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Fandom Boku Oh No Hero Academia

[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]

Shouto Todoroki

Shouto walked into the class late and bowed to the teacher. "I apologize for being late, sensei. It will not happen again." Not looking, the student bumped into someone who was leaving. Without another word, the male continued to proceed to the back of the class where he found an empty desk. Closing his eyes and crossing his arms, he let out a low sigh and relaxed, feeling no threat.

Fumio Samoto

Fumio sped into the class in a blur, too fast for anyone to see really. As he stopped, the wind caused by him blew a few loose pieces of paper into the air. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!" He said quickly. "I'm late! How am I late? I mean, I am pretty fast. Fastest person here actually!" Taking a deep breath, the male student calmed down. "Okay...I'm chill."

(everyone is either in the hallway or outside because they are heading outside. except foe like three people.)
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](everyone is either in the hallway or outside because they are heading outside. except foe like three people.)

(Why do I even try? xD )

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    ''A crush..? Pff a crush is highly irrelevant to my goals.. I cannot afford to fall for such a mere bully such as... the attractive one...what was his name again?'' when she ask her voice fell even more silent after every word near the end. Placing both hands on her hips looking in the visible girl's direction ''Yuzuki Akaike, a pleasure to meet you Miss Hagakure.'' She lowered her head while curtsying. She then gave the explosive boy a look that said 'Yes biatch~ that is my name~' but she didn't think he would be waiting..kind of. ''I guess we should go, the class has already gone.''

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Kaede followed Tenya outside along with the other students. However, unlike most of the students, she followed Tenya close enough to be able to talk to him without raising her voice. "So what are the racing conditions?" she asked, "I assume that we will be able to use our powers, but will it be an obstacle course? A straight dash? Running track?" She mostly wanted to know because she planned on winning the race, if nothing else than to make a name for herself. She knew that her quirk would help her a lot in a race, possibly more than any other student here, but her tactic would have to change depending on the course. "Will there be teams?"

Mizuki turned pale as no one noticed her. She was floundering, and it was humiliating. She was frosen. Her body language screamed "help me. please"

she turned as she heard a gentle voice beside her. "i was told that id be teaching practical heroics. im...kinda new at this whole teaching thing...." she rubbed the back of her head, cheeks flushed in enbarassment. "im so sorry..." she laughed in spite of herself. "nice to work with you." she bowed.

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Matsu walked next Asui, he decided to talk to her a little more before their race. "So Asui," Matsu says nonchalantly. "What does your superhero costume look like? Does it happen to have any googles? Because if so I would like to know." Matsu mentally face palmed himself. 'I can't let anyone know about my quest for a goggle squad yet!'He thought. 'The world isn't ready yet.'
Cynthia DeMacchio

Cynthia looked at Deku and contemplated her answer. It was exactly that. She gave him a small smile and nodded. She noticed his hand moving and looked to see what he had written but before she could make sense of it, he had closed in front of her. Was he spying on me? She began to worry and hide her face with her bangs.

"Just like that." She explained in a dishearted tone. She felt too exposed now but he did not know better. She decided instead of confronting him to bring out her magic light thumbs. She slipped them on when he was not looking and they waited for the rest of the class.

"Wanna see magic trick?" She asked and picked her head up.

"You see I have a light." She has Deku look at her right hand where a green orb rested on her thumb and pointer finger. "And it likes to get travel."

She lets it go back and forth between her hands three times before having it disappear in her right ear and appear out the boy's left ear. She heard faint laughter coming from the cute boy and all her worries seemed to vanish. She could not put her finger on why it did but it did. When the boy's face lit up, Cynthia had felt a great tug at her heart. She could not think more because the broad boy from earlier had clapped loudly and sent a wind towards the group and essentially her way. She squeaked and tugged her skirt, hoping nobody saw.

Tenya Iida

Once he was outside, he waited a few minutes until most of the kids came out so he could make an effective dramatic action turn. At counting the heads, he took notice that more had arrived and some had stayed behind. Great. Tenya just hoped their was not an uneven amount of students. He let them chatter on a few minutes longer before lifting up both his hands and smacking them together. The force of the hands coming together making a loud clapping sound and an air current sailing through them all. It made a few of the girl's skirt ride up but he paid no mind. The clap was only to make everyone focus on him again.

