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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

And this is why Aya isn't allowed to attend movie night past a certain time XD She's a loopy birb when she's tired :3
Aya: But why can't I come?!
Riba: Last time, we decided to watch a zombie movie and you tried to eat my brain....that's why there's a hole in my dorm room.

I'd love a movie night where everyone has to do the movie, all improv xD
Susanoo Susanoo I don't remember exactly at what point you decided to join: If you were invited, if you posted on the interest check or if you asked to join in the IC (Or if you just made a characer in characters without asking first). But regardless of where you came from, there was an extensive amount of detail put into this roleplay, and several warnings on the fact it would be demanding and complex. If you knew anything about me, which I suppose you don't, you'd also know I'm a pretty nitpicky and harsh GM with no qualms in doing what needs to be done to make things better. In other words, there was no shortage of signs that this would be a difficult process. This is not your run-of-the-mill roleplay where you can just shove anything in and it'll get accepted damm the consequences. In here, starting right from the character creation, you reap what you sow.

Now I understand you may be feeling frustrated right now. I'm hoping you're actually reading this, but I can't exactly force you to, so I'll just keep hoping. Maybe you feel cheated, betrayed, or that this is just too much of a load, or maybe you somehow got the impression that I'm discrimating against you or something. And frankly, if criticism of your character and the need to change them is that much of a load to you, maybe this RP is not for you. If you want to, feel free to vent to me all you want, but please...

They did nothing to you, they were friendly and tried to help you. If you want to vent that badly do it by PM; I'll hear ya out. Or at the very least put it in the spoiler so as to not to ruin the mood for everyone else. They are not at fault for your frustrations and if you want to blame anyone blame me. Complain to me, block me, whatever, but let other people out of this.

That said, if you're reading, I do have another suggestion for a BnHA RP that I know of. NaturalQueen NaturalQueen is currently running a discord RP of boku no hero. I also know there are people looking to roleplay boku no hero 1x1, though I wouldn't be able to poitn you out specifics right now. This may not be the right RP for you, but if you want I can help you look for one.

If you do decide to stay, though, please control yourself a little.
Aya: But why can't I come?!
Riba: Last time, we decided to watch a zombie movie and you tried to eat my brain....that's why there's a hole in my dorm room.

I'd love a movie night where everyone has to do the movie, all improv xD
That's a great idea :3
Just woke up, read the comments up until now, and I ended up both proud of you guys and sincerely frustrated.
Yeah... Stuff like that is pretty frustrating :/
Just woke up, read the comments up until now, and I ended up both proud of you guys and sincerely frustrated.

That's a great idea :3
Either that or them having to make a movie!
Aya: RAWR! *Destroys a tiny model tower*
*Throws rock*
Aya: OW! I THOUGHT WE AGREED ON STYROFOAM?!?....I mean....rawr!

Especially if the guy didn't reprocate her feelings. Poor guy XD

Aya would be the best wing-man XD She likes helping out her friends in any ways she can
Riba: I'm so glad you decided to go on this date. I'm having a wonderful time.
Guy: Hehehehe, right....this totally is by my own free will.

Aya: *Points gun behind back* Quiet!
When times get tough, a gun can always help motivate xD
Aya: Date my friend!
You mean the crazy bone lady? No way!
*Pulls out gun* Call her that again and I'll make sure you leave coughing up feathers!
Dinner and a movie sounds nice!
She may look sweet and innocent on the outside, but on the inside she's got a few screws loose XD
She may look sweet and innocent on the outside, but on the inside she's got a few screws loose XD
Outside she's a dove but inside, she's a crazy rooster xD
Riba: I had a lovely time
Y-Ya, me too
Maybe, a goodbye kiss? *Closes eyes*
W-Well maybe no-*Aya swoops down and stuffs chloroform in his mouth* MHP! *Passes out forwards*
Hey! *Smacks* What an asshole! *Runs inside*

Aya: BOK! *Grabs the body and drags away into the night*
Outside she's a dove but inside, she's a crazy rooster xD
Riba: I had a lovely time
Y-Ya, me too
Maybe, a goodbye kiss? *Closes eyes*
W-Well maybe no-*Aya swoops down and stuffs chloroform in his mouth* MHP! *Passes out forwards*
Hey! *Smacks* What an asshole! *Runs inside*

Aya: BOK! *Grabs the body and drags away into the night*
Fun fact: Psycho Aya is based loosely off of her villain counterpart who I'm using in a 1x1 rp :3

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