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Fandom Boku Oh No Hero Academia

Matsu looked towards the green haired boy. "Well," he started. "My quirk is called spider, it gives me the abilities of a spider. So I guess it does have something to do with wall climbing." Matsu then looked at the energetic brown haired girl. "I didn't climb the building to get here, that would take to much work," he said to her. "I launched my self at the window using my webs. And a wall climbing contest against someone with frog abilities? That would be fun." Matsu decided to ignore the rude blonde, he seemed like he was gonna be a pain in the rear end the more he got to know him.
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  • upload_2016-7-13_21-51-29-png.314819

    ''No Nakami Sensie, there seems to be more students entering right.... now.....?'' While she was seating down she kept her arms folded but her fists secretively clenched. She sent a leer over, Yuzuki obviously didn't seem to keen or interested with any of the students... but she must try to make a attempt, a year on her own would probably devour her to become a villain again. However witnessing the rude boy with blonde hair walking in screaming at everyone her brows raise; wow she imagine before calling out ''Shut up, you look like an idiot..'' closing her eyes facing forward with her nose sticking up, she didn't sound irritated as she was hard to crack when it come to raising her voice.

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Mina Ashido


Mina tried ignoring the red haired man sitting next to her but couldn't help it, she covered her chest with her arms and rested her head on the table, her head facing away from him. "Pervert" was the only word she uttered, somewhat childishly

Tooru Hagakure


"So sorry!" Tooru yelled, scrambling into the classroom, nothing but a floating pair of clothes. She sat down on the nearest available seat and hoped noone was looking at her, extremely easily embarrassed


  • izuku_midoriya_school_uniform_full_body-png.313134

    "spider quirk huh...?" Deku pulled out his notebook full of notes he'd made and taken about pro heroes and the others in class. He flipped open to a new page and wrote Matsu's name, height and basically all personal data he could get from sight alone. He also decided to start a page with Cynthia too.. but his face turned red and he quickly shut his notebook before anyone, especially Cynthia could see why he'd closed it. "s- so C- Cynthia, whats your quirk?" Again Deku's voice softened in tone and his face turned red but not as red as the first time.

@xkeyxx @Trust @overlordfangirl @Red Reaper

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    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-15_20-34-18.png.e311253dc2d59baf66f9170cf18cc9e3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-15_20-34-18.png.e311253dc2d59baf66f9170cf18cc9e3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    She open her eyes and listen to his words cautiously ''Bird-girl?''
    swiftly standing up from her seat ''say that one more time, bombshell..'' deep down this certainly hurt her and she wouldn't let anyone call her that; especially from a cocky student. ''Go on, I dare you..'' she flexibly swung her left wing underneath his arm and the elbow of the wing press up against his body which quickly; the wing expanded, opening up to squish him against the wall. Now she was waiting for him to call her bird girl again.



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Matsu sighed, he really wanted to have that race with Asui, but because of the stupid blonde and winged girl, it's being held up. "I think Mr.Izawa would stop them before things got out of hand," Matsu said to his teacher. "If you want I can quickly web them up for you."

Mina Ashido


"why would a pervert like you want my name?" She asked, moving her head to look at the red-headed male. "For all I know your going to molest me again!" She mumbled, raising her head and looking directly at him

Tooru Hagakure


"Uh... Metallic girl! Calm down!" Tooru mumbled to Yuzuki in an attempt to calm her, resting an invisible hand on her shoulder. "It's all fine! Katsuki just likes to mess with people! That's all!" She said, trying to console the enraged winged-girl

Tenya Iida

Tenya was not built for the tiny school desk and it was a miracle the desk did not give from his heavy weight. He sat idly, watching everyone goof off through his stylish glasses. The chattering around him was starting to get on his nerves. Not only because he was not involved but because the teacher obviously was speaking but not being heard. Raised up to be a hero and as class president of Class 1-A, he was going to make damn well sure she was heard.

He stood up from his desk, which if it were alive would be quite thankful, and smacked the desk, not so thankful and crying. Tenya sent each and everyone of the students; new and old, a pointed stare and cleared his throat. The fight between Katsuki and Yuzuki, halting. He found Mina being hassled by Akuma and he made his way over to him, placing a tight grip on his shoulder. His strong leadership skills came in handy when trying to reign a crowd in. He gave a small smile at the invisible girl appearance to the class (pun intended?).

"Alright, listen up! We are going to go outside to do that race or whatever. And while we are at it, we will get to know the newcomers and find what everyone's quirk is." Another look around the classroom gave him the impression that no one would object. He turned on his heels and waved over his shoulder for everyone to follow.

"Follow me."

Cynthia DeMacchio

Cynthia head turned back to Deku. The spider boy and the odd looking black haired girl. The one with white angelic wings and the spiky haired blonde boy were fighting and she took a few steps back to avoid the onslaught.

"Please. Call me Cy. Quirk is..." She stopped her sentence to think what her ability was. It always stumped her. It was an energy projection but it was her energy and it was in tune with her emotions so emotional energy?

"My quirk involves energy that I put in objects." She would show Deku but the guy who she followed to the school had silenced all of them. Cynthia waited for anybody to move but none did so when he had left to the school yards. She closed her satchel and made her way with him.