"I see we have some late comers so I will state again who I am, class and my quirk. I am Tenya Iida, the class president of Class 1-A. My quirk involves engines on my calves which can shift gears much like a car." His voice cut through the crowd with an oddly enough masculine tone. For someone that is fifteen, he sure hit puberty at a young age.

"Now I suggest everyone to change quickly to their pe uniform. That is an essential skill heroes must have. The ability to change at a moments notice. I will demonstrate." He made quick movements to untie his tie and let it drop. The next few moments were him shredding his school uniform to show his blue PE uniform underneath. The way he had taken off his clothes was a little less than what was deemed elegant as the tattered remains were at his feet. He cleared his throat before speaking again.

"But if you don't have it, you don't need to change. It is also worth noting that we are on duty twenty-four seven... What we will do now is take a friendly yet competitive relay race. I will be assigning the new arrivals with the familiar students in hopes of them getting to know us and to each other. The teams will consist of four members. I encourage you to use your Quirks but if I see so much as foul play, I. Will. End. You. Your Quirks are meant to detain the others and not maim." Made a pointed look at Bakugou who had stayed in the back of the group.

"That being said, you can be strategic with placement of your members. Have the slowest in the middle or at the beginning. We do not have batons but I think a clap on your team members hand will do just fine. Any questions so far?" Tenya waited a few minutes before continuing on.

"We will have the racers in the track at every corner. Our kind teachers will be at the finish line to see the winners. I think that is all that needs to be said so now to group you together." He took a while to think up of suitable teams. Some had already fought and others have grown closer together but he wanted form sturdy groups.

"Alright. I have it made. On my right, I would like Deku, the spider boy (Matsu), Shouto and the girl with sharp wings (Yuzuki). On my left, I want Bakugou, Hagakure, the one guy with short black hair (Yukio) and the girl with glasses and black hair (Cynthia). In front of me, I want the one with unnaturally blue hair (Ikuto), and the guy that is albino (Fumio), Uraraka and that guy who hassled Mina (Akuma). Then the last group shall be, the little squirt with metal armor that should have been school uniform (Jonathan), Asui and what should be Mina and the one with short brown hair (Kaede). Everyone, break into your groups."
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Shouto Todoroki

Shouto turned up late, but made no fuss about it. In fact, he was obeying and acting as if he was there the whole time. "I shall not partake in any race. Sparing maybe." Bowing to the person in command, Todoroki stepped back into the crowd and watched in silence. However, once he heard his name, he stepped up.

This was...interesting. He could help his team by making the track ice. Maybe, that would work. He didn't know really. Or perhaps make the other tracks ice. "Strategy." He said instantly.


"Albino?" Said a silver haired kid from the back before suddenly appearing next to Tenya in a blur. "I am not an albino. Dude, seriously, where did you get that from?" With a sigh, Fumio smirked. If this was a race, he had it in the bag. He waited for his team to gather around before explaining that he was all they needed.

"Okay guys, listen here. I'm the only person here who is needed. I'm the fastest man alive after all. But hey, we only have one cute girl in our group! No fair! Oh well, us guys shouldn't argue over it."

Yukio sighed. He should be with the second years. If it hadn't been for the relapse of ptsd symptoms he had last year, he would be.

"Nice to meet you all. " he bowed his head.

Mina Ashido


"how on earth did you get into this school if you don't know such basic things..." Mina mumbled before hearing him call her cute. "Cute...? I-I'm not cute...." She mumbled, her face going slightly red with embarrassment. "I won't leave your mind because you won't stop thinking about me idiot!" She hissed, pulling her hands out of his and walking out of the classroom with the rest.

Tooru Hagakure


"Yes! We should ms. Akaike the lover" Tooru giggled, running after the rest and looking rather strange as a floating school uniform. "I hope we can be good friends" she laughed as she ran


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    She could see herself doing far more greater things than racing against other though she show no annoyance, she just gave a simple nod. ''Very well.. I'll participate in your games.'' She accepted. ''Though... this was mainly between Asui and Matsu? Why are we being drag into their... what you might call fun.'' She didn't really care though if she had a answer or not. She turn to her group and started a small conversation. ''Greetings, I'm Yuzuki, and you might like to know that I'm truly more faster when I'm in the skies, flying is my specialty.. Would you three be able to add anything special?'' raising a brow, judging by appearances.

