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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

OOH that reminds me of a fanfic where Deku had been born with talking with ghosts as his quirk
Yesterday Upon The Stair - Chapter 1 - PitViperOfDoom - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia [Archive of Our Own]
So while looking at images, seeing if I can find any other good options (I am never satisfied), I found this:

c u t e
Villian: You can’t beat me! I know your every attack!
Aya: Crap...we can’t do this alone....Have any plans?
Setsou: One *Uses phone*
Villain: Now my special move! Tetonic
*Music Plays*
....is that....running in the-
*Charges right at the villian*

Aya: Nice plan!

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