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    She farrow her brows at the invisible touch feeling a little confuse however she reminded her why she was unhappy in the first place. ''He call me bird-girl though... dose these look like soft harmless feathers?? no, hard steal spikes.. I don't know how but it allows me to fly.. This... doesn't mean I'm a bird.'' She sigh and understood maybe she gone too far; loosening Katsuki from the tight grip she then force a smile. ''Sorry, but you are a extreamly annoying bombshell..'' She imagine this would just all drop....soon.... maybe.


  • izuku_midoriya_school_uniform_full_body-png.313134

    Deku didn't hear some of what Cynthia said as she hurriedly followed after Iida outside. But he moved to follow the two, making himself small when passing a very pissed off Bakugou. Deku was slowly becoming used to Cynthia's presence. But it would be a while until he could handle her being too close. Though from the way she seemed to act, it sorta felt like Cynthia didn't want to be stuck talking to him.

@xkeyxx @Trust @overlordfangirl @Red Reaper
Rushing into the classroom he noticed that everyone had just gotten up. Feeling awkward he quickly snuck into the classroom. he watched as the students filed out of the door and he joined into the group hoping he wouldn't be noticed... at least not yet. He looked around but was suddenly pushed aside by a girl who seemed to be dragging her friends outside. seeing that she hadn't noticed she bumped into him he started walking faster as to get outside and out of the crowd and into a more spacious area.

@Everyone in the classroom

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    Yuzuki was very overwhelmed by his outburst, she only kept her mouth shut as he continue. Glancing in the direction of invisible girl then back at the boy, who let off so much steam.. which led to the destruction of the classroom but once he storm out she then mentioned quietly. ''I take it...that means we're good?'' She believe that what all this wreckage meant so she nodded to herself with a small smile. ''He pretty immature but hot----- ....No! I cannot fall for such an attraction!''

Matsu quickly released his hand from Otachu grasp. "I think I should start warming up before the race," he said as he stopped to quickly stretch his arms and legs. "After all, it's good for your muscles if you warm up before the actual work out." Matsu then shot a web up at the ceiling and let it drag him up to the ceiling. He then started crawling on the ceiling, making sure the Asui was below him.
Deciding to follow the girl who had bumped into him.Chasing after the girl he wove in and out of the students before finally catching up with them outside. slowing to a halt he slowly approached the girl and his little group.

@Shiro kurogane
Squabbling was heard as the group headed down the hall way. Mizuki was overwalmed and her obstinant little brother was not helping. "YUKI JUST GO WITH THE GROUP!" The woman shouted.

"You arnt my mom mizu-" the boy was inturupted by a fist to his face. "Shut up and go to the track." She turned away, wiping her eyes as she headed off to talk with aizawa.

Yuki rubbed his cheek and huffed. He was already in the gym uniform, and walked slowly to the track. "Sorry I'm late... My sister...she's kinda slow. " it was obvious he was trying to shift the blame.
Ikuto, arriving at school, saw the group of students outside, waiting for something, most likely for the entrance exam to start. He saw most were stretching and a few were chatting. He already was in his gym outfit and had a good jog before coming to school, he just decided to be a bystander until the exam started. Whilst looking at the other students a few people caught his eyes and he unconsciously stared at them, however when they met his eyes, he turned his head away and broke off the contact.
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Mina Ashido


"Groping is... You know..." She mumbled, pointing to her chest then doing a grabbing gesture. "That, and it's very embarrassing for me! And very rude for you to do!" She hissed before answering his second question. "I don't have a mental quirk, you probably just like the colour pink you perv..."

Tooru Hagakure


"I believe it's called a "crush"" Tooru giggled, patting the winged-girl on the back. "I am Tooru Hagakure, nice to meet you, what's your name?" She said, smiling a smile nobody could see while holding an invisble hand towards the girl, forgetting momentarily about her quirk

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Yuki was sulking, his hand on his face. "she just punched me. in public. What the hell...?" the boy grumpily sat on the ground, starting to stretch out his back. His futon was not very thick. "Stingy ass sister..."4

Mizuki had finished in the staff meeting and headed back out into the field, her long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, in her hero costume, and looking irritated at her brother.

"okay. so... im waiting...for someone...names...im not good with names...BUT im one of your teachers for this year. So you better respect me." Her face creased, a look of thinking drifting over her face. "names Mizuki! sorry we were late! no thanks to my primadonna little brother." She glared at yukio. "have you introduced yourself to anyone?"


"no wonder everyone thinks youre a horrible person."
As Ikuto was getting more bored by the minute, he thought to himself if he should talk to anyone at all. He ponders on his decision and stares off into space, thinking whether or not he should.

Yuki took what his sister said to heart, and for once tried to reach out to someone. He Saw one person sitting alone. He walked over, sat again and started stretching again.

"sup?" Damn was he awkward.
Ikuto snapped out of it and immediately looked at the person and sighed in relief, seeing that the person was not a girl. "Hi to you too." He said with a straight face and waved his hand at the person.
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"okay...i tried to be friendly. You happy now mizuki?" he mumbled under his breath.

"names yukio. "
"I'm Ikuto." He said, nodding at him. Ikuto then yawned and started to use his quirk to 'feel' his surroundings and the aura of the other students so he can entertain himself while waiting. He kept on doing that for a few seconds before he stopped using his quirk and sighed.
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  • izuku_midoriya_school_uniform_full_body-png.313134

    Deku followed after Cynthia. "so your quirk is sorta like energy projection?" HE asked while his notebook for notes on heroes was open. He wrote down some stuff on the page reserved for Cynthia and quickly closed it so she wouldn't see the hearts he'd drawn around her name.


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