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Fandom Boku Oh No Hero Academia


I like peaches
It been 2 weeks since the year had began and now the teachers have been given news of late arrivals. We are the arrivals-- A different class compare to the rest; Class 0-A* Which means we're special, some mock us as being Show ponies. We just manage to fit into the crowd of heroes in training but only to be judge by those students. You could of maybe struggles from being brought up in a care home, perhaps prisoner under isolation for months or you could've been a villain for who knows how long under the manipulating quirks or maybe something else...Either way to be slotted into the Academy. You are lucky!

Which leaves on the other hand though students hate that, they are growing jealous after their hard work to prove themselves worthy, you've been doing that your entire life. You may care or not about how they feel but you are now competing with them, especially class A-1. We're not the most welcomed students but All Might has seen potential in us and feels it right to give us a chance. We have one prospect, not to screw this up! let say we're on the strict side of school... though again, All might thinks we can complete all the task and become heroes so let prove him right.

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It been hour since Rai arrive at the academy, she appear pretty early and within that time she explore the school. Not for villains deeds but for her own curiosity, she was intrigued where she could be learning new skills and maybe to become a real hero. She wondering how did she even survive up until this day, not ending up in prison she meant..The white hair girl scan all the classes to find no one, not any teachers have arrive even. ''Guess I'm the first..'' She felt a light tap on her shoulder, she lowered her wings to see pass them and she witness a frog girl. ''Can I help you?''

It seem that the frog girl was trying to get into her class pretty early, perhaps collecting some books or something ''No..'' She replied. ''Than can you let me past? your bird-like wings are blocking the entrance.'' She told her while pointing ''I never seen you before, are you transfer students joining our class?'' Frog girl had seem to hit a switch ''No..'' stating again yet with a more darkened tone. ''Then why are you here?'' She ask, why was she quizzing her, time to fight fire with fire.

''Who even are you? Why are you even an hour early? Can you tell I'm not a bird..'' She folded her arms leering down at her that built tension, but the frog girl didn't show any emotional changes. ''I'm not an hour early I'm two minutes early... and I didn't call you a bird, I said your bird-like wings.. sorry but that how they stand out, also I'm Asui.'' She shrug while holding her large hands out. ''Oh..'' She look down the corridor to witness many students approaching their classroom doors, time to face the music and meet new students!

Mina Ashido


Mina whistled happily to herself as she slid towards the open door of her new school, the famed UA high. "What a wonderful day!" she laughed before noticing two people blocking the door. Sadly, she noticed them a little too late and crashed into something large and feathery, kind of like a pillow but a bit warmer. "Did I just wake up again..?" she asked, a little dazed from her tumble with whoever it was she had crashed into. luckily, she had a decent control over her quirk and none of it went onto her cushion.

They both had glance towards the sliding pink looking human, yet.. they also were too late to realize what was happening. crash ''Ashdio-chan...ribbit'' Asui called out mildly confuse but she didn't seem to care as much other than curiosity. ''Uh--Ashido-chan, those are not cushions!'' she tried nudging her off by her shoulders hoping she would snap out of her drowsiness. On the other hand, the girl with wings wasn't impress ''It what I expected.... from the other classes...'' She did imagine they were class 1-A but she wasn't too certain, until she glance up at their door. Rai frown remaining silent, watching the debate.

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Izuku "Deku" Midoriya


Deku looked at the gates of the school. He smiled ever so softly and headed inside. The scene before him causing his cheeks to turn rosy pink. Mina was atop Tsu and... "S- S- SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING!!" He yelled, turning as he slowly backed away. Deku's eyes were spinning, two of the cutest girls in his class together... like that. He really didn't know how to feel about that since he'd gotten sorta close with Tsu. Maybe he should ask All Might next time they were alone.

Akuma Raikage

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg.572fde576ba1da59d2bd403ad7c29458.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg.572fde576ba1da59d2bd403ad7c29458.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Akume whistled off tune as he entered the school. The sight of Mina on Tsu was amusing. "hey i didn't know it was that kinda party!" He laughed, his tone suggesting he was completely serious. Akuma walked over to Mina and Tsu and simultaneously grabbed each of their chests. "i don't understand why females have such soft 'pillows' on their chests." He commented, feeling nothing from his act to them. Being half-insane made him extremely hard to read at times. He all too quickly let go and walked over to Rai. "whats up?"

@xkeyxx @Trust



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Rai Akaike

Rai only glance up towards the boy with green hair, she was about to say something before taking steps back since another student appear and ''Today is already just too weird...'' grabbing girls boobs.. Rai would slaughtered him on the spot if he try anything funny. But afterwards she only raise a brow, who the hell is this guy ''Greetings..'' She spoken in a rather posh tone like she came from royalty.


