suicide thinking she's worthless ,her boyfriend even said it too.She cried stopping little more then half way there ,she wish she would just drown into the sea .and get away from the pain of uselessness to someone .
Elijah's head bounced from the thoughts of his own self to the opinions of others. It was on ongoing war with himself that never seemed to want to end no matter how hard he tried to come up with a reasonable solution. The thing is, he was afraid, absolutely terrified that his entire reputation would be ruined by one tiny detail about his identity that proved over and over was a secret that would affect his life numerous times whether he wanted it to or not.

The man walked with his hands in the warm pockets of his dark coloured jeans. They were an awkward length, rolled up at the bottom, they were an even more awkward tightness, not quite skinny jeans but still clung to him at certain areas. Especially his calves. His white v-neck was thin, causing him to give off slight shivers every now and then from the actual cool temperature and occasional breeze. He wasn't uncomfortable though, he was more than happy to be away from his family, his perfect man of a brother, societies expectations, he was going to break.

He realized he'd stepped onto sand. His common maroon vans sinking into the land. The subtle crashing of the waves could be heard in the distance past the talking and other commotion just a few metres ahead. He looked down, hoping that he didn't seem like he was creeping in the event, there already seemed to be quite a few people there and he didn't recall getting an invite. He wasn't sure he would have even joined if he did, he was shy around new people and as far as he could tell even with their features dimmed out by the darkness only to be lit by the light of the fire they surrounded, he didn't know any of them.

Still, he stood awkwardly with an obvious interest. He did want to get away from him regular life after all, perhaps making new friends and doing new things were the best way to do that.


Melani cautiously waved at the man, a smile gracing her features as she approached the two. She hadn't often had someone notice her without taunting her endlessly and once more she wondered if this was the reason why damaged people often hung around someone who reflected them. Both of them had nothing to lose and so they assumed that if they were bent enough it would not be long before they were to break, she dismissed the thought as soon as it appeared and settled for introducing herself to the two. "Hello, I'm Melani. A pleasure to meet you."


Edward looked at the kids surrounding him. Babies more like. Well not like he had anything planned, and this was the best spot so he waved at them. He hoped they wouldn't chase off the old timer and lit up a smoke he stood well enough away for the smoke not to bother the others, and he just looked. Was he really that young once? "Hey." He said calling to the others. "Name's Edward. I see I'm not the only one with good taste in hangout spots." He tried for a laugh, but it just came out tired. This was his third night free from the VA hospital, he wasn't even sure if he was ready to face normal people.
Nessa walks through the forest at a slow pace, listening to the leaves crunch below her feet and enjoying the birds as they sang softly.

She had just finished her shift at the gas station, her work t-shirt hidden under her flannel, when she decided to go for a little walk to the hidden beach she had found a few days prior. A few moments before arriving to the beach, Nessa places a cigarette between her lips, taking a long drag once she lights it. She's never been too fond of cigarettes, but they're cheaper than weed, and a hellava lot easier to find, so they'd have to do for now until she could replenish her weed supply. She knows smoke inhalation isn't really a good idea, seeing as she's so young and her lungs are developing and yada yada, but hey, she's gonna die someday anyways, why not speed up the process? This thought makes her chuckle a bit.


Nessa sure is surprised when she finds a decently sized group of people standing on her beach. She looks at the group with a puzzled expression written on her face, her head tilting just a tad as she tries to force words to come out, "Uh...hi?"'

So much for relaxing...

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