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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Aya vs Koinu:
Idea Idea Alright I got another idea for a character. She has the ability to manipulate repulsive and attractive forces between her and things/people. Those things must be touching her skin before she can do that though. This ability makes her able to perform high jumps, climb things and, when well used, even do high speed kicks. Does that work?
I now have a theory that The Prinicpal was suppose to be a UA teacher but was kicked out and out of spite, built the PSA yelling this xD
I'm gonna ask for what you mean exactly, cause I don't wanna say yes to soemthing I'm not sure you're saying...
Like in a sense he's only become noticeable now. He was under the radar, and only became somewhat more of a main character instead of a background character you know?

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