Asui was about to eject toxic liquids from her stomach as he dared touched her breasts, though she blush and fortunately for the man he fled. She try placing Mina straight on her feet again and hope she could keep herself steady ''Be careful next time.'' She muttered before turning to Izuku. ''Hey Izuku, how are you?'' She questioned to make a light conversation and ease his mood.

@Trust @Shiro kurogane
Zachary stayed up late the day before school and was really tired from having to wake up so early and had to walk to U.A. He had woken up a bit, but he knew he would get tired by the last period. 'Hopefully it isn't anything too difficult.' He thought as he got to the school and entered the building, running into a frog girl, some alien, and some girl with either angel or bird wings who was talking to some guy with pink hair. "Oh, sorry." He said as he started walking past them. @Trust @xkeyxx @Shiro kurogane

Izuku "Deku" Midoriya


"hey Tsu..." He trailed off still not realizing Mina and Tsu's position had been a accident. "im fine, sorry for uh.. barging in on you. but maybe leave those things for behind closed doors.." His face just deepened in color the more he talked. Deku faced Tsu again but still sort of avoided her eyes. He then noticed the red-haired guy who just groped Tsu and Mina and some girl with wings.

Akuma Raikage


"greetings? didn't realize i was talking to some fancy mistress girl." He cocked an eyebrow at the winged girl. Then looked at some guy who walked past them. "so you plan on giving me your name? or do i just have to call you girl from now on?" Akuma had a friendly soft grin towards her. It seemed that he didn't really give too much thought on what he'd done. But one of the two girls he'd touched peaked his interest.

@xkeyxx @Trust @zacharychi
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Mina Ashido


Mina shuffled back by the force of the shove from her previous pillow that was once Tsu when some random guy she didn't think she had ever met grabbed her chest, before she could react he was already walking away. "I-I..." She mumbled, her face going a deep red rather than it's usual pink

@xkeyxx @Shiro kurogane @zacharychi (sorry, was away all day)
Zachary hurried to class, though he didn't know what room was his. He turned around and went back to the group of kids. "Excuse me, but what room is class 0-A?" He asked the group of people. He got a clear view of the kids now that he was paying attention. The Alien's face was red while her hands and legs were pink, the winged girl looked like she didn't like the person in front of her, and the frog girl was talking to somebody who looked like he just saw a ghost. @xkeyxx @Trust @Shiro kurogane
Rai Akaike -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_20-16-41.png.123de20b28fc89c346093668dd5e395b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_20-16-41.png.123de20b28fc89c346093668dd5e395b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rai sigh and finally she address herself to him''My name is Rai Akaike, but you may call me Rai.'' After that she rotated her body to face the window, she folded her arms and mentioned ''And who are you?'' she asks promptly. Guess she was curious to find out who the others are as well, if she was going to survive in this school she should make friends.

Tsuyu Asui

The frog girl had the same expression written all over her face, no more blushing, just her frog-like tongue hanging low. ''I think some of these students maybe new, but I don't think there with us.'' She explain before hearing what she thought he said ''What do you mean... 'maybe leave those things for behind closed doors..'?" she merely blush again.. Then she watch Mina walking away and didn't know what to say. ''Oh...'' finally catching on.

@Trust @Shiro kurogane @zacharychi



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Izuku "Deku" Midoriya


"new students?" Deku asked, his blush instantly dying as his face turned interested. "i didn't know about this.." He turned back to Tsu. but wasn't really looking at her as he was deep in thought. "i wonder why we're getting new students now?"

Akuma Raikage


Akuma after getting Rai's name turned away for a second. He looked at the blushing pink girl. An odd feeling seemed to stir before dying for now. Then he looked back at Rai while his thoughts were still on the pink girl for some reason. "im Akuma Raikage. i would say call me Rai but instead just call me Akuma."

@xkeyxx @Trust @zacharychi

Mina Ashido


Mina wasn't exactly sure how to react, everything seemed to be going much faster than her and before she knew it the man that had grabbed her not a moment earlier was now introducing himself as Akuma. "I-I'll call you a pervert!" She mumbled and ran off into the school, towards class 1-A. Her mind racing with thoughts

@xkeyxx @Shiro kurogane @zacharychi
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Izuku "Deku" Midoriya


"new students?" Deku asked, his blush instantly dying as his face turned interested. "i didn't know about this.." He turned back to Tsu. but wasn't really looking at her as he was deep in thought. "i wonder why we're getting new students now?" He cocks his head to the side, waiting for Tsu to answer.