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Yukio looked at the girls raising an eyebrow at them. Though he wasn't really interested in drama, he had to be nice or he was going to get slugged again. He smirked. He could easily add to the fire, but decided not to.

"I'm also down to be a sparring partener" she laughed a bit. She turned to her co worker. "Thank you very much....miss... I don't believe I've gotten your name yet."
Ikuto was already been waiting and was slowly getting bored, so when he heard his name he immediately looked for his other team members. When he managed to group with them, he thanked himself that he had a high high tolerance for people with attitude like Fumio. Not wanting to fight with his team member, he just nodded and did not say a single thing that would trigger him.
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  • izuku_midoriya_school_uniform_full_body-png.313134

    Deku saw Cynthia seem to act weird after seeing his notebook. He panicked, thinking she might have seen the hearts around her name but said nothing about it. He wondered if he should just show her the notebook or if he should say something. Deku thought and he walked and listened to Cynthia. When she did the trick with the lights, Deku clapped with a wondrous grin on his face.

    Then after hearing the loud clap from Iidya. Deku was pulled out of his thoughts of how cool Cynthia was. He felt a bit disheartened at not being in the same group as Cynthia. But at least he could watch her... that sounded creepier than it was meant to. "uh i guess i'll see ya later. we should goto our groups." He said with a hint of reluctance. The Deku made his way to his group.

@Trust @overlordfangirl @xkeyxx (@Everyone else)
When Ikuto saw Uraraka getting a bit to close to his right, he scooted a bit to his left in order to prevent his gynophobia to kick in and freak out everyone including his teammates. 'Calm down Ikuto... Calm down, it's alright... It's alright... Just breathe in, breathe out.' He thought to himself ass he inhaled and exhaled. So in order not to weird the girl out, he introduced himself to her. "I'm Ikuto Asouji... My quirk is Aura Focus, nice to meet you."
"Chill out boomy pants your gonna have to get used to group work. It's common place at this school. 'Specally for first years... I should know. It's my second time through first year..." ((Boomy pants that's the best you could come up with yuki? ))

Mizuki sighed. "Oh god he's already picking fights..." She put her hand on her head sighing.

@xkeyxx @Shiro kurogane
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Mina Ashido


"Hello again!" Mina giggled, contented to have Tsu on her team due to them knowing eachother a small bit. She considered the frog-like girl one of her friends and was determined to win whatever challenge they were faced up against.

Tooru Hagakure


"M-miss! What about me...?!" Tooru whined, tugging on the teacher's sleeve with an invisible hand. Tooru was often forgotten about so she didn't mind it as much but it still felt like a dent to her pride when even the teacher didn't notice her

Tenya Iida

He was too busy with grouping the ones he could see that he had forgotten all about Tooru and the snide remark by Fumio. Tenya turned on his heel and bowed down towards her.

"I'm sorry! The teams are all set but if you want, you and I could be paired together." He looked towards the teacher for conformation and back at the invisible girl. How could he have forgotten one of his classmates? That was not a true sign of nobility! He bowed again to Tooru, remorse clearly written all over his face. Then he analyzed the groups, seeing one missing a person.

"Actually, you're in the group on my left with Bakugou."

Cynthia DeMacchio

She listened halfheartedly as Tenya droned on of the activity, her gaze wandering over to the boy right next to her and made her heart make a louder thump than usual. He was a strange and plain looking boy. Nothing special like what she saw in the boy with a scar on his face or the spider boy but yet he had something. Sure, she could agree that he had a certain boyish charm and yes, he had a nice smile and cute freckles. Cynthia wondered where else he had freckles with a blush and slight nosebleed after her freckles revelation. She slapped her cheeks to rid her of her thoughts and listen to the boy say good bye.