Akuma Raikage


Akuma turns at hearing the pink girl call him a perv and run off. He chuckled softly and can't help that the word cute keeps popping into his head when he thinks of Mina.
i want to know her better in the future.. Now he turns back to Rai and sees the kid that ran past. "your in the same class as me and Rai."

@xkeyxx @Trust @zacharychi
Yuzuki Akaike

''Well done..'' Nearly she was about to clap her hands ''Was that your intention? to scare the young ladies from the beginning...?'' though she only folded her arms and glance at the small group who started fleeing everywhere and going completely red. ''Oh wow guys. I know I'm sexy but come on..!'' She weren't known to be funny but it had to be done.

Tsuyu Asui

''Yep, you got one there who was blocking the entrance to our classroom, bird lady I presume, one who grab my boobs...and another over there who coming down. Oh hey!'' only realizing now he just arrive. But she was pointing at them all. ''I think we're going to be put with them, not many of us are here so just to make the class evenly big. ribbit'' she explain.

@Shiro kurogane @Trust @zacharychi
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Cynthia woke up at the same time as her alarm clock, signaling it was seven forty-five. Her favorite radio station played in the background as she set about, getting ready. It was the first day at her new school and she did not know what to expect from it. She assumed that since it was the middle of the year, the students would have already been acquainted and would not take kindly to the new arrival. It discouraged her a fraction but she figured if she whipped out a neat magic trick, she would gain their admiration.

Bounding out of her room, fully uniformed, she jogged through the small apartment and past her brother who was setting up an entertainment center. The "perks" of starting anew, free from her parents and across the sea, was that her older brother had decided to tag along to make sure she would be safe. The apartment was devoid of personal touches and furniture. The boxes that contained their belongings were being shipped from overseas and would not arrive until two days later. So until then, the duo would have to suffice in the bare minimum and buying furnishings to get ready for permanent stay.

Cynthia grabbed her keys and her school satchel before putting on her loafer shoes and saying farewell to Nico and walking out the green entrance door. It was a ten minute trolley ride to her new school and if her time was correct, she would arrive right on time and not a minute too soon or too late. She hopped on the moving cart when it passed by and found a seat to take up. The trolley was relatively empty, with only a few students commuting to their respected schools. Five minutes passed and her boredom made her rummage in her bag for her thumb lights. She passed another two minutes making the light appear from one hand to another.

[/media] A small audience from the trolley had gathered around her, mesmerized at her tricks. Among them, a boy who seemed conflicted in watching her and keeping aloof, caught the eye of Cynthia.

He wore the same uniform as her, except instead of a skirt he wore pants, a clue that he was going the same school. His build was quite bulky which gave her the impression that he was muscular. A slight blush crept up to her face when his gaze settled on her for a second before returning to the front of the trolley and pulling on the cord to have it stop. He made his way out and Cynthia rushed to get out also, the crowd around her, moan at the loss of entertainment. The young man was quite fast for someone so tall and Cynthia had to jog to keep up, stuffing her magic light in her pockets. She stayed a few feet away from him as they entered the school and maneuvered through the hallways. He stopped in front of a hall way and address one of the other kids in the hallway.

"Morning, Asui."

Izuku "Deku" Midoriya


"oh really? and did you just say the red haired one touched your b- b- uh.. you." Deku said unable to say the word. He studied the winged-girl and the rest until a new girl entered. Oddly enough, Deku couldn't seem to keep his eyes off her. He'd seen the girl slip thumb lights of some kind into her bag.
i hope she's in class with me..

Akuma Raikage


"oh really? the same class?" Akuma had heard Tsu's words. Though he really didn't seem interested in either Deku or Tsu. In fact, Akuma gave Tsu and Deku the same kinda look Bakugou would. He just wanted to see the pink girl, Mina again.

@xkeyxx @Trust
Yuzuki decided to take a seat at the back of the class and gradually she waited for their teacher to appear walking through the door; however Yuzuki first days seem to be a bore for her, no one seems to click, she felt as if they were all weak. They weren't catching her interest and she thought maybe.. just maybe I'll do better on my own. However, the clacking of high heels marched down the corridors made her perk up from her dozing off, you didn't need to look to see-- only the hearing was necessary. She seems to be running, or just walking at high speed but and finally, she enters the classroom but nearly tumbles over straight away, which seem to be one of her flaws e highly clumsy. ''Oh dear! I nearly fell on my face.. that would have been embarrassing- anyway hello class!''

She approaches the front desk where Izawa would normally sit ''Um.. lady, but where our teacher?'' The frog girl ask, raising a hand for the first question to be answered. ''Ah! well, you see...since he got his face battered and the fact he got many bruises and broken bones; Recovery girl has asked if I could take his place for the meantime, and since there not enough teachers to take care of all the classes I decided to collide you two together!'' she clap her hands while explaining in a cheery tone ''Isn't this exciting?! It seems you've already got to know each other!''

She admitted ''Now everyone take a seat!!-- where the rest of the class???''

@Shiro kurogane @overlordfangirl @Trust
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Cynthia went inside the classroom wordlessly and listened intently on the older woman. She raised her hand a bit timidly when Yuzuki said they new each other.

"Um, miss. I haven't really got to know anybody." Her voice was more quieter than she had wanted to be. She despised her alter personality that came out when introduced to new people. It was the opposite of what she wanted people to see in her.

The glasses wearing girl fidgeted in her chair. The cool metal that pressed against her back and thighs was a relief to her somewhat heated skin. She looked to her right, where most of the kids had taken a seat and took in each of their appearances.
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  • izuku_midoriya_school_uniform_full_body-png.313134

    Deku walked into the classroom and was about to sit down when he saw the girl with glasses from earlier. He walked over and sat next to her, "h- hi, im Izuku but you can call me Deku like everyone else." He smiled sheepishly at the beautiful girl in front of him. He shyly held out his hand to her.

@xkeyxx @Trust @overlordfangirl
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Matsu sluggishly woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, hitting it until it stopped beeping. He got out of bed and stretched his arms as he yawned. When he was done stretching, Matsu took a look at his clock, his eyes went wide and he dashed for his uniform and quickly put it on. "I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late!" He said to himself as he put on his clothes. When Matsu was finished getting dressed he put his shoes on, grabbed his keys and ran out the door, making sure to lock it behind him.

Trying to get to class as fast as possible, Matsu shot a web and launched himself on top of a taxi. He leaned over the side so the driver could see him, "I need you to drive me to U.A quickly, and yes I have the money for it." The cab driver nodded, Matsu got in a position where he could stick on the cab better, and the cab took off to the academy. Once there, Matsu through money at the cab driver through his window and ran towards the school. Knowing he had to be quick, Matsu found his classroom windows and shot webs on either side of them and launched himself at them, landing just above them. Matsu knocked on a window so someone could let him in.
There was even amount of students in the classroom: four girls and four boys. None of them looked like each other and Cynthia hopped she could remember each of their names. Cynthia was surprised to see the one with green hair and cute freckles speak to her. It was a bit strained and he did not look at her very often but she found it endearing that he came to her.

"Hello," she plays with the strap of her bag, her eyes looking down. She could not seem to look at him either. Her glasses slid down her nose and she made a gesture to raise them up. In doing so, she took a better glance at the boy again. He was taller than her but only because she was sitting down, giving him a seven inch height advantage. He had eyes that were big and full of something she could not her finger in. Wonder she would have to guess. His hair was something she wanted to touch though. It was unruly and soft. She just desired to tidy it up

and figure out if it felt like silk or course like cotton.

"I'm Cynthia DeMacchio but call me Cy or Cynthia. Deh- Deku?" She tried the name on her tongue, experimenting on how it should be pronounced. With her Russian accent, her Japanese words sounded all foreign and she spoke in hesitation. Cynthia had bought many books on her way over and always kept them on hand in case of emergency.

"That's a coo... cool name." Cynthia smiled shyly and made to say more until new students came barging in, some even calling to Deku but she could not make out what they said.

"What did say?" She pointed to the one who had spiky blonde hair who went to shout at but heard distinct knocking to her left. Cynthia turned to see one with brown hair and HANGING UPSIDE DOWN OUTSIDE THE WINDOW!!!!!!!!! Cynthia scrambled out of her desk and opened the window to let the student in. He must have some sticky residue on his hands if he had stuck to the wall, she guessed and quickly brightened at the idea that he was like lizard man!
Matsu quickly crawled through the window from the top, and jumped on the floor, landing in a crouched position, once he was inside. He stood up and brushed off his legs, getting dust off his pants. When he was done brushing his pants off, Matsu looked at the girl that let him in and smiled. "Thanks for the help," he said to her with gratitude. "By the way, is this classroom 0-A?"

  • izuku_midoriya_school_uniform_full_body-png.313134

    "no, class 0-A and 1-A are being merged. so this is the classroom." Deku spoke up, walking up behind Cynthia to the new kid. "you stick to walls? thats almost like Tsu's quirk, frog." He smiled. Deku always had an easier time talking to guys over girls. Mostly because girl hadn't spoken to him much. "so uh, what is your quirk? it has something to do with wall climbing right?"

@xkeyxx @Trust @overlordfangirl @Red Reaper

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