"Huh?" She had spaced out again and was completely loss at that point. She watched the boy of interest walk away to another group. Had she somehow made him uninterested? A crushing sadness enveloped her mind but she shook her head, riding of unwanted emotions. Cynthia surveyed the rest of the group also break off and becoming teams of four, except one. She took a shot in the dark and walked briskly to them. She scuffed her shoe on the lawn before acknowledging the rest of the group, embarrassed at what she was about to ask. In her group, there was the one who was exploding the room earlier, an invisible girl and one with black hair.

"So uh guys... w-what are we doing?" Her answers were somewhat answered when explosion boy yelled out he could win the race all by himself and Yukio introduced himself.

"Uh... I would rather n-not get crushed and I think it's a team effort but I promise I will help the team as best as I can!" Cynthia smiled and flexed her arm muscle which was none to the boy, oblivious to his explosive tendencies.
He watched as the girl turned around looking at him and asking him if he was a robot. Before he could tell them he was only part robot the girl got distracted again turning away from him. shutting his mouth he turned away walking over to some grass near where the races where taking place before sitting down getting ready to watch.

@Shiro kurogane @xkeyxx

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    Deku looked back longingly at Cynthia, before turning to look at his group members. The winged-girl reminded him of a slightly toned down version of Bakugou. "hi Yuzuki, im Izuku or Deku if you prefer. your quirk is flying?... well duh, i should have guessed from your wings." He bumbled on nervously, still not good with meeting girl or talking to them for the first time. He opened up his notebook again and wrote down some stuff on a new page for Yuzuki, containing info on her and her quirk. Deku just about had eveyone now.

    @xkeyxx @Red Reaper @Ethan Hart


looking up when he hears someone from his group start yelling and calling them useless. sighing He looked at the other group members to see what they thought of this. Suddenly thinking of something funny he rubbed his hands together making a large amount of static electricity and he touched bakuguo's turned back. He watched waiting for bakugou's response.

@Miika @Shiro kurogane @overlordfangirl


Slowly walking outside Susan heard her name called with a bunch of other names she didn't recognize. Approaching the growing groups she looked around to see if she could spot out someone to help her. pulling her hood over her head to cover her from the bright sun she continued looking around for someone to help her. she suddenly saw a figure yelling at some people and she slowly approached them.

@Miika @Shiro kurogane @overlordfangirl @BeebeTheWarrior

(i mentioned myself! and got a alert for it too ;3
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    Yuzuki narrow her brows with curiosity ''What are you doing?'' She took a quick peak over his shoulder to notice he was writing about her. ''Woa..! let me take a look..'' With a poker face she didn't expect any of this, her fingers stealthily snatch the book of information. 'This is bad... If he writing about everyone then he must be keeping a good eye, I better keep a close watch as well.' Then suddenly a scream from the detonator caught her attention. ''What? did I say now to push your buttons..'' She then let the guy with electrical power proceed.


looking over at naraki before quickly backed away from the enraged Bakygou. *uh oh* he thought before turning away and making a run for it. once he was a safe distance from bakygou he snickered a bit looking at how mad bakygou was. he suddenly noticed a shy looking girl with a white hoodie slowly approaching bakygou. he gasped before looking away not wanting to see what bakygou would do to the poor girl.


as she approached the growing group she noticed one boy sprint away from the group clearly in a hurry. looking back at where he ran from she saw a teacher standing by one of the boy's who seemed to be absolutely enraged. Wondering what that boy could of done to make the other person so mad she got closer to the angry boy about to ask what was wrong.

@Shiro kurogane @xkeyxx @overlordfangirl @Miika
As much as Ikuto wanted to shake Uraraka's hand, his arms refused to move, damn his phobia of women. He just replied to her question so that he won't be seen as too much of a jerk, "Well, the main thing that my quirk can do is that I can 'see' or 'feel' people within a half mile radius... And by using my own aura, I can make a weapon out it, strengthen myself, and a create barrier. Although, I can only either make a weapon or a barrier one at a time since it drains me of my energy too fast it I make both at the same time."

When he heard something that sounded like static, he looked over and saw another student had accidentally made 'happy trigger bomber boy' angry, then proceeded to quickly back away. Ikuto just sighed and when he saw a girl getting slightly closer to the now enraged boy, he became very worried for what he might do to the poor girl